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52472080 No.52472080 [Reply] [Original]

2022… I am forgotten

>> No.52472108

hsisters are patiently waiting, 2 more weeks!

>> No.52472133
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>> No.52472191

wtf is an hbar?

>> No.52472200

what a shocker. another "utility" coin fails.

gee, it's almost like utility coins keep failing because the only utility here is line go up and nobody gives a fuck about tracking coupons

>> No.52472228

You're retarded. Data is gold, tacking coupons reliably is a godsend for these companies.

Hbar hasn't failed in the slightest. It might, in the future. We'll see

>> No.52472260

>tacking coupons reliably is a godsend for these companies.
it doesn't translate to much value for the token and retail, so people don't give a fuck about it and rightfully so

>> No.52472261

HBAR needs to improve its image to attract younger investors.

>> No.52472321

I disagree, coupons alone could be something close to 3 billion transactions a year

>> No.52472341

Lmao hello future wagmi

>> No.52472352

Gigacorps investing should be enough.

>> No.52472365

They don't market to retail

>> No.52472420

Og, OP didnt see the USD CBDC news....
When OP and the rest wake up - HBAR will be at 1 USD when BTC finaly bottoms . lol

>> No.52472443

hbar might end up being successful with the companies it deals with, but that hasn't and won't make it a good investment. it's not like a company has to market buy a fuckton of hbar to conduct their business. just look at the history of coins in this space that have touted utility but failed to attain a community or build up a robust ecosystem

>> No.52472460

They actually do have to market buy hbar anon.
has nothing to do with hbar afaik

>> No.52472496
File: 466 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220603-095328_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this coin is gonna make me kill myself

>> No.52472501

Yeah exactly. A solid business idea is one where a community pumps and dumps tokens while the blockchain is expensive or slow .
Very likely the next Amazon of WEB 3 will be a project you hold idiot.

>> No.52472510

i said market buy a fuckton

3b transactions is what, like $300k? and how does them simply making those transactions make me money?

>> No.52472627

So EMTECH is actualy developing the digital USD.
And EMTECH uses Hedera for tokenizing it.
But that doesnt mean it has anything to do with Hedera?????
Hahahaha ..... are you on meds sir?
EMTECH even posted that the FEd can trust IBM & Co when it comes to validators.

>> No.52472647

dude you and the rest of your bagholding buddies are stuck in last cycle's narratives

>> No.52472744

Last cycle shit like ADA that hadnt even a functional mainnet pumped x100 and SOl that constantly stopped pumped even more.
While HBAR didnt pumped that strong.
So next cycle will probably about real adaption and HBAR will be the x100 ( and more ) token. Like LINK etc....

>> No.52472750
File: 301 KB, 1124x1324, 4D1D5CF5-4C3D-4CA4-81C0-5D3B0C02B485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Leemon. Where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now.
Why are there precisely zero?

Why does Polygon have more than 53,000 dApps already? Why are you letting Polygon screw you over like that Leemon?

>> No.52472804

>While HBAR didnt pumped that strong.
because "utility" is a fucking meme that doesn't matter. how many more decades of cryptos existence do you need to comprehend that? we're here to speculate and make money. hbar is dogshit for that from every angle. hbar doesn't even have the hype or community like the other coins that have actually pumped

>> No.52472856

Thats a good question i am asking myself since several weeks now.
After trying out chains like Avalanche, Algorand, Hedera, Arbitrum, Metis, Fantom and even ICP ..... i really have to say Polygon was the slowest and even not the cheapest one. In my ranking -- the last.
On top - everything feels like a pure clone copy from ETH - no innovation at all.

So perhaps you can tell me why such shit is ranked that high and gets even noticed by real world companies.

>> No.52472915

>tracking coupons
lol, tremendous business, we wouldn't want poor people cashing their 5% off coupon twice

>> No.52473274

>still seething hours later
>how many decades experience do you need
Lmao. Hbarbarians wagmi. Hello future

>> No.52473340 [DELETED] 

>gets consoled with his heavy bags by repeating the same thing without forming a rational response

>> No.52473361

Exactly. I mean who gives a fuck if a coin actually solves a real world problem. That's fucking stupid! These guys are retards, I made so much money off fluffyshibainu coin last cycle. All the smart money was in dog coins, and I think next cycle all the smart money will be in fruit coins. Those coins have communities. It's like these hretards don't realize the importance of family and community when making investments. Don't try to talk sense into these morons, it's wasted breath.

>> No.52473411

i'm not even talking specifically about dog coins. anything with a community or hype or ecosystem. nobody cares about "real world" applications because it doesn't make you money. you guys seems to cope by being sarcastic even though the proof is right in front of you. hbar's performance speaks for itself. maybe it's time to consider other points of view as to why that is?

>> No.52473599

No I'm with you bro. I was just citing the example of how I made a bunch of money. It wasn't off hfart that's for sure. I completely agree. No one cares about "real world" applications. The world doesn't need "real world" applications. All they need is hype and community, and I'd bet my life on that.

>> No.52473618

>All they need is hype and community
when it comes to speculatory investments, yes

>> No.52473681

And I mean at the end of the day that's all this space is, it's just speculation. Nobody will ever use high speed scalable distributed ledgers in any meaningful capacity.

>> No.52473788

but my point is even if they do, it doesn't necessarily translate to value for the token. what really pushes the price generally is people speculating, not people running "real world" operations. you'd get more of a pump from the headline that a company is doing something rather than the company actually doing it, because them just making ultra cheap transactions doesn't inherently raise the price

>> No.52473865
File: 197 KB, 1644x2313, hedera: future of finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chief marketing officer at Hedera peddling monkey jpgs
I dont feel so good hbros...

>> No.52473887

audacious retard

>> No.52474059

i'm sure when hbar falls to the 2nd and 3rd page of ranks, you'll fall for the next hottest utility coin again

>> No.52474251

What a surprise, the vaporware scam everyone said was going to 1c is now on the way to 1c

>> No.52474269

I respect the thesis bro, mind dropping any gems? What coins community/hype has got you excited? I agree, supply and demand is mostly irrelevant for crypto, and is not a price driver.

>> No.52474410

real world applications don't drive much demand. you barely need to buy any to conduct loads of transactions. retail mostly doesn't care because it doesn't affect them beyond the headline. there's a reason shit like hbar, vechain, and algo are among the worst performers

>> No.52476003

They are one of the few working on pilot project. Theu already have a few working cbdc examples and IBM hyperledger uses HCS...

>> No.52476750
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>seething all these hours later
Lmao fill your bags to the brim lads

>> No.52477226

I’d take that bet.

>> No.52477228

its not that hard to forget hedera when you have polygon dominating the market in 2022, with major partnerships, groundbreaking technology, ecosystem growth, entering the top 10...

>> No.52478611


>> No.52479114
File: 408 KB, 1346x1327, 645F77AA-E446-41B4-9F2A-840D5D8071F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millions of unique wallets
>hundreds of thousands of daily active users
>millions of daily transactions
tell that to all these companies you cuck

>> No.52479230

0.05 HBAR, we are lucky to get it at this price, as long as you didnt ape in at the top

Is this not what VCs bought for?
Are we the VCs now bros?

>> No.52479563

Be patient y’all. We need this system to fall down before we get a new one, don’t rush things.
Hbar winning will coincide with the tokenization of everything and our enslavement à la Snow Crash. Enjoy your free air for now.

>> No.52479787

we still doing the $50 EOY thing?

>> No.52481014

uhm Hbros, why is the price going up while BTC is going down?

>> No.52481237
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>> No.52481327

Sold my hbar for sauce

>> No.52481449
File: 1.09 MB, 720x720, SAUCE HTS Token on Hedera Promo Vid Fiverr Final (3).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls do not redeem sir
Sauce number 1 dex very moon sir big time HODL ser

>> No.52481463

>It was a suckers rally

>> No.52481477
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I guess we'll see which cream rises up to the top.

>> No.52481561

It'll be a suckers rally all the way up to $50

>> No.52482254
File: 26 KB, 2000x1055, Hedera 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedera only needs an initial handful of enterprise use cases to go mainstream in order to be successful.

>> No.52482274

yeah, thats how democrats get morons to vote them into office

>> No.52484132

Polygon is the only reason i still think we are still early.
Because if companies would be educated and have deep knowledge about blockchain projects - they really wouldnt chose polygon.
Abitrum, Optimism, Avalanche, Algorand, Cosmos, Fantom, HBAR etc.... they are all better.
Because Polygon is not the fastest, not the cheapest, not the most carbon neutral, not the most decentralized, not the most innovative.
polygon is in the best case above average - but thats it.
Polygon is the reason we are still early, because our space is still owned by around 80% tech retards - companies included.

>> No.52484298

Go shit on your own street Ranjeesh

>> No.52484587
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HBAR has major partners like ALBT too, jeet

>> No.52484663

>Useless coin down 97% that bridges cefi and defi
Wow that sounds like Celsius and nexo and blockfi and a total piece of shit

>> No.52484882

That and Cardano and dogecoin being so high.

>> No.52485629

Wtf is this real?

>> No.52485913

Yes an indian posted it on Sauces twitter. Based.

>> No.52486007

hows polygon slower than AVAX lmfao
are you srs?

>> No.52486023
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real talk

>> No.52486100

It's beyond that. Do you not understand the value tech companies have from their customer data?

>> No.52486309


im hoping all of these companies decided they dont care about the multisig risks and just wanna gamble with their customers' assets?

IDK itd be way worse if they weren't even aware of the multisig issue. or that we dont have the circuits figured out yet for full zk evm. idk maybe their business team made this stupid decision

everyone not going on arbi is the strangest thing to me. ari is watching

>> No.52487041

>r*ddit spacing
stop talking

>> No.52487192


you dont understand the tech just the words, midwit

>> No.52488155
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To be fair, you're the one that is making the assumptions.

>> No.52488622
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So HSisters, how are we feeling? Have you praised our lord and savior already?

>> No.52488802

Feeling great knowing I invested in a project founded by God fearing individuals.


>> No.52491021

I feel euphoric knowing my life savings are in Hedera

>> No.52491759

I've said my 50 hail leemons today.

>> No.52491834

This. Fundamentals haven’t changed and we get vc prices. Truly blessed to own this token before the tokenization of the world.

Do you truly believe stocks will not be tokenized in the future ? Do you not think there will be a global market opened 24/7 ? This will be built on the hashgraph

>> No.52492189

Hail Leemon, full of grace, blessed are the bars of thy loins

>> No.52492202

Australia tried