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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 600x765, 753BC92C-991E-4AAC-94D6-B252C667A8D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5202950 No.5202950 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn’t you accumulate when I told you to everyday?

>> No.5203047
File: 84 KB, 751x600, omisebogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because /biz/ is filled with a bunch of morons. OMG is truly for the patricians.

>> No.5203089

you know posts like these make we want to not buy this shit. can you actually shill me ?

>> No.5203094

Every coin is up by a lot, whats the special case here?

>> No.5203109

Then don't buy it faggot. We're doing fine without you

>> No.5203130

it can help you get big macs

>> No.5203137

The special case is that we're actually at the bottom and haven't even become bullish yet on the 12 hr charts.

>> No.5203168

Sorry bought ADA at 600

>> No.5203208

i did.. i have 4000. will i make it??

>> No.5203274

I'll spoonfeed you once. This is the premier blue chip token right now. Proof of stake combined with billions in transactions means this is THE COIN if you want to be rich.

The biggest risk is if they'll be able to execute it successfully, but the fact they have Vitalik, an existing payment processing company, and a shitton of partnerships is very reassuring.

This is pretty much guaranteed triple digits and once the mainstream starts to discover more altcoins, this will rise to the surface above shitcoins that lack ambition and execution.

Screencap this if you want.

>> No.5203295

nice, just bought 4000

>> No.5203404
File: 42 KB, 1326x206, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5203439

I did but then I sold yesterday, thanks for trying
Literally every coin sold early has 2x or 3x more

>> No.5203517

I only bought 3999 OMG, did i mess up?

>> No.5203527

all you have to be doing right now is holding any coin, ANY one and youre making gains

>> No.5203581

I told you guys after this hit 80k it was due to hit 0.001. Why did yo guys think we were going back to 60k? Why were you counter trend trading?

We're literally only at the mean and holding it as support apparently.

>> No.5203597

You're never going to make it.

>> No.5203604

This will continue until christmas. Every one is home from wagecuckin and have ruminated over being stunted on by millenials on thanksgiving.

>> No.5203624
File: 78 KB, 1846x528, parabolicomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-g-guys...parabolic growth incoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5203649
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>> No.5203807

OmiseGo has a team that tries to mislead investors. What could go wrong?

>> No.5203941
File: 87 KB, 630x630, 48EE4804-0BF6-49C2-A70D-BFEEA5EB2641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Omisebros!

>> No.5203986

Do you know if another company works on a DEX as well?

>> No.5204058

tnx bro

just sold my 6 gorillion omg

>> No.5204108

>triple digits
Try 4 digits. 4 digits is not at all out the question by EOY 2018 if they manage to integrate plasma. This is exactly like buying ETH at $5 a year ago.

>> No.5204198

4 digits eoy 2019.
This project is huge, really huge but it will takes time.

>> No.5204221

To feed to sergey

>> No.5204250


>> No.5204281
File: 35 KB, 635x386, 1503954992500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try 6 digits by chrismas 2017

Its japanese product, so its better than eth.

>> No.5204287

Crypto advances in double dog years. Q4 2018.

>> No.5204367

This coin has three major competitors does it not?


Those are the ones I know of, why the fuck are you guys so turgid in the presence of the skateboard?

>> No.5204394
File: 40 KB, 640x480, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did anon, I did

>> No.5204457
File: 51 KB, 393x330, 2F119127-AEFC-49EA-BEFC-3CF54C7C7F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty gains!

>> No.5204522
File: 26 KB, 300x314, F356F39D-454B-4CF8-AEB7-D958BC25FDE0-8106-0000063CBC61F6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

850 OMG since $2.90 checking in. holding til August 2018 because fuck taxes.

where do you bros think OMG will be Q3 2018?

>> No.5204578

ok tell me why would OMG be mooning if it was dying for months straight? What was the reason why it was dying for so long and suddenly a pump appears now? If you can convince me I'll buy a shitton and hold until Q4 2018

>> No.5204608
File: 50 KB, 342x430, 0101D896-CB65-425B-8892-4D777219A5C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one m8, triple didgets by then!

>> No.5204637

>This coin has three major competitors does it not?
how are these similar to omg

>> No.5204763

whales were keeping the price down while fucking accumulating to their hearts content mate.

>> No.5204820

Send money, make payments, send remittance across borders, interaction with financial institutions on blockchain. Working on Ethereum network.

>> No.5204830

accumulation before the roadmap hits its first big landmark

>> No.5204846


how would they keep the price down if they're accumulating? Literally the opposite should happen

>> No.5204862

Does it make sense to hold onto both Req and OMG or is that retarded?

>> No.5204874

All alts are rising, not just OMG. Alts were VERY oversold during bitcoin's rally and now they're correcting.

>> No.5204887

You better be right all i got is 50 as a total poorfaggotron

>> No.5204972

I believe a lot of it had to do with sentiment toward BTC, money was moving out of other crypto currencies for a long time before BTC experienced its leap in value, and that drain continued when BTC held its value. But now, a lot of wealthy people have taken this profits over the course of weeks, and it's beginning to be reflected in the price of certain alts. Since OMG isn't a complete piece of shit, it's no exception to this increase.

>> No.5204983

I managed to accumulate 4000 OMG

Im not sure I'll be adequately compensated for this investment however

>> No.5205173

by dumping and letting the panicky holders bail out. look at the volume disparity between september and october

>> No.5205392

Man, I'll fucking cry.

>> No.5205611
File: 510 KB, 1014x764, feel moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180 OMG
i want to believe. i want to visit Iceland one day and be able to afford my own car.