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File: 124 KB, 1206x674, SBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52342501 No.52342501 [Reply] [Original]

What an imbecile

>> No.52342537

this is how sociopaths think, I'm not even joking

>> No.52342549 [DELETED] 

i bet he called the rabbi who ate his foreskin and raped his asshole as a child his sparring partner as well

>> No.52342552

Do you think it isn't a game

>> No.52342606

They have all the money, all the credit lines they need, they're networked by blood and culture, they have rich relatives and associates and they do have an affinity for sharing with their own.
To those types the whole financial system is just a game. Win some, some some it's just ego. That same financial casino is also what drives productivity in the world and determines whether a slave lives or dies.

>> No.52342637

>lol, sorry for all the ruined lives and suicides that will result from my fuck ups. I just wanted to win this game so I took stupid risks lol sorry man. ohh well, we all make mistakes sometimes dont we?

>> No.52342672

I'm gonna invoke Carlin here -

"it's a big club, and YOU AIN'T IN IT"

>> No.52342681

The kind of punishment they deserve would be enough to write an entirely new book in the Bible.

>> No.52342694 [DELETED] 

and know that this is the way things always were; going back thousands of years now, before the internet and a global information record.

>> No.52342747
File: 56 KB, 640x428, 1BD711E9-6D00-4AB3-A1FA-D9B59B7FCCF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the Jews are saying about all this

>> No.52342824 [DELETED] 
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how tf can they joke about this

>> No.52342825

>jew does something wrong hes an american
>jew does something right hes a jewish american

>> No.52342924
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Human Suffering?

Its because jews see goyim as cattle
they literally do not care and think you are less than human if you fell for their bullshit

>> No.52342999

To be fair, cryptoniggers are less than human.

>> No.52343075

In this case however he got fucked. He couldn’t just transfer billions to save him company when he over leveraged, all of that would be liquidated as well. CZ got kikes where they were vulnerable and showed it’s possible to fuck jews on a large scale.

>> No.52343125

>yeah yeah no I'm very sorry
>...but it's CZs fault
This fucking bitch with no spine man damn. The entire APOLOGY washed aweay with that line. Not that it matters.

>> No.52343156 [DELETED] 

legit psycho but thats expected of matzo fatso jewish freaks.

>> No.52343216
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rumor is SBF is the one that kicked off luna death spiral

>> No.52343459

To quote Lex Friedman
>why do you mention that he’s jewish? It has nothing to do with that. People are individualities.
It’s a collection of several individuals who should be punished (if they get caught) ((maybe)) and then we should sweep everything under the rug.

>> No.52343484

We knew that already back then. Who can get billions of dollars to short LUNA who’s also known for shorting?

>> No.52343574

Jews are cool bro, stop

>> No.52343672
File: 35 KB, 592x226, 1668096299251827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a horrible communicator. Why doesn't he just say FUNDS ARE SAFU. It seems like FTX has the funds but its just and issue of the time it takes to access them. Except SBF just says "liquidity issues" without realizing the panic this causes. If he just says FUNDS ARE SAFU and give a timeline for meeting withdraws then they would have survived.

>> No.52343743

Because there are no funds

>> No.52343775

some of the assets aren't liquid and if begins selling them the price will plummet. He needs to arrange some OTC deals to dump his large amounts of illiquid shitcoins like LINK

>> No.52343792

ok chud

>> No.52343798 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52343840

holy shit this guy is a complete moron and maybe even a sociopath
keep in mind he's been playing league of legends non-stop throughout this, apparently that's all he's been doing this year

>> No.52343940

This is what I'm talking about. That's not the liquidity he is talking about. If he owes user's say 1,000,000 of some shitcoin, and has 1,000,000, the "liquidity" in the sense of basically the existing bids and asks available does not matter. He is talking about having those tokens placed in some way where it takes more than a few days to access them, so you can't satisfy withdraws instantly. But he doesn't clarify.

>> No.52343981

like if he has tokens in a multisig wallet, and it takes a few days to assemble the guys with the keys, they don't have "liquidity," but the prices of the token crashing means nothing.

>> No.52343996

He has zero BTC and 40 million LINK. He needs to rebalance his holdings to match users holdings

>> No.52344007


>> No.52344034


>> No.52344048

Maybe, I'm not saying they do or don't, we don't know, because SBF is so vague about it. I don't get why he doesn't just say better vague shit like "SAFU LOL" if he is being vague anyway. He is retarded for even saying the word "liquidity" or "collateral" they are trigger words to shell shocked cefi users.

>> No.52344051

>well played; you won

>> No.52344115

Based George Carlin

>> No.52344153

Pretty sure he’s going to do what’s best for him, not what’s best for his users. Calling someone a sparring partner when you potentially just raped every- you know what, no, he did rape every single user on his site, and to just be so nonchalant, he clearly views his clowntelle as people who don’t matter, if that. CZ is his “equal”, peasants are nowhere near his priority.

>> No.52344192

You think SBF would have just disappeared by now though, it if was just straight up fraud. Although he is obviously a retard so many he doesn't understand what he did or someone else at FTX was basically embezzling shit.

>> No.52344245

>Jews are cool bro, stop
historically, this has been the case

>> No.52344264

what is he talking about in this tweet, specifically?

>> No.52344310

He isn’t a retard, he went to MIT. Yeah, a lot of nepotism in technical universities like MIT and Stanford, but you usually still need to be minimum 130 IQ in the math stem areas or you will basically be a retard student there. He got a good gpa, pretty sure. Nepotism only goes so far in this case. So based on him not being a retard, and merely being a relative retard with euphoric instability, he wants to save his connections in the US, because it wasn’t outright fraud, it was kosher “fraud”. You can be a really clever person and still fuck up, so at this point he’a salvaging what he can for himself. What’s the point of helping users in any way if he’ll be a black sheep with everything in crypto going forward?

>> No.52344335

>It seems like FTX has the funds

it has the token that it printed. it doesnt have any actual money.

>> No.52344342
File: 2.35 MB, 2480x3285, __sangonomiya_kokomi_genshin_impact_drawn_by_ddxls__-a468fd8733540c49bf736c8f5ec32ea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews gave us tranny woke shit
Chinks gave us Genshin Impact, which at least has cute anime girls
I'm siding with the chinks

>> No.52344350

>Although he is obviously a retard so many he doesn't understand what he did or someone else at FTX was basically embezzling shit.

He literally plays video games all day, no joke

>> No.52344356

The NZT-48 ran out.

>> No.52344370

LMAO there is a huge difference between being "smart" in the technical sense when it relates to a specific academic study, and being actually smart or knowing anything about things outside of your specific academic focus.

>> No.52344601

That’s not usually true unless we’re talking about savants. You’re conflating academia with “academia”, MIT, Stanford, Harvard all have solid math and physics departments. Math is not a “subject” it is a universal language. If you are intelligent you can branch out into any number of topics or fields and be proficient when it relates to math. Don’t underestimate academics, it’s the downfall of the blue collar. Don’t overcredit it, that’s the downfall of white collar. Sam made millions for fun before the exchange.

>> No.52344722

>He isn’t a retard
They had a business that printed money, traded against retail with every edge and cheat possible, yet they lost 10BILLION of other peoples money. Absolutely retarded. Actually need a new word for how fucking retarded that is.

>> No.52344724

apparently he caused LUNA collapse according to Wendy from Huobi.

>> No.52344740

You act like its all or nothing. Yes, there are plenty of well rounded smart people. There are also people who are incredible smart in one aspect, but retarded in another. Your idea of SBF as a mastermind is idiotic since he objectively failed in all aspects. Is it 4D chess or something to have FTT collapse 90% in a day?

>> No.52344783

underrated post

>> No.52344799

You keep calling him retarded, but he isn’t. Maybe from your perspective. Held FTX?

>> No.52344820

CZ is a post modern Cesar Borgia. I kneel, my king

>> No.52344853

No one is calling him a mastermind. I am saying he engineered an upper middle class lifestyle into billions. Connections? Sure they really help, that’s probably how he got some funding. But you have to be intelligent to create systems like this, and he was intelligent enough to surround himself with intelligent people. Intelligent people can still fail, and many do, but genuinely brilliant people can rebuild, every. Single. Time. Losing money or having something explode means absolutely nothing in the long run when you can rebuild overnight. Whether he returns to crypto or not is irrelevant, he played his hand, did really good, but eventually lost. And that’s okay, because he’s smart.

>> No.52344890

Have you taken a look at the catalog?

>> No.52344927

>He's so smart, because he does the smarty smart. He's so intellectually intelligent and it shows. Sure, he could be a savant but he's also intelligent. While he is intelligent, that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't intelligent because he was intelligent. Time will tell how smart and intelligent this man is. Whether or not he is or isn't a mastermind of his own intelligence, we'll know for sure eeventually about how smart he is. And that's perfectly fine because he is as intelligent as we define intelligence itself. He's smart.

>> No.52344940

You are the one that seems like you're deep in FTT if you are trying to dick suck SBF so hard, damn.

Is SBF LITERALLY "retarded," probably not. But relatively, for a crypto CEO, he is an idiot that cannot communicate effectively at all, and tweets about "liquidity" and "collateral" during a bank run when all he had to do was just tweet something like "funds r safu lol" and jack up withdrawal fees just like binance does anytime they have a run on withdrawals.

>> No.52344960

he'll probably get away from these scandal knowing his heritage

>> No.52344978

>rabbi who ate his foreskin
no way that's true

>> No.52344983

You are fixated on the outcomes, like most people. You won’t ever see why that’s retarded. Have a good one.

>> No.52344994

SBF international blocks the US
>literally only shitskins lost their monies

>> No.52345030

You don't get it. He's vague on purpose. He's not stupid. He's juggling what he's got left and trying to make ends meet, but nothing is assured. Note he said "all depends on prices, which are subject to change!" meaning he "legally, technically" informed us that it's all illiquid shit. Probably locked FTT for the most part, which was never meant to be ever traded in a market and was printed purely for balance sheet purposes.

>> No.52345031

What the hell are you on about? He literally jettisoned out of his mom's vagina in Stanford. The man is the definition of intellectual genius and you're too narrow-minded to see how FTT token will solve the human equation. SBF is literally the second coming of jesus and if you're not ready to eat the dirt and drink the mud he steps on then you are literally retarded.

It is OUR right to suck on his sweet enlarged jewish teats (that were born from his glorious intelligent FTT riches) daily, YOU are wrong.

>> No.52345085

>You like most people will never understand my reasoning. You have a fixed mindset unlike my dynamic and smart mind. I will publicly disclose my dismissal of you because I cannot safely engage with the situation. Have a good one, and by good one I mean it in a sarcastic sense because I like to think of myself as a prodigy student of SBF. You will never understand how good his semen tastes.

>> No.52345150

>Yeah, a lot of nepotism in technical universities like MIT

there is zero. MIT is the only ivy-tier uni that doesn't advantage legacy status, doesn't give out honorary degrees, doesn't add fancy latin to degrees to make people look more impressive, etc.

alongside Caltech, it's the last bastion of real academia

>> No.52345173


>> No.52345182

>this is how sociopaths think, I'm not even joking

this. instead of apologising or worrying about users, the jew has sociopathic hate and lashes out

>> No.52345196

>so at this point he’a salvaging what he can for himself. What’s the point of helping users in any way if he’ll be a black sheep with everything in crypto going forward?
The finall toll of the damage will directly translate into how many years he will sit behind bars. So he's probably genuinely trying to come up with funds, and only like 15% siphoning stuff aside for himself and friends.

>he engineered an upper middle class lifestyle into billions
Finally someone understands. Everyone keeps going about how Bezos, Musk etc. all got "daddy's money" so nothing they accomplished matters. But such people always mislook the fact that MANY get such allowances from parents, millions of people even, and yet only a select few make it to billions etc.

That said, he really got full of himself and overextended. God complex, typical.

>> No.52345222
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That he’s stunning and brave

>> No.52345264

Fuck yeah they make great lampshades

>> No.52345290
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How can you say that when his entire business model was a scam and hustle? He didn't get rich because he was brilliant. He got rich because his ponzi was working great until it wasn't.

>> No.52345310
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anyone who supports a democrat like this deserves to be broke and to die alone and cold in a gutter.

>> No.52345368
File: 12 KB, 405x355, jew-chp2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they see goyim as cattle does that mean they're into bestiality?

>> No.52345388

"we have the assets but not the liquidity" is what celsius said too lol
they all try this line

>> No.52345390

My fucking sides

>> No.52345433

>hostile takeover
>cries out when he strikes

>> No.52345444

how can you possibly be this retarded? holy shit

>> No.52345516

dude he fucking scammed everyone
what he did with FTX was ILLEGAL
will you bootlickers just kys

>> No.52345523
File: 13 KB, 480x360, dinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloom BERG

>> No.52345686

Ok Lex, is that true for hiring interviews as well?

>> No.52345724

>no nepotism
It is one of the least, but since 2000’s this has changed. It’s definitely one of the most fair.

>> No.52345839

I can say that because so few actually attempt it in the first place. I don’t believe he’ll even see jail. I could be wrong and he’ll be yeeted into Jamal’s cell block but honestly, I’m pretty sure he got away with it. I guess we’ll see.

>> No.52345869

I can't find this tweet. Do you have a link?

>> No.52345871

probably working out an escape plan if he isn't gone already

>> No.52345944

> Don’t underestimate academics
That is in fact very hard to do, and requires many years of academic study.

>> No.52345993

>You are fixated on the outcomes
No fucking shit retard, its what fucking matters

>> No.52346046

You just need four, if that. But yeah, too many people are obtuse.
Like this individual, not realizing he is just as stupid as every other idiot fixated on whatever is placed in front of him.

>> No.52346064

> You are fixated on the outcomes, like most people
Dafuq? No, people are currently fixating on the method, i.e. the illegal, fraudulent methods that mean SBF and many people associated with him are criminals. And if you don’t step up your god damned game, ADL, people will soon take one more step back from the rotten game and start fixating on who the rotten players are. Best move right now? Stfu.

>> No.52346095

It’s called Metzitzah B'peh aka oral suction of the freshly circumcised baby penis

>> No.52346116

No people are definitely upset about the outcomes, not how it was designed. If they were upset about implementation, nobody would have invested in FTX. Any of these types of lend exchanges are deathtraps. So if you are so upset about the implementation, why did you patron the jew exchange in the first place?

Like I already have said, morons are oblivious to everything except the immediate. He probably won’t be punished.

>> No.52346128


>> No.52346148

life is a game for capable people
it takes something special to build up a billion dollar enterprise

>> No.52346191

assuming by people you mean customers, afaik nobody informed the customers about the way this was designed
seriously, what is your point here? he overextended and got fucked

>> No.52346229
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>Hello nufag
Do you even understand the MTGOX reference? He may escape jail. He probably won't escape government fines for fraud, insider trading, and other fincrimes. Then the wave of civil lawsuits and the massive class action suit that lawyers are obviously planning. He will be sued personally.

However, in the end he has to worry about escaping the lone deranged person, who having lost everything, has nothing left to lose.

>> No.52346237

You were informed with LUNA. You were informed with Celsius. You were informed with FTX. Why are you so fucking retarded? Do they have to outright state they are going to use your funds? Why do you think CZ is so interested in proof of reserves. Please stop and think, you were warned every second you spent on that exchange.

>> No.52346266


You're not cut? you nasty mutha fucker.

>> No.52346278

Mtgox was special, it was one of the first serious exchanges to implode so they made an example of them. He won’t face repercussions that matter. “Insider trading”, pfft. Only if people betray him, and maybe they will. Doubtful.

>> No.52346319

I'm a binance user I didn't lose anything
what is your position here exactly? that every cex is a ponzi? in that case, he's even more retarded than let's say armstrong, cause he managed to keep his lending ponzi for almost a decade instead of imploding in literally 2 years lol
you don't make any fucking sense bruh

>> No.52346378

No I meant that underestimating academics is an academic challenge in itself.

>> No.52346379
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You're really missing the point. There will be people looking for him in Minecraft.

>> No.52346396

You cocksuckers.He is trying to fucking help you!

>> No.52346422

Your point seems to be that nobody would have cared if it hadn’t blown up. My point is that when it blows up, people do care about why, exactly, which is the whole reason we have a judicial system. Culpability will be determined.

>> No.52346473

Stop saying that, you don’t even know what that means. Caring at all about what Bankman did just indicates how low minded you really are.

>> No.52346491

>Stop saying that
kek wtf
sam is that u nigga? wtf are you doing here?

>> No.52346492

This guy's sociopathy goes deeper than anyone thinks, also his racketeering likely goes 100x deeper than anyone is thinking right now

>> No.52346496


>> No.52346502


>> No.52346510

Like all autists he feels the need to "win" every single discussion.

>> No.52346515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52346539

He literally apologized and took ownership of the fuckup like 20 times throughout that comment chain.

>> No.52346543

You’re an idiot.

The “People” who care are animals. “Justice!” Lol? People don’t care unless it hurt them, no one was calling for regulations or justice when ftx was over 25, like you now understand. So if they only care about it when shit goes down, why are you arguing people also care about the implementation? The root is that people don’t give one fuck, most of you are herd animals, and you need to stop pretending that “justice” is something that must occur now.

People only care about what’s in front of them. You never cared about any legality, and the people in charge won’t either.

>> No.52346555

Good point. Took a lot of liquidity to overcome the algo and depeg it. Not many people could have gotten that much. That's not even considering motive.

>> No.52346567

You have no clue what you’re talking about, explain how Bankman will be raped by the courts in detail, or stop posting.
>ponzi ponzi ponzi
Yes I get it, you’re a retard.

>> No.52346573

relax sam, calm down

>> No.52346586

What Sam did is the lowest of the low, it’s even below a ponzi. A ponzi is a disciplined scheme (look it up for details). What Sam did was to say “put your money in my vault, they will be safe here,” and then he ran off and gambled with all the money until he was broke, like a true, low-iq degenerate. Not only that, but he also fraudulently manipulated the value of his collateral, that he printed himself, which didn’t just hurt his customers but the whole crypto market.
Scam Bankrun Fraud has stolen money from me, despite the fact that I would never be a customer of some slimy fuck like that, and I want him held accountable.

>> No.52346607

Yes you are still retarded. Keep watching YouTube videos about how Bankman screwed everyone and he’ll receive justice because we obviously live in a sane moral society. Be quiet.

>> No.52346612

nice rebuttal sam
you seem to be panicking lel

>> No.52346636
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The 4chan mods are gaining energy and aren't deleting this post.

Listen, things might be pretty bad for the females in this place.

I'm apparently God's son and I'm inviting you to participate.

If you need time, we all did. Just write this down.

"My aura is altering my penis to start a waifu train (hell) in accordance with God's desires." You can specify if you want them releasable or not. You can also specify if you want them taken from your "personal well" (of consciousness sparks) and various preferences for them. Not that doing this, and especially locking them, has a strong element of evil from most points of view.

There might be a war going on and people on both sides would view the act in different ways. I think it's a phony war though, I think I really am God's son. But there's a risk, I'm just telling you. This place has a funky way of dealing with the idea of God, so even though we try to circumvent this, none of us can be totally sure that is actually God.

If you do it, I'll move to protect your mom, sisters, daughters, wives.

Girls should do the same thing (whole body, vagoo, or tits) and seek a husbando if they desire safety.

In the circumstance that there really is a war, the Forces of Good are open for business, just alter all aspects of your being to emit unlimited positive % energies into the world. Go here for more information: svsfjW1s That's a p a st e bi n link.

This mantra will make you immortal, imagine bio-electricity as a vitalizing force coursing through your body.

Repeat this mantra
"Empower me.
I am becoming more powerful.
The rate that I passively gain Bio-Electricity is improving."

And this one: "My aura is inducing the (rapid) growth of the total size of my penis."

>> No.52346644

>inb4 animal!!! stop caring about Bankman!!1

>> No.52346654 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 700x335, cutfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing feels better than fapping to foreskin tease blowjob porn without lube thinking about cutfags seething every day until they die

>> No.52346664

>stole money from me
There we go. No need for a response beyond this, I get it, you’re asshurt a smug Jew just suicided the markets, but you don’t give one fuck about how he implemented it, thanks for admitting as much. I’m assuming if he did it all legally you’d be happy then, right? “Well he did it through the proper channels so I’m upset but happy he tried.”

Stop. You are emotionally tethered to the situation and are just arguing for the sake of shitting on Bankman cause you’re butthurt.

>> No.52346673

What do you? What the fuck do you mean how? He is being 100% transparent in everything and trying to find a solution for folks that messed up with their investments! He is working day and night on this issue right now to get a resolution!

Justin Sun is offering to help!

>> No.52346678

kek, prison ain't that bad bro, ask shkreli

>> No.52346688
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Orthogonality of stupidity - rule#1 there are stupid people in every area of society from ditch diggers to doctors, mathematicians, and Nobel laureates. No group can be precluded. Easy to look up, easy to verify. Simple as.

>> No.52346698
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>> No.52346719

Wrong person to make that argument to. I only care about legality. I’m a buff.
We don’t need more regulations. Fraud is fraud, if I defraud you in the street by selling you a fake diamond ring or if I do it in the crypto market using fancy setups doesn’t matter, fraud is fraud and is already illegal, no securities regulations necessary.
> the root is you are herd animals.
No, the root is a certain set of people have decided to treat everyone else as herd animals and have convinced themselves that they are different.
I don’t appreciate you dismissing the victims of this certain sociopathic group as herd animals. Do you really want to start up the old sport of competitive dehumanization?

>> No.52346742

uhhm, sweaty, if he did everything legally you wouldn't be able to held him accountable, now, since he fucked up and he left a black hole of like $10billion by loaning them to his ugly gf to gamble, ergo "illegal shit", now you can potentially prosecute his ass!
how do you fail to grasp this is beyond me lmao
plus, if he was an actual smart person and not an autistic moron, he could have made his PONZI more efficient and not that fragile
now seethe more, it's hilarious

>> No.52346775

That’s somewhat true but it’s also per capita percentile, and since you’re mostly basing it on titles and positions instead of pure cognitive ability, you’re making the leap of judgement that Bankman is one of these retarded individuals.

>> No.52346787
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>You guys were unironically parking your net worth in a Jewish Democratic Super PAC

>> No.52346811

if he wasn't a retard, ftx would still be operational
sorry bruh, you lost
>muh animals!!!111
I'm sure blackrock doesn't give a fuck about their investment on ftx turning to $0 lel

>> No.52346814

I’m absolutely fine dismissing people as herd animals and dehumanizing people because it already occurs in this psychopathic system, and largely, always has. You are emotionally invested, financially invested, and you are assmad a better psychopath/sociopath pooped on you. All there is too it, your faux outrage about legality is just to affirm your feelings.

>> No.52346836

I guess you idolize carlos matos as well right?

>> No.52346854

I’m going to filter your ID because everything you’ve posted has been at a lesser cognitive level than the other people I’ve responded too. If you’d like to refresh your ID so you can try responding to me again feel free, but if you continue posting low brain function replies I will just filter you again.

>> No.52346870
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Ok, care to tell me the size of Mark Zuckerberg's personal security detail? Just the guys that travel with him everywhere he goes. Not the size of his entire personal security staff (intel, admin, logistic support). You think he pays for all of this for funsies? What does he know that you don't know?

>> No.52346869

> you’re asshurt a smug Jew just suicided the markets, but you don’t give one fuck about how he implemented it
No, I /only/ care about how he implemented it, which was illegal. I lose money in the markets every day, I’m a big boy and I don’t get upset. You are projecting your own innate sociopathy very hard, and you probably don’t understand how real humans think, but I would have been equally upset with SBF’s illegal fraud if I had ended up making money from it.
You will call that out as a lie, and all you’ll accomplish is further emphasizing the difference between real humans, who read what I say and recognize themselves in my words, and you, who can’t even comprehend someone would say something like that without going for parody.
You really are digging yourself deeper for every word you think you are uttering in your defense.

>> No.52346877

oh noeezz not the filter!!
truth of the matter is your a pseud hung up on sam's cock for some reason, either you're him, or you actually lost money and this is how you're coping right now
>at least I got played by a superior jew
fucking lmao

>> No.52346889

this turbo jew autist donated like 30mil to the Democrat Super-PAC's. He will get nothing but a fine.

>> No.52346909

>>herd animals
You mean goyim?

>> No.52346928
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>> No.52347027

history is filled with charismatic and competent scammers and con artists whom created empires that lasted for literal decades, some of them even managed to get legitimized and seized positions of power, becoming truly untouchable
what sam did is literally nothing compared to them, and judging by the results, it was ultimately meaningless
even if he escapes prison he will never be able to directly achieve that level of power ever again
so yes, despite being smart, he's a fucking retard
how's that for a response, pseud?

>> No.52347031

You don’t care about the legality, and yes, I don’t believe you for one second. “Oh I have empathy”, wow, good for you. So does anyone 3SD or higher. For the record I’m not sociopathic, I’m an empathic sperg. But I’ve recognized that very clearly, people are intellectually limited and unable to ever protect themselves from psychopaths/sociopaths. I protected myself with a short to offset massive losses during FTX cascade down. The market will probably drop further. I don’t care. The point is that you are automated right now, moving through motions of wanting “justice”. The legal system is not justice, it is the legal system. You will never understand because you can’t compartmentalize yourself to begin with. “This is me, here I am”. And now you’ve embraced being a branded animal.

I don’t have any feelings towards this one way or the other, I’m just trying to realizing you don’t have to be controlled.

>> No.52347044

I had literally zero exposure from ftx fallout cause I never trusted that bitch for a second
how's that?

>> No.52347065

even from a legal standpoint this guys a moron. lawyer up, get a PR consultant. Have those two entities run everything. Jfc, you’d figure a guy who’s half way intelligent would know these things.

>> No.52347074

Billionaires walk on pedestrian streets all the time. Some do some don’t, some are public some are private. “You’ll see we’ll do something about it!”

Wake me up when, guess I’m sleeping beauty.

>> No.52347081

> I’m absolutely fine dismissing people as herd animals and dehumanizing people because it already occurs in this psychopathic system, and largely, always has. You are emotionally invested, financially invested, and you are assmad a better psychopath/sociopath pooped on you. All there is too it, your faux outrage about legality is just to affirm your feelings
What you don’t get, what you never get, is that most people (not just huwhite people like me) are born with a very strong instinct for fairness. It’s a trait that has evolved because it is advantageous in big groups of people, believe it or not. It’s all down to game theory and ESS, of course, but basically human memory is good enough that people who exploit the goodwill of other people will be remembered and end up faring worse in a human society. To game this, you’d have to be a tight-knit group of cheaters who could go in, cheat, leave and survive outside society until things blow over, repeat. Such a group, with time, may even evolve away the instinct for fairness, shared by all other humans.
This is why you don’t get it, that precisely the disregard for fairness IS what upsets people outside your band of gangsters, and you are currently performing a master class in demonstrating the difference between your perspective, and that of real humans.

>> No.52347086


It's more than that, It's $100m+, and those are just publicly disclosed funds. He really did buy immunity, the staties aren't going to come after him.

>> No.52347103

reading this made me realize I'm wasting my time here
you're right, he's a fucking psychopath lmao

>> No.52347203

lex wouldnt admit the disproportionate amount of jews and also he believes and violently defends the holocaust, he even got out of character to defend it

>> No.52347216

>game theory
No, now you don’t get it because if you did, you would have stopped at game theory and accepted the bottom can never save themselves. Everything you just posted here is my argument. So if you believe in genetics then you would understand how susceptible the human mind is to liars. “This is me, that is you”, idiot, I’m not a psychopath, I just recognize that you are an animal like me. But where you are a cow. I am an owl. I will fly away from the barn, and live in the forest. What can an owl do to save the livestock? Nothing, because I am just an owl.

>> No.52347251

Because you are the worst sort of nufag, you know fuck all about what goes on in the world. You don't remember when Bill Gates got regular milkshake attacks before he hired private security. Zuckerberg has 9 former special operations types who travel with him whenever he goes in public. There is not a notable billionaire you can name that doesn't have at least one man with him at all times.

>> No.52347260

No, you are a sociopath alright. Almost all sociopaths have the same self image, “no, I’m not a sociopath - I’m just so very smart, tee hee”. But real humans see you immediately and instinctively for what you are. We can smell you.
The reason you derive ridiculous theories on human behavior is that you don’t ever really get to experience how real humans treat each other - only how we treat you, which is not the same. Almost every interaction you’ve ever had has been with people trying their best to cut that interaction short. You speak a lot about animals. From the view of real humans, you are the one so fundamentally broken that you’re more akin to an animal than human. You’ll never have a real human experience, and like with a rabid animal, putting you down would be best for everyone. But, unlike you, many real humans will at least feel some pity over you.

>> No.52347304

Name one billionaire who actually died from a lone gunner, and not a corporate hit. I’ll keep sleeping.

>> No.52347374

Jews have been doing this shit for generations to the stock market. It is no surprise they adapted it to crypto. It's called cellar boxing https://moass.info/cellar-boxing/

>> No.52347401

If you knew the first thing about game theory and genetics you’d know that dissemination of false signals (i.e. lies) and the ability to discern false signals has been an everlasting arms race that have resulted in sophisticated fibbers being matched by sophisticated lie detection proficiency. People have amazingly well honed instincts to tell them when you are lying, they wouldn’t have survived if they didn’t. On top of that, large swathes of human culture is explicitly focused on tracking and remembering known cheats.
You are a typical low-iq sociopath who thinks they have found the cheat code to life, and that it is lying. You have a lot of waking up ahead of you.

>> No.52347416
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>> No.52347457

>Schrodinger's hitman
If they have security, no one is going to get close to them. What usually happens, is they have their first close call with a crazy person, irate customer, political activist. They then look for a high end firm or are approached by one. Old money, like Saudis have always had security.

>> No.52347462

Sociopaths are made, not born. I am “autistic” and have Aspergers. If you can’t understand how I can separate myself into sandbox layers, then you aren’t ever going to get it. Rather presumptuous to say I’m not going to experience genuine relationships when you base this premise on an instanced, virtualized abstraction of competition and not a true vulnerability.

Really sad but everything you post just furthers what I say, that you willingly want to be enslaved by predators.

>> No.52347561

My FSIQ is over 3SD so can it, but it’s interesting you think liars are punished. So if you believe that your genuine single linear mentality is going to win, because you are like all other “good” human people, and “love wins”, then why has “love” lost for the last 10,000 years? Seems rather silly you think technology or evolution will save you from predators, when for the entirety of civilization humanity at large has been enslaved. I would think technology would further your capture, not free you.

Makes me wonder if you just want to feel good about dehumanizing me, so you can just say I’m some unaware sociopath and dismiss the point - that for every step of technological achievement, people are being herded into two tiers of caste - the predators, and the prey.

I am an evolutionary mishap, I’m just an owl looking from the treeline.

>> No.52347590

It’s irrelevant whether they have security or not, Bankman won’t be assassinated because he is safe in society. You and anybody else won’t touch him because you’re programmed this way.

>> No.52347613
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oy vey, stop noticing things

>> No.52347646

> sociopaths are made
Your controversial thesis that sociopathy lacks a genetic component is not well founded by data.
> I’m autistic
No shit, that was quite obvious.
Look, I can give you an even more precise diagnosis: you are an entitled, spoiled, lazy, uncivilized, selfish piece of shit midwit with delusions of grandeur. You are definitely not smart. You are certainly not educated. But most damningly, you lead a meaningless existence because you have dismissed humanity and the human experience.
You will never be a real boy this way, Pinnochio.

>> No.52347672

Gene expression may reveal changes due to environment but sociopaths at least have the ability to live in genuinity before then. This argument is already accepted by DSM.

>> No.52347826

"Oops, my bad."

>> No.52348077
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>Safe society
Where exactly is that?

>> No.52348082

Anti-White faggot baby killing liberal, the epitome of all that was wrong with boomers. Rest in piss cunt.

>> No.52348146

Notice how you won’t respond a counter to the final point I posted right here, >>52347561, we built this discussion all the way towards the shining moment of clarity and maybe a genuine moment and you leave quietly because you know there is no defense. You don’t have an argument for it, no counter to society slowly moving towards a more deviant, untrusting, morally loose cesspit of selfishness and greed. You knew you couldn’t argue anything against it, you knew you were trapped with your gay haranguing about “love and peace”, and instead of genuinely replying like you have before with that smug exclusion, you left, because you have nothing except a dead end.

The truth is you got nothing to protect the billions screaming for security and fleeing to safety, and it will take more than a cow like you to change that. Thank you for participating.

>> No.52348168

What you’re in right now. You keep arguing Bankman is going to be killed, but is he really? Unless some corporate financier wants him gone, it seems like he’s going to be a-okay.

>> No.52348253

I don't think he's going to be praised for this. He's a loser now. Not a good look to associate with losers, even if he's one of their own. And J*have help him if he lost them money. We're talking about sociopaths after all, they know no remorse.

>> No.52348403

>he believes the show
There's no genuine repercussions for the bankman when he fucks up and you know it