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52382313 No.52382313 [Reply] [Original]

is kraken a safe exchange? the headquarters is in the United States, is it good for the safety of money?

>> No.52382352

>Can white people be trusted?

>> No.52382363

kraken has technical problems
but it is ok
I have a couple millin there and I am good

>> No.52382383

there is curt combine at ceo, of course it can be trusted

>> No.52382505

It's the safest of all centralized exchanges, imo. They got proof of reserves and haven't been hacked once since its foundation in 2011.

>> No.52382552

I trust Kurt Cobain with my money

>> No.52382593

What’s with all the kraken shilling lately? You can on/off-ramp on there and your coins are probably safe on there, but if you have a lot then keep it in your own wallet

>> No.52382624

No, they steal customer deposits.

>> No.52382636

They are desperate for cash flow, hence the shilling by paid jeets on socials and stealing misdeposited funds of customers.

>> No.52382638
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Dint Nirvana kill himself?

>> No.52382684

>the headquarters is in the United States
Immediate red flag

>> No.52382802

Is there any evidence for these words?

>> No.52382860

Just go to Kraken support on reddit and see all the posts about stolen Matic they refuse to give people back.

>> No.52382875

I consider Kraken pretty ok compared to the alternatives but the constant shilling we've seen lately is concerning.

>> No.52382907

They're insolvent that's why they pay jeets to shill and steal customer deposits.

>> No.52382939

I got my shit locked in a cold wallet but I used Binance in the past to buy shit. If I'd have to suggest someone what to use now, I'd have no idea. Every single CEX sounds like shit right now.

>> No.52382960

Kraken is very dangerous, a major risk, please use Coinbase

>> No.52382978

Yes, looks like Kraken is actually the safest exchange in general

>> No.52383016

Used Kraken for years, never any problems with cashing out or sending money.

>> No.52383021

>froze all russian wallets instantly
All you need to know

>> No.52383030
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Bitcoin only exchanges are the safest right now. No altcoin listings

Swan Bitcoin
some others

>> No.52383038

jessy isn't the CEO anymore, they canceled him. it was certainly the best exchange in the past, let's see if it stays that way.

>> No.52383130

Onramp offramp. Dont park your money on a cex

>> No.52383423

That's right. Kraken is a major risk, all my funds are safe in FTX

>> No.52383486

Kraken is the white mans exchange

>> No.52383764

Gemini is the true white man's exchange
The one CEX where you can be sure funds are safu

>> No.52383812

Is Kraken the only US exchange that lets you buy XMR?

>> No.52383830

The OGs are all safe:

maybe kuckcoin

but SELF CUSTODY. There is zero reason to use shitty CEXs.

Use defi. And if your shitcoin doesn't have a bridge or liquidity in defi, that is a pretty huge sign its a fucking shitcoin with no future.

>> No.52383837
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Kraken is based and was co-founded by the owner of http://d2legit.com, an OG Diablo II item selling website from back in the day.

They support real cryptocurrencies too such as Nano. Got nothing but good things to say about them.

>> No.52383861
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>> No.52383869

It's being shilled by /pol/ chuds

>> No.52383871

Why y'all retards using CEX when DEX have been around for 4 years now?

>> No.52383882

Well, goy run Kraken, which makes me feel it's safer.

>> No.52383899

safer than most but dont leave your coins on exchanges

>> No.52383904

Dude, how can I get to dollars in my ATM with a fucking DEX?

>> No.52383910

Kraken is fine

>> No.52384014

Now that SBF fucked up crypto (on purpose, of course), his friends in the US government will now use this as an excuse to regulate crypto to death.

SBF never owned any crypto. He is a made-up billionaire who's #1 job was to force governments into regulating the only competition that exists against what he really represents, the international banking cartel.

>> No.52385008

Does Kurt combine is dead

>> No.52386692
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Not only is Kraken the best, but they reject woke and gave any sniveling woke employees an exit package.

>> No.52386733

this faggit fucked up his matic transfer and has been salty about it; blaming kraken
you have nobody to blame but yourself

>> No.52386752

>maybe kuckcoin

>> No.52386840

Lovely claws.
More like a charsifood/luke zapart/candybar/KD and the likes item.

>> No.52386915

I love kraken, the exchange doing the least kikeri ATM. But the matic shit has to be fixed why even have it as an option if you don't support matic y bet their customer service is 30%+ only people fucking that up`.

>> No.52386955
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I use Gemini now.

Get on my level losers.

>> No.52386980

>Ogs are safe
Lists only newfag shit

>> No.52386989
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i only use exchanges made and run by whites

>> No.52387017

if you need guardrails for life, maybe crypto isn't for you
there are plenty of warnings to be careful when transferring cryptos

>> No.52387093

No I think that was Sound Garden or Pearl Jam or somebody.

>> No.52387191

even if an exchange is "safe" (and i can't think of one that meets this definition), the assets are worthless
if you're white, get out

>> No.52387225

No exchange is safe. If your crypto is not in a private wallet you’re at risk. Use exhanges only to buy and sell and leave your crypto on the exchange for as little time as possible.

>> No.52387258

I can only store funds as GBP on binance, kraken and gemini. Unless it's that I haven't figured out how to do it on kucoin, huobi and coinbase yet.

>> No.52387278

To buy yes
To custody no, get a fucking hardware wallet

>> No.52387557

Actually was Alice in Chain who shoot himself.

>> No.52387569

just stop leaving your funds on the fucking exchange and it doesnt matter

>> No.52387644
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his cunt of a wife had him killed

>> No.52387650

i always felt sorry for that dude. imagine being a man named alice. no wonder he roped

>> No.52387665

it's run by a sexist and racist (see web3isgoinggreat) so i'd assume yes

>> No.52387677

i like Kraken

>> No.52387719

This lady looks like AIDS is afraid of catching her.

>> No.52387756

based kraken

>> No.52388761

i use it as fiat on ramp. has been pretty solid for as long as i have used it. i never keep any amount of fiat/crypto on it for longer than a week tho. one of the few cexes that sell monero.

>> No.52388871

Go back faggot

>> No.52389856

>has advocated for keeping money off of exchanges for years
>only US exchange trading XMR despite glownigger protests
I trust him, but I'll take his advice

>> No.52389859

No. All centralized exchanges are a honeypots. While they’re less shady than anything with a ‘lending program’, they still have massive slippage and stop hunts.

>> No.52389931

If FTX was part of a larger CIA/SS conspiracy, then what are the odds they would bet on one guy only? Kraken needs some investigation. The immediate, unquestioning blocking of Russian accounts is a sign of alignment that goes counter to their Ben & Jerry image.

>> No.52390258

Sweet jesus, are you people blind?, Get your money into a wallet for pits sake. Railway private wallet is practically free on Appstore and Playstore, thats privacy plus full control.

>> No.52390309

No centralised platform is safe, as long as you dont have sole control over your assets, you are at the mercy of the CEO.

>> No.52390381

Binance is still your best option and good job on choosing a cold wallet, I store my asset the railway private wallet(Privacy, control and security are the best combo).

>> No.52390533

not your keys not your money
>They got proof of reserve
only for bitcoin. not for your altcoin.

>> No.52390691

kraken sucks arse. they have coin withdrawal limits so you cant even pull your own coins out in a timely manner.
the founder/ceo is also highschool friends with roger ver, nuff said, avoid these fuckers, ships gonna sink

>> No.52390717

i use kraken. its good. but i dont use it as bank tresor.

>> No.52390818

idk about its security but it's certainly grown unpopular and barely used. maybe they should just announce they're supporting the polygon network, maybe then they'll start growing again like binance us and coinbase did after their polygon announcement.

>> No.52390840

yes, they need to support more chains. bridges are expensive, and I dont want to use ku or binance as a hop

>> No.52391000

It's sad to see that despite all the happenings in the crypto space, y'all still consider CEXs safe. NOT YOUR KEYS... NOT YOUR COINS

>> No.52391129

Any exchange is fine as long as you can actually trade and withdraw your shit from there to your own custody. The issue that a lot of retards run into is that they forget to do the second part.

>> No.52391131
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Well, it's not very easy managing multiple keys especially when they are spread across different chains

>> No.52391163

Since convenience is why most people stick with exchanges, especially centralized ones. I guess the best thing is to keep in non-custodial wallets like ore id with flexible auth demands.

>> No.52391262

So what would you rather consider safe? DEXs that can also be hacked?

>> No.52391295
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I'm working on a new exchange.
I already implemented:
- status page & API (so that everyone can monitor if it's up/down, if trading/withdrawal/etc is ok or broken);
- order book API (you can place your order, you can remove your order; fuck order edits).

What I'm going to add:
- order execution engine (haven't decided whether the execution should be immediate, or periodic once-in-n-seconds);
- user accounts (you need to login, duh!);
- fantom wallet (see above);
- order book page (with one FTM/DAI pair just for test);
- monero wallet (deposit, withdrawals);
- (later) polygon and eth wallet.

Request the features you want.
Leverage fags are not welcome.

>> No.52391491

If you want to diversify, there are smarter ways to go about it. For example, I enjoy staking services from several yield protocols from a single entry point provided by Spoolfi.

>DEXs that can also be hacked?
CEXs can also be hacked but you won't wake up one day on Defi to find out that all your assets are gone because one person was being lousy with them.

>> No.52391558

>you won't wake up one day on Defi to find out that all your assets are gone
When devs are lousy with DeFi smart contracts this happens. There were many project that lost users' money because a contract could be exploited.

>> No.52391655

the stick with those that have a good track record and legitimization. there are defi protocols that have evolved since 2020, still generating yield with tvls in the 100 Millions worth below 30 M mc

>> No.52392051

nothing of value lost

>> No.52392060

That's why you get into projects with functional DAOs; when you're part of the key decision making processes, I'm pretty much sure you wouldn't allow the dev to get lousy with your assets.

>> No.52392078
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Regardless, it's better to be in full control over your keys and identities. Weigh the risks