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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52227749 No.52227749 [Reply] [Original]

GRT bros, are we back?

>> No.52227786

it's over

>> No.52227787

Back...to 10 cents? Almost. But no, It's Over.

>> No.52227944
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Its over. We're back.

>> No.52229431

wen vc dump ser

>> No.52229457

my biggest regret in life is not selling this over $2

>> No.52229501


>> No.52229506

Havent checked on this token in a little over a year. Is it done token unlocking yet?

>> No.52229679
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My biggest regret is selling above $2, and then buying back at $1... and going all in at 30c.
Fucking hell....

>> No.52229734
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But what does this mean

>> No.52231265

One more unlock in December

>> No.52231425

Yes anon, the wait is over.

>> No.52231451


>> No.52232808

Guys what's the deal here? I thought the project was considered dead after the Graph Day fails. Is it safe to assume that GRt will pump along with the rest of the crypto market in coming months? Is it worth buying more? I accumulated a sui stack of this shit last year, while convinced that the underlying tech would benefit web3 in the coming years but I stopped buying it.

>> No.52232872
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>> No.52233028

I might pump but not as hard it's golden days are over.

>> No.52233113

token not required

>> No.52233294

It will be

>> No.52234599

Imagine thinking there’s billions of dollars in queries.

If that were true, Google would have needed to use ad revenue to fund their product. Nobody wanted to PAY for queries and certainly not a lot of money. So they used ads.

The Graph is making a compromise. Pay for query, no ads, but the query price is very very very very VERY small.

So small that there are only two classes of people who can actually make a lot of money off of this system: major indexers of the protocol, and the founders themselves. NOBODY else will ever make good money from querying the blockchain, or investing in it.

This shit network is labeled as “decentralized” but the real consequence is that 99.9999999% of the world population is effectively boxed out of making any money off the blockchain indexing and querying market. It’s even more centralized than Google was.

>> No.52234655

Kek did this with doge. Sold at .60 cents. All in at .24 when it was dropping then baghold and capitulated at .6 lmao. The market knew my breaking point and what do you know its back above .10

>> No.52234671

What the fuck is GRT? Someone sell me this too. currently gobbling up bit and eth before the run.

>> No.52234790
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Kneel for your queen

>> No.52236360

it will be not required

>> No.52236386

Decentralized data storage in nice specific bins.

>> No.52236394

will this or prq moon? even if revenue is shit, it's still an important function for crypto

>> No.52236556

some math anon is needed here to give us some hopium for the coming years based how grt did this year.

>> No.52236749
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At current GRT prices, average query pricing, typical delegation fees, and estimated hosted service query volume, APY could reach 50% next year between query fees and indexing rewards if the price doesn't move.

Expect customers to reduce query frequency to cut costs though, so that figure is more of a ceiling.

>> No.52236780

Correction: 30-35%. I was plugging the December volume into the equation for the 50% figure.

>> No.52236794

Unironically get back in DOGE.

>> No.52236818
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my GRTies have remained girthy

>> No.52238392

Thank you math anon. what does that translate to suicide stack owners for example? yes, i am retarded i know.

>> No.52238758

>what does that translate to suicide stack owners for example?
It means you will not commit suicide. Congrats

>> No.52239532

After sunset, around $300/yr at current cumulative volume before customer cost optimization comes into play. After optimization, a good rule of thumb is to cut that number in half.

>> No.52239953

ok thanks for the info. not much to wait for next year, but i keep delegating and waiting if it really will do something bigger after couple years. i still have my hopes up.

>> No.52240475

Web3 projects are worth trying out and that's what I am doing.

>> No.52240600

Ladies and gentlement, GRTbros and hoes,

if you haven't left /biz/ yet you're a fucking idiot who deserves to lose money. while this place was foaming at the mouth over parsiq and ICP i was getting rich in NFTs and stacking my girty AF GuRTs because The Graph is and ALWAYS WILL BE the most based GOATed protocol and the token is so fucking necessary it pains me to see people clamoring over the lowest level FUD in existence. you're all fucking pathetic and make GRTobsessed look like an absolute god when that guy was just a whale trying to get you all to fuck off and wasn't even trying to really FUD.

the decentralized network has been receiving between 40-80k GRT in PAID queries per week for months. keep sleeping, there is no better buy in the crypto market right now than GRT. but muh VC and muh token unlocks and muh retardation. keep fucking sleeping. PLEASE. begging you. stop making these threads, there's a reason I haven't made a thread here in 14 months. why would I want the retards on biz to benefit from this legendary alpha?

but no seriously keep FUDing because i'm not done accumulating.


if you know, you know who

>> No.52240660

>math anon
his name is Einstanon. dont forget.

>> No.52240753

>the decentralized network has been receiving between 40-80k GRT in PAID queries per week
I'm bullish on grt but that's nothing to brag about. 700 million marketcap pulling in ~$6,000 in query fees a week is TERRIBLE

>> No.52240863

it would be terrible if that was what the decentralized network was raking in when 100% of subgraphs are completely migrated from every chain

until then, evaluating its success using revenue as a metric is kinda pointless. that 40-80k represents much less than 1% of what will be coming in once the hosted network begins sunsetting

>> No.52241605
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>once the hosted network begins sunsetting

2 more weeks

>> No.52241640

will i have to do anything with my delegated tokens when hosted service ends?

>> No.52241900

Yes you need to swap them to decentralized grt within 6 months. There's a blog about it, google it

>> No.52242026

No, might need to bridge to the Arbitrum network at some point but that's still a WIP.

>> No.52242325

>less than 1%
No it fucking doesn’t you brain dead perma bull retail retard. Last I heard it was around 3%.

So let’s make the math simple and take 50k GRT and multiply it by 33. That’s 1.65M GRT PER WEEK PROTOCOL WIDE.

If you think that figure is bullish you are absolutely out of your fucking mind. That’s about $165,000 PER WEEK PROTOCOL WIDE. That’s a decent income for a family restaurant. It’s not the makings of a major blockchain project that will make its little retail retard fish millions of dollars.

When you quote these numbers, you’re implicitly implying that the query fee revenues will be so massive that they will cause a spike in the price of GRT, right? Otherwise why the fuck are we even here talking about this?

So tell me faggot. How is GRT supposed to create a demand crunch when the ENTIRE UTILITY value of the network is $165,000 weekly? Across all of the thousands of clients The Graph has, all of that demand amounts to a messily 165,000 in GRT purchased on the market by the other projects.

How the fuck do you create massive demand from that? How do you get a green dildo from that? Seriously tell me how.

>> No.52242378

>How is GRT supposed to create a demand crunch

token supply shock after the unlock schedule is fully completed? maybe? I dunno, I'm an idiot just throwing it out there...

>> No.52242426

It’s practically already all unlocked. It’s like 70% done.

There’s 10 billion GRT, and a weekly utility based demand of about 1-2M GRT after full migration. That’s MAYBE 1% of GRT changing hands every YEAR based on utility needs. Unless you have ungodly extreme speculation, there’s basically no reason to see an outsized market move here.

>> No.52242900

Why do utility coins seem to get fucked the hardest? Is it just me or did they take the biggest beating this year?

>> No.52242929

It’s over?

>> No.52243551 [DELETED] 

My picks before the run are Sylo for data privacy and Arweave for my decentralised storage. I haven't bagged any Grt yet bizfag.

>> No.52243864

I would tell you but you won't listen

>> No.52244035

fuck off rajesh

>> No.52244295

since we are pulling numbers outta our ass, I'm going to multiply it by 33333, which means we're all going to make it

>> No.52244318

Easy way to access blockchain, all UIs use it