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52347242 No.52347242 [Reply] [Original]

It happened AGAIN.

>start office job
>female manager
>things going well, work being done on time
>job involves generic officeshit, emailing lots of people, asking other people to send or do little bits of work
>nothing but praise from manager
>few months in
>having a regular weekly meeting with manager
>they give me "the talk"
>the talk usually goes something like: "So...... Anon...... You're not the most social person, are you- nothing wrong with that"
>relationship plummets from there, as they increasingly claim that "I'm not showing enough people building communication team relations happy clappy skills"
>get told that other people I barely work with don't have confidence in me for vague reasons- their "perception" of me isn't good, even though I carry out all work related to them
>can clearly see that my manager is gearing up to declare me a failure after a few months and then manage me out

It keeps happening. It happens every single time.

Welp, that's it. I will never ever be any sort of success in any career. Everybody else instantly assimilates, is totally sensitive to all social currents and is oversocialised to an insane degree. I am the bottom of all hierarchies, ugly, beta, friendless, etc. I'm currently looking for other jobs but I don't have any hope that things can change elsewhere.

This is so fucking demoralising. I'm like Gregor Samsa if he went outside his house.

>> No.52347255

>no jlingz.com

>> No.52347257

are you white and/or without foreskin?

>> No.52347291

workout and take fish oil.
if that doesn't work, kratom is really great at increasing participation in life.
makes you really sociable and A-OK with everything.

>> No.52347294
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>You didn't max out your haircut, clothing, fragrance and skincare to avoid this
>He hasn't realized that being a quiet autist only gets you booted if you're also unattractive

>> No.52347307
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>they give me "the talk"
As soon as i read "It happened AGAIN." i knew that the story would end up being about this, i know it all too well brother, give up the mortal realm and come to trading, never wage again in your life, work to build capital then use that capital to make more capital

>> No.52347309

thank God I don't have to wage slave. The most disgusting unbearable part of our society is how men have to be hypersocial and feminized to be accepted. If you have a mind of your own or are somewhat introverted socially you are disowned as an outcast. I literally can hardly have a conversation with a normie without wanting to die of disinterest. It really is getting ridiculous. Also all women are whores.

>> No.52347324


>> No.52347330
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>> No.52347341

Shoot up your office and or Rob a bank.
Kill cops too, fuck this society.

>> No.52347349

You just need to learn to be a normie. I'm like you and hate the social nicety bullshit, but I just force myself to do it because it's necessary to succeed. If you have to, look at what other people are doing and copy them. You need to learn to accept that social interactions you consider trivial and unimportant are important to them.

>> No.52347378

>hit it off with a couple of guys at work
>chat a bit of shit while doing the most mindnumbingly boring shit yesterday
>literally pushing buttons for 4 hours straight
>manager comes over to my desk
>forget i have the chat open on one of the monitors
>basically joked about being extremely well paid slaves
>as i'm leaving she looks at me without smiling, which she otherwise always does (its a fake smile ofc)
think i'm getting canned tomorrow bros

>> No.52347379

>literally can hardly have a conversation with a normie without wanting to die of disinterest.
Yeah the faggots at my work won't shut the fuck up, I might shoot up dope.

>> No.52347391

Autists can be great sociopaths.
Just do it, tell them what they want to hear
give them what they need, it's easy

>> No.52347395
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Here is the cold truth anon, every social circle needs an outsider. Someone to make fun of, to ridicule, to gossip about. People use this to form social cohesion in their tribe. My guess is you have some vibe about you that puts them off. Ugly white manlets have it the hardest in the current workplace.

There are options but you have to ask yourself if you want to go there (if your interested I can write some stuff down).

>> No.52347405

I work for a branch of a SnP 500 company in Eastern Europe and none if this happens. Sorry I got the cozy office environment.

>> No.52347441
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Soft skills are like 80% of what you need to climb the ladder. Learn them or forever be a chump

>> No.52347451

>job involves generic officeshit, emailing lots of people, asking other people to send or do little bits of work
With office jobs you can only pick two
>Good pay
>Social skills not required
>Not difficult/technical
Your job sounds like a generic email sending job so you have to put on a normie show. All the office spergs are either in engineering/tech (difficult) or quietly processing AP invoices (shit pay)

>> No.52347458
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>think i'm getting canned tomorrow bros
The second they ask you to step into the office real quick just walk out and tell them to get raped by niggers.
We aren't we 4chan chads making life for kikes niggers and normies literal hell on earth?

>> No.52347484

>Just be a cuck and a doormat.
No, fuck you and fuck people.
Stop complying with this gay shit.
I'm here to work and pay bills, not make "friends".

>> No.52347486

>too autistic to smile and nod

>> No.52347492

OP thinks he's "just getting the work done" but doesn't realize that most work requires communication skills. OP is probably sperging out in office emails just like he spergs on biz. But autistic anons will probably try to vindicate him anyway.

>> No.52347495


>> No.52347514

>lean soft skills, yes goy learn how to kiss ass so shekelstien will keep you around as his goodgoy pet

Bootlicking faggots like you disgust me

>> No.52347530

women should be banned from the workplace
simple as

>> No.52347552
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>> No.52347554

That or it could also mean to learn how to be less of a fucking retard in a social setting you fucking cave dweller.

Joking around with people at the office doesnt make you a bootlicker you fucking faggot

>> No.52347593

why dont you suck shekelsteins cock harder for that raise while you call other people faggots. Good goy. kek

>> No.52347608

If this actually happened.

The only right move to make is to demoralise the shit out of that bitch in the way a woman would, anon. Cut into her skin with an irony or innocence she can only politely refuse or decline. But still enough to beat her in the brain and get under her skin. Kill the cunt with a kind of slight only she can understand yet can do nothing about. A person like her deserves nothing but manipulation that would send her home to her bathroom where she will weep and moan. You know similar to what that guy who trolls women on Tinder by calling them trannies.

You could also develop skills that are necessary to usurp her from her position. This is another good way to get back at a dumb bitch like this... Unless she is sucking mad dick.

You could develop skills necessary to get out of this loop she is trying to put you in, and turn the office against her.
If you are not a white male... You could play the current political climate against her. You could be really vindictive and do highly illegal shit to her car or her too.
But only if you have truly had enough. ;^)

>> No.52347756


sorry anon.

i'm fairly social and can fake being a normie, so i dont have this problem. on the other hand my female basketball american manager (who is surprisingly competent in some ways) is protecting her fellow sister of basketball descent. they fucked up seriously though, the one that was brought on didnt complete her work on time. i did more than my fair share so it came down to the last minute and my coworker, who has a known back injury, was pressured into helping with the filing involving lifting boxes 10-15 lbs. i reported those two bitches to HR who was very interested in why someone almost sustained a serious injury on management's orders.

i dunno how things will work out for me, but i wish you the best of luck.

>> No.52347894

Women overvalue collectivism to a staggering extent and don't care about productivity anon. You have to pretend with them. Chum it up when your manager comes by, let her vent. It's like dealing with a toddler

>> No.52348225
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>*Alienate, Ay-Lee-Uh-Nay-T
Good points though, I would also recommend getting your M replaced with an F on your drivers license if you know what I mean.

>> No.52348231
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Maybe stop being such a pussy? Be yourself and do what they pay you to do. Tell them that if they're unhappy with your work they should say so point blank and fire you so you can move on (be professional when you tell them that).

>I am the bottom of all hierarchies, ugly, beta, friendless, etc.
Yeah I noticed.

>> No.52348285

I gave up putting effort into my work and focussed instead on socialmaxxing. trust me when I say it pays dividends.

>> No.52348347

I was gonna say, you're clearly ugly. That is the reason people are treated better or worse than others: the attractiveness of their face.

The best investment you can make is plastic surgery, especially if you work with women. Whether or not you are attractive determines your right to exist.

>> No.52348467

Write away bud, I'm interested on your insight

>> No.52348644

dressing better, getting a haircut that works for you and a beard if you're a jawlet works for 99% of men. I used to think this was cope until I actually did it and then people treat me 100x better, even women

>> No.52348682

Take the crime pill and never look back. Seriously.

>> No.52348785

Anon I totally understand and feel your pain. Fortunately I work in server rooms and spend 95% of my days alone either in a server room or at my desk. It’s just naturally expected that I’m anti-social and really no one wants to hear from me because if they do that usually means there’s a problem. Maybe you need to find a solitary job or a position that lets you wfh?

>> No.52348798

>he fell for the I LIKE BEING ALONE meme

dumbass, it was brainwashing all along
wake up

>> No.52348806

3 years ago:
> an old good manager who gives a fuck about output leaves
> a new manager who wants to "manage" gradually becomes more hostile
> "Anon, let's talk about improving your """performance""", being more open etc"
Instantly left.
Now I occasionally persuade my current CEO to drink beer with us, play a role of local guru and do the bare minimum, excelling only in "firefighting" kind of tasks.
Got tons of respect and not bothered by anyone.

Git gud at being more social. Whining will lead you nowhere.

>> No.52348829

You are the problem. Work on yourself, get out of the house and learn how to talk to people

>> No.52348844

It also only gets you booted if your job isn't unnecessary. Just have a marketable mission critical skill that is rare enough they can't fire you even if they want to.

>> No.52348859

God I wish, imagine a big wolf knot slipping into your pussy.

>> No.52348878


>> No.52348880

>make friends with female manager
>bring sweets from home to office females
>talk with office females about their vacation to Bosnia or whatever, give nuanced suggestions about where they should travel to next (Iran lmao, this was before protests)
>all smiles, laughs, and "everyone likes you" speeches
>called a superstar and other buzzwords by office females
>female manager leaves, when I sweet talk her in my farewell speech she tells me I made her day
>I get fired a month later for "not being a good fit and not fitting in with team dynamics"
Don't worry OP, I'm handsome and can fake being a normie and they fucked me over anyway. You just can't win with these people. Normies can sniff you out when you're not one of them no matter how hard you think you can LARP. When they act like they like you its just because they're afraid you'll shoot up the place if they don't.

>> No.52348942

Git gud at something people need that's in short supply. People with cancer want the best oncologist, not the nicest one.

>> No.52348951

Then stop whining

>> No.52348989

>I might shoot up dope
don't fuck yourself up because others are shit.

>> No.52349036

Stop being a soft depressive faggot, especially if you're getting canned anyway. Repeat to her what you posted here. Tell her that her assessment makes no sense, that this is a place of business and not a middle school lunchroom, and you're there to work not to feed her social neediness. Fuck these people.

>> No.52349056

People are the job too. As an istp with 90% intovert I just consider people and their problems just another thing to be fixed. People think I care, nope I just like solving problems. Most people are awash with them.

I'll frame any conversation on improving themselves be it looks, investments, etc as conversation topics about myself. Eg I need a new investment type outside of etf, or I'm trying a moisturiser on my skin. I'm criticising myself but what I'm actually doing is putting the idea in their head. Works everytime and people think I'm helpful. People are shallow as f, you need to learn to talk to their subconscious too.

If people talk inane shit just say inane shit back, be creative. That type of talk is who can bore the other person first, I always win because I've heard it all. Also fear is the greatest motivator, use it.

>> No.52349087

The force is strong with this one

>> No.52349129

>just be an insufferable faggot so you can be replaced by someone who can do the same thing you do, but not tank morale
Inb4 whatever gay edgelord bs quip you have in retort
Work has shit parts and fun parts and your (((self importance))) is not necessary to that equation
Being a real human bean doesn't have anything to do with being a doormat, but I wouldn't expect someone so maladjusted to get that

>> No.52349148

>I'm handsome and can fake being a normie and they fucked me over anyway. You just can't win with these people.
Shit like this is 100% true, and is why I don't even bother. I think you should just accept that you'll never fit in, and not only that, embrace it and go all-in on believing and acting like you're better than them. In the end it won't matter anyways.

>> No.52349182

I'm not ugly or beta, just naturally unsociable and my job suits me well. don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to, don't have to lunch with anyone if I don't want to, don't have to socialise outside of work (live with my coworkers when I'm at work) if I don't want to. It doesnt effect my work at all, and I get paid far far better than your average cubicle dweller. consider changing career paths OP, maybe the office isn't for you and there's nothing wrong with that. stay positive faggot

>> No.52349207
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do a job that doesnt require roasties. Idk any fucking trade where they suck at it as they lack the ability to use logic in rational situation.
>they act like they like you its just because they're afraid you'll shoot up the place if they don't
>"they act like they like you its just because they're afraid you'll shoot up the place if they don't"

>> No.52349209

someone saw you as competition and got rid of you.

>> No.52349218

Don't listen to all these paper pushing civil servant useless pieces of shit OP. Take the science/computer science pill and become hard to replace. I have decent social skills but I cant be arsed to be nice/liked by a bunch of incompetent low IQ morons. And they NEED to be nice to me because I am the only skilled person they know that actually DOES something useful. Without me it's just them sitting in offices all day having one useless meeting after another producing absolute jack shit in the process.

>> No.52349229

>normies can always sniff you out
I hate how true this feels. I have a work from home job now, but I don’t miss having to be “customer facing” even in the slightest. I can focus on just appearing normal to the small amount of people I work directly with.

>> No.52349266

Normies are complete psychopaths \. Seriously stop letting them ruin your life like this. Out normie the normie and get them fired by out doing them in their workplace politics games

>> No.52349302

>I literally can hardly have a conversation with a normie without wanting to die of disinterest.
Some days I am completely incredulous. I am driven insane. It is the feminization, the sanitization, the total destruction of any serious candour or humanity.
>the weather
>their pets
>their (INVARIABLY??) autistic/nuerodivergent children
>reality television
>the minutiae of our very place of work they can't get enough of somehow

>> No.52349313

get fit, then get a girlfriend. it will both give you confidence and solve most of your social problems. it will also help how others treat you because they don't think you're a lazy person without friends or hobbies (even if that's the case).

Appearance is everything.

>> No.52349342

the problem is roasties have now inflitrated every industry in HR. Every job you send an application to you are confronted with a roastie. At this point I'm convinced I'm better of with a /fit/ picture on my resume than with the resume itself.

>> No.52349361

>female manager
Just /thread it there fren
We all know what happens next, we've seen this show before, multiple times
The problem is allowing women to think they're something other than a commodity that gets discussed in /cmmg/

>> No.52349385

I feel you OP. Not to the extent that I get fired over it, but I feel it every day at the office. I'm grateful for the small amount of people that have accepted me despite there being something off with me and I stopped expecting anything from anyone else. It hurts when the marketing girls make a disgusted face when they see me or when I don't get invited for beers after work, but that's just how it is I suppose. Just keep doing your best, what else can you do?

>> No.52349386
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This anon gets it.
>Skinhead for intimidation
>Clean shaven
>Button up, everything ironed
>Spaghetti vaccume sealed into pouches
>"Good thanks, how are you"
I've defeated the office jew

>> No.52349464

why is it that we think we aren't normal? It entirely could just be in your head and not in reality.

>> No.52349467

>that image
holy fuckin lol & please do keep writing

>> No.52349483

They can sense your desperation to fit in and it gives a tense vibe that no one wants to deal with. Try be more relaxed and people will feel more relaxed around you. Also check out the art of seduction. Autists should focus on mastering mystery. Ignore the roasties and they'll love you.

>> No.52349574

like 80-90% of communication is through body language. most people spend thousands of hours during their childhood and teenage years socializing and learning how to read and exert body language to communicate with one another. people who never went through that will always be perceived as different because other people can’t get a read on them. and when they can’t get a read on someone they will perceive the person as a weirdo.

before technology took off these people were doomed to a life of a recluse. but now there are youtube tutorial videos and body language coaches and probably a dozen other things to help people catch up and learn

>> No.52349587

Yeah, I call bullshit. Most offices don’t really give a shit about being social, especially with remote work. No one really socializes at work anymore. Nice LARP.

>> No.52349731
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Take a gram of phenibut once every 3 days, basically gives you the social confidence you get when you're drunk without actually appearing drunk or high. You essentially get the social aspect you would get from alcohol except you won't be acting like a drunk retard. Only downside is it can be mentally and physically addictive so don't take it every day.

>> No.52349733

Wrong. It does matter. I’ve seen the best people have their flames snuffed while roasties go mad micro managing and causing drama inadvertently. Who do you think gets promoted? You already know Anon.

>> No.52349740
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- Never take any blame for anything
- Always keep a mental list of fuck ups other people made in their work. If someone try to give you shit X in public then give them shit Y back. This will teach others to not fuck with you
- Form small clans with others, you need to have a small circle of 2-3 guys. Make people know your a group and you got each other backs.
- Try to connect with anyone, try to know anyone, pretend to have a large network also higher up in the organisation.
- Try to be likable, how was your weekend, how is X going etc.
- Pretend to have a work ethic thats unbeatable
- Pretend to regular exercise and have a large social circle outside of work
- Dress decent and get a good haircut

Above are very psychopatic, ask yourself if you want this life. Maybe the best solution is to find some autist jobs (IT, engineering, etc.).

>> No.52349789

Doesn’t happen at places I’ve worked. No one socialized anymore because everything is remote. No one gives a flying fuck. You must work in marketing or something.

>> No.52349864
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That’s a shit deal but honestly man it’s not worth it to forcibly change your personality to conform to a job, it make you infinitely more exhausted and unhappy.

My suggestion would be to find a more “autistic” field where your relationships in the office don’t matter as much as what you produce. Alternately you can get into the trades, plumbing and electrician isn’t very labour intensive, pays well, and you can either be quiet and work or yell racial slurs as you see fit.

You could try to fake happy with your coworkers by asking about their weekend, hobbies etc but like I said before that would just tire you out and make you want to rope

>> No.52349894

Anon that’s not how it works. At every workplace there is someone at the top and someone at the bottom and than in between. You are deluding yourself if you think otherwise. Roasties have been allowed to take over. All part of the coming events yet to unfold.

>> No.52349908
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>female manager
>things going well
that's where you're wrong bro

>> No.52349911

heh.. OP just needs a bit more time

>> No.52349949

Notify HR you are on the autism spectrum or about to come out as trans and were very nervous, and that thanks to their bullying you feel it's no longer a safe environment to come out in.

Problems. Solved.

>> No.52350028

>HR sends out email to take online sensitivity training
>At the end of training there is a survey that is "100% anonymous"
>It has questions about incidents of unconscious bias I might have had in the past
>Answer the survey honestly by saying how can I be aware of unconscious bias if it's unconscious.
>Get reorganized out of company 3 weeks later after 12 years of working there.
>Can't prove shit
>All the H-1B pajeets keep their jobs.
>I was the last white guy in that office.
>Not even kidding.

>> No.52350057

>start office job

that's most of your problem. it's a bunch of needless bureaucratic type shit in offices anyway. get a job that isn't to hard on your body but offers you some time everyday to get outside.

>> No.52350059

>>All the H-1B pajeets keep their jobs.
>>I was the last white guy in that office.
It had nothing to do with the survey. They were going to get rid of you anyways because pajeets are much cheaper.

>> No.52350181


Tell them you're autistic. They'll be too scared to fire you, they won't want to seem prejudiced againt autistic people.

>> No.52350321
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I am completely mentally insane.
when I go to work I am always clean shaven and immaculately groomed. I always say hello and smile. I don't go out of my way to be noticed nor do I try and hide.
My mind is completely filled with worms and bugs though.

>> No.52350391

>autist jobs
I have an autistic job and it doesn't matter. I'm expected to do the song and dance and been fired like OP for not doing it.
Everything you said can be negated with looking sharp and keeping quiet. People are very shallow.

>> No.52350487

>go to job interview
>fat HR am*rican starts telling me my "body language and attitude are to close not suitable for the industry"
>it was just a dead end part time job at IKEA

>> No.52350544

80% of these are negated with a WFH job. Get them while you can.

>> No.52350592

I got blackpilled on this recently. I spent the weekend with a friend group that I had from college. they were all pretty cool in college because no one had serious responsibilities and was more open to real connections. all they did all weekend was complain about how they hate their jobs and talk shit about people that weren't there, some of them are people I respect. normies are fucking subhuman

>> No.52350673

Yeah, I think its pretty psycho, although I like the small clan part.
Something that unironically worked for me was mixing lifting with Pilates and Kundalini yoga. I don't know how, but after 4 months it changed my projection. My body didn't even change but people looked at me differently. Now I believe that the chakra opening thing is real.

>> No.52350675

Anon I get it.

Office cnuts are the worse, expect you to be fake nice bull and most are so bleeding miserable. "What are you doing for the weekend" the same bullshet questions everyday and talking politics, I swear to god I will kms if I hear any more.

I used to be in a different factory job where people were nice and you would actually talk to them and I'm pretty introverted. It seems the higher iq you go the more anal it becomes

>> No.52350690

>Female manager

Well there's your problem.

>> No.52350713

One thing I never do at work or out of work is bad mouth any employees or bosses. Even if others start doing it. I always try to say something nice about the person or boss. This is very important.
I also created a normie facebook page with normie photos of my cats and other normie stuff. nothing weird. People do check that.
I also try to remember peoples faces and names. This is important too.
I learned out to be a human while in a mental institution. They actually teach you this stuff as you move up tiers to get out. They teach you how to be a human. If you can't master it you will never get out.

>> No.52350727

Funny how excluding women is so often the answer.

>> No.52350765

>It also only gets you booted if your job isn't unnecessary. Just have a marketable mission critical skill that is rare enough they can't fire you even if they want to.

Everyone is replaceable anon, its a real blackpill when you find out.

>> No.52350803

You are such a pathetic cuck it’s sickening. Your dick is softer than your soft skills you faggot. Fuck you and fuck your mother.

>> No.52350810

Your posture probably improved. Plays a huge part in how people treat eachother

>> No.52350825

Same and I always say thank you after I suck off Mr Shekelstein’s circumcised dick and he blows a fat wad in my mouth and/or anus.

>> No.52350842

Purple Red Seven Four Nine Pink Red ACTIVATE

>> No.52350867

I just tell them I have absolutely crippling social anxiety and that I'm undergoing therapy but it is hard. If possible, even shed some tears (I can do that on demand) and they leave me alone.

>> No.52350879

im the same OP, i don' t even hate normies that much, actually I can 't even bond with non-normies either... I just don' t know how to communicate with people. sometimes I feel like im in a separate dimension. Even on some MMOs i played for years I never made any friend. My steam account is 13 years old and I only have 5 friends i never talk to, two of them are some guys who randomly added me on a fighting game i dont even know why.
I work out, im tall and muscular, Im clean, im not a nigger, but even then as soon as they see me people instantly know im not one of them

>> No.52350942

If you have an autism diagosis literally just go to HR and threaten to pull some ADA shit on their asses.

It's why it exists.

>> No.52351204

You can only say that if you're an elite hitman or something, otherwise that's cringe. Copycatting the normie it's easier in the long run, nobody suspects of you, you suffer less anxiety and you don't have to give cringe explanations like that to anyone. Imagine being in a christian church, and being an atheist trying to be edgy saying something like "god does not exist lol, prove me an unicorn doesn't exist, you can't burden of proof" you can be true to your faggy atheist nature and be cringe or you can say "god bless you" to the old ladies and hold their hands in praying, and everybody remains happy.

>> No.52351312

This, placate anons. This whole thing was not designed for you. You have to play the game or you will get cut eventually. Literally just be polite do some work and go home. Do not get involved with roasties or too involved with clicks unless they are moving upwards in the company. Good luck. Waging sucks ass.

>> No.52351453

I have the job for you:


As long as you know what you're doing and you're smarter than every other retard, you can be a condescending cunt. You don't even need to talk to people all that much and when you do, it's pretty much just business. Then you fuck off and do your own thing

>> No.52351488

Especially important is having that couple of friends. We're social animals and it's better to be in a pack within the pack. Sometimes that work friend is just another autist or two who you have some mutual stuff you can nerd out on, gripe about things together, etc. People also see you not being alone and their brains don't autofilter you as "weird outsider".

>> No.52351519
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>be me wage cuck at a factory
>barely do my job
>can’t get fired because my wage is laughable and I’m one of the 7% or so of employees who can speak English without also being a heroine addict

>> No.52351604

great stuff
til you OD on it and spend entire day vomiting

>> No.52351651

this is so fucking relatable it's tragic

>> No.52351690

I fucking hate normalfaggots

>> No.52351705
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imagine thinking if you dont belong to the tribe and play along with the social games that they wont kick your ass out faster than you can say dubs

>> No.52351708

The easiest way to not get fired is to not do anything at all, then you are always the "guy who will get fired" but it never happens and they fire the guy "who nobody thought it would get fired"

Trust me, doing literally 0 work will never get you fired, bosses will actually respect you as a guy who doesn't do shit

>> No.52351741

Be always the guy who take the tasks that need weeks or months to complete instead of the guy who sends emails every day, then you will be fired proof because literally nobody will remember what you are doing so they naturally will think you are essential to the team
Unironically those who do more tasks at work get fucked because they find more mistakes and more autism in them, while slackers get no shit thrown at them because they have no situations in which they can fuck up

>> No.52351776

I'm awkward as fuck and nothing like that has ever happened to me

>> No.52351804

nobody who even knows about /biz/ can be called normal. normies I know didn't even know interest and mortgage rates had gone up. they definitely don't know about biz/4chan

death to normies OP

>> No.52351838

The thing is OP, and don't take this the wrong way - I'm exactly like you and I had to learn this the hard way, it's that normies, and also a lot of even people on 4chan I would say, accumulate tons and tons of conversation experience, story experience and relationships experience throughout their lives. It's every day with them, it's always going through their mind. Whether they're talking to someone or not this social stuff is buzzing through their minds.

So people like you and I have tried hard to fit in at first, right? So we're like the people pleasers. If it's noticed you're quiet at the start people put it down to all sorts of reasons, and you can come up with good ideas how to fit in for a while. And this creates a mystery of anything, of like how deep you must be. What kind of things are you hiding, what secret adventures and stories. It could be put down to nervousness, anxiety, or a lot going on in your life.

But the thing is, that over time, you get found out. Not like that you're dumb, but just you have no idea how to entertain them in an ongoing way. Like, they start quizzing you more and giving you more and more opportunities to open up, and you come up with well blah and it's like, that's not going to cut it for being interesting to them. Frankly, normies give me and you chance after chance - usually, you do have the odd asshole of course.

So, I don't know what to say to you, I don't know how to improve it myself. Being on 4chan is probably not at all the way.

It sucks but it's true. It's part brainlet in a way since a gigabrain would be more resourceful and find a way to engage them all. But more social-let. It's sort of like learning all of the chess openings, but then when you get into the actual game sucking horribly. Frankly I think we're doomed, but might as well keep trying to crack it.

>> No.52351915

You aren’t specialized enough in your role.
>be me
>In similar situation as OP
>fem boss makes a comment that I’d really get along with the network architect
>meet network guy, holy shit he’s fun
>hear managers talking about how he’s an autismo and difficult to deal with a few months later
>don’t care, me an autism bro are Bonny and Clyding this shit off a Cliff
>get fucking godtier in secops as a result
>autismbro finally has someone he can go full sperg on
>spend hours learning how packets and headers work at fundamental binary levels
>azure architect is struggling
>fem boss says I am doing a great job keeping network guy in line, he’s not even sperging out in meetings anymore
>having some trouble filling a position because azure autist is being an autist
>do meet and greet
>he’s just like network architect
>holy shit this is going to be awesome
>get along with bro
>learn shitloads of backend tricks
>he’s struggling in Dataverse and Powerapps
>learn Sharepoint and that shit to help him
>meet azurebros at a company summit
>he brings along his family and his sister
>sister is a butterface and also a talented electronics engineer
>also autismo
>I have learned the ways of the sperg and seduce her by telling her I like her and letting her spaghetti out
>we are now the four horsemen of the autismopocalypse
>all four of us quit, form our own company
>major key man dependency loss, company offers to outsource our jobs to us for 550/hr. Still cheaper than rehiring.
>mfw one year later we are clearing $3m a year with 10 employees, 1 HR and regs person, 3 Helpdesk , 4 autismos, 1 sales, and one document control person (we hate doing notes and KBs).
Anon I’m going to give you the best advice of your life. Harness your sperg, grow with it and you too can shoot hot ropes into an ugly wife who loves you to bits while your two buds argue on the phone with some wagie on how he’s wrong because he used the wrong term

>> No.52352278

>>spend hours learning how packets and headers work at fundamental binary levels
This is where you lost me.

>> No.52352307

You do you guys keep trying to work at jobs that require you to talk to people, when the majority of you apparently can’t handle that sort of thing?
work night shift, work remote
try something different instead of going through the same song and dance
I knew I would hate working in an office, so I didn’t and chose jobs based on which would give me the most alone time
never been fired from a single one, all my bosses love me

>> No.52352326

incredibly based, glad it worked out for you anon.

hyperfocus on what you like.

>> No.52352374


This is something people learned between the ages of 13-18 working on private servers.

>> No.52352380

>id: NET
Your post makes me want to blow my brains off anon, congrats to you

>> No.52352390

OP the truth is that normies would rather work with an affable person whose average than a smart autist. If you want to be yourself you need to be in an industry that accepted autistic people.

>> No.52352395

if this is real you are legendary

>> No.52352496

This is what happens when you refuse to play office politics.

>> No.52352950
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>> No.52353319
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I am sorry fren, but the wagelaves have become so immature and oversocialized that not soifacing when you see them is an insult. The best I can do is try to view any job as a performance art. Sadly you will have to do your homework and find a team of niggers (sportsball) to follow and a preference in modern plebian breeding whine (music)

>> No.52353376

I don't even want to say this is larp, I'm just going to believe this actually happen and feel ok thinking a bunch of spergfags together are an unstoppable force. I believe your story and grant you the title of Aspergus Maximus

>> No.52353559

Just start talking to people. It's a skill just like any other.
>b-but I don't like small talk
Start with it and then switch the topic to something you are interested in. If the person isn't interested then move on to the next topic. If it comes off as awkward forgive yourself and move on. They'll forget about it too. It's not that hard.

>> No.52354030
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Collect neetbux and make the normiecattle pay for it through taxes

>> No.52354144

You are advising a bad strategy. This is the superior one: do workout every morning before work, don't take shower, smear yourself with fish oil, THEN go to work. It is a pure chemical signal of dominance.

>> No.52354250
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jesus christ
>i wish i was special

>> No.52354284
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>> No.52354304

learn 2 code faggot
as an autistic SWE I literally don't have to talk to any faggot besides my equally autistic team and I'm earning 5 digits a month

you're doing useless middle-man email sending that an AI can do, you don't get to be picky

>> No.52354649
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>> No.52355861

thank god at least i can work from home

>> No.52355890

sounds like too much work for me
>Maybe the best solution is to find some autist jobs (IT, engineering, etc.).
this is what i did and it's been working fine for me so far
at least people expect us to be autistic

>> No.52355938

absolutely based ungeheurer Ungeziefer

>> No.52356037

This has happened to me at every single job I've had
And I'm not a bad looking guy either. Workout, six pack, etc.
I figured the only way to get out of it, was to get out of the shitfuck wage cage race with all of these retard ass normies. That's what you have to do anon.
They are legitimate 90iq morons and they will never accept you.

>> No.52356079


>> No.52356480

Become a farmer and tell the cunts to get fucked anon

>> No.52356496

How does all that freedom taste?

>> No.52356863

You need find a male boss Woman are fucking retarded idiots.

>> No.52357365

Say good morning to people and smile.
Sorry if you're anti-social anon, but it's not a big deal if you're just nice and helpful. If you see someone carrying something, offer to help. Hold the door open to people, try to smile and look people in the eye when walking past them in the hallway.
It's the little things that matter a lot.
Sorry the corporate structure sucks, you're probably good at your job and a nice enough guy. Just try to be a little more social and nice. Even if it starts out awkward its okay, it'll get better as people get used to your personality

>> No.52358043

Office females can smell the beta reek from you. Go to the gym buff up swagger about while winking at your manager. wont be long until you have her like putty or you will be sacked for sexual harassment but that is a win anyways.