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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 800x600, Bitcoinist-Gold-vs-Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52307382 No.52307382 [Reply] [Original]

If you can, congratulations, you are not a stupid nigger trooncoin faggot.

>> No.52307556

I can hold gold in my...hand?

>> No.52308537

Only one of them can be devalued by asteroids.

>> No.52308581

Thanks for the cope kek

>> No.52308631

while the two share many fundamentals, they do not share all. people who call btc digital gold are at least 5 years behind the curve. same as the goldheads who call btc worthless, again, 5 years behind the curve at least

>> No.52308661

One can travel at the speed of light the other enabled (((them))) to fuck humanity because it couldn't.

>> No.52308667

It's only become more gold-like over the past 5 years, I'm not sure what you're on about. I don't think it's exactly the same as gold, obviously it has its own trade-offs, but they have more in common than not.

>> No.52308712

I'll humor your retardation for a bit. Let's just put the economic, technological, and logistical issues aside for bringing a golden asteroid to earth. If gold was super abundant it would be the next wonder material. Everyone can get cheap dental implants, put the shit on their roof even, technology that does not corrode over time, what does an excess of trooncoin do, can you make your roof out of it, can you fix your teeth with it, baggie?

>> No.52308718

lmao truly my favorite meme

>> No.52308763
File: 41 KB, 727x727, a99e0585fb65faec390dc434d130b80d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coinfaggots have to pray for a one in a trillion event to rationalize their "thesis"

>> No.52308767

>more gold like
kys retarded newfag

>> No.52308797

The whole crypto market uses bitcoin as store of value, nigger.

>> No.52308800

There was research on a new energy dense battery, but you know what the problem was? That is right, we have yet to make gold as abundant as aluminum. If it was, it would greatly enrich society, something an excess of trooncoins doesn't do. The only thing an excess of trooncoin does is prove how much of a baggie faggot you are, kek.

>> No.52308812

keked and checked

>> No.52308817

literally not true. they use stable coins.

>> No.52308821

lmao we have cheap dental implants already you don't need cheap gold for that. also what good is tuper dense and heavy metal on your roof? shit is heavy and will heat up your house like a bitch.

>> No.52308834

stop talking dude.....

>> No.52308848

Most stable coins are backed by bitcoin.

>> No.52308863

you are talking out of your ass bro. it’s all backed by fucking nothing. bitcoin is nothing.

>> No.52308882

I'm making the point that one is a real physical commodity whereas the other is video game money without the video game. Pick your poison, I prefer the thing that is naturally scarce as opposed to a manmade scarcity which is not really scarce if you take a broader view that some troon can just make a better trooncoin over time, then what?

>> No.52309109

>one is a real physical commodity
And that the reason it will always get eventually replaced by fiat. Ledger monies are just 100x more practical. Try to imagine a world where you pay your bills with gold. And no, I don't mean gold IOUs or keeping your gold with a (((trusted custodian))) that adjusts ledger entries when you make a payment. I mean you actually physically delivering gold flakes to every service provider you owe. And it's an even bigger pain in the ass if you transact with actually big sums.
How many YEARS it took? Home many MILLIONS were the "translation fees"?

>> No.52309150

Both are useless.

The only real currencies are food and energy.

>> No.52309674

I don't trust stables, only BTC and XRM

True, but you can't trade food or energy for a house, so lets try to keep the discussion in the realm of reality, we're not in Mad Max territory... yet

>> No.52310597
File: 845 KB, 2048x1536, krugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, but I don't buy eagles, they cost too much.

>> No.52310650


>> No.52310663

One is money in the pan the other is a flash in the pan.

>> No.52310681

one has basically infinite supply and the other has a fixed supply

>> No.52310733

>Gold is inflationary and bitcoin is deflationary
>Gold is not easily divisible and bitcoin is infinitely divisible
>Gold is illiquid and bitcoin is highly liquid
>Gold is difficult to transact with and bitcoin is easy to transact with
>Gold can be stolen or must be held remotely at cost and bitcoin is highly secure
>Gold has failed to hold it's value over the long term and has lost the majority of its value when factoring in inflation and the money supply, and bitcoin has performed much better in a much shorter span of time

>> No.52310820

>bitcoin is deflationary
just a few words into your retarded post and it's obvious to tell you aren't viewing the problem dispassionately

a slowing rate of increase is not "deflationary", if it is then gold is also "deflationary"

you can't avoid the fact that retards don't care about muh decentralization. you can't avoid the fact that retards prefer the shiny over literally nothing. bitcoin has no longevity

>> No.52310899
File: 91 KB, 1024x778, 4E250258-F56F-4518-870E-D87968883033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 transactions per second

>> No.52310929

>True, but you can't trade food or energy for a house

yes you can

>> No.52310987

>manmade scarcity which is not really scarce

bitcoin will never be scarce because each bitcoin can be divided into billions. there is no particular significance to having a whole bitcoin.

>> No.52310990

hmm, one is a worthless outdated relic that only has value because people believe it is valuable and have believed so for a long time, and the other is gold.

>> No.52311009

I own both.
Trooncoin has been infinitely more profitable.

Imagine being such a brainlet that you bring your retarded tribalism to a market where you can profit significantly more from bias neutrality. Typical of /biz/ I guess.

>> No.52311015
File: 370 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one of them can be devalued by asteroids.

Sure about that?

>> No.52311162
File: 276 KB, 1200x969, shrimple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need crypto, simple as.

>> No.52311338

>has been infinitely more profitable
someone is still living in the past. yes you can buy bottoms and sell tops, but if you're going to be a trader that happens to perfectly time everything, you can simply use options on gold-linked securities to become even more profitable. the discussion is about holding one or the other on a risk-adjusted basis

>> No.52311369
File: 98 KB, 1170x858, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am launching a CPU/GPU mineable (ASIC resistant) Bitcoin fork. We're thinking that a lot of former ETH miners will come to our network to collect block rewards with their GPUs over time.

We're launching in two weeks, so you still have time to learn more about the project.

> This is a Coin on its Own Chain, Not an ETH or BNB Chain Token
> Launching November 21st 2022
> Over 350 Telegram Members
> Multiple Crypto Influencers are Calling Us Out on Launch
> Influencers are From Both Twitter and Telegram
> Many 4chan Bros Are in the Group, and are Utilizing their Bizraeli Networks
> 4chan Soft Fork in Development (4chan fork with our native coin as payment method for adspace)
> Each Social Media Page is Up and Running
> See Our Specs for More Details, Mining Pool and Block Explorer are Live November 21st 2022
> Our Website Will be Online by November 14th 2022
> We Have a Small CEX Listing Underway 7 Day After Launch
> Airdrops are Negotiable, Please Discuss with the Admins or Owner for More Details

Pic related, shoot me a DM on TG

>> No.52311409

>I mean you actually physically delivering gold flakes to every service provider you owe.
are you actually retarded?
Almost no gold standard in history actually worked this way.
Gold certificates can easily be transferred electronically.