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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52318735 No.52318735 [Reply] [Original]

LPL chads we fucking won

>> No.52318845

can one stake without LPL then or what is the v0.1 without LPL for?

>> No.52318875

>can one stake without LPL
lpl is a meme

>> No.52318966

There is nothing funny about ChainlinkGod going full incel because the DeFi Money Markets glow niggers reprogrammed him to respond with deadly force whenever Disney's classic Under The Sea from the Little Mermaid is played in a crowded public area with plenty of witnesses around. It is not funny at all that Gregory Keough did this to ChainlinkGod.
Shit meme.
Bad taste.
Poor quality.

Ruins the state of the board entirely.

And the person who made it should feel bad

>> No.52319023

it will be like the other ether lsds (stETH for example)
linkpool's staking infrastructure which enables retail staking on chainlink nodes will accept lplLINK (or whatever they call it) which gives greater utility as it can be used as collateral elsewhere
with 0.1 retail can stake directly but..
nodes will want to borrow link to fill their quota, while they only get 50k LINK initially this will increase to 150k LINK as staking scales to 75m
and borrow from retail to fulfil staking requirements for other jobs (from v1 onwards)
linkpool is using their first mover advantage to entrench themselves just like lido

>> No.52319059

>Snapshot still to come
>we did the right thing holding this while it bled out

>> No.52319063

jason nigger consultancy btfo

>> No.52319141

Nice, but I lost most of my LINK stack I was planning to stake thanks to FTX.

>> No.52319343

Uhh do we need to withdraw our LPL from their platform by the 25th then or is it fine holding the Linkpool Allowance token

t. Retard

>> No.52319360

your fault, you didnt truly believe the chainlink vision if you used centralized israel exchanges, you shouldve used a DEX and cold storage

>> No.52319391

check the replies of the tweet

>> No.52319393

no need to withdraw, eric says everyone that withdraws will get their position permanently BTFO and excluded from the Pool for all time

>> No.52319394

the snapshot covers both lpl stakers and holders. you don't need to do anything

>> No.52319473


>> No.52319573

so is it better to buy 0.1 or just liquid stake

>> No.52319685
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im excited

>> No.52320111

aaand bitcoin is dumping

>> No.52321041

What the fuck does this mean, similar to stETH or cbETH?