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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52478824 No.52478824 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to /biz/, why did it so brutally slow down

>> No.52478847

It's a fucking bear market and FTX has died down so all the /pol/tards went back except for you clearly

>> No.52478970

Stop posting antisemitic caricatures.

>> No.52479161
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might have something to do with btc going nearly 80% down from ath over the course of a fucking year and 95% of alts being completely anally annihilated

>> No.52479210

everyone lost everything

>> No.52479237
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>> No.52479249

/pol/ tourists left mostly

>> No.52479289

>fat slob stinking up the restaurant
>guests ask waiter to remove him
>LefTisM cAnT eXisT oN In a fReE SpAcE

>> No.52479295
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Crypto bear market and stonks and commodities get relegated to their own threads so spiritual jews can speculate about lines of code on a transaction ledger instead of actually materials and production.

>> No.52479307

of all jews to trust your money, people chose the one that looks like he has all the genetic problem associated with jews.

>> No.52479326

more like the jeets left when their shitcoins stopped selling

>> No.52479366

"people" yet no one knows anyone who used ftx here on biz, strange

>> No.52479373

fucking finally, no more 500 posts every day about retard coins called something like bonkershitoge

>> No.52479388

most of the tourists left, you not included

>> No.52479390

I'm talking about normies outside of /biz/.

>> No.52479632

>why did it so brutally slow down
After link we didn't latch onto another plan to make money.

>> No.52480110

simple answer because most post and threads are typed from call centers and they have downsized

>> No.52480573

Penis breath

>> No.52480591
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>> No.52480597

they're banning people for naming the jew

>> No.52480603

bear market, alts dead

>> No.52480622


markets go up, /biz/ becomes neetizens
markets go down, mcdonalds become overstaffed

>> No.52481055
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>/pol/ was right again

>> No.52481137
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Crypto died, everyone is buying gold now, go to /pmg/ if you want to make it

>> No.52481438
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>What did FTX ever jew to you anon?

>> No.52481850

chuds living rent free in your mind, anon

>> No.52481860
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>Stop posting antisemitic creatures

>> No.52481934

Shitcoin projects are tightening belts and not paying their armies of shills any more.

>> No.52481954

they all look repulsive and have this sniveling beta aura

>> No.52481988

Nice red herring boards are topic exclusive except when a thread explicitly combines the two for example political anime or political conspiracies, I regularly go to /a/ and find some incel Pollack ranting about da joos and justifying it because he watched angel cop that one time, it's pathetic.

>> No.52481994

Nothing wrong with sighing da docx anon x3

>> No.52482001

Fug meant to say " sugging da dicc"

>> No.52482023
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>> No.52482039
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>> No.52483025

Dumbass post, it is the bear season, it is not a strange occurrence. Just a time to DCA in projects you believe in, currently loading my bags with some prifi assets because I believe privacy will become a big narrative when the market is no longer bloody

>> No.52483067

Bunch of jews connected to a bunch of other corrupt jews do the jewish act of robbing non-jews AGAIN and still you think it's delusional to think jewish tribalism is a thing.

>> No.52483075

go back

>> No.52483284

bear market is always like that, many have lost fortunes, nothing is going up , so everyone's depressed.

>> No.52483841

Cos the market is bleeding. Looking at some low priced NFTs and web3 assets for some good gains when the bull run comes

>> No.52485932
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ok fine

>> No.52486102

Marketing budgets got cut significantly. This place was always 80% shills.

>> No.52486111

that's literally what he looks like

>> No.52486168

uh anon you realize he's baiting for (you)s right

>> No.52487454


>> No.52487613


All ran by JEWS.
Every single crypto scam for the past 3 years has been carried out by either a JEW or an Asian.
If you can't recognize patterns, you won't survive what's coming.

>> No.52487644
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>> No.52487661
