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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52359523 No.52359523 [Reply] [Original]

>normies are gloating
>everybody is ashamed of their crypto
>MSM proclaim crypto dead

2017 fag here, we've bottomed

>> No.52359533

what buy then?

>> No.52359538

Funny enough, the bottom this time was conveniently delivered right into our lap with no need to second guess

>> No.52359560

I want to ejaculate in each one of them

>> No.52359569


>> No.52359582
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This means you are gay because you like to ejaculate inside a man.

>> No.52359594

I bought the exact $3400 bottom in dec 2018 btw

>> No.52359621

I want them to take turns riding my face iykwim

>> No.52359671 [DELETED] 
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All 0/10.

>> No.52359740

Could someone please post a meme which is a "Bitcoin investors group" from 2017. Bunch of young Instagram whores sitting around the table with wine

That was placed next to a chart showing local top at that time

I cant find it

>> No.52359862

That was 2021
Natalie Brunell

>> No.52359865


>biz still full of newfags that joined in november 2021
>normiefags on biz boasting about having bought the bottom
>normiefags on biz bragging for 5 months about the bottom being in
>price goes below their "bottom"
>repeat until all normiefags and newfags have run out of money trying to buy the bottom and capitulate, selling their bags and marking an actual bottom

Hint : you won't be here for that, because you're a newfag nigger. kys and seethe.

>> No.52359885
File: 6 KB, 279x181, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the absolute stench

>> No.52359891

I made this thread now and not in the last 5 months. Also you seem very angry

>> No.52359892

When did you first get in crypto?
What’s your outlook over the next 6 months?

>> No.52359901

When did you become bear this cycle?
Did you buy all in or are you DCAing?

>> No.52359942

>When did you first get in crypto?
July 2017
>What’s your outlook over the next 6 months?
crabbing with fake rally to 25k maybe
>When did you become bear this cycle?
I became a full bear at 42k on the way down but I sold off some in the 50k range already
>Did you buy all in or are you DCAing?
DCAing below 20k, my biggest buy was at 15.7k two days ago, will keep buying

>> No.52359952


bottom threads have been plastered all over biz for the last 5 months. Yes i am angry because the fact they continue to be all over the place means i still cant deploy my stables. but it's fine, i've been waiting patiently for 11 months, don't mind waiting a bit longer. -15% from inflation versus -70 to -99% for hodlers, think i'm winning desu

>> No.52359977


>May 2020
>Continue dumping with fakeouts to trap retail leverage fags
>Sold in November 2021
>Will buy when I feel like sentiment is in the right place, or on low caps when the price is right (for example i bought xfund at $200, i think that's the bottom and it won't go that low again. still holding that alt).

>> No.52360083

Please post more brappers

>> No.52360135

Yoga pants is cheating. Now of them are so shapeful without them.

>> No.52360184

>>May 2020
Anon, you are a newfag

>> No.52360254


yep, you're right, but I don't think that's as much of a bad thing as you think it is. I would be more ashamed to be someone who's been here for 2 cycles or more, and still hasn't made it.

Also turned 4 fig into 6 so pretty happy with how I did, still got most of it (~20% off portfolio ATH which was november 2021, decent amount was illiquid doggy shitcoins)

>> No.52360285

>bottom threads have been plastered all over biz for the last 5 months
by idiots
I actually make money in this market

>> No.52360299


also most of the oldfags i interacted with cried about how the last bullrun was nothing, because they were "too smart" to buy dogcoins and bsc coins.

>> No.52360320

you are autistic, this is a moot point, the point is they're signalling that they wanna take ur weenie in the poooper
this is why you never made it in crypto

>> No.52360387

This is the first time I've been legit ashamed to be in crypto.

>> No.52360404

no shame in my game. But I've never fucked with anything but BTC

Shitcoins gonna shit

>> No.52360428

im buying all the way to 10k

>> No.52360460

bottom signal

>> No.52360496

>everybody is ashamed of their crypto
I didnt sell but I have taken away my BTC stick from my car...

>> No.52360506

i keep clicking this image, help

>> No.52360730

2017 fag also. if we have bottomed like you say, which i am inclined to agree with, what do you think will be the thing to set the market off in a positive direction now. because i can find plenty of more negative things that can happen but i am struggling to think of anything positive that can occur.

>> No.52360866

You're the newfag. Inflation is the expansion of money supply. Only normies think Inflation is muh grocery bill has gone up. I thought the bottom wasn't in but when I see retards like you, I'm tempted to go all in.

>> No.52360921

The most annoying thing about normalfags and crypto is the way they expect me to freak out and be ashamed over something that's happened like six times since Bitcoin was created.

I totally understand why people are skeptical of crypto, but the argument is always exactly the same, coming from the exact same sorts of people, every single time.

>> No.52360943

Still buying every dip.

>> No.52360957

this is what you'd normally think at rock bottom

>> No.52360969

>>repeat until all normiefags and newfags have run out of money
I work a job, neet.

>> No.52360996

God i wish that was me

>> No.52360998

He's a broke bitch that can't afford crypto or he's pissed people are making bank with crypto.

>> No.52361019

>-70 to -99% for hodlers,
Lmao, you're too cute.
That's a nice little coping mechanism you have.
No, I didn't buy into btc until it was under 35k and I'll keep buying on the way down.

>> No.52361184

literally just time, 6-12 months of crabbing and then sentiment will 180°. Nobody remembered Bitconnect or whatever 2017 rugpull by 2020

>> No.52361297

Nope. The bottom isn't in yet. These companies need to fail now. Then the vultures need to pick the carcass clean. Only then will the bottom be in.
We're just getting started!

>> No.52361504

what companies?

>> No.52362719

maybe you are right its just going to take time but i feel there needs to be some situation or event that occurs or some aspect of crypto that everybody rallys around like defi which kicked off things in 2019/20 for instance.

>> No.52363467

your "bottom" will already be blown out by the end of day, kek. And yes, in both ways,you fucking faggot bull niggers

>> No.52363590



>> No.52363617

God this picture is the best, sit on my face queens I am your dirty little slugboy and I've been a very naughty slug. I've eaten all your lettuce, I need to be punished Queens.
*slithers towards them*

>> No.52363636

we haven't bottomed until we figure out how many projects had their treasuries sitting on the exchange
it's more than you think

>> No.52363682
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i did it again

>> No.52363721

Same I keep slithering back, OPs thread is shit though

>> No.52363776
File: 87 KB, 1080x1249, Screenshot_20220704-044411_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did I, cheers.
Never will forget the euphoria of watching it run from 3k to 13k or wherever it went during that interim pump. My first taste of crypto success.
Also bought the covid crash.
Started with what you see in pic related and made 270k, lost all of it, made 400k, then lost all of it again.
Im really good at buying and making profit but terrible at taking profit.
Shits driving me medicially insane.
Literal years of work and winning just to watch it all slip from my hands as I get older and older.

>> No.52363866

2014 fag here,
we're going to 9.5k

>> No.52363886


>> No.52363914

Nah. Im willing to bet there are a shitton of institutional buyers, including governments that have been waiting for this exact scenario to play out so they can acquire generational holdings

>> No.52365321
File: 164 KB, 718x1017, decredgovernance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 fag here
Decred.org still running strong and drama free.
your CEX losses were avoidable. DCR treasury is still pristine void of corruption because all treasury spends are approved on chain by stakers.

All you have to do is decentralize, remain private, keep your keys.

>> No.52365980

>some situation or event that occurs or some aspect of crypto that everybody rallys around

>> No.52366058

built for multiple bbcs

>> No.52367476

10k would only ever be breached if we encountered a black swan bigger than both luna and ftx.
Either usdt depegging, binance becoming insolvent, or some political bullshit ww3 happening that is completely unforeseeable needs to occur, otherwise we will crab in the wake of sam kikeman, presumably within the ranges of 12k-25k for the next year
I also sold at 40k but not because of my own volition but because my high iq friend told me to, as well as the double top
Unfortunately I didn't sell enough only about 30% but eh whatever. Been DCA'ing since 24k