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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 278 KB, 2000x2000, rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52336563 No.52336563 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't been here in a while and just wanted to see how pic related is doing. I heard the bitcoins crashed or something, but I don't see any pinkies so it's probably not that bad

>> No.52336709

D0b0tards are so retarded lmao. BonksSchizo sold 20k 2 days ago to do leverage to take advantage of the FTX fiasco and got liquidated LMAO.
Imagine missing out 7 figures at ATH then diamond handing your bags for a year. Your bags are now worth only 20k, you decide to sell only to immediately lose it all in a few hours because of a retarded leverage play.

>> No.52336723

please speak english

>> No.52336733
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>> No.52336734

lol I yolo’d $1k on this crap with a friend as a laff
It’s like at $20 now. Oh well.

>> No.52336775

it'll go back up again i guess

>> No.52336914

put $150 into this, went all the way to $8000, now at $30. Its over isn't it?

>> No.52336952

Bonkye being retarded as usual...

>> No.52337046
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Its actually 30k lmao. He wanted to swing d0b0 but failed miserably LMAO.

>> No.52337066


>plz hold my dying bags

You stupid fucking jeets

At this point many of the top 10 coins wont even survive. Or top 10 coins? Many of the top 100 coins wont even fucking survive.

99.9% of all of crypto is going to die within the next few months due to black swan after black swan. FTX insolvent. Tether USDT being depegged and death spiraling like luna.

You fucking jeets really thing there is even a 0.000001% chance of fucking dog shit surviving?

Literally unironicly kill yourself

>> No.52337085

If you don't understand why this will moon you don't understand the market
Simple as

>> No.52337095

B0nksquad turning into a suicide hotline LMAO.

>> No.52337099


You can't kill dogbat, sorry it just ain't gonna happen.

>> No.52337123

Definitely buying at the 500k market cap. Is over 3.5M now and was lower in the previous big dump of BTC to 17k. So, it's a good buy at that market cap in my opinion. Two cents.

>> No.52337262
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dogbat fudders will be like

>> No.52337363

i'm not even indian you kill yourself bloody fucken

>> No.52337379

Sir, anons were committing suicide this morning.

>> No.52338004

nice guess ill buy the dip and check my wallet in a few years lol have fun sperging at 5min candles

>> No.52338072

there is too much autism behind this coin for it to die
understand this

>> No.52338118

50b eoy
not selling

>> No.52338145

rookie numbers. it will go higher

>> No.52338239

Chance i am willing to take.

Howe ever long it takes i will hodl and wait.

>> No.52338287

bagies, kek

>> No.52338373
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>> No.52338794
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We bought the right BAT, the one that's being held by a dog. Wagmi and 50b eoy

>> No.52338810

Delusional LMAO.

>> No.52339005

Sounds like a true /biz/raeli

>> No.52339137
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Maybe he should try getting a job.

>> No.52339161

I think l0lz -.^ is onto something

>> No.52339709

>99.9% of all of crypto is going to die within the next few months
Agreed because on all the other shit devs are pulling LP as soon as it unlocks or they find an excuse to have it "hacked" kek

>> No.52341808

wen cex?

>> No.52342842

As usual after the pump only low IQ people remain,
This thread fucking sucks, scream basedcucks

>> No.52343297


Enjoy being poor for the rest of your life

>> No.52344045
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>> No.52344367

Seethe and stay poor ranjeesh.

>> No.52344501 [DELETED] 


It's not going to die until the next bull run happens, because people think it might become the next Shib. It might die if the next bull run comes and goes without D0b0 mooning.

>> No.52344699
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>> No.52344826
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Blessed are the NEETs, for they shall inherit the earth.

>> No.52344863
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>> No.52344882
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I own more in real estate, gold/silver, stocks and land then a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of my d0b0 stack... I think its like 300 dollars or some shit, i couldnt care less. However, holding this coin last year gave me a feeling i havent felt in a while. The whole thing was so ultra retarded it was insane, which was why it was so fun. Owning trillions of this coin is gonna make me actually care about the money, not how retarded this whole thing is, which is exactly why i love this more then my family.

This is why you hate this coin, this is why you will never make it. You will shitpost here and cry about every single post that doesnt support your case. Over time, you will develop actual schizophrenia, believing everyone in your life is just out to manipulate you into pumping their bags. Your coomer brain will somehow twist everything into this pattern. Your wife will leave you, because during christmas you will inevitably sperge out on the children, because your 4 year old daughter wished for a dog on christmas. "NO I WONT BUY YOUR SHITCOIN BAGS YOU DIRTY PAJEET SCAMMER, NICE TRY SCHLOMO". This will be the last words your daughter hear from you, because after you have sperged out, you come back to clarity and realise everyone has left. This will be in 15 years from now, and during that time you have managed to accumulate 18 dollars and 73 cents (not included inflation). Just enough to buy a piece of rainbow colored rope. Every single action in your life has led you to there, the refusal to buy d0b0 is just a symptome of your fate. As i said, it is inevitable.

>> No.52344911
File: 417 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221105-002327_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but you are the low IQ person. The only logical reason for you to hold/shill this garbage coin is that you either;
>were too stupid to sell while it was a 300mil MC
>are so stupid that you bought high and your bags are underwater
>are so stupid that you can't DYOR and invest into new unpumpes coins, so instead you bought a bag of dog3b0nk, and desperately shill it on /biz/ every single day while switching IP adresses to reply to yourself and (poorly) attempt to simulate organic discussion

To any newfag/poorfag lurking this thread, do not buy this thrash

>> No.52344964

Read my post and buy some rope you ugly fuck, we dont care about our bags, we just want it mainstream and we wont quit till its done.

Its not the money, its about sending a message, simple as.

>> No.52345004
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>I own more in real estate, gold/silver, stocks and land then a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of my d0b0 stack... I think its like 300 dollars or some shit, i couldnt care less

No you don't, because if you were rich or sortof rich, you would either hold more than $300 in dog3b0nk, or none at all.
This pasta is thrash anyway and the image you posted is laughable considering the coin reached a little under 300mil MC last year in peak bull with a big advertising campaign
Since then, the team has moved on to other projects and nobody is gonna pump your bags

>> No.52345032

I just read you pathetic post and replied to it here >>52345004

Look I know that you shill this garbage here every single day but this is sad man. You should sell your bags and maybe spend less time in front of your computer or something

>> No.52345090

I made this pasta u poorfag lol, and ur wrong because i am rich and i barely own any of this. AREYOUMADSERS SER PLEASE ARE U MAD?!? AHAHHA it must be unfattomable for u how a person can literally have a father which owns a fucking andy warhol original and still only have 300 dollars worth of d0b0.

Fuck i love blowing normies brain away, you cant comprehend it can u. I dont have the painting in my apartment tho, but i could literally prove with timestamp im legit, dont shit ur pants u stinking poorfag.

>> No.52345110
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>> No.52345180

>I made this pasta u poorfag lol, and ur wrong because i am rich and i barely own any of this

No you're not rich at all, just stop it anon.
Because if you were rich, and believed in d0g3bonk as much as you did, you would own much more than $300. $300 is fucking nothing

>I dont have the painting in my apartment tho, but i could literally prove with timestamp im legit

Anon again you're not rich, please stop pretending that you are

>> No.52345229


This right here is the tell tale sign of you being an esl brainlet. It's a sign so obvious it can be compared to Jews rubbing their hands together.

>> No.52345320

I live in Atlanta and used to cheer for the Thrashers, grammar mistakes happen you autistic ID-switching POORfag

>> No.52345397

Its ironic, because the richest guy in my friend group called this retarded and only bought 1b d0b0 (like 5 dollars worth). I convinced all of the boys to buy back in 2021.

Wanna know how much that guy is gonna inherit? Like in NOK or EUR?

In euros i think its around 1.4 to 1.8 billion€.

Now you are telling me this guy, because he only has 5 dollars worth there is no way he could have any money?

BAHAHhahahah you literally cant understand me.

But in all honesty, ur way below my level, cya fag

>> No.52345480

Holy redditspacing lmao
And why the fuck do you talk about your pseudo rich "friend" ? You're right, I literally can't understand you

>> No.52345603

Its how we were taught to space in university retard. It is to seperate different sections u absolute worm.

Im talking bout my friend, because by your logic, since he is rich he should have wayy more d0b0 then me?

>> No.52345678


Sorry guys you have convinced me, I just purchased $100 usd worth of BNB (0.33bnb) o this coins

I think 1.2b or 12b tokens

What am I in for?

Afteral I dreamt about this coin and dont wanna miss out

>> No.52345701

>Im talking bout my friend, because by your logic, since he is rich he should have wayy more d0b0 then me?

No. What I meant to say is that a rich person that holds Dog3bonk and actively shills it on /biz/ everyday like you do, would hold more than $300 worth

>> No.52345733

But i dont have more then 300 fucking dollars worth of d0b0 hahah

>> No.52345761

Whatever dude, when he gets his billion in welfare tell him to pump d0b0 kthx

>> No.52345907
File: 579 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20221110-140706_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As per bscscan, indeed a 12b purchase, or $100 worth was just made several minutes ago
However, looking at your (poor) wallet, you also purchased dog3b0nk over 200 days ago. In fact, this is the 5th time you're buying D0bo

I think it's truely sad and pathetic that you larp as a new holder, in a pathetic attempt to simulate new interest for your dead shitcoin

>> No.52345933

damn its been a year already

why am I not rich yet

what other coins do I have can you see it and how much are they worth

>> No.52345946


Based if true

>> No.52345949
File: 601 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221110-141556_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the low size of your 5 previous purchases, indeed you have less than $300 you pathetic ID-switching samefagging POORfag

>> No.52345971

I have only $150 usd worth of this shitcoin and I think i threw already in over 200 dollars a year ago

Fuck you fucking jeets for making me baghold this crap

>> No.52345979

Based! Ygmi, take care ghost bro and his lackeys are in this thread right now. They hate you because it's 100 going to the prophecy rather than some scamcoin the dirty french frog made.

>> No.52345990

ghostbro or justin or whatever this fuck name is banned me from the telegram last year

>> No.52346030

This coin will be made to rise greatly in the next few weeks. Heard it here first.

>> No.52346051

Again I ask you, why did you pretend to be a new Dog3bonk holder in this post ? >>52345678
You made your very first purchase of d0bo 8 months ago, and you just purchased more today for the 5th times
Today was the 5th times you bought d0bo, why did you larp as a newfag that just got "convinced" to buy d0bo ?

>> No.52346121
File: 674 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20221110-142455_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was lying and pretending to be a new holder in a pathetic attempt to simulate new hype fo this dead shitcoin
That was the 5th time that person bought d0bo as can be seen on bscscan

>> No.52346200
File: 171 KB, 1292x1080, shiet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thefuck are you on about? I was literally on the couch watching some star wars disney+ series and saw it, i thought damn did it crash even more? But no, you screenshotted some random wallet? like how schizo are you? Its mindblowing like ur screenshotting some random wallet, trying to convince ME that its ME? HAHAHAHAH FUCK I LOVE THIS PLACE, Ass-cancer for sure, im starting to question if ur some bot lol, cause u seem to make 0 sense.

Anyways, looks like i got more, but for me 400 and 300 dollars is the same

>> No.52346202

You forgot to switch IDs. That green ID you just posted as was also used to larp as the newfag that "just got convinced" and made a first $100 purchase here >>52345678

>> No.52346206

Nothing in his second post does he say this is the first time he purchased. I could tell when someone is fudding their own bag, poorfags are like this. You spending so much time trying to expose something that's not there makes me unfathomably comfy knowing you are gonna rope because you missed out.

>> No.52346215

Not him

>> No.52346258

This coin is so based.

>> No.52346305

Haha finally> a coin with a nice logo

I think i'm gonna buy some. Is it on pancakeswap?

>> No.52346318
File: 765 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221110-143533_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is him. The person that larped as a new d0bo holder that got convinced to buy $100 worth has 6 posts ITT now. He made the following posts after picrelated

>I have only $150 usd worth of this shitcoin and I think i threw already in over 200 dollars a year ago Fuck you fucking jeets for making me baghold this crap

>ghostbro or justin or whatever this fuck name is banned me from the telegram last year

>> No.52346359

>put $150 into this, went all the way to $8000
this is exactly why you fags deserve to stay poor

>> No.52346368

Sorry anon, some d0bo shiller(s) is actively switching ID to bump the thread and larp as different people so it can be a bit confusing

>> No.52346438
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>> No.52346460
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Lol d0b0 seems to have survived the bear

>> No.52346506
File: 751 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221110-144257_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing in his second post does he say this is the first time he purchased
Read his post again. He literally says "you guys have convinced me" and asks "what am I in for?". Those are clearly the words of a (so-called) 1st time buyer

>I could tell when someone is fudding their own bag, poorfags are like this
Fudding your own bag is a meme, it never happened. Back in 2018 and Chainlink was 20-50c, half the threads or more were chainlink threads, 24/7. So obviously some people were fudding it as they were tired of seeing so many threads or because they actually thought it was a shitcoin. Nobody actually "fuds their bags". There are fucking thousands of cryptos out there, why the fuck would anyone talk negatively about the bags they own?

>You spending so much time trying to expose something that's not there makes me unfathomably comfy knowing you are gonna rope because you missed out
I am sick today and in bed. I have nothing better to do than to argue with you braindead pajeet poorfags

>> No.52346570

go back and kys

>> No.52346584
File: 437 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221110-145222_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol d0b0 seems to have survived the bear

It didnt. As per coingecko, it is down 98.2% in value over last year's peak
Only a handful of poorfags with a few hundred dollars worth are still shilling it because they are too dumb to do their own research and pick bags of new coins that have never pumped

>> No.52346651

Dogbag is gonna reach an easy 40 to 60b mc no problem. The analytics are there and quite obvious.

>> No.52346699

Its still over 1 million market cap and incase you didint notice everything is down 90%

>> No.52346730
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>Dogbag is gonna reach an easy 40 to 60b mc no problem

No it won't, and the reason is very simple; it barely reached 200mil mc last year in peak bullrun with lots of advertising
I mean look at picrelated. They actually had stuff like that when it reached 200mil mc a year ago

Since then, the team as moved on to other projects and there is no advertising whatsoever

>> No.52346862
File: 629 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20221110-150549_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its still over 1 million market cap
And so are 1878 other coins as per Coingecko. Having over 1mil MC doesnt meant it's not a dead shitcoin as most of those marketcaps are illiquid anyway
>and incase you didint notice everything is down 90%
And d0bo is down 98%. Only shitcoin are down so bad. Btc, eth, matic, quant etc, those are nowhere nead down 98%