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File: 3.17 MB, 2209x2921, chainlinkpepepainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5238789 No.5238789 [Reply] [Original]

Who else bought that link flash crash while everyone is fomoing over another shit blockchain getting added to coinbase?

>> No.5239043

Yup. And now we've got ourselves a nice cup and handle forming.

Sorry weak hands, you just gave up your lambo tickets and I got more.

>> No.5239073


I already feel bad about not accumulating more when it was cheaper. It's going to be so hard when it's $5+.

>> No.5239080

That flash crash gave me a heart attack.
I sold REQ at its prime to buy mpore LINK and instantly removed it from Binance.

>> No.5239114
File: 49 KB, 579x399, lech_walesa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me kurwa

cheap stinkie linkie is best

>> No.5239227
File: 205 KB, 750x1250, 5C6EBBCD-E34F-4662-B9AA-0E4D25A8F213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yah. Newly appointed First Lieutenant checking in.

>> No.5239255


me too mate, I have a feeling its going to be one of those things that haunts me the rest of my days.

I bought around 2300 thinking that was the dip and it went back pretty quick so I'm comfy

>> No.5239279

maybe ill buy your shitcoin when it drops back to 15 cents its real value then dump on deluded linkies at 40 LOL

>> No.5239291


Welcome :). Also First Lieutenant. I'll remain unshaken no matter how much volatility BTC throws at LINK. If I thought I could still time these swings I'd aim to get promoted, but BTC adds a bit of chaos to the mix so I'm going to just ride it out.

>> No.5239349

haha, yes, poopie coin! doesn;t even have a blockchan.
sirgay died of bigmac overdose xDDD

>> No.5239368


The FUD gets weaker by the day. We'll have $2 link before BTC sees $80k, so basic math tells me you must poo in the street.

>> No.5239424

Imagine LINK growing increasingly faster in sats while BTC keeps flling down

>> No.5239457

Just added 14k to my 100k stack

>> No.5239490
File: 6 KB, 224x224, mad link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you sold your links to get into bitcoin crash, dont fucking buy back in

>> No.5239531


Yup that's the other factor to consider. I think its clear BTC is going to have a cooling off period. It'll drag alts down with it, but LINK is still undervalued and will likely see gains even as BTC depreciates.

We'll see ATH fiat values, and ATH sat values again over the next few months.


>> No.5239677

Shit like this always happens when I'm driving home from work. Fuck. Oh well, no bcash wave for me.

>> No.5239755


I'm pissed because Sunday I was on here wondering if BCH was going to take over Monday with futures + difficulty bump. Sure enough man... should have fucking bought some :\

>> No.5239759

Oh it came up again. Fuck it, I'm not touching that with a ten ft pole.

>> No.5239877
File: 179 KB, 1600x905, they are coming for LINK!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]