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52442348 No.52442348 [Reply] [Original]

Everything that is happening with SBF has been on purpose

He purposely gave the dems blood money then exposed it all to incriminate them

He said he would give all his money away and he is just not in the way you thought

SBF is actually based AF

>> No.52442377

>dems and republicans
>based jew
go back retard

>> No.52443040


>> No.52443057

sbf fucked the last bullrun
I was close to retirement. Now I'm broke again

>> No.52443074

Why do Americans worship their political parties like this? It's fucking pathetic

>> No.52443119

No one does but the dems are fucking demonic

SBF sacrificed billions to take them down he is basically like Jesus

>> No.52443144

the fake democracy needs votes, its easier to get you to vote against the other side then to vote for a side. anything for the votes. republicans da evil racists and democrats the evil degenerates. vote against whichever you hate far and ignore the failues of the ones you're voting for, thats how democracy works

>> No.52443152
File: 2.04 MB, 624x848, OurCrackSmokingFren.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck in here brothas

>> No.52443179
File: 1.04 MB, 900x691, elections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheeps need a shepherd

>> No.52443197

His name is literally Bankman

Imagine telling someone from the past that the guy named Bankman will scam people and will discredit crypto by doing so.

>> No.52443311

Not even just Bankman. Bankman-Fried. That's like cosmic levels of hilarity.
>Bankman fried my coins!
Because both have algorithmically designed how their parties present themselves to the world, with the aid of msm and antisocial media, to whip everyone into an assmad frenzy so they don't realize the duopoly is actually just a corporatist oligarchy in a trenchcoat. Every election cycle right on time there's some millions of republitards and demtards ready to kill each other because the tv and the radio and the magic internet box in their pocket tells them to. It's actually gotten bad enough that it's at the point that sheer voter apathy and demoralization means only the oldest of the population actually vote, which means the majority of the population isn't actually represented.

It's not even limited to just the US, other countries deal with it too and often worse. Shittiest system of government besides all others and all that good Churchill shit.

>> No.52443406

>implying these people are using their real persona
>implying sam isn't wearing an entire body suit worth hundreds thousands of dollars that makes him look like a different person
>implying this isn't planned to make centralized digital jew currency the global asset behind every purchase or speculator or law or anything at all
>implying we will ever see what the real sam looks like while hollywood harlequins and the glownigger alphabet stasi apparatus' exist

>> No.52443436

This jew and all the jews that came out of the woodwork to defend him have red pilled me. I will never look at jews the same way.

>> No.52443489
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>> No.52443683

2 more weeks

>> No.52445014

Thanks for tanking crypto kind sir, I guess I can buy cheapies for now unless they become worthless bitconnect tokens then I’m fucked desu lol

>> No.52445062

>SBF sacrificed billions to take them down he is basically like Jesus
Sacrificed on what? Hookers and meth? Fuck off kike