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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52380859 No.52380859 [Reply] [Original]

This man at some point had over 20 billion's worth to his name, but apparently, that wasn't enough for him. At that high of a level of extreme comfort, you don't need to be taking on any risks; you don't need to go fucking around with leverage, making high stake bets and playing around with customer assets and funds. Most things in life are open and available to you, and you have generational wealth to pass on to your family if you even want to do that. FTX could be operating as usual today and into many years into the future, were its not navigated by 'people' so fucking greedy.

I say 'people' loosely, for I have no appropriate term that applies. It is something more evil than any creature or monster.

>> No.52380968

Well, Jews gotta Jew. Greed and pride are the defining characteristics of the Jew.

>> No.52381147

If the kike is so smart, why is he broke now? Check mate, greedy Jew.

>> No.52381210

Always happens with these con artists and confidence tricksters. There's a reason he's always compared to Bernie Madoff. They get too greedy and think they're invincible, neglect important things that keep their scam running, or someone within their scheme betrays them, and eventually they lose it all.

>> No.52381262

Jews always overplay their hand. Always.

>> No.52381560

How did he have 20 billion to his name?
Do you know how dumb you sound?
First it's not liquid assets so this doesn't count and even if he someone wanted to buy ftx he would refuse because the buyer would look into the books and see the fraud so it's just imaginary billions to his name and real billions of peoples money lost.

>> No.52381575

he never had 20 billion dollars though. FTT is worthless.

if you create a shitcoin with a supply of 20 billion and you hold all the supply, and you sell 1 token for 1 dollars, that doesn't mean you have 20 billion dollars.

>> No.52381584

>It is something more evil than any creature or monster.
Yeah, they're called Jews, dumbass.

>> No.52381589

Well say that of those 20B he could've probably realistically cashed out 1B MINIMUM.

That's more than enough. I would be happy with 100M

>> No.52381637

I'm not happy the market is crashing but it's worth it to see scum like this lose their clout.

>> No.52381787

Just why exactly do you think they're kicked out of 108 countries? It wasn't out of pure mailce or hate.
I just wish after Ye's red pilling + this event people would start waking up en masse. Long have we breathed fresh air free from the boots of our local Rabbis boots off our throats.

>> No.52381803

He isn't a person. He is a Jew.

>> No.52381847

it do be like that

>> No.52381937
File: 121 KB, 828x332, 3D7C1EC0-8585-4845-A2E4-A9B85E7F0BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This greedy little hand rubber completely manipulated the market by printing wrapped Bitcoin. There is also evidence that tether was involved.

>> No.52381967
File: 448 KB, 828x1184, 7EABB966-9DB9-4825-84CF-8411BAB05EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total crap

>> No.52381995

No, the majority makes millions through fraud and never see a cop

>> No.52383234

He's not, he just emptied out his customers funds

>> No.52383438

Not exactly, when you have that much money you cant just cash out and retire that easily. Notice that a lot of people around him did exactly that in the past 6 months, but would he have been able to without something going wrong? Hard to say but im sure it wouldnt be as easy as just deciding $20 billion was enough and retiring. The 20 billion was predicated on him continuing to produce, because it was all in his own equity

>> No.52383466

>all that money
>can't afford to make himself look presentable
the main reason I did not drop any money into his scam is because he looks like a greasy slob. I don't trust classless fucks.

>> No.52383500
File: 260 KB, 872x1335, donors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/18 Verified jew through early life.

George Soros
Jeffrey Yass
Stephen A. Schwarzman
Larry Ellison
Michael Bloomberg
Miriam Adelson
Paul Singer

8/18 Verified by common sense
Sam Bankman-Fried

9/18 adding Eychaner


Probably jew but not listed in wiki early life

Timothy Mellon
Stephen Mandel

Some anons should double check and hopefully someone has the editing skills to add some jewish identifiers to the infographic. I think this will be quite good for the current state of the internet. 2% represents 50% of the donors and 7/18 on the list verified simply through early life.

Help me out bros. Mandel is probably but we need it to be somewhat easily verifiable since these memes get well poisoned so often. Look at his wife.

>> No.52383513

I'm so piss tired of seeing this greedy kike's face plastered all over the board
honestly I just want him to fucking die at this point

>> No.52383516
File: 285 KB, 1672x979, 1668177036030963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre acting hes a goyim and not a Jew. They really think they are descendants from God and everyone else is cattle. Anything they do to people on this earth is ok, because in their minds and their religion we are animals whose sole purpose is to serve them. Its a common basic truth they take for granted. Its not some grand scheme, its their basic belief. Read the Old Testament or the Talmud especially sometime

They can never coexist with us because they will never see us as anything but resources to be exploited.

>> No.52383559

If we keep naming them the 2nd (first real) holocaust can happen and you can get in line to beat his corpse

>> No.52383564

straight up sussin no cap on god frfr

>> No.52383567

He jewed his own people as well, desu it was most likely just a massive fuck up after he got full of himself and the brakes on the proverbial train were already out of order by the time they realised they were on a collision course with disaster.

>> No.52383588
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OK rabbi

>> No.52383889
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 3C0AC12F-59AD-42B2-BFE5-19AF32A1BED7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.52384002

it is a jew, what do you fucking expect? when next time you hear "old greedy white men" you can think of this example, but more experienced.

>> No.52384129

What aboutthe Jews that legitimately want to live their lives and don't participate in all that?

>> No.52384198

Jews LOVE numbers. I have a friend with jewish tendencies. He always will get sucked on any game with numbers going higher, ANY game and he will make the numbers go high as fuck. We really need to confine jews inside mmorpgs to stop them destroying our nations just because they have an insane need to make money numbers go higher and higher no matter what.

>> No.52384327

He only got to 20Bn through fraudulent practices though. And he couldnt just sell FTX and cut and run because any prospective buyer would realise he had been cooking the books when they looked at the financials

>> No.52384375

Mandel is obviously a jew (like Howie Mandel, the alleged comedian?)
Mellon is of the Mellon family (the one who founded Carnegie-Mellon). He's a WASP.