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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 608x342, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52240138 No.52240138 [Reply] [Original]

Whats a good amount of money to invest in the lottery?

>> No.52240147

$1, $2 the most. invest any more and you're a goddam retard.

>> No.52240156
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Imagine if all the lottery winners in the past had the same mentality as you.

>> No.52240199

0$, unless you're family of the guys in charge or you're one of the lizard people you'll never win. You think they actually pick up a number at random and create a billionaire? "Winners" you see in TV are just paid actors, just like school shooters

>> No.52240201
File: 197 KB, 900x856, EYzP6YEU0AI3qXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful last time I posted a powerball thread I got banned by jannies.
The powerball tickets are $2 imo no more than $20

>> No.52240209

here, go spend $100k on it, see if you win:


>> No.52241506

That counter is so depressing

>> No.52241627

pretty sure a guy won from a 6 dollar ticket.

>> No.52241637


>> No.52241668
File: 56 KB, 800x450, trips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never win the lottery

>> No.52241683

holy fuck, that was a thrill
makes me feel like mr beast

>> No.52241720

this. its pure luck. the most likely outcome is you loose your money regardless the money you put in.

so just buy 1 or 2 tickets for having a chance.

>> No.52241727

yeah, now imagine doing that with real money. I did when I was desperate like 6 years ago, blew like $8,000 on lottery tickets. Should have been buying crypto.

>> No.52241742

every gambler loses big before winning big
stick to the sigma grindset and keep playing

>> No.52241796

>15th thread by this nigger in three days
Kys attention seeker.

>> No.52241807

Sucks mate
You doing better?

>> No.52241813
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>> No.52241837

Any more than $2 (One ticket) is a waste. The greatest gain is from winning being impossible (no tickets) to possible (1 ticket). The odds are still so against you that the diminishing returns don't make it worth it beyond having an existent chance to win at all.
When it gets this big people play because the don't want their imaginary enemies to win. Reddit plays so a chud doesn't win, /pol/ plays so their enemies can't win, etc. The only way to guarantee your enemy doesn't win is to not play but there are too many desperate people that will always play, which becomes seldom sustaining. That's why running your own lotto is illegal

>> No.52241889

the red dot street shitter that won the most or 2nd most high jackpot only bought 2 tickets back when it was $1 per ticket.

>> No.52241926

listen up, retard
if you buy 1 play you have a chance
if you buy 2 plays you have just doubled your chances
it is really simply. imagine being such a fucking brainlet

>> No.52241947

This is true but our odds are still so far below 1% that it doesn't practically matter.

>> No.52241970

How much would you post on /biz/ if you won? I'd do some gloating/do some ETH giveaways.

>> No.52241980

That one faggot who keeps saying you can increase your odds to 1 in 242,000 by buying 1000 tickets.

>> No.52241991

>create a billionaire
The lump sum only pays out like 300 million dollars after the lottery's cut and the government's cut.

>> No.52242003

>keep gambling, survivor's bias indicates you will either win or run out of money and become a homeless drug addict

>> No.52242033

>win powerball
>300 million
>cant even buy twitter
>realize how poor you still are
>why even live

>> No.52242050

>spending 2k for a 1:242k chance. Might as well put that 2k into a shitcoin

>> No.52242080

i did put 1000$ in a layer1 shitcoin and i guess my chances are much better than power ball

>> No.52242098

During a bullrun everything will pump, you just gotta sell before the big shart downwards 90%.

>> No.52242109
File: 414 KB, 1439x2136, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks. No more lottery for me.

>> No.52242127

The lottery is a payoff for sex traffickers. The only real lottery winners are the ones that win a couple million in the smaller lotteries.

>> No.52242148

There is no legit reason to ever play the lottery. It's a tard tax.

If you want to play a game of chance with money where you can't come out on top by skill - literally bingo. If you don't see yourself being social with old ladies them I'm sorry, that's the only way it makes sense, you are one of them if you want to play that way.

>> No.52242203

I would unironically give over a million away in XMR

>> No.52242205
File: 30 KB, 473x441, powerball_simulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you was even lucky

>> No.52242223

No it currently pays out 492,000,000 lump after taxes The annuity takes 30 years but if you put the lump into a growth index fund for 30 years you'd have 8.5billion following historical long term performance trends.
I'm in my 20's so this is literally a new American dynasty if I won.

>> No.52242232
File: 34 KB, 554x554, 241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we have come to. This is sad, really.
Buy a ticket or two if you want to have a chance.

>> No.52242279
File: 10 KB, 236x140, 24bb39399675dadabd94987a150cbd23--bingo-night-game-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There actually are bingo games where skill is a factor. Most casino tournaments run on 18-24 cards with only 20-30 seconds between balls. Many of the patterns are complex or have multiple win conditions to look out for. Every casino I've been to requires that you call bingo on the winning ball (before the next is called). Doesn't matter if you have the winning pattern, call it too late and you still lose. Saw a guy miss $1,000 on that once.

Shit's intense. Those grandmas are fucking sharp.

>> No.52242289

Gambling is degenerate.

>> No.52242352

$20. I rode $20 for 6 months last time it hit 1B, kept winning my money back so I'd play some more. And really, so what if you lose $20? That's barely a meal for 2 these days.

>> No.52242381

True, xmr general would be the richest general on /biz/ lol at least 100xmr to every ID that posted before I announced.

>> No.52242385

Yeah, even winning 50k which is highly unlikely does not offset anything.

>> No.52242408

$6 dollars

>> No.52242447

Clearly these education lotteries aren't working to improve education.

>> No.52242510

It's a prisoners dilemma. When the lottery approaches 1b it starts growing massively because people don't want anyone else to have that much money for nothing.

>> No.52242589
File: 72 KB, 1015x773, powerplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did powerplay, 213 years of playing 3x a week.

>> No.52242814

>has appropriate testosterone levels for a male

>> No.52242876
File: 72 KB, 1170x180, AC2D6076-2B70-4210-9F19-DFEF70B29D91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52242911

Thanks, I just spent $104 on 52 weeks of 1 line. Now I can remain hopeful and occasionally dream of what I'd do with the winnings without the financial burden of buying a bunch of entries when I feel financially insecure.

>> No.52242978

Lol are there seriously lotto threads on biz now? the absolute state, must be a sign of the times. Jannies gotta get their shit together.Sage