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52307845 No.52307845 [Reply] [Original]

lol, lmao even
>generational wealth opportunity!!

>> No.52307859

how many of them were indians?

>> No.52307887

Coder trannies btfo

>> No.52307896
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None of them, indians are the best coders

>> No.52307921


>> No.52308030

We are heading to a depression, not recession.
Record interest rates, lay offs, record debt, record inflation.

geopolitical tensions.

this wont end well.

>> No.52308244
File: 50 KB, 500x707, 1667995829071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this wont end well.
We get to see the end of the old world anon. See it as an opportunity (as long as you manage to survive of course).

>> No.52308443

Guarantee at least 80% were roastie grifters

>> No.52308456

>delaying until after midterms
lfg brandon!

>> No.52308484

Thanks, Mr. Jerome

>> No.52308488


What is this META thing even about? What does it DO?

All I've seen is some cgi Zuck looking like he came out of a Wii or a Dire Straits video looking like a hypnotized fish.
Was that supposed to be appealing to ... make you ... look into META?

What the fuck are they even selling?
Do they think that zoomies that can't unglue themselves from a phone will go into some VR bullshit realm and shop for lattes and avocado toast there?

>> No.52308545

None. All were straight white men seeking to start white families.

>> No.52308560
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>lmao even

>> No.52308562

i still laugh every time i remember that they spent literally $35 billion developing the metaverse. meanwhile it looks like something a team of indians or eastern europeans could have made in 12 months for a few million dollars.

>> No.52308611
File: 74 KB, 750x651, 1648380611482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how Facebook and the iPhone started, then look at how they are now. META in its current form is like those old Motorola "iPhones" they released before the 3GS that was just a white reskin of a Motorola model with an Apple logo instead of the M. I don't use Facebook and I think metaverse anything is fucking gay, but it will be shilled as the defacto social media platform when VR technology goes from a shitty novelty to something basically every normie has, just like previous normie popular products. My guess is META will flop fully at some point and go back to just being FB / IG / WA, and some other chosen one will pop up with a new metaverse product that catches on.

>> No.52308704

No, they want to gamify remote work and try to get people addicted to it similar to how people get addicted to WoW. That's why you always here the phrase "live and work in the metaverse," and all the other big tech companies want in on it. It is a lot more ambitious and potentially lucrative than social media, but also a lot harder to pull off, even if the graphics weren't so God awful.

>> No.52308846


>> No.52308925
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Who'd have thought giving women high paying make-work jobs simply to upset the societal gender relationship balance wasn't sustainable?

>> No.52308965
File: 70 KB, 813x681, DcWh_YaV4AEI8Z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13% is 11000
>they have ~85k employees
wtf do all these people do?

>> No.52309002

Facebook is a message board. They need a dozen coders for the main product and a dozen more for their spying software.

>> No.52309025

Indians only hire other Indians and fire nonIndians. Indians are a plague in every silicon valley company, but they deserve it for being antiwhite.
I hope they all burn.

>> No.52309185

1 code monkey for every 10 project manager, middle manager, HR manager, diversity manager, social media manager, diversity hires etc

>> No.52309211

Should be more

>> No.52309238

These people don't have any passion for the products they work on anyways. They just want to cost on EZ grant money and slurp down their paychecks and from Zuckerberg's cock.
They're all communists.

>> No.52309254

no, it's the other way around. 10 worthless codeniggers bragging about sucking down $300k/year with DUDE 5 MINUTES OF WORK A DAY LMAO.

>> No.52309264

seething tranny KYS. Why are you faggots so massvely retarded that literal 3rd worlders with shit tier education displace you? Damn it feels nice to be European for once.

>> No.52309266

>seething about the success of others, to the point where he celebrates their demise
hello commie nigger

>> No.52309277
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> Learn to code
they said.

>> No.52309295

indians hate other indians

>> No.52309302

it would a be a primitive predecessor to the Matrix. You have to convince monkeys to want to live and work and physically waste away in a computer program first. Autistic nerds and disabled shut-ins are already well adapted for it. There are some others that need some persuasion.

Meanwhile defense contractor Palmer Luckey just publicized his VR headset modified with shape charges that blow the user's head off if they die in the game.

>> No.52309324

I dont care about Musk but its funny how twittertrannies were seething when layoffs were announced at twitter meanwhile its what happens everywhere else too because market crash.

>> No.52309346

>VR technology goes from a shitty novelty to something basically every normie has

it wont happen. people dont want to strap something on their head.

>> No.52309356

Greetings, Komrade
Enjoying your personalized swag bag?

>> No.52309385
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You will wear ze headset.

>> No.52309394

What catered luncheons be providefth by thine charitable lords of such domain?

>> No.52309423

The metaverse cannot and will not catch on until VR becomes actually good.
This is the result of trying to be first too quickly.

>> No.52309493

108 of them

>> No.52309529

And VR won't become actually good because Sony and Facebook are trying their hardest to kill the market with their walled garden exclusives.

>> No.52309711

metas biggest problem is its own monetization plan
they should know by now you need to lure in people especially content creators first being free or given payouts to the creators
but no meta went full retard with an enormous tax on every transaction ingame that would suffocate any starting economy and their solution is to partner with big corps to sell their products ingame for insane prices
normies dont start into a game where you have to buy 1000 buck pants like meta is doing, you can only do that after your platform captured most of the audience

>> No.52309726
File: 168 KB, 1558x1423, 2F7FEBE8-C0C4-45C5-8DFB-BD4658D29BAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta’s newgrad bootcamp has always been mostly dumb roasties. I dont know a single male in that program, the good news is most of them got the boot in this layoff

>> No.52309754

Found the parasitic manager

>> No.52309943

What do you think happened to her, bros: https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1589666979891523584

Protect her smile

>> No.52310072

this thing looks poo to me
Virtual reality. The entire social media / meta / vr business model is just escapism.
>Real life sucks so come online where you can have a better chance of success
It's honestly disgusting when you think about it.

>> No.52310146

>this thing looks poo to me
Does that thing have a fucking moustache? Why?

>> No.52310207

this is a fake account, I'm pretty sure.

> source: layoffs don't officially start happening until 10AM EST, + ai generated profile photo

>> No.52310280

I don't know, Lyn Alden liked the tweet that's the only reason I know about it.
her tiktok has a linktree on it to her feetfinder page

>> No.52310732

I figured this out back around 2015 when FB started massively overbuilding fiber optics networks around their campuses and major US cities. If you look into it you'll notice the bandwidth capacity was and still is beyond anything the current form of the internet is capable of filling. My call at the time was that every home and most public buildings would be blanketed with lidar emitters and you would "sign in" to go to your friend's house or a museum instead of actually going there. The crazy thing is that this actually panned out as far as a virtual world was concerned and it now forms the base layer of Meta. What I didn't anticipate was the cutesy, cartoony overlay they added for the public, although this makes perfect sense because lidar imagery isn't exactly going to appeal to the public. But the craziest part of all this is that the public isn't taking the bait at all. Think of Meta as the logical next step of Total Information Awareness, which was the CIA project FB was spun off from. Maybe people really are waking up from the hypnosis, which is why the handlers were in such a panic to rush out vaccines and up everyone's chronic brain fog.

>> No.52310794

hey wagie your last day is friday. it was a tough decision, i'm sure you understand.

>> No.52311008

I thank god I got a job in actual tech instead of this fake and gay social media crap.

>> No.52311380

Seething blue collar cuck