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52467648 No.52467648 [Reply] [Original]

30 years old, yesterday was the best time to do it, today is the second best time

> competes against a 7 month post grad jacked to the tits with exp and unable to find work


>> No.52467703

> waterloo
That’s not an average grad, that’s a program that only asians and autists can make it

>> No.52467729

I guess I better just kms them right?

>> No.52467772

>jacked to the tits with exp
being an intern and "ceo" of your own "startup" isn't really "exp"

>> No.52467784

Hold on, should I continue learning to code to get a job in web3 or should I give up? I'm one month in still making projects in html and css.

>> No.52467799
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You’re probably watching jeet tutorials too

>> No.52467816

The market is in such great need of software engineers and computer scientists that it's not even funny.

It's unsaturated as fuck if you actually study instead of doing 12 month bootcamps like an idiot. Do not get demoralized. CompSci is the ultimate wealthpill.

Web3shit needs compsci background. Approach it seriously.

>> No.52467886

I'm watching tutorials from only white people though.
I'm also going through harvard's free cs50 program explaining computer science.

>> No.52467975

you must be fucking retarded then, I can assure you you cannot even solve one of these problems https://www.techinterviewhandbook.org/grind75

>> No.52468033

There's probably something terribly wrong with his social skills if he can't land a job

>> No.52468048
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i'm going to laugh when computer science ends up like every other engineering disciplined: devalued and commoditized to the point where a masters degree is required for entry level, which pays an inflation adjusted $70k/year and tops out maybe $120k/year.

>NOOOO!!!!! NOOO!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!

>> No.52468093


Are you ok?

>> No.52468118

good morning sir

>> No.52468129

That’s a good thing for the industry
Im tired of 300k tc niggers at fagman working 2 hours a week

>> No.52468143

>3 internships
Jesus it's getting that bad out there huh

>> No.52468148

>peddling the social skills meme
kek stacy at HR will just toss his cv into the trash for not looking h1b or chad enough
thats all it boils down to really

>> No.52468161

yes because i make six figures in a career that isn't tech.

>> No.52468188

yes look at the cunt. hes clearly a mouth breathing virgin who smells. would you hire that creepo?

>> No.52468189

just saying, I got a job recently with no degree, took me less than 7 months

>> No.52468210

>been coding since 2001
>know basically everything in a normal techstack on any company
>everything from assembly to react is my bitch
>have daily commits on my github since before 2010
>have several own projects with tens of thousands of users (open source shieet)
>know pi to a thousand places
>do calculus just for fun
>have gotten top results in several IQ tests from recruiters
STILL cant get a job as a code monkey's foot masseuse

>> No.52468239

Yes, if I'm looking for a mouth breathing virgin who smells ie an IT guy.

>> No.52468241

Chink is just a workaholic cuck

>> No.52468269


Never heard of a guy making a lot and satisfied with his job and life being so obsessed honestly

>> No.52468274

I think they boot you if you score too high on those initial IQ test, I got a perfect score on at least one, maximum of 1-2 wrong on two more and the companies ghosted me

>> No.52468279

Sure you do bro, sure you do.

>> No.52468325

You are probably unbearable to talk to and manage, and due to perceived experience (due to home projects, but no industry projects) ask for way too much money.
t. interview developers for my team weekly

>> No.52468345

keklmao, yes, really
I don't want to brag, I just want people to realize how catastrophic HR chicks are to the industry. They will only look at your education, at least where I live, and being a college dropout they see me as completely unfit for even the most menial of software dev tasks. In their mind I can barely change the name of a file

>> No.52468359
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He's asian that's why KEK
>be based beaner
>worked retail almost entire 20s
>have useless degree
>throw some buzzwords on resume and just grind leetcode easy
>land job paying 110k/year remote
lol whoops guess u weren't born to be diversity hired KEK

>> No.52468400

To manage, yes, I constanly call out my bosses for being retarded when they are, which obv isn't amusing to them. I do work in a foss startup where I work together with people that also works in "the industry", and I find them to be completely lacking in autonomy, as soon as they are faced with a decision they freeze up, and seemingly have been made into cucks by their employers. With that said, I do have several years of industry employment, however I have been fired from all of them, unironically because of tranny bosses. When it comes to pay, I do not need money as I have been into crypto since btc was $8, so I always demand to be paid the lowest in the company (cleaners included) which always baffles the puny pea brained interviewers.

>> No.52468415

>so obsessed
beyond making fun of codenigger tinker trannies, i couldn't care less.

>> No.52468454

hey look it's the manual laborer prole again

>> No.52468461

Lol at anyone taking this bait

>> No.52468476


Oh yeah, you really hurt my feelings. Oh well, back to my high paying comfy work from home job while I don't think about anybody else ever.

>> No.52468512

>since 2001
come on dood this isn't even good demoralization bait, gotta be more subtle to get in people's heads

>> No.52468525

Everything except the references from Weird Al Yankovics 'White n Nerdy' is completely true.
Also I know klingon.

>> No.52468551

100% true, started building "web portals" as it was called with php in 2001. Remember PHP nuke? I remember.

>> No.52468564

>I constanly call out my bosses for being retarded when they are
>seemingly have been made into cucks by their employers
>however I have been fired from all of them
>unironically because of tranny bosses
>which always baffles the puny pea brained interviewers
Yep, as I said. People notice you are unbearable to work with the moment you open your mouth. Probably even as soon as you turn on your webcam.
Being able to work together with other people is #1 priority that all companies and teams look forward to. 1000x more important than your private github.
Your unhireability has nothing to do with programmer demand or even work sector of companies. By acting like this, you are literally a net negative to the team. And everyone notices this quicker than you think, also outside of professional work. You are cringe and not based.

>> No.52468566
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This is absolutely not true. I'm a waterloo engineering grad, anyone can do it with some hard work. Being a waterloo grad doesn't mean shit by the way unless you land good internships and make the most of your experience by meeting and socializing with the right people. I learned this the hard way; I'm a complete loser with a dead end job. Looking at my linked in seeing where my peers are is soul crushing.

I don't know where I'm going with this... I guess basically don't think that going to a certain university means you're 100% set. Its all about who you meet and what kind of internships and experience you get. The academic side of things isn't that relevant.

>> No.52468569

asking to be paid next to nothing obviously sets off red flags for these people

>> No.52468605

Yeah, and thats why I started my own company with hookers and cocaine bwahahah.
My employees hate me because I tell them the truth. Should I just get lobotomized to fit in with stupid people that can't take banter like you?

>> No.52468621

>It's unsaturated as fuck if you actually study
This is also as fuck. I work at a big tech company and we get like 100+ applications for every opening even for remote offices outside the US (Canada, etc, and not in Toronto). I would also say that if you want to do software degrees aren't that useful. You don't need to know that much outside of being good at leetcode. I'm really surprised people don't just offer leetcode classes or if they do how uncommon they are.

When getting my current job, no one cared about my important and relevant past experience or even asked about my degree from the best tech school in my country. It was just leetcode lol

>> No.52468663

the worst part is that most of that is just bullshit
>ceo and founder of unknown maybe not even profitable company, but it sounds impressive
>intern, yeah whatever
>sysadmin, probably the only remarkable qualification

>> No.52468672

Learn to interview.

>> No.52468749

I can take and give banter and am similar in many ways, but I also know what it takes to be productive and when to speak and when not to. What people like you don't realize (maybe because you're young, as I was similar years ago), most people have the same thoughts and want to shittalk somebody, but they are mature enough to realize it is not productive, and leads to more negativity and has no way it'll lead to positive outcome. Kinda like neckbeareded atheist autists as soon as somebody mentions God - everybody HAS to hear their spergout.
You can do whatever you want, but again - your unhireability has nothing to do with demand for programmers. Any young shmuck who doesn't even know what github is, is going to be snatched by employees because he's 1000x more valuable to them than you. Because people like working with him. And any retard can learn programming, but not everyone can stop themselves from sperging out.
But this is bait so who cares. This post is protip to everybody who wants to get a job in IT.

>> No.52468799

I get messages from recruiters every day and I don't even have my LinkedIn set to open to work. We're in an "economic downturn" but there are still tons of jobs. Minimally there are always comfy government jobs for shitty programmers

>> No.52468848

it will, some 4-10 decades from now. does that make you happy?

>> No.52468866

>"Founder" & "CEO" at literally who? inc.
>Background is cringe

yeah, sure. "Jacked to the tits". The only thing getting jacked off is his microdick by your low standards.

>> No.52468969


>> No.52468979
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im graduating in may with a 2.8gpa from a state school and i landed a 120k "hybrid" (wfh and come in once a month) job with a big boring boomer nontech company that wasnt affected much by the recession

>> No.52469103

I'm next to the chopping block in my company since they already fired the middle managers, I'm thinking of just getting a government job and living comfy I seeing some that actually pays okay, this career shit isn't for me, I don't do much with my money anyway and the job sounds easy, just don't be tech illiterate.

>> No.52469150

hey sonic should I take the test or ditch it and finish my web app first, postponing the test 'til after thanksgiving

>> No.52469179

god dammit

>> No.52469401

Coding is pretty tedious and boring.
I may pick it back up later for video game design as a hobby but I absolutely will not do it as a job.
You got me fucked up son.

>> No.52469460

There are so many jobs outside of the big tech companies that provide a comfy income. If you can't get one of these, you're a legit retard.

>> No.52469471

i work in financial reporting, tranny.

>> No.52469487

kike bean counter then

>> No.52469526


I hope by the time this happens I’ll have multiple millions saved up

>t. Fagman dev

>> No.52469785

Honestly, I would rather do physical labour than be a fucking programming monkey.
There's nothing worse than staring at millions of lines of code for years.
No idea why so many of you NEETs think this is so great.

>> No.52469825

should i L2C?

>> No.52470079

Waterloo engineering grad here, sitting on a dead end 90k job because I don't give a fuck anymore.
Why are you comparing yourself to peers on linkedin? The biggest circlejerk echo chamber that exists? I often hear stories about my peers, and it's typically burnout followed by taking psychedelics to 'find themselves', or some other normie onions shit relationship bull/cuck drama. They're not having a good time like you think, they are bluepilled and on antidepressants.

>> No.52470154
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i’m a transgender woman of color and i make $350k TC :)

>> No.52470196

>my goal in life is shaping my mind and interests to be appealing to some corporate drone
Why are you such a cuck? Just be a chad like me.

>> No.52470266
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>>know pi to a thousand places
>>do calculus just for fun
Cringe and Al-pilled

>> No.52470277

>Why are you comparing yourself to peers on linkedin?
Because they can all basically afford to retire when I can't even afford to buy an old busted shitty condo anywhere near where I work.

>> No.52470324

Nice larp
I know that drawing anywhere you /I/nvertibrate

What do these buzzwords mean?

>> No.52470434

I spent the first five years of my career as a programmer at a state agency. It was great, nobody ever worked late and nobody ever got fired. Sometimes I wish I never left

>> No.52470463

any europeans here?
what do you do to get to six figure incomes?
i have a CS MSc from a top EU college, 6 years self-employed, 2 years working in a company
my salary is kind of shit since i haven't looked around at all, just talked a little with recruiters without doing anything

>> No.52470469

Cringe man. Just focus on yourself and your loved ones.
I don't care about success in my career any more than I have to. I focus on my relationships and making sure the people in my circle are happy and thriving in different ways. Yeah I have my moments too of unhappily comparing myself to my peers but in the end we are all built different and live out different karmic streams.

>> No.52470561

nigga I just want a decent quality of life after working my ass off for a long time. If housing wasn't what it was right now I wouldn't be that jealous of the upscale lifestyles I see on social media when it comes to my peers. But being less than middle class after graduating from waterloo feels like garbage, especially when lots of your peers made it.

Its hard not to compare yourself to others. I hate seeing people that were assholes or parasites in school get so far in life despite being total pieces of shit. I hate seeing all the do nothings in highschool who did a useless bizcom degree at Seneca or George Brown all become millionaires because of real estate. I'm tired of losing out.

>> No.52470590


>> No.52470601

> its because im TOO LE SMART

>> No.52470634

If you want a significant salary bump you have to jump. Fuck it.

>> No.52470652

I’m 38 and in the medical field but I want to get into programming, is it too late for me?

>> No.52470670

too real, keep head up anon you're not only one who feels this way

>> No.52470691


>> No.52470701

weak bait, or you extremely autistic and people hate you

>> No.52470753

yeah, i'm afraid i'm going to have to
it's unbearable seeing bootcamp nigs make much more than me in the US
i guess switzerland & working remotely for US companies from European tax havens is also an option

>> No.52470758

Programming interviews largely consist of very specific kinds of programming exercise questions where you are asked to solve problems in front of a bunch of interviewers. Its not like any other job interview. A popular site that provides these questions so people can prepare is leetcode, and it has become the catch-all term for those kinds of questions.

>> No.52470884

Yeah it's hard, that's why I keep myself off social media as much as possible.
>assholes, parasites and do nothings get lucky and far in life
I would like say that those who obtain quick riches and success and have an easy life at the start will eventually crash and burn hard, but that's just copium. A better way to put it is that anyone who wilfully engages in any of the 7 deadly sins will continuously be caught up in petty bullshit, which I have none of in my life.
You're not losing out if you build a good foundation of Self and can ride out tough times. My only goal is to be a good, calm person who can be a positive influence on others.
Probably preaching to the choir on a board like this with degenerates who only look for the next 10x. Money is just a pool of energy, how you use it is all that counts

>> No.52471017

>preaching to the choir
I meant the opposite expression

>> No.52471065

if you didn't study CS in college, you will never make it

>> No.52471086

never too late anon

>> No.52471120

that's a cope

>> No.52471129

Those "internships" still pay better than 99% of American jobs.

>> No.52471202
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if you have the option of going to switzerland you should take it
as in, a lot of people are missing the $100 bill laying on the sidewalk because they have family, a roastie pinning them home etc
if you are actually geographically mobile its fairly easy to find a swiss job. If you dont know German you lose 50% of the opportunities but the remaining 50% will still take an english speaker. Main issue is convincing them that you're actually genuinely willing to move - a lot of people apply hoping they'll negotiate a remote or work from home thing, so if your resume has no indication to the contrary, it's gonna get tossed
I have 4 years of experience, a previous stint in switzerland and a bolded line in my resume saying "I am willing to relocate to Switzerland" and I got hired on my 3rd application.
You can go even further and pay for a swiss mail box and a prepaid phone, then put that swiss address and phone number on the resume. Thats what I did to get my first job there

>> No.52471298

It'll end up where almost every profession requires knowing how to code at code monkey level. And the only programming jobs will be for real CS

>> No.52471397

great, thanks a lot
i'm a bilingual (dutch/french) belgian, definitely geographically mobile

>> No.52471638

Anon, that's a gatekeeper. You're supposed to ignore him, not take him bait or call him out. He's doing a good job at trying to filter normie trash from our sekrit club

>> No.52471691

I feel like normies would fail the self taught path, and succeed at the CS education path

>> No.52472004

we are full tho

>> No.52472048

In need of good ones

>> No.52472068

that's what i said to all the mohammeds too

>> No.52472205

Good chance he just wants a lot more than he's worth as most techies do

>> No.52473831


>> No.52473900
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>> No.52474054

Feel you too as a UW grad.
Spent years stuck in lectures in the basement of RCH and now wageslaving.
I just want to be able to afford housing (not a detached or semi, just a condo that isn't associated with bedbugs or drugs) without ending up on the edge of poverty.

>> No.52474445

Negro, you make twice as much as and I live slightly comfortable as a single black man

>> No.52474645

Serious questions for the coding bros in here. If you do learn to code and all that shit do you basically have to live in a big city on one of the coasts? I mean I can't imagine you can find a job in smaller city right?

>> No.52474673

Does being bilingual matter at all in tech or does no one give a fuck? Specifically being Spanish/English binlingual.

>> No.52474677

All the paid programmers I know hate their job and hate their lives. Sounds miserable to stare at a screen trying to understand someone else's shitty code all day long.

>> No.52474710

Being hispanic gives you diversity points. Just knowing HS Spanish is useless unless you deal with customers who speak Spanish. Definitely useless in FAANG.

>> No.52474733

Nah, man. Huntsville, Alabama has a massive defense sector. I'm making $160k out here. It's fucking lit. There's other cities, sure, but this place has a really high concentration of STEM degree holders.

>> No.52474755

Damn that's not too bad. Alabama is nice and affordable.

Not hispanic, defintely bilingual. Can pass for Hispanic.

>> No.52474842

Do anything you want and exploit the fact that you can add value to it that normally costs companies millions of dollars.

>> No.52474899

o no no no

>> No.52474919

Fuck that's an ugly and crowded resume

>> No.52474975

not to mention, it sucks. he takes two lines to say things like
>i hosted a wiki at school
>i installed wordpress for mom&pop biz
>i wrote unit tests
>i forked an arch wiki util
FFS, his "skills" section lists retard-tier shit like git, apache, arch linux, docker. it's like he expects congrats for knowing how to use a computer

to be fair, he's just some zoomer kid without any real experience. can't go to hard on him (i'm speaking from a senior backend dev with maybe ~7+ yrs experience)

>> No.52474979

>"#btwIuseArch" in a resume

>> No.52475001

>that's a gatekeeper
nah, that's a cope.

>> No.52475061

yeah, it's pretty cringe but you can't fault him. he's a chink, a canadian, AND still in school. the first two disabilities are terminal

meanwhile my last project at my old job was to essentially replace AWS Transcribe with an in-house drop-in replacement, saving shit tons of money

dunno how many hours of video actually went through our servers, but certainly several thousand/month

0.024/minute * 5000 hrs (estimate) = 7.2k saved monthly

>> No.52475170

You should wrap it up with html/css and move onto js -> angular -> mongo/SQL -> react -> python -> AWS/other cloud -> google material cert -> go -> flutter/native
Then apply for a job a Wendy’s, just kidding but they do seriously need someone to fix their touchscreen station software since they always seem to be down

>> No.52475181
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the fuck is wrong with this, Nothing but leetcode?not even your ability to get certs? just leetcode? fuck
I've been doing AWS certifications trying to freelance I don't want to work at a sleepy company or be some bitch boy SRE/L1 Dev indefinitely or work with a boss that wouldn't hesitate to put my desk in the boys room to save a couple bucks

>> No.52475225

That reminds me. I have to make a vax card for a job I applied.

>> No.52475243

Its incredible how some people filter themselves out. If this guy applied to one of my roles, the #btwIuseArch would send his application straight to the trash.

>> No.52475392
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yeah every real programmer i've met who uses linux, just slaps ubuntu on a modern thinkpad cuz they're done with ricing and fucking around with window managers and shit

that's not to say that i mention my love of openbsd and its use for critical servers like email, firewall/router, vpn, etc., in interviews

>> No.52475437

>Shitty uni dropout
>make 142k + paper money stonks

Keep on grinding, it's the easiest way to earn $$$ legally

>> No.52475543

Do people really have a hard time finding work in IT? I’m an old Fag and have 24 years experience so I don’t know what it’s like for the young kids these days.but I’ve never not gotten a job I applied for. Once I even gave my resume typed in notepad and got the job. Also don’t have a degree.

>> No.52475796
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>founder of company
>incoming intern

>> No.52476367

>You should wrap it up with html/css and move onto js -> angular -> mongo/SQL -> react -> python -> AWS/other cloud -> google material cert -> go -> flutter/native
ngl that's kind of the path I was planning to take after finishing js for a month

>> No.52476453

I work in embedded linux and usage of arch would be seen as a plus but more as a matter of fact mention during the interview or as context in a bullet point

>> No.52476481

Can Odin project + some self projects be enough to get your foot in the door as a dev?

>> No.52476494


>> No.52476495

Told old and youre probably unbearable

Also this is probably bait. If you have 21 years of experience and you're not an executive you probably suck at your job

>> No.52476528

>>NOOOO!!!!! NOOO!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!
The margin on software is ultimately way higher than basically every other field of engineering.

You can post a meme pic, create a funny little joke, etc, but there are true unit economic differences from trad engineering to software engineering.

What field of eng has essentially zero marginal cost of +1 user? If you can name it, it probably pays a fuck ton.

A bridge/subway has limited throughput. A building has a sale price/capacity/materials cost per building.

Oil has to be drilled, processed, and is consumable.

Well made software "just runs" with 1000 users or 100,000 users and you get to monetize each one. If you can't see this, maybe you're < 120 IQ and coping extremely hard right now

>it will, some 4-10 decades from now. does that make you happy?
>I hope by the time this happens I’ll have multiple millions saved up
There is also the issue of the timing of your prediction. Even if you are correct, being 40 years early on it isn't that interesting. Luckily, I've already made 800k from being a codenigger, so I won't mind if the floor falls out in 10 years (or even mind that much now)

In any case, I think you are analyzing this incorrectly

>> No.52476530

Yep as expected. Bait

>> No.52476546

Don’t I need some sort of foundation before I would be able to effectively tackle LC problems?

>> No.52476562

Financial engineering memes on soft eng.

>> No.52476602

>yes because i make six figures in a career that isn't tech.
Also, let's retire the term "six figures". That's for boomers.

Where you sit in the $100k - $700k+ range matters now.
Something like $120k is pedestrian and tech recruiters make (or made) more than that. Mid 200s or more is what you want as a pro with a few years exp now

$150k/year will stretch a family that actually buys things like private school and a decent house these days.

>> No.52476626

Well, you could probably benefit from an intro to DSA but not too in-depth, what matters is solving the questions in an interview-like environment and time. With that being said web development has almost nothing to do with DSA / LC, it has everything to do with your job, but it doesn't have much to do with interviews. Still you're probably gonna want some project to talk about or show, and unless you're a really good bullshitter it's gonna be interesting to be employed as web developer without any actual web development skills. And yet it's possible if you're good enough at leetcode and interviewing, because that's the standard that the industry set.

>> No.52476701

leetcode is detached from the actual job, so no, you can just go grind leetcode right now. The only supplement you need is to understand O(n) notation and apply it to your leetcode solutions, but the medium/hard problems already force you to do that kinda
but I also disagree that you need leetcode. Leetcode is a FAANG thing, and kinda rare otherwise. Most companies aren't google or aping google, they often need an actual problem solved. For those companies the real prep is in having experience in the stuff they use or need for their projects. And thats probably not some obscure framework, but rather react, or some other mainstream stack whose demand level you can verify by checking your local job site right now
For fang-style interviewing, "cracking the code interview" is the bible of interview prep

>> No.52476762

>Coding is pretty tedious and boring.

>No idea why so many of you NEETs think this is so great.
It's only "great" because it's the fastest way you can take a (functional) addict, person with no social connections/skills, a dude totally off the street or out of the basement, no skills, etc to making $200k that I know.

Pretty much every other path is going to be starting your own business or be much more gatekept by licensure, formal education, or who you know.

>I’m 38 and in the medical field but I want to get into programming, is it too late for me?
Not necessarily too late, but...why? Money?

>Nothing but leetcode?not even your ability to get certs? just leetcode? fuck
You fell for the certs meme? While some generally lower paying parts of the industry care about a cert or two...the absolute fastest way to high TC in tech has been leetcoding. You can try avoiding it because it's painful, but don't confuse avoidance for efficiency.

I always find it funny that noobs waste their time making endless side projects, adding skills, and a bunch of other random crap before trying for a job.

Leetcode ability is like your passport in big tech. simple as that.

>> No.52476922

I guess it depends on your location. Where I'm at all the interviews I skim on glassdoor regardless of company size ask leetcode-type questions, maybe the only difference is that whereas fagman puts essentially 100% of the emphasis on LC and maybe System Design, smaller sized companies will probably dig deeper according to their needs, but still.

>> No.52477103

problems discovered. jfc get it together

>> No.52477177

it sure seems like leetcode is much less prominent in europe. One swiss manager didn't even know what it is (I asked him if I should do some leetcode prep before the onsite and he hadn't heard of the website), and he was a programmer with 10yrs of experience
I've been asked coding questions, like "tell me what this piece of assembler does" or "how are linked lists implemented in the kernel?", but never leetcode, except the one time i interviewed with amazon

>> No.52477278

didn't study cs in highschool, still making big bucks now. constantly having to improve my skills and try to fix my foundations. wish I studied it in uni tho, would feel better

>> No.52477477

based anon, congrats on making it man

>> No.52478554
File: 57 KB, 498x337, peepo-laugh-point.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>have gotten top results in several IQ tests from recruiters

Lol, lmao even. Is this a new way of american cuckery which i was not informed about? Do you really fags let hr to treat you like forrest gump? Have some dignity

>> No.52478934

Based and Kenshin Pilled

>> No.52481189

just look at that fucking chink

>> No.52482136
File: 1.26 MB, 1366x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52482160

skill issue

>> No.52482167

Fuck engineering majors, fucking supreme faggots

>> No.52482217

only americans can be so fucking retarded to pay for that shit

>> No.52482381

He's nobody until he creates a scam coin generating billions in market cap before pulling the rug.

>> No.52483631

Not unless you live in Europe where most places are just IT staffing companies. It's like being the outsourced pajeet but from Europe. Only work in this field in Europe if you enjoy being miserable all the time about work

>> No.52484147

but sir tech companies make many rupees, this means the people building their tech get many rupees as well

>> No.52484248

Right there with you bro. I originally wanted to get into it and applied for a Bootcamp but after seeing the curriculum and what not I just realized it's not for me. I'm not retarded either, it's just really not wired for how my brain operates. Lucky for me, my wife is autistic and just finished a bootcamp and turns out she loves it. What are the chances she will make it bros? She's still working on her portfolio and github, ironically enough the dudes in her class were all cucks and I can see why working as a team is a must. A lot of these dudes had no back bone or original ideas unlike my wife now, with that being said...there was also some women in her program that were utterly useless

>> No.52484269

hey sonic totem, will i succeed at what im doing?

>> No.52484278

chink spy

>> No.52484341

you're not retarded but most likely <80 iq if you can't learn to code
no cap

>> No.52484370

>computer """"""""science""""""""

Being able to write doesn't make you an author.

>> No.52484607

>The market is in such great need of software engineers and computer scientists that it's not even funny.
There is no evidence of this remaining true

>> No.52484907

>The margin on software is ultimately way higher than basically every other field of engineering.

irrelevant. software niggers are employees.

>> No.52486489

Learn Solidity
Blockchain programmers get 6 figures and work remotely