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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52479853 No.52479853 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question. We all agree CBDC is a power grab by the elites to have ultimate control over society. My question is why arent people fighting back? Why arent there any action groups, or any movements telling people how fucking bad it is?

That's on the political/legal front. Better question is, since the people pushing this have names, homes and places they frequent, why isn't anyone literally just walking up to them and shooting them dead? Im serious. Murder is how politicians have been kept in check for tens of thousands of years, if they overreach they are simply killed in a violent revolution. A 3% tax on tea started the revolutionary war, but CBDCs are just being slowly accepted by a placated society. This is utterly nonsensical. The solution is to literally just walk up to these people, shoot them in the head until the concept of the CBDC stops being a possibility (since the faggot elites will either be scared or pieces of brain will be scattered all over the pool)

>> No.52479879

>why arent people fighting back
They don't know it's a fight

>> No.52479887

>My question is why arent people fighting back?
Have the last few years not been telling enough?
People resoundingly love this shit oppression stuff.
It was by some kind of miracle that we escaped the lasting vaxxpass, redictions, mandates and curtailments that they wanted to bring in with covid.
also this.

>> No.52479998

it's not a power grab. it's using power.

>> No.52480050

>why arent people fighting back
People don't care, case in point the bankman issue. You have this turbo jew with a clear track record of crimes, admission of guilt and lying stealing billions while siphoning money to shady interest groups and no one bats an eye. Keep the retards filled with netflix and fast food and no one will do a thing even against the worst

>> No.52480070

>Why arent there any action groups
Oh there will be some, and they will all agree it's a great thing.

Only approved action groups are allowed, you have to be the right sort of activist and even then if you are bringing in money and not well-connected they will shut you down, and a group with the same plan you had will step in and take over that market. If you're the wrong kind of group, oh well it's the patriot act for you.

Most publicly known activist or interest groups are approved and operated by connected approved people, which is easy to prove by observing their statements and positions. The few outliers and honeypots and grifters.

This is all so obvious even from a high level low detail view, as we are absolutely inundated with NGOs, charities, advocacy groups, foundations of all sorts, and yet nothing even improves and we just continue to careen into the abyss.

>> No.52480093

I'm not fighting the globohomo, I'm opting out, fuck y'all, I'm selfish like that.

>> No.52480766

well fug

>> No.52480792
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just replace CBDCs with Covid vaccines and you'll find the same apathy that happens to every dying empire.

>> No.52480874

It's unavoidable, have you been asleep since 2019? Focus instead on how you can profit from CBDCs, an entirely new financial paradigm means money to be made. What novel use cases are enabled by CBDCs? How can you invest in a future of frictionless flow of value and data? You can either be forward thinking and come out on top or you can be my sexslave when I make it.
>inb4 innawoods
You are a weak modern "man" who has no concept of the vast drop in quality of life that living off the grid in a CBDC enabled world entails. There will be no cash so you will not be able to purchase medicine, supplies or services like internet. You will have your tractor, solar panels, ThinkPad, lathe up until they break and then you will have no way to repair or replace them. You aren't charismatic enough to rouse a group of like-minded individuals meaning you will be alone for the remainder of your bleak life. You will be nothing.

>> No.52480909

gosh you sound like an insufferable faggot

>> No.52480933

And you sound like you'll be fun to break in

>> No.52480945

They put the lobster in a cold pot, then they turn on the heat. We don't know we're in danger yet.

>> No.52480956

You aren't a sovereign individual, retard. nobody cares about your 7 fig net worth, you aren't in the club.

>> No.52481146

Try 8 figures and by the time this kicks off it'll be closer to 9.
Go back to /pol/ you schizo freak, bet you bought ICP because you thought moonman was real

>> No.52481394

Most people love government and want government to have even more power.

>> No.52481470
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Because nobody feels like there is a society left to save anymore.
Basically it has come down to every individual's fight for themselves, and people aren't in a hurry to die just yet, life is still too comfortable. You know that the price of action is an immediate death, and you won't be around afterwards to see the result of your handiwork only society will, and society isn't worth dying for anymore so it's basically everyone just living for themselves now.

>> No.52481522

I will enjoy seeing your kind being hung from a lamppost. Death to America.

>> No.52481572

If they had called it tyranny coins people would have done very little. Instead they call them digital currencies and everyone does nothing except maybe comment that they already use digital currency through their debit card. Everyone is asleep, but we knew that already with the scamdemic

>> No.52481618

>why aren’t people fighting back

Umm because folks are protecting our democracy sweetie #protecttranskids #allyship #blacklivesmatter #standwithSBF #proUkraine #marriageequality #belivewomen #metoo #whitefragility #economicjustice

>> No.52481639

what the fuck is icp
keep seeing this shit everywhere lmao

t. /newfag

>> No.52481689

Internet computer

Lurk more newfaggot

>> No.52481785

>why don't you kill and die for my-I mean our freedom? it's so simple
I nominate you to go first, since it's your great idea. I'd hate to take all your credit.

>> No.52481825

>highlight words you don't know
>right click
>select "search DuckDuckGo for 'ICP' "
that fucking simple, bro.

>> No.52481893

why do countries want CBDC anyway?
paper money is already rare, most payments are digital already. why add them to a blockchain?

>> No.52481899
File: 109 KB, 591x900, the-sovereign-individual-9780684832722_xlg-7476619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you're retarded

>> No.52482015

CBDC allow a whole new can of Globohomo worms. Think about money with expiration dates, money you can only use to buy food and nothing else, or calculation of your carbon emissions based on what you buy. It's one additional step towards communism 2.0

>> No.52482224

You mean like cheques, food stamps, and taxes?

>> No.52482244

there will be a carrot to accompany the stick and that will be enough to placate most people into accepting it.

>> No.52482511

Kinda, except you can't cheat.

>> No.52482694
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every day that goes by I start to dread the fact that 8 figures won't be enough, maybe I'm just becoming a nihilistic bitch or maybe I'm too desperate to sell my dext bags, I just want to retire now

>> No.52483043

Post s good.