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52334104 No.52334104 [Reply] [Original]

There are 108982 wallets with 100+ chainlink
Assuming link is $7 that's $700 for 100 link. Because of the cheap price I won't include wallets with less than 100 link. So there are around 109k link holders not 700k.

There are 20939 wallets with 1k+ chainlink
>20,939 / 108982 * 100 = 19.21%
So around 20% of actual holders (100+ link wallets) have a suicidal stack. There is no need to account for people who have spilt there wallets up into multiple.

There are 1743 LPL wallets and 1948 LPLa wallets. Originally from linkpool telegram info there was a ratio for 2.5LPL for 1LINK (converted calculation from old LP token). There is currently 617 wallets with at least 2500LPL.
>617 / 1948 * 100 = 31.67%
So 31% of linkpool holders have the minimum recommended ratio.

Calculating from both holder we see that roughly 3% of link holders have the recommended amount of LPL (assuming they hold enough link).
>617 / 20,939 * 100 = 2.94%

Doing some research I found
The crowd sale had a cap of 1000 eth.
The sale only reached around 700 eth.
Crowd sale finished July 31 2018. Eth was roughly $458
Since the cap was not filled 1 ETH got you 1.42 LP
>1.42 * 25000 = 35500 LPL
LPL is currently trading around $2.15
>2.15 * 35500 = $76325
>76325 / 458 = 166.648x

chainlink ico price was $0.11
we shall continue using the $7 price for this post.
>7.00 / 0.11 = 63.636x

chainlink ATH was 52.70
>52.70 / 0.11 = 479.09x
linkpool ATH was 68.39
>68.39 * 35500 = $2,427,845
>2427845 / 458 = 5300.97x
of course it was impossible to sell LPL but that's besides the point

>> No.52334173

Are you the wallet autist from JNT?

>> No.52334179


>> No.52334203

Yes and if I kept my dogecoin I mined I would already be ordering you to poop on command.

>> No.52334273

that ath is incorrect, it was $25 for a day or so after the erc-20 conversion
but yes, many here got both link and lpl at ico or very cheap
i was one of them
we have a lot to thank this place for
still it's the only place that there's discussion of it (outside of telegram)

>> No.52334449

Iinkpool is a gem. I can't believe no one talks about it. Less then 2000 wallets...

>> No.52334568
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cant wait to lend out my excess lpl to the smug nopoolers

>> No.52334594

>ath is incorrect
The ath was due to slippage.

>> No.52334609

>lend out
Usury is a mortal sin just fyi.

>> No.52335127

so what's the point of this thread?

>> No.52335280

We are too busy buying LINK

>> No.52335431

Lpl holders with high amounts have already made 100s of free link.

>> No.52335456

who fucking cares about this shit token, i own 25k of this steaming pile of shit, i havent checked prices in weeks, have lost all my faith in the team after their recent announcement,
fuck jonny
fuck mat
and fuck that fat faggot with the disgusting beard

>> No.52335468

>LinkPool will deliver a new liquid staking protocol built on top of Chainlink Economics 2.0 with a pool of node operators
Perhaps early staking really will be done through linkpool.

>> No.52335485

>own 25k
Why bother to fud? Assuming you been staking since day 1 you would have already received over 200 free link.

Plus all the future income streams from holding this token. Didn't you see the recent update today?

>> No.52335498

Very organic FUD
Why own 25k when you have no faith and can sell for some cheap and fresh FTT?

>> No.52335530

shut the fuck up retard, how is this fud? they literally announced they will dump 30% of their tokens, this wouldnt really be bad, but they always said they have no intention to sell any of their tokens. They did this after it was clear that no lpl is needed to stake in v.0.1. Still no explanation about why they are doing this to this date.

I wont sell but their communication has been atrocious and they can suck my cock and balls

>> No.52335538

>There are 1743 LPL wallets
This would be good info if there was also a possibility of there being 174.3K LPL wallets in the future

But the reality is that anyone who ever considered buying LPL has already bought it and that even at just 1743 wallets you barely can buy OR sell, as of it's some dead zero liquidity jeet shitcoin.
Just you and the horse rimmer dumping on yourselves on a dead platform in life support while hoping the crumbs you get as rewards will make it worthwhile

>> No.52335554

there is no liquidity to dump 25k retard, i also said to myself that my lpl stack will be my retirement fund, either i make it or i hold to 0, no inbetween

>> No.52335574

>they will dump 30% of their tokens
Lieing is a sin anon. They said OTC.

>> No.52335584

Why fud? What is wrong with you people?

>> No.52335591

no, they said they will pay their team members in LPL OTC, and last time I checked LPL tokens werent edible, guess what the team members will do with their tokens

>> No.52335594

If you got in early, congrats. It's not worth buying now over LINK

>> No.52335600

because i have been holding this retarded shit token since ICO and am mad i didnt dump on you retards when the erc20 conversion took place

also, its the reality, not fud

>> No.52335638

You are a lier.

LinkPool has reached a moment of opportunity and we are committed to seizing it. In broad terms, our goals are to grow the ecosystem, accelerate growth, and increase value accrual for our users and community. More details on how we plan to achieve them and the full extent of LinkPool’s vision will be announced soon. We want to share today, however, that to help facilitate these, over the next days and weeks you’ll begin to notice movement of LPL tokens from the LinkPool treasury. These movements represent our fidelity to achieving these objectives in the next 3-5 years.

In order to support LinkPool’s vision of scale and product development, 25% of the total LPL supply (34.99% of LinkPool’s treasury LPL) will be transferred to a multi-sig wallet and allocated to achieve two strategic outcomes: 1. funding our ecosystem growth 2. funding staff growth, retention, and development. A portion of these tokens is earmarked for current staff and immediate growth opportunities. Over time, as LinkPool continues to scale, amounts will move from the “parent” multi-sig wallet into smaller, task specific multi-sig wallets.

In every case, we have ensured all distributions are aligned with, and incentivized to, support LinkPool’s vision. All transferred tokens to task specific multi-sig wallets are subject to a vesting period of between 2-4 years. We’ve allocated up to 7m tokens to be vested each year, totalling 21m LPL by the end of year three. Additionally, while vesting, tokens in those task specific multi-sigs are subject to a lock period when these LPL tokens will not be staked. The practical result of which means that with fewer LPL tokens receiving distributions, rewards for current LPL stakers may increase.

We are excited about the future and can’t wait to share it with you.

you misrepresent what linkpool is doing with the tokens
Fudding, you are up over 100x and passive income grows next month.

>> No.52335665

Depends on how much link you have. The income from lpl will still be nice even if new anons can only get 1000 lpl.

>> No.52335674



>2. funding staff growth, retention, and development.

take a guess what this means, go ask in the telegram if u dont believe me

>> No.52335690

Hi, can you just LINK the chainlinkgod linkdrake or bob4punk twitter summary i dont have all day thanks

>> No.52335708

Why still exaggerate and fud? You will end up burning in hell at this rate anon.
>These movements represent our fidelity to achieving these objectives in the next 3-5 years.
>1. funding our ecosystem growth
>vesting period of between 2-4 years. We’ve allocated up to 7m tokens to be vested each year, totalling 21m LPL by the end of year three. Additionally, while vesting, tokens in those task specific multi-sigs are subject to a lock period when these LPL tokens will not be staked. The practical result of which means that with fewer LPL tokens receiving distributions, rewards for current LPL stakers may increase.

Lpl holders will now get a bigger (25%) payout due to this.

>> No.52335741

i am not lying, im done talking to you because you're obviously an ESL faggot or quite literally retarded, have fun holding your 3 figure stack of LPL and thinking you will make it

>> No.52335792

You are quite literally going to burn in hell for a eternity if you do not change your ways.

You exaggerated the truth of what linkpool is doing. Instead of looking at the overall statement you only choose one statement to lie about
>Dumping >>52335665
Your intent is to spread fear and doubt. Though i dont know why.

>> No.52335815

ask yourself this question, how is linkpool able to fund their development with the LPL token without selling them?

How will the team members, who are working fulltime at linkpool be able to pay their rent or their food without selling the LPL tokens they got through OTC deals?

how dense are you?

>> No.52335818
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basically lpl is unneeded and it was based pool bros who spammed tnn lol for years while lifting at the local gym

>> No.52335831

that beard... yuck

>> No.52335843

You will get a nice income from holding LINK too. And with significantly less risk of it rugging

>> No.52335859

Not all the tokens are been sold for just team funding. Your blowing it out of proportion. And otc doesn't "dump".
Oh it's needed all right. If you want multiple income streams.

>> No.52335872

OMG I would never have sex with these incel freaks!
this. slay sis

>> No.52335876

ask yourself how are they gonna sell the LPL tokens when there is no liquidity

>> No.52335891

by duming the token to the depths of the abyss

>> No.52335910

Lpl has said they will insure their holders. Also everyone who uses a staking contract will pay a small fee. Who will get that fee? The more stackers the more fees.

>> No.52335923

Ask yourself why they're doing a snapshot of LPL holders

>> No.52335943

they are going to activate the assassin contracts

>> No.52335944

Why are you like this? The Spirit of God isn't in you at all.
Please.tell me anon.

>> No.52336037

they are doing the snapshot so people dont dump the token to give their team members a chance to dump first

>> No.52336166

100% correct. why hold an illiquid shitcoin when i already have early access staking... pfff

>> No.52336212

lpl holders will be able to stake and withdraw whenever they want, your link tokens will be bound to the lockup period if you dont hold lpl

>> No.52336229

Ok so now you're just making stuff up? How does holding lpl override the terms of the staking contract?

>> No.52336248

Linkpool is an IQ test
I completely disregarded your post and didn't read a single word past linkpool.

You're being fooled by jonny's shit insecure terraform templates, expect massive vulnerabilities when he goes live with them

>> No.52336250

you really are proving that you are retarded comment after comment, guess what liquid staking means?

>> No.52336407

Linkpool was a better investment than chainlink.
It does not mean a staking contract can just have it collateral taken, of course maybe there is a possibility of extra collateral added then the other part taken out. Still i have not seen evidence of this, we shall see "soon".

>> No.52336447


you really are the densest faggot i came across these last weeks, stay the way you are fren, bye now. love you

>> No.52336461

>came across these last weeks,
>Nov 10
Today's date is nov 10...

>> No.52336487

You really are dense

>> No.52336494

Today is not last week.

>> No.52336502

You really are dense and ESL

>> No.52336506

'These last weeks' includes todays date anon

>> No.52336526

Im not esl.
>These last weeks
>Refers to todays date
You people really need to stop projecting your esl cope.

>> No.52336539

It's not logical to refer to only today as "these.last weeks".

>> No.52336585

>your post today highlights you as the densest faggot I have come across over the past 2 weeks

>> No.52336594

>this movie released today is the best I've seen in the past year
Get it now, anon?

>> No.52336678

Learn to read
>I came across these last weeks
What is reading comprehension?

>> No.52336794

>Calls me dense
>Calls me esl
>Has non reading comprehension
>I came across these last weeks
>Twitter post from today

>> No.52336824

Please stop posting fren, this is getting hard to watch lmao

>> No.52337020
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>Ask yourself why they're doing a snapshot of LPL holders
we need to speculate more on this point. a snapshot announced 2 weeks ahead of time. historically it always seemed like snapshots happened and then we heard about it

>> No.52337797

Nope. What is said is correct. The other anons cant wait read.

>> No.52339176

It's literally what liquid staking means. You stake ETH in Lido and you get stkETH in return. Most DeFi protocols accept it and you can trade it 1:1

>> No.52339310

one reason for the heads up is so that if people wanted to say move wallets to one with better security, etc, they would have time to do so before the snapshot. but that sounds lame and i dont think thats the real reason

>> No.52339354

Listen im seriously retarded I just bought link and then link pool in early to mid 2018 because I liked both the memes especially Johnny rims horses and it felt like it would look comfortable in my wallet with link and link pool it's so funny I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars thank you so much to whoever made these stupid memes im still laughing today Jonny rims horses fuck got me good

>> No.52340535
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>> No.52340710

fuck you rea roastie whore

>> No.52342032


>> No.52342462

I'm thinking global insurance pool is where we're heading

>> No.52343109

>Link holders will have to lockup their Link
I find it strange that this keeps being trotted out as something negative. I've been waiting literally years for staking and must have typed DR;NS two hundred times during that period. Why in fuck's name would i wish to unstake my tokens from the original Chainlink Eth pricefeed node network? If i could I would stake my entire stack of 60k Link in it, and not give a thought to removing them.
You fuckwits screeched for years that staking would never happen. Now you're screeching that unstaking won't happen.. kek -get a life ffs

>> No.52344925

Lmao. Dude i market sold 15k links in binance and the price didnt Even budge 5 cents. What are You smoking?

>> No.52345153
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>there's no liquidity to sell $150k worth of crpyto without dumping the price that's a lot of money that's MY ENTIRE NETWORTH!!

>> No.52345475

is the snapshot for an airdrop of ethLPLA or something related to eth staking??