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File: 106 KB, 841x734, 14CA87EB-BDDB-41CD-A3E2-3087D9CF6D6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52329594 No.52329594 [Reply] [Original]

Garbage retard faggot shithead dickhead trannie cocksucker BITCOIN has dumped 77% from the ath

With no blowoff top for it to justify it. LOOOL
Even if you want to argue "b-but alts had a blowoff top" okay and? That's not related to btc specifically.

Thoughts? Dollar is also looking weak. Not BEAR levels yet, but like it could FLIP bearish sooner than later. Either way btc is trash, holy shit

>> No.52329651

Are you dumb?
What did you think would happen when the fed stated the 0% interest fairy tale land was over in 2021.

Buy back in at 2976$ and wait for the 2026 bull run.

>> No.52329712

not a 77% crash obviously, faggot. You're speaking from hindsight. No one actually thought rate hikes would have this impact considering anyone with half a brain would know their pussy low rate hikes aren't an effective tool to lowering inflation.
>Buy back in at 2976$ and wait for the 2026 bull run.
LMFAO get a load of this dumbass

>> No.52329777
File: 606 KB, 593x580, 0FF0FD5C-BD35-45E7-B785-6A119C7F34EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No one actually thought rate hikes would have this impact

>> No.52329825

Kys, retard. You're talking from hindsight. Also if you knew hackshit about vpvr, you'd know if we even touched 10k it would crab there for months before a decision was made. Not get shredded in one go. What a waste of digits

>> No.52329898

You're actually retarded if you didn't think rate hikes would have this kind of effect. What are you 19?

>> No.52329940
File: 28 KB, 390x310, get fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao rate hikes have no affect on crypto. Crypto is intrinsically worthless, illiquid, and volatile. Rate hikes only have effects on fiat, metals, and actual assets

>> No.52329979

These have to be the most reddit-tier posters I've seen in at least 2 weeks. Please delete this retarded fucking thread, if you can figure out how.

>> No.52330000

bottom signal

>> No.52330016

Nigger, you're talking from hindsight. Obviously things become more transparent in hindsight, retard. Also fed historically pivots so I wasn't expecting them to take this long. At this point though them continuing rate hikes isn't going to matter soon since the real cause for the dump was the dollar rallying. Once it loses strength, risk on assets will come back and dollar hasn't been going parabolic anymore as of late. It's beginning to crab and stall. Other countries are also taking action to fight for their own currency which is also bearish for the dollar. Unemployment rising is an inevitability from rate hikes too which would trigger a pivot. If bond markets crash too, and they aren't looking hot, fed will have to step in there as well. It's only a matter of time. All it takes is one of the things I mentioned. Not all.

>> No.52330038

Retard argument with 0 content. Reddit tier image too.
Jump off a bridge

>> No.52330064
File: 794 KB, 493x612, 2 years drug free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys fag ill never invest your ponzi scheme

>> No.52330077

Reddit is the board you're looking for

>> No.52330201
File: 798 KB, 112x112, Watching.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor tells me to use reddit
no I'd rather see all the cryptobros kill themselves

>> No.52330234

You are actually that much of a newfag. People have been calling for Great Depression 2/Great Burst/Popping the Everything Bubble for 4 years now. Ever heard of the 2019 liquidity crisis? How about all the other cracks in the financial system? Do you realize that pivoting isn't an option this time? Sure hikes might slow but they won't be lowered again for years. There's beyond too much risk of hyperinflation.

But none of that shit has anything to do with the original point we were arguing (which you so ineffectively evaded). My view that rate hikes would cause this wasn't hindsight when I believed it back in 2019. That stocks follow fed rate behavior way beyond the literal effect the rates have on underlying value, and that stock dump -> btc dump are two simple facts that anyone old enough to remember 2008 should know,

>> No.52330306

well, nigger, if we go by past bear markets, btc crashes about 80-85% before bottoming. That would bring it anywhere between 10-14k. In other words even going by worst case scenarios, the worst is almost over and then what happens? You stock faggots watch from the sidelines. That's assuming we didn't bottom out now. That's the other thing. Btc typically has one red year and this is already 13 months of a bear market. The year is almost over meaning historically it means the bear market is almost over. Jews probably have some catalyst planned out too.

>> No.52330382

>You are actually that much of a newfag.
You're a 2021 newfag. I've been here since 2018. Shut your bitch mouth.
>People have been calling for Great Depression 2/Great Burst/Popping the Everything Bubble for 4 years now.
Okay and?
>Ever heard of the 2019 liquidity crisis? How about all the other cracks in the financial system? Do you realize that pivoting isn't an option this time?
Dumbass. They won't have a choice when one of the conditions I mentioned happened. That's what you don't comprehend, newfag. Also nice job ignoring what I said about the dollar, lmao. Again, stupid ass, even IF we assume they stayed hawkish for months to come, that's not going to save the dollar from tanking
>Sure hikes might slow but they won't be lowered again for years. There's beyond too much risk of hyperinflation.
Read above, midwit
>But none of that shit has anything to do with the original point we were arguing (which you so ineffectively evaded).
I greentext everything, you dumb nigger. The fuck are you talking about?
>My view that rate hikes would cause this wasn't hindsight when I believed it back in 2019. That stocks follow fed rate behavior way beyond the literal effect the rates have on underlying value, and that stock dump -> btc dump are two simple facts that anyone old enough to remember 2008 should know,
Read above. I addressed this. Read carefully, esl retard

>> No.52330394
File: 1.00 MB, 1892x787, crypto retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do fed hikes even affect crypto? its an inherently speculative "asset"

Sure multiples will compress, WACC will increase, future investment spending will decrease and monetary supply will decrease, but isn't a recessionary gap supposed to be good for crypto?

maybe crypto is just a symptom of an overly liquid market with too many retards who don't know what to do with their money

>> No.52330492
File: 527 KB, 938x1038, BC9E0928-0F42-4FC5-98D3-FF6638FA19BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass. ALL risk on assets go to shit when the dollar pumps for the grand majority of their history and visa versa. Stupid cherry picking fuck. Most assets are also extremely speculative. Not just crypto. Stocks and metals are too, midwit

>> No.52330527

Okay let me spell it out.
P1: Stock Dumps -> BTC dumps
P2: Fed does anything other than lower rates -> Stocks Dump
P1 + P2 = Fed rate hikes -> BTC dumps
You completely ignored this in your second post and no amount of
>I addressed this. Read carefully
means you did.

Here's another tidbit

P3: Fed has no possibility of lowering rates without risking hyperinflation (you even agree the dollar will lose value regardless of this point)
They aren't going to pivot

I don't have the time or patient to deal with this shit tonight. I'm out of this dumb fucking thread

>> No.52330619

>P1: Stock Dumps -> BTC dumps
They are both risk on assets. What the fuck is this nonsensical shit? They are not inversely correlated.
>P2: Fed does anything other than lower rates -> Stocks Dump
No. It's based on the dollar, retard
>Fed has no possibility of lowering rates without risking hyperinflation (you even agree the dollar will lose value regardless of this point)
>They aren't going to pivot
You're very dense. I already explained why and when they will pivot. When just one of my conditions are met. I also explained a scenario where they don't pivot. The dollar will still end up crashing eventually, tard. It's a ticking time bomb.
Absolute fucking retard. Again, learn to read for FUCKS sakes

>> No.52330865

>complains about cherrypicking
>uses cherrypicked examples of shitty companies
these companies all fucking died because they had rediculous multiples and were horribly run.

but as shitty as all of these companies are (ironic that coinbase is in there too), they at least have physical assets and revenue to back up their value (albeit after a well deserved correction), but what value does crypto have? What backs crypto's value? Why would I as a businessowner accept a currency that falls 80%, I cant pay my bills with something that volatile

>> No.52330907
File: 455 KB, 962x615, you fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"youre the newfag!" "no youre the newfag"

Imagine bragging about frequenting one of the worst boards on this website. I'm just here to laugh at the cryptofags

get back to work wagie!

>> No.52330987

Not only are you retarded, you are also arrogant and think you're smarter than everyone.
Whichever anon guessed ~19yo sounds correct. Or maybe older but completely immature.

>> No.52331020
File: 54 KB, 449x479, B0AE25AB-9169-4217-8964-11BBA7071025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>uses cherrypicked examples of shitty companies
You're a dumb nigger. Most stocks are fucked and most of their price is based on hype and speculation. This pic is outdated by like a yr, but point still stands. Coping faggot can't handle reality, kek
>they at least have physical assets and revenue to back up their value
That's a meme, dumbass. Pic related (again). Most of the value comes from retail speculating. Not "on what a company is actually worth".

>> No.52331042

calling it right now, 23, wagie, clearly doesn't understand basic economics or finance (but likes to think that he does.

I would bet money that this man doesn't know what the term "CAPM" means, he just repeats the same shit that other people on this board repeat that support his biases

>> No.52331043

Go back to red_dit, so'y. Take those normie trash memes with you too
Not an argument. Try again, nigger. You can cry and bitch all you want, but at least offer content for fucks sakes. I don't care if my attitude ribs you the wrong way. That's not relevant, pussy

>> No.52331061

>calling it right now, 23, wagie, clearly doesn't understand basic economics or finance (but likes to think that he does.
27. Also, not a counter argument, retard. Everything I said is valid. You crying about it isn't a counter argument.
>he just repeats the same shit that other people on this board repeat that support his biases
Like what :)? Be specific, tranny

>> No.52331129

literally another cherrypicked example, you know there's other stocks besides reddit hype stocks and shitty tech companies right??? I'd invest in most of the stocks on the right any day

also what the fuck do I have to cope for? I'm down maybe 10% for the year? Sure "people" like you probably don't invest in companies based on fundamentals, but as per the extrapolation error you fail to realize that you and your immediate aren't the market. A vast majority of people actually invest based off fundamentals, might not be sexy but I'd rather take 6-10% CAGR over 90% losses any day

>> No.52331154

Attacks everyone with a different opinion
>Dollar looks weak
Not compared to every other currency. A lot of the dollars strength is set from whats going on with the global macro.
>Euro fucked
>GBP fucked
>Yen irrelevant safe haven
>CAD strength derived from oil, irrelevant
>Suisse nobody cares
>Krona, nobody cares
Until other countries economic situations fix themselves, the dollar will remain strong no matter how much you cope and seethe, nigger

>> No.52331265 [DELETED] 

>Most assets are also extremely speculative. Not just crypto.
>Most stocks are fucked and most of their price is based on hype and speculation.
>Dollar is also looking weak. Not BEAR levels yet, but like it could FLIP bearish sooner than later.

>> No.52331280

>Most assets are also extremely speculative. Not just crypto.
>Most stocks are fucked and most of their price is based on hype and speculation.
>Dollar is also looking weak. Not BEAR levels yet, but like it could FLIP bearish sooner than later.

>> No.52331290

>literally another cherrypicked example
You STUPID FUCK. You complain about the companies I used so I then posted one of the most popular companies to give you an example, you RETARDED FUCKING IDIOT (ranked 7 for FUCKS sakes). Holy SHIT, you're a midwit. Your stupidity is actually mind boggling.

>also what the fuck do I have to cope for? I'm down maybe 10% for the year?
You probably never even made multipliers. Probably never even touched 5 figs let alone 6, KEK
>Sure "people" like you probably don't invest in companies based on fundamentals
Most of retail doesn't give a flying fuck. Most of retail fomo in bull markets to speculate. Not just "some". It's the grand majority, shithead.
>A vast majority of people actually invest based off fundamentals
No. They don't. If they did, Tesla wouldn't be ranked at 7 LMAO. Tesla is only ranked that high because of hype aka normies treat elon like some god. "M-muh cherry picking" shut the fuck up and try to absorb the point. Also most people have no idea what the flying fuck they are doing. They don't buy stocks "because 'x' is the fair intrinsic value of the company". They BLINDLY buy because "well I trust the company because it looks legit". LOL. Most people don't know when something is over or under valued. They just blindly buy (Also a retarded strategy btw since most companies eventually end up failing anyways. Not taking profits is one of the stupidest thing you could do).

>> No.52331521

>Not compared to every other currency
retardo. Look at the DXY. Dollar has been stalling and no longer going parabolic. DXY stalling shows dollar is no longer going insane compared to other currencies. Not saying it can't be pushed back up, BUT simply staying this low is bearish. Want to ignore that? Then fucking reread the rest. If one of the conditions I listed above are met, dollar will dump anyways because fed will WE again. For instance if the bond markets crash harder than they are okay with, they'll have to QE to keep it afloat. Yields have BEEN rising and that's not a good thing. More yields with new bonds is associated with higher risk. The while point of bonds is to be a safe investment. Fact is their constant rate hikes are causing bonds to crash.
They also don't want unemployment to go up, but rate hikes shrink an economy so it's inevitable. Countries are also selling us debt to strengthen their currency. That also is not good for the bond market. Add all this shit together and you'd see the dollar is going to implode sooner than later.

>> No.52331596

*bonds to crash so they have to raise the yield to incentivize purchase of their debt.
Higher risk means higher yields.

>> No.52331681

Are you an actual teenager?

>dollar hasn't been going parabolic anymore as of late. It's beginning to crab and stall.
so the fed can continue to hike

>Other countries are also taking action to fight for their own currency which is also bearish for the dollar.
so the fed can continue to hike

> Unemployment rising is an inevitability from rate hikes too which would trigger a pivot.
inevitability from rate hikes... while the rate hikes are being countered by the injection of liquidity from other sources

>If bond markets crash too, and they aren't looking hot, fed will have to step in there as well.
sorry to break this to you anon, but the fed can support treasury market without dropping the funds rate back to "let's pump shitcoins" ranges

With analysis like this no wonder you couldn't predict your shitcoins crashing

>> No.52331807

>Are you an actual teenager?
Going by the retarded shit you wrote below, chances are you're one
>so the fed can continue to hike
They don't just increase the hikes every fucking time it goes down lmao. Also you missed my point. It's going to get to the point where the rate hikes will no longer be able to strengthen the dollar in a way that competes with other currencies i.e. there's a fucking reason it's been stalling despite the rate hikes, you fucking clown
>so the fed can continue to hike
LMAO read above, holy shit. Stupid ass one liners instead of using your fucking head
>inevitability from rate hikes...
>while the rate hikes are being countered by the injection of liquidity from other sources
what are these "other sources"? Talking out of your ass
>sorry to break this to you anon, but the fed can support treasury market without dropping the funds rate back to "let's pump shitcoins" ranges
No, they can't. They'll have to QE to be able to buy back the bonds other countries will end up dumping
>With analysis like this no wonder you couldn't predict your shitcoins crashing
Not an argument, retardo

>> No.52331831

2 more weeks and we moonz to 100k.