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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52431959 No.52431959 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't he stash just like a few hundred million somewhere so he would be good just in case any of his shady shit even went south?

>> No.52432000

who do you think was behind the "hack" exactly?

>> No.52432012

Why do it after everything collapses instead of way before though?

>> No.52432016 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 883x1491, 1654769032565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's a jew and jews are generally pretty low IQ.

>> No.52432033

his chipmussy

>> No.52432072

Imagine being worth $16bn and still looking like a fucking slob. I can’t even imagine. First thing I would do if I woke up a billionaire is make myself look as good as possible. Money can’t buy everything

>> No.52432081

I thought it was 900 million

>> No.52432277

I'm sure he's got
- some crypto stashed away
- some real estate with a clever ownership model under a clement jurisdiction.
- done a few favors to friends and family so they can have his back.

>> No.52432354
File: 42 KB, 816x210, (((drives a corolla))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude, his net worth is definitely $0 now

>> No.52432400

>he bought an entire town
>100 miles from Florida
He's the dumbest smart person of all time.

>> No.52432409

He did retard, do you think 10bn just vanished? Lmao

>> No.52432437

he held his money on ftx

>> No.52432553

he stole a few billion.

Biden's DoJ guy is the Jew Garfunkel.

Garfunkel's family are criminal Jews which is why they had to change their name to "Garland".

Note that Art Garfunkel of Simon & Garfunkel didn't change that very Jewish name back in the early 1960s where open anti-Semitism was normal in mainstream America and the NAME of an 'act" was very important.

>> No.52432571

>Why didn't he stash just like a few hundred million somewhere
Of course he did. People who are saying he has zero have no proof of that. They are just assuming because he is bankrupt he will lose everything and get sued a well, but he must have laundered and hidden a bunch of funds for this kind of eventuality

>> No.52432613

Probably both. First this >>52432277 and then during the final panic, he hacked in to steal more

>> No.52433890

the $470M robinhood stock that was like half the FTX reserves is actually held by a company he owns that is not part of the bankruptcy proceedings

also, the very nature of securing wealth from bankruptcy court is that it would not be counted in official net worth totals but you already know that and are just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.52433905
File: 480 KB, 220x221, maisqui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK goy, the money, it just evaporated right before my eyes!!!
I am ruined now *cries*

>> No.52433925

that entire club will be underwater in 20 years kek