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File: 29 KB, 250x250, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5211325 No.5211325 [Reply] [Original]

no one talks about this?

>> No.5211363
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Last thread just died from too many posts. Guess this is the new thread. Post sneks.

>> No.5211446

We are all so used to stellar gaining 10% everyday like clockwork, there's really nothing to talk about

>> No.5211456

when is this shit gona moon?

should be 10b mcap

>> No.5211473

ath incoming sssssssssssneksters

>> No.5211479

it's actively mooning like 20 hours per day lol

>> No.5211517

i desperately need this to hit 32 cents. When will it happen

>> No.5211540

XMR going up noone talking about this

>> No.5211551

this coin is and will be chad coin in 2018 xD

THis is what trust looks like, look at the Chart of Lumens kek

>> No.5211570


thats big daddy dick IBM. can't believe I didn't buy more.

>> No.5211600

i dunno, like 30 minutes? I would be really deeply shocked if we don't see it by tomorrow

>> No.5211613

That's only 3 cents away, probably in the next 12 hours.

>> No.5211635

Everyone talks about this.

>> No.5211666

When will this go over $1?

>> No.5211678

why 32 cents?

>> No.5211703

Mid-January if it keeps up that pace

>> No.5211707

cant even shapeshift.

>> No.5211716

i hold 3047 of them and my current goal is just to cash out the 1k before new years to buy the vw bus with my gf

t. relative poorfag with a dream

>> No.5211739

but it's a hold, what is there to talk about?

>> No.5211741

you'll make it, friend

>> No.5211753

I dunno, the growth is pretty mild considering how obvious buy XLM still is. The volume is still pretty small. I mean look at fucking EOS, double the volume. So we're still relatively underground. Expect steady growth, I think we can safely say we'll reach XRP market cap eventually without too many problems.

>> No.5211773


>> No.5211814

Once this fucker gets into the top-10 it'll be unstoppable. Full parabolic supermoons, seriously.

I think we're only away one or two good news for that too. Shit is going to be so fucking legit you'll eat your socks

>> No.5211831

Is now a good time to buy bros? I want to wait for a dip since it went up a bit recently, but im worried there wont be a dip lol. Unless tomorrow all alts are in the red.

>> No.5211833

XLM is one of the top coins to look at. They have so much going on that I can see the price hitting $1 by Jan easily.

>> No.5211846

When xrp pumps, does this coin dip and vice versa? Or are they not connected whatsoever

>> No.5211851

It's legit already. Like you said, all we're missing is some good normie news and moon mission is guaranteed.

>> No.5211902

fuck no man

>> No.5211907
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nah, it's just coincidence if they do. Some people surely chase the latest hype minute by minute, but generally it doesn't work that way unless bitcoin is pumping or dropping hard.

If it crosses the trendline wait for the floor, otherwise get in as soon as it bounces

>> No.5211931


>> No.5211959

What's the floor?

>> No.5211960

don't cash out now for some dumb shit

>> No.5211982
File: 145 KB, 1464x509, snek chart hisss hissssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys please just trade sideways for a few days. My fucking stock exchange is so god damn slow at approving sales and transferring funds. Just don't fire the engines without me for the love of God

>> No.5211992
File: 28 KB, 627x393, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll have to figure that out. Probably 1500, but by the looks of it we're not going below the trendline

>actually accidentally moved my line
this is the correct one

>> No.5212025

im not gonna cash out completely, im holding lumens for a very very long time

>> No.5212076

Is this shit going to moon hard soon?
Im using ETH pairs, did i fuck up or is it the same

>> No.5212095

Yeah that’s an achievable dream anon. I wish I was a young fag again and could do what you’re doing. Alas past 40 you don’t want to drive around in a van with a hot piece of ass. I mean, you want the hot piece of ass but you want a comfy house to go with it.

>> No.5212115

Holding 5k lumens a-am I going to make it??

>> No.5212127
File: 111 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So comfy when I wake up with my Lumen gainz.

>> No.5212140

I'm so happy to see SNAKES in a board I didn't even create. I'm glad you guys enjoy the SNAKE TA. When your coin is so comfy you gotta entertain yourself somehow. I lost my shit when we hit 1600 today. Highlight of my month. Snake is gonna go hard to 1700 today brothers, I promise. 1500 new floor.

>> No.5212173

I have about 7k. I don’t know that we have enough to make it anon, but we have enough to keep the wolves from the door for a good long while. In this shit world that’s pretty good.

>> No.5212227
File: 239 KB, 1080x1182, 20171219_014728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really sleep any more. SNAKE is happily drinking water awaiting Hong Kong conference in 3 hours. Chillin out, getting hungry, sees a little wall to eat at 1600, no biggie, eat another at 1625, mmmmmmm, should have quite the appetite for the one at 1700. Can't wait to watch him eat. Fucking pink eyes.

>> No.5212234

Is Stellar good for hodl or is it better for short term?

>> No.5212249


>> No.5212251

iron grip dude. Don't give your XLM away. This shit is hotter than any coin on the market

>> No.5212263

is there to be hodled

>> No.5212266


>> No.5212271

It's not

>> No.5212278


>> No.5212279

Do you want to 3x your money by 2018?
Short term.
Do you want to 50x your money by 2019?
Long hodl

>> No.5212281

if anything we have a really nice gentle touch to the trendline. Super fucking bullish

>> No.5212288
File: 28 KB, 598x306, BiKm4OpCQAALcFt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big strong hands anon. Hodl on to this fucker like your life depends upon it.

>> No.5212298

You see the buy walls jump up just now?

>> No.5212316

Order book looking healthy as fuck

>> No.5212500

SNAKE taking a big drink

>> No.5212528

yeah looks like it will take a little breather here. Time for some dip buys in an hour or so if you're waiting for an opportunity.

But this fucker might as well just turn around and rake in another ATH. You just never know.

Hodling stong here

>> No.5212594

Wasn't Golden cross confirmed yesterday?
If so, iron grip gens

>> No.5212672

mooning? looks like its going down. or am i retarded?

>> No.5212678

dat bounce tho.
guess its wakey snakey time

>> No.5212723

Need you ask?

>> No.5212795
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>> No.5212814
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>> No.5212831
File: 171 KB, 749x623, 1ZRLi8859L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in and put in another $500

>> No.5212989
File: 551 KB, 1410x1145, Ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's July, 2019. What's the price of XLM?

>> No.5212993

This is a feel-good coin

>> No.5213021

Just sold all my ADA to add to my lumens stack.

>> No.5213043

I just sold all my fiat to add to both of those stacks

>> No.5213065

Just sold my body for more

>> No.5213098

You guys ready?

>> No.5213119

just borrowed from the mob and skipped town to buy more

>> No.5213199

Hello friends I got me some breakfast and now I'm ready for some snake handling.

I see my boy is behaving well!

>> No.5213235
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>> No.5213362



>> No.5213414

Lets go boys

>> No.5213424

About three fiddy

>> No.5213443

Currently holding 1744. Should I push for 2k?

>> No.5213483
File: 1.99 MB, 199x231, dancinggirl1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5213499

At $0.29, is it too late to buy XLM or should I wait for a dip?

Also, how much should I buy? I have $3000 USD sitting on GDAX to play with.

Blockfolio says my portfolio is valued at 14.7K.

>> No.5213530

hong kong conference in 2 hours i bought 3k at 30 cents a piece so join me brother

>> No.5213535

dump IOTA to be honest. I rode that train all the way from sub-2 to above 5, and it's not worth a dime right now.

Get back into that when they got some actual news

>> No.5213567
File: 10 KB, 515x135, stellar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys have fun getting in at $0.29. I got in at $0.0024. I've been hodling Stellar since August of 2014.

I got several thousand free just for signing up (stellar was like 3 weeks old at the time). Also, they were called stellars (STR) back then not lumens (XLM).

I may have missed out on bitcoin but thank god for stellar. This is the original email, I can't believe it actually went somewhere.

>> No.5213592

Where you from? dont forget about the taxes

>> No.5213594

damn dude, sick. How many you got?

The rebranding really did wonders for them, as did the IBM thing

>> No.5213609

Noice but how much you got?

>> No.5213710

I'm sorry I can't physically pat you on the back. ;)

>> No.5213723
File: 156 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171219-193932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy lumen fag prepared for moon laugh

>> No.5213834
File: 110 KB, 640x615, DAC7E037-8DC9-4A17-A5A6-A107201E51AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just doing its thing
Pic related

>> No.5213868

hodling 96k lumens, fucking comfy

>> No.5213869

Hong Kong event is sold out. Hope they drop sombre knowledge.

>> No.5213913

it's just a meetup, I wouldn't expect much.
I really don't get the idea behind those meetups. What's the value of meeting people that invested in the same thing as you? Just to circle jerk?
We can do that in this thread just fine. No need to leave the neet cave

>> No.5214003

>What's the value of meeting people that invested in the same thing as you?
These are people with similar interests that can work together to make oodles of cash. The value of networking

>> No.5214178

look up stripe and listen to them talk about their product vision and comfiness only increases

>> No.5214222

stripe, hot startup that owns 25% of lumens, wants to build the world's financial infrastructure

deloitte = one of the big four accounting consulting firms, owns 25% of lumens

sam altman is an advisor

holy shit we literaally found what ETH only looked like

>> No.5214286

if that shit ever hits 1k I'm set for life lol

>> No.5214294
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Held 10k since 700 sats. Just went in another 2.5k.


>> No.5214309

>investment opportunity of a lifetime
>too poor to truly capitalize
sitting at 1315, I can put in more but I.... ahhhhh

>> No.5214313

>I really don't get the idea behind those meetups.

They're gonna dump their tokens and go to bahamas

>> No.5214326


>> No.5214627

>tfw my folio is almost all xlm and qtum
feels good to be part of the future

>> No.5214639

I like how people say XRP is overvalued then buy XLM which has the same valuation, accounting for circulating vs total supply....

>> No.5214726
File: 116 KB, 1080x553, Screenshot_20171219-110502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this comfy

>> No.5214821

pretty bummed about having moved all my BTC into XLM

only 7% gains so far, when I look at every single other coin on bittrex - that's nothing.

>> No.5214913

its isolated from the market mania

>> No.5214918

tell me about the bitcoin gains you'd make right about now

>> No.5214934

The profit snek is dead FUCK XLM

>> No.5214942

s-someone tell me its going back up

>> No.5214994

buy the dip

>> No.5215273


>> No.5215592