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52463949 No.52463949 [Reply] [Original]

Sup bros. The space is moving at an alarming pace nowadays. Every day new projects pop up and it seems to get harder and harder every day to pick the good from the bad.

I missed the bear market because now we can work together, like we used to, to find legit projects. Otherwise it's just craziness with new fags looking to pump their bags.

I miss the old days bros.

>ship has sailed on buying xfund below 200
What low-cap coins with legitimate fundamentals are you getting in this bear market?

>> No.52463958
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Next year, world domination

>> No.52463975

Duam >>52463949

>> No.52463978
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PRQ cause they've been building non stop with no signs of slowing, they've been funded by Binance, listed by Coinbase, helped Kucoin when they were hacked, etc... Only like 10-20m market cap.
ICP cause it has the largest team of real crytographers working on it and building it and the only reason people can buy at these firesale prices are because of SBF and FTX shorting the fuck out of it cause they knew it was the only legitimate competitor in the space with Solana. The technology dwarfs anything else, Vitalik called it the sister network of ethereum, and Dom is white. Bitcoin integration on testnet and moving full steam ahead and Eth integration being worked on. Only 1 Billion Marketcap too.

>> No.52464039

>Every day new projects pop up and it seems to get harder and harder every day to pick the good from the bad.
i think its innate instinct, some how you know
like being a fortune teller

>> No.52464179

gotta think of new players, 1-2 years old forget your icy penis. >-99% from ath

>> No.52464243

>Every day new projects pop up and it seems to get harder and harder every day to pick the good from the bad.
BNANA is the big one. You can trade millionths of coins value through other shit so well you can create money out of thin air if you set one of these ai's on it i bet.
>*beep boop* sell at x
>*boop beep* buy at y
>*beepitybeepity* trade z to w and y to z
i'm sure it's just a bunch of stackoverflow nonsense

>> No.52464873


>> No.52464936

>Hey OGs
>I'm an OG, trust me bro
>crazy newfags
>I'm an OG, I miss the old days

Larp harder, newfag.

>> No.52465884

Radix (xrd) have the most potential if it succed, im not sure why faggots here dissmiss it every time it come up

>> No.52466094

no volume, no adoption

>> No.52466251

I FUD it because biz literally sided with trannies plus its easy to FUD
>9 years of vaporwave
>no volume
>shitty website
>slow wallet
>slow explorer
>sjw hires but no good paid shillers
Seriously they're full retards they pay ppl to make shit like a radixwiki but they dont pay ppl to push on chan or plebbit, FUD is completely deserved

>> No.52466437

>new projects
I'd put money in btc or cash and wait for the actual crypto winter
There are no new projects with fundamentals, its all hype beast bullshit with all the same distasteful abuse of phonetic language
Once the markets actually cool off and people aren't just trying to throw money at everything with a logo and an empty github, then its time to start looking again

>> No.52466457

Well ye for now thats what i say if it succed. wallet is pretty comfy tho.
I guess better to buy at 0.50. dont forget to dilate in the meantime

>> No.52466834

>wallet is pretty comfy
not the official desktop wallet.
>muh dilate buy later
you're too retarded to understand that I have a bag, you're a trash shill and your xrd threads are cookie cutter. at this point you're better off getting a proxy and talking to yourself like the jeets do

>> No.52467303

liquity has a lot going for it

>> No.52468088

SWISE, 14m mcap, rpl competitor, looks solid, hit the market on Apr 2021
TRI, 800k mcap, dex, absolute degen gamble, hit the market on Dec 2021

>> No.52468171

Narratives that are on their way out:
Defi derivatives on l2s, real yield
Don't know what's new in ponzinomics rn, perhaps options, like Ragetrade etc.
Obvious play now is to short with leverage on news events

>> No.52468743

>10 years of crypto
>no one i know has made money in it
>10 years of boomer gains in apple and tesla
join the blue chip equity div reinvestment club anon, simplest investment strategy. Trading is for chumps because you'll never have the platform or info the big boys do