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52241485 No.52241485 [Reply] [Original]

To be a good trader I've learned an awful lot of technical and historic analysis of the market, then to add another layer of precision I imagine an entity that his entire job was to argue why my prediction could possibly be wrong (market intervention, black swans, metatrade, etc)
The problem is that this entity slowly started to argue against other decisions I made outside finances.
I ended up developing schizophrenia with a tulpa that constantly argue against every single desition that i made
How I fix this?

I feel that I can't tell this to anybody in my life without ending in a mental institution chained for life to a wall

>> No.52241513

The funny thing is this is possibly not a larp and a serious post

>> No.52241538

Is it really schizophrenia? Are you going through manic episodes? Seeing, feeling, hearing things and remembering events incorrectly? If you want to deal with your problem you will really have to pinpoint it to deal with it. I could see how having a tulpa would make it seem that way, but is schizophrenia really it?

>> No.52241540
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This is your last chance anon. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay on /biz/ and we show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

>> No.52241541

I'm enough self aware that if I put a foot on the mental health system I'm not gonna leave the wacky house for many years

>> No.52241555

>I feel that I can't tell this to anybody in my life without ending in a mental institution chained for life to a wall
You could actually be locked up for saying stuff like that. Be very, very careful. They lock people up for any reason or no reason sometimes. If there's someone who has a major argument with you they can say you started talking like that and they think you're crazy, boom. A similar thing happened me and my landlord. People don't realize how easily it happens. But then there was more complicated stuff to my story, but if you roll the dice badly a few times they can and will take you in and force you meds, you don't have to say something like about harm or anything like that.

I don't think you should do anything about it OP, just try to live with it. Maybe try experimenting with different herbs (not herbal drugs), I found that when I eat hot chilli sauce, I don't seem to get the same sort of intrusive thoughts I used to.

>> No.52241567

yes, based, I really wish I had known that before I started telling them how dead people could in a way be alive in your head, but of course not really, I was 18 at the time and dumb.

>> No.52241571

Oh man

>> No.52241578

>when I eat hot chilli sauce, I don't seem to get the same sort of intrusive thoughts I used to.
Will really try this

>> No.52241579

Its called a devil's advocate. You're not skitzo just a low t chud. Read some philosophy books and chill out.

>> No.52241580


What country are you in that you can be locked up just for saying something like OP?

>> No.52241582

What does the entity think about me buying TQQQ calls next week? Can you ask him?

>> No.52241587

>A similar thing happened me and my landlord.
I mean my landlord did it to me, then she kicked me out and kept all the money I had paid while she rented it out again while I was locked up. It was crazy.

>> No.52241588

Yeah the funny farm will always find something to pin you down as a psycho

>> No.52241593

toy models in your head are not schizophrenia

>> No.52241604

Ireland, but similar things can happen in the US. Generally there would be a bad actor somewhere that is trying to get you put in there.

>> No.52241608

This is OP talking to himself

>> No.52241612

Diet, exercise, meditation. These are all good things to calm the mind. Our thoughts only have the power we give them. If you focus your concious on good living, health and prosperity your subconcious will follow suit. That's all mental health is, whatever your concious is fixated on will manifest through your subconscious. Placebo or not chilli sauce triggers this positive feedback loop for you.

>> No.52241613

if the ratio of op/replies is more than 1:2, you are probably dealing with glowniggers.
that is all you need to know,

you will know when this is untrue, it will be the opposite,
the ratio will be lika 1:1/5 (1/0.2)

>> No.52242045

You opened a portal by thinking it was good to entertain negative and contradictory thoughts. You have to close it by doing the opposite and thinking positive, confident, assenting thoughts. Let this be a lesson for the future as to what type of thoughts you should allow

>> No.52242340

>feel that I can't tell this to anybody in my life without ending in a mental institution chained for life to a wall
Nobody told me that this could happen, I want a refund

>> No.52242343

you got way too low and they got you, you'll have to endure years of battle in your head... perhaps for the purification of your soul. You are a sovereign being, you're not supposed to let other spirits ride your flesh, it's yours and given to you by Samsara as your birth right.

>> No.52242372

You're not actually a schizo, you're just a low-grade sociopath.
And not like the sociopaths in the movies, most sociopaths are extremely stupid but think they are geniuses and have delusions of success when they just constantly fail at everything.

>> No.52242474
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The US. Kikes will use any excuse they can get to gaslight someone and sell them toxic pills like they did in the soviet union. Hell, I was declared schizophrenic for less.

>> No.52242569

Found the midwit.

>> No.52244833

>Life wasn’t tragedy, it was merely an absurd comedy.

>> No.52244884
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holy cocks you guys are bugging out. OP, fuck the world, it wants your money. You aren't schizo, people genuinely want you to lose money. Most people you will meet in life will have dark secrets about themselves and terrible suspicions and hidden hate towards you, no matter if they're family or not. imagine what happens to a person when they win a powerball worth 1.6 million dollars. suddenly every family member remembers exactly how much they've given you over the years in christmas gifts, and don't forget about graduation. oh yeah, remember those people from your past? say hi to those people again.

it's money dude. literally the number one thing destroying this fucking planet. it fuels every sin out there. it fuels creation and innovation. it can kill, destroy, silence and create anything it wants. it can disappear in an instant, and make a single man one of the most powerful people on the planet. name it, snap your fingers BAM money can provide it. you're not schizo. motherfuckers want this power more than you is all, and you're just a casualty of unanticipated circumstances. a blip on the time scale of our existence.
>How I fix this?
start smoking pot, jacking off, eating healthier, and being awesome. it's fucking simple bro. you don't need any one of these worthless retards approval and their opinions and very thoughts are worth less than a degrading pebble of donkey shit on a Mexican highway. start recording shit, start pushing your brain and body to new limits. start having long term future goals. make it so you can tell every dickbrain in your past that ever gave you shit to actually eat shit. then you can take a shit on their graves and wipe your ass with a benjamin.

>> No.52244900

The end result of increasing your intelligence is developing schizophrenia. You either maxx out your psychopathy stat to hide your power level, or you end up fucked by the system.
The internet is a spider web and the spiders are watching all the flies to see who wriggles.

>> No.52244921

>Be very, very careful. They lock people up for any reason or no reason sometimes.
Know your rights.
In the modern day it is illegal to commit someone to a mental institution unless you can demonstrate that the person is a clear and present danger to themselves or others. If you want to commit someone, you have to PROVE in court, that this person is a danger to themselves or others.
Ranting about reptillians or AI doomsdays is not enough to prove that.
You can go as schizo as you want and talk about the demiurge and satan and magick, as long as you aren't dangerous and they can't do anything to you.

>> No.52245084

they can bend that any direction, and what are you going to do about it? they put you there put you on pills that make you go crazy and boom. Just becasue you were prepping food and guns, you suddenly either dead or in an asylum. happend 2 times here in belgium becasue people started doing the above when they started vaxxing everyone in sport centers. They sent a squad to the home killed the man and than made news about them being terrorists.