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52241409 No.52241409 [Reply] [Original]

How can you support this??

>> No.52241432

She’s lying with her profile pic so I don’t feel bad for liars.

>> No.52241431

Nice bait itoddler
I don't care about americans or wagies

>> No.52241458

we unironically need to stop all forms of welfare to single moms.

>> No.52241465

Nigger what are you doing. Get Brave browser.

>> No.52241511

Simplify your comp process, bro

>> No.52241514

Corporate doesnt fire or lay you off without pulling you into a room and explaining what your severance benefits are first. This fat bitch of course is lying.

>> No.52241530

Fat cow man emon must feel some serious satisfaction

>> No.52241551

tbf, I think a bit of chubbiness is to be expected in 8-month pregnancies.

>> No.52241553

Based and third reich eich pilled

>> No.52241561

>Corporate doesnt fire or lay you off without pulling you into a room and explaining what your severance benefits are first.
The richest man in the world doesn't give a fuck what 'corporate' does.

>> No.52241568

they are all being paid not to work until february

>> No.52241589

they fired what today, 1500?
and banned them from the building.
I doubt anyone is sitting down with them and carefully going over their benefits anytime soon.

>> No.52241628

is that really what americans call chubby? lmfao

>> No.52241631

women should be at home.

these assholes are just upset because twitter was democrat's platform to spread lies and suppress the truth and conservatives voices.

now twitter is in the hands of someone who wont bend the knee.

if they want to blame anyone, blame the stock holding companies that accepted the deal.

>> No.52241638

Elon simps are the worst.

>> No.52241644

Lovewhereyouworked? They will never learn

>> No.52241655

they went over it a long time ago, retard. the layoff plan was known about even before elon stepped into the building.

>> No.52241670

rache is PREGNANT you insensitive misogyne.
>has 9 months old
>is 8 months pregnant
she maybe wants to lay off swallowing the pumpkin seed for a bit tho.

>> No.52241673

>owner fires a bunch of useless retards because the company is bleeding money
>these useless retards happen to have EGS practices all over it

>> No.52241687

I'm not the one claiming no-one gets fired without a 1-on-1 3 hour sitdown with corp HR and a box of tissues. You retard.

>> No.52241703

imagine not having an intelligent opposing argument so you try to insult the opposing party with inaccurate insults.

>> No.52241713
File: 426 KB, 810x540, hashtag-art-twitter-sf-office-tour[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were indoctrinated.

>> No.52241731

Elon literally trimming the fat from Twitter kek

>> No.52241734

Bitch sits at a desk all day earning six figures and complains like she's some single parent working 3 jobs on her feet all day to support a family. She can fuck off, and if she didn't save for a rainy day then she can fuck off times 2.

>> No.52241733

profile pic
>how you think life is going to be
real pic
>what life is really like

fantasy > reality every time

>> No.52241809

you do yuropoor, that's why you're on this website. Now the fed is going to fuck you over, and you'll like it

>> No.52241811

The monster is that "pregnant" creature.

>> No.52242055

she may want to consider contraceptive methods

>> No.52242666

pathos. adl storytime.

tech firings are part of tech. have a dose of reality.

>> No.52242679

i didn't

>t. never owned twitter stock

>> No.52242696

these people make 6 figures or more, they're in the top 1% of earners in america, why does anyone feel bad for them?

>> No.52242701
File: 60 KB, 475x382, 1665401819255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger power fantasy about uncle sam helping him be a tough guy on the internet

>> No.52242777

The proper term is United-Statians

>> No.52242821

>how she looks on the gram vs how she looks irl

>> No.52242837

because they are ruined now.
Thousands of them roaming the streets, broke, forlorn, hand still uncontrollably clenching and unclenching in memory of the *free* wine fountain, all incapable of starting a conversation without 'why, i remember when i worked at Twitter..'

>> No.52242853

I don't care about her or her child anymore than she cared about me or my child. I don't like twitter or what it has been in the world or elon musk and am glad to see those two things canceling each other out.

>> No.52242868

this x 6 million

>> No.52242878

They will have the best possible resume as they worked in a FAANG and an ironclad excuse for why they left.

Why would you care about people like this. What about us day-to-day guy living on crumbs with zero clue when our next contract is going to succeed/fail.

>> No.52242923

None of you retards even realize what Elon owning Twitter actually means. Elon is another Chinese sympathizer and his businesses are dependent on them. Expect Twitter to be nothing but pro-Chink propaganda for now on.

>> No.52242964

Close your legs

>> No.52242976

Hate Elon
but that is just a business decision, he's not in the wrong here

>> No.52242984

>a bit

You should see an east Asian that's 9 months pregnant to get a baseline reference

This woman belongs on a farm...like in the barn, not the house

>> No.52243038

better than pro jew propaganda. not by much but still better

>> No.52243040

Ask those people who lost their job due to jab restrictions and mandates, which were enabled by the lock step censoring by twitter employees and the government.

I'm sure they'll be full of sympathy. Especially the pregnant ones. Or those who got the jab and has miscarriages. They will really really take your situation to heart.

>> No.52243061

bets on baby #2 being brown?

>> No.52243100 [DELETED] 

she should just learn to code

>> No.52243119

i was honestly surprised the first one was even White given the kind of shitlibs that staff twitter.

>> No.52243121
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>> No.52243133
File: 949 KB, 900x733, Dear_Fren_Elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a cold day in Hell before Musk starts criticising his Saudi 'Dear Friends' and investors again either.

>> No.52243144


>2022 AD
>Not running DNS-level ad blocking

>> No.52243147

the profile pic she is using she be taken down for false advertising.

>> No.52244332

alright this is based. fucking whores should never have left the kitchen.

>> No.52244346

elon is definitely a sack of shit and a simp, but this is just incidental to him being a sack of shit and a simp.
I'm fully expecting him to go full anglo-mode and simp for this dumb kitchen-escapee.

>> No.52244353

Shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.52244355

this also

>> No.52244372

whats wrong with ending a mutual employee-company relationship? shes pregnant? boohoo cry me a river, thats equality for you. everybody gets the boot

>> No.52244376

Not a huge elon fan as a whole, but you have to admit this is pretty based.

>> No.52244378 [DELETED] 

did you even read my comment?

>> No.52244391

>what kind of severance they deserve!?!?

Oh wow you mean they didn't read their contracts and had shitty conditions built in by shitty corporate managers before Elon even got there.
This is definitely Elons fault!

>> No.52244401
File: 41 KB, 319x340, 1667639269764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bit of chubbiness
My wife wasn't even half as big while being pregnant with twins.

>> No.52244492

shes chosen her priority and that is to be a mother (based) but also wants to parasite a salary at the same time... classic entrapment probably waited to get the job knowing she was going to start a family right after
she'll probably start on the 3rd before even leaving the delivery room again

>> No.52244508

Dumb bitch who can't read thinks her job is her husband, forgets what at will employment means and has two kids with no plan to support them during an economic downturn. Many such cases, and I don't give a shit.

>> No.52244919

Imagine using twitter. Ever.

>> No.52244940

The monster is the guy who put this people there in the first place. Twitter was controlled by the communist media. Not anymore.


>> No.52244975

people like you are killing america

>> No.52245018

inflation is everywere rn

>> No.52245033

fat cow

>> No.52245066


>> No.52245092

Is carrying around cum inside a meat pocket expecting special treatment. Do women really?

>> No.52245130

I think her problem is that she isn't swallowing enough

>> No.52245146

>has 9 month old
>and 2 week old
>shares office with Elon
perhaps for the best she got sacked.

>> No.52245154

Liar, liberals do not reproduce

>> No.52245421
File: 30 KB, 620x370, 1555541999158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr muh free speech platform

It's hilarious watching a billionaire blow 40 billion dollars just to learn the same lesson every loser on 4chan learned a decade ago.

>the only people that care about MUH TOTAL FREE SPEECH and ZERO CENSORSHIP are cringe lords that want to call everyone nigger or faggot
>they are a liability to their own 'cool kids secret club' platform
>making it harder to get advertisers, moderators, and new users
>until even the most passionate, loving creator sells off his own creation to a random japanese dude

>> No.52245437

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the tyranny and inequity of evil men.

>> No.52245439
File: 179 KB, 1000x667, sfchron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women in tech is a meme
>Always has been

>> No.52245446

>How can you support this??
what do you mean faggot, it's the father that has to take care for the mother and baby, not the government and definitely not the employer, how pathetic of a world are we living in where a far right board on the internet is defending corporate welfare, what the fuck is this shit, these bitches will learn WHY THEY NEED A MAN, it's to support their ass when there are no freebies

>> No.52245453

wow she was fat and ugly

>> No.52245463

did her face get pregnant?

>> No.52245464

>8 months pregnant with a 9 month old
Sounds like a real productive worker

>> No.52245473

hard to believe they had that many people working when the site functions almost identically to launch

>> No.52245509

I don't know how to break this to you but that's not just a pregnant belly, anon

>> No.52245521

Probably need a forklift, or a strong pallet jack at least

>> No.52245761

but he's le based
this CEO who shovels millions of tax money into his pockets for zoomer sci-fi marketing ploys is the foremost rightwing intellectual for agreeing with me and making le SJWs....le mad

>> No.52245828

>>until even the most passionate, loving creator sells off his own creation to a random japanese dude
who then proceeds to plaster the website with onahole ads, sell user data, and STILL had to split the website to be more advertiser friendly

>> No.52246736

the initial problem was twitter hiring a bunch of people who do basically fuck all all day long

>> No.52246770


>> No.52246772

You're fucking stupid if you think these insults work. It's no longer 2016 get over yourself.

>> No.52246775

Actually we prefer to be referred to as Americx (pronounced ameri-c u c k s)

>> No.52246779

>but you can't fire me MUH KEEDS how anybody gonna feed MUH KEEDS

>> No.52246795
File: 19 KB, 454x294, PZAGKEAIL5EOJPGMKCMESFOEAE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time use a condom.

>> No.52246809
File: 145 KB, 1438x764, waytobusy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat bitch should have simplified her comp process in less then 4 steps.

If only there was a way she could have done it in 3 steps.

>> No.52246817
File: 230 KB, 1080x629, Screenshot_20221105_111013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52246854

Moot didn't give a fuck. Plastered the website with ads and was constantly trying to sell but no one would buy. You're a shill and a liar. Free speech never impacted anyone who isn't effected by faggot or nigger. You stupid niggerfaggot.

>> No.52246858

>fat liberal white woman
I'm legitimately shocked the child is white.

>> No.52246874

just gib me dats

>> No.52246875

>>making it harder to get advertisers, moderators, and new users

you're under the impression that advertising companies have any real leverage. they've always existed in a symbiotic relationship with platforms like twitter, they can't just take their business elsewhere because there's nowhere else to take their business to. the internet is like 6 real websites and the rest is fodder and these advertising companies need to reach as broad of an audience as possible. settling on occupying 5 out of 6 sites means a definite end to your business model predicated on endless growth

>> No.52246897

Is she getting executed? No? Then what's the problem? Is she going to starve to death now...? All those pumpkins in that photo could feed her for a month easily. Might have to cancel that Netflix subscription tough... such a pitty, eh.

>> No.52246969

women dont need to get fat while pregnant, its just an excuse

>> No.52247090

Free market. If the laid off employees are good, other companies will hire them for better work, so its good for them. If Musk is a bad leader twitter will die and a big chunk of Musk's wealth will be gone.

Twitter is irrelevant and profitless. Its better to have the employees move off to more productive companies. Musk is a celebrity who memed society into pouring trillions into fucking EV tech instead of actually clean burning fuels. Sooner he gets bankrupted the better.