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File: 3 KB, 225x225, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5186933 No.5186933 [Reply] [Original]

I'm surprised more people aren't talking about Raiblocks, I guess it's because most people haven't heard of it. I used to be skeptical about all the altcoin bullshit like dogecoin, I said "In the future, all these shit coins wont exist, only a few useful coins will be on top, one of those coins will be a coin that can be used instantly to buy something as simple as a coffee" Well I found raiblocks, and it's just that. Raiblocks is INSTANT (Yes really, it takes a maximum of 5 seconds, go test it out), and there are absolutely 0 fees whatsoever, or taxes. This will be huge. Once it gets onto a main exchange the price will skyrocket. http://raiblocks.com/

Golden opportunity here. It's the best coin out there, prove me wrong.

>> No.5186963

Currently there are two SHIT exchanges used to trade them.
Bitgrail and Mercatox.

I suggest buying raiblocks while you still can and holding them in your wallet.

>> No.5187310

Why can't I find raiblocks on blockfolio? Is it up under a pseudonym or something?

>> No.5187376

Also bitgrail is complete shit, this is what I got after registering: "We send you a confirmation mail with link to active your account." Fucking pajeets

>> No.5187517

Blockfolio is working on it. Use Delta? instead for tracking. :-)

If you want to try the tech out, create a webwallet at raiwallet.com . :-) Also, people in the Raiblocks discord will gladly send you some xrb to play around with to try out the incredible tech (and transaction speed).

>> No.5187856


I missed out on buying Bitcoin in 2010 for $0.001 because... it was hard to buy.

True story... again in 2013 and 2014... "if it takes me this much hassle to buy 1 shitty bitcoin, how will the masses ever buy them"

>> No.5188106

Don't wait to buy this shit when it hits a major exchange, you'll miss out on a lot af gains.

>> No.5188190

Isn't there Ripple, REQ, XLM, and probably more doing this as well?

>> No.5188255

Maybe its instant and without fees because barely anyone uses them yet?

Prove me wrong because I am interested in it but i just dont know if it would work on the scale of BTC for example

>> No.5188281

Short answer, no.
No other current has a working product with ZERO (0!!) FEES and transactions at the speed of light. Yes, XRB is at the speed of light only bottlenecked by consumer's hardware (IO).

>> No.5188408

That's pretty neat, but then again with ripple it's like .0000001 cents. Not a great barrier or something and people will in reality just use whatever is popular for this kind of stuff.
I agree it's good to buy early though, I'm not arguing that but it could be anything in the future.

>> No.5188414

Raiblocks is based on DAG. There are no miners, no fees - forever. It's incredibly simple, effective and a beautiful design. Read the whitepaper for way more details. :-)

>> No.5188453

so what use does the token have?

>> No.5188507

it's bitcoin but fast and 0fees?

>> No.5188512

Completely true! However, Raiblocks is fully decentralised, faster and effectively free to use. :-)

>> No.5188536

It's not a token. And what use does a currency have? :-)

>> No.5188541

It's for transfer of value. And unlike many other cryptocurrencies it works extremely well as a transfer of value. Because it is extremely fast and free

>> No.5188579

okay, I'm on board!

>> No.5188631

Get it before it hits a major exchange. It will moon to at least 10 dollars once on a decent exchange

>> No.5188700

Decent points RAI-shill, well let me just get some then what's the harm done.

>> No.5189376

Hi OP here im back, was shoveling snow. No one could prove me wrong?

>> No.5189451

I heard blockfolio added is or is adding it, update your blockfolio or use delta

>> No.5189613

its not effectively free. its literally 100% free

>> No.5189628

Whatever you say raijesh

>> No.5189654

Apparently somewhat centralized, validators need to be approved
Transactions around 5 s
Fees fractions of cents, may vary though (I've heard 20 cents is possible?)

Decentralized, but also not traditional blockchain where everybody is everybody's peer
Transactions < 5 s
Fees about a couple thousandths of a cent

Decentralized, but needs to elect a small set of trusted witnesses
Transactions almost instant apparently, but factoring in POW around 10 s on a normal PC
No fees

Did I get that right?

Also what's there to motivate people to run full nodes in XRB? And how's spam stopped, apart from POW?

>> No.5189727

Im pure aryan

>> No.5189783

the transaction itself for raiblocks is literally instant, ive had it appear in 1 second. The only thing that can make it take longer is your own computer itself.

>> No.5189820

If you want to test it go to raigames.com
get the free 5 mxrb, gamble until you have the withdraw minimym (1mXRB = 1 raiblock), and youll see how fast it is from the website holding it to your wallet.

>> No.5189843

I haven't been able to test it because the two withdrawals I made from bitgrail never showed up in my wallet. Explorer says they're "not pocketed". No idea why I can't pocket them, the wallet even is synced.

However I'm sceptical about 1 s. How can transactions be instant if other nodes in the ledger need to veify them?

>> No.5189854

>1mXRB = 1 raiblock
Sorry I mean 1000mXRB = 1 raiblock

>> No.5189890

fuck sorry Its raigames.io

>> No.5189893
File: 11 KB, 226x51, 423e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.5189923

What was your buy price?

>> No.5189968

Fuck off with that picture in every thread.

>> No.5190013

want a timestamp faggot?
20 cents - 80 cents

>> No.5190041

You gonna make it, hold it tho

>> No.5190049

A couple questions. First of all, Is the supply limited?
Then, which gives XRB value with no incentives at all?

>> No.5190084

it'll never be listed on a big exchange. coinexchange, probably.

>> No.5190085

The supply is limited, not sure what your second sentence means

>> No.5190103


>SHIT Exchanges

But go buy from them though

>> No.5190109

Why do you say that

>> No.5190131

Yeah, as long as you don't hold them on there you wont have any problems.

>> No.5190140

because he wants to buy cheaper, it's called FUD

>> No.5190177

What wallet can you store this in?

>> No.5190189

XRB is about to be listed on bigger exchanges. The price will shoot up once this happens. Get in now while it's cheap.

>> No.5190197
File: 376 KB, 1680x1006, IMG_3343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently listed on two shit tier exchanges only
>not listed on ANY legit major exchanges
>turbo mooning anyway
XRB will go full vertical in the next few months once it gets listed on bigger exchanges. buy or die poor.

>> No.5190250

raiwallet.com online wallet (2FA)

write down your seed on a paper
theres an offline wallet too

>> No.5190365
File: 85 KB, 1146x744, Screenshot (808).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally vertical

>> No.5190386

And they already confirmed on Discord that it's being listed on a new exchange (they just can't say which one yet.)

>> No.5190396

Thank you

>> No.5190433

People who look from the outside dont know what happened. When raiblocks exploded there was a 4 day period where you couldnt withdraw or deposit raiblocks from any of the only 2 exchanges because the shit exchanged couldnt handle the sudden volume, now its going back up. It went from rank 100 to rank 32 in 2 days

>> No.5190577

just one question.

if there are no fees at all how will you protect against spam?.

>> No.5190617

you need to do pow or something in order to make a transaction

>> No.5190666

I just asked that. Didn't get a satisfactory answer.

>> No.5190693


>> No.5190783

That doesn't protect against spam though. It only makes it less severe but somebody with the right assets can easily paralyze the network. Colin himself understands this and mentions several such attack vectors (pre-computed POW for instance). Currently there are no surefire solutions to those problems as far as I know.

>> No.5190791

I know what proof of work is you pleb.
IOTA has a really fucked up retarded way to do this but it doesn't even work, after 2 years of trying to make it work.

Unless you can show me that Raiblocks has made it work I'm not buying.

>> No.5190861

Well the work required to prove is a billion times harder than the work required to check the proof. So a spammer would have to work a billion times harder than everyone else.

>> No.5190886



Ask people who know more about technology than me i would just give you a subpar answer

>> No.5190890

PoW costs ;-)

>> No.5190912


>> No.5191206
File: 102 KB, 1536x1060, 1506361118364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it this fucking fast
how does it have 0 fees

im kind of blown away

>> No.5191343

discorrd link is ded I tried changing the channel typo.

?? le.
thnx i'll check out reddit i guess.

>> No.5191344

All that horizontal lines was when the two exchanges went down, hell mercatox is down AGAIN. If these exchanged could've stayed up the price would've probably hit ath of $10

>> No.5191439
File: 263 KB, 1030x1531, 1513437685609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rai macht transactions frei!
Endlösung der Bitcoinfrage!

>> No.5191503

Bring on your Rai pictures. We had a lot of them a week ago. I need to accumulate for the bullrun.

>> No.5191510


It'll be $10 by 1-18-18, screenshot this.

>> No.5191575


>> No.5191589
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, 23dwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, topkek, danke für den lacher am abend

>> No.5191601

Ein Volk, ein Rai, ein Führer!

>> No.5191619


>> No.5191806

The highest end GPU can produce around 5 PoWs per second, so after a whole year of backlogging PoW to send out in one go to spam the network to it would bring it to a standstill for 1 second.

You would need to backlog on 86,400 of the highest end GPUs for a year to bring the network to a standstill for a day. After which you would need to recharge that backlog for another year .

Of course this is possible for a dedicated government, but it is no more applicable for Raiblocks than it is Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.

>> No.5191839


$100 would not surprise me at all. That would put it on the level of some speculative shit tier vapor like ADA.

>> No.5191840

Already mooned, i don't like the chart. Will buy in a few weeks. BTC ratio will likely drop.

>> No.5191872

what a weak attempt of fud. son, I am disappoint

>> No.5191930

WTF is this meme

>> No.5191995

Sorry bad maths. ignore my post, I'm high af

>> No.5192035

lost a shitton of money on this one back in June, went all in like a retard. Fundamentals are there and with the constant selling presure of pajeets faucets miners gone this will only moon.

>> No.5192077

how many you hold?

>> No.5192247

there is a massive 100btc wall at bitgrail.

>> No.5192267

based jews

>> No.5192272

Hope you at least researched the tech before going all in.

>> No.5192322

So, it's like IOTA that actually works minus the faggot devs?

>> No.5192360


Check again, it's already down to 28 BTC. When the faucet miners are gone soon, this will blow up. Short sighted 3rd worlders.

>> No.5192438

Pretty much, XRB doesn't try to do the whole internet of things shit though, it's meant to be used as a currency.

>> No.5192449

I think we're starting to gain traction again.

I got in around $0.7 and almost sold when it was dipping below $3, but I think we're headed to $5+ now this week.

>> No.5192477


>> No.5192487

I really hope that bitgrail can hold the upcoming traffic. mercatox once again lost vs ddos attack despite being behind cloudfare. Or maybe they finally get the withdrawals/deposits sorted out, which will make the last fudders cry in silence and fomo in
exciting times ahead of us, Reichblockers

>> No.5192567

do you think that this wall is because someone is pump and dumping this coin?

>> No.5192743

what a fucking shill thread. who the fuck uses :-) on 4chan

>> No.5193099

well rip. cant wait for some real exchanges. im sick of whales minipulating the market

>> No.5193670

im op, guy who said :-) is not me, also i am shilling but im not lying about anything

>> No.5193880

I can't register on Bitgrail, the email/pw fields just empty and that's that.
Mercatox isn't even online.
And the third exchange is a small sketchy one.

>> No.5194177
File: 179 KB, 384x288, RaiFarmer-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accumulate before it hits a big exchange

The only thing holding this back are the exchanged going down every other day

>> No.5194243

yep. i am excited for the end of the year where rai is actually able to take off

>> No.5194561

pls be true I could retire and pay my mom her mortage

>> No.5194995



>> No.5195029

2 devs.... one just went full time. sink it in ICX much better with 600 group team.

>> No.5195030

Everyone is talking about this lol, this is the new chainlink.

>> No.5195057

This is the next coin to moon 4chan is always 1 step ahead of the market.

>> No.5195087

have fun staying poor

>> No.5195172

i literally don't see anyone talking about it
where are the youtube altcoin channels?

>> No.5195245

seen this everywhere in r/cryptocurrency during the last 2 weeks.

It's hyped as fuck right now.

>> No.5195716

anyone know a good faucet for Raiblocks?

>> No.5195958


>> No.5196304

Fuck, so after looking around for a while, I decided to go all in.
I just have a good feeling about this one.

Just looking at the whitepaper reminds me of Bitcoin a bit, because it is so simple and elegant, yet complex, and it doesn't have fancy images and other bloated shit thrown in it just to fill the pages.

And to be honest I dont' even care if this goes to zero, because crypto is just one big fucking gamble anyway. But it wont'.

See you faggots on the moon.

>> No.5196586
File: 22 KB, 1080x237, blooddiamoncoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this claim is true then raiblocks was mined through third-world labor
i don't want any blood diamons; just say no

>> No.5196640
File: 7 KB, 225x224, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol now comes the more hardcore fud, last time I saw that stuff that extreme was when ethereum was $20

>> No.5196649

bad meme

>> No.5196683

it's true. look through their bitcointalk. it's not a bad thing, though.

>> No.5196719
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>> No.5196811
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>> No.5197244

For people whining about faucet, xrb had one of the best distributions. It gave people hope and was a source of money when they were fucked by their govs and money inflation. It did bring me good money and also many friends when we couldn't afford anything.

>> No.5197337

This, it was easily the most egalitarian distribution model I've ever seen.

>> No.5197361

2FA doesn't work either.

>> No.5197370

how many xrb was given per captcha sovled

>> No.5197676
File: 167 KB, 237x262, rob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this look good
> want to start coins with this
> to get some i have to buy other coins


>> No.5197857

IOTA is, no fees.

>> No.5198120

I'm a bit noobish, but how do you mine this thing? if there are no fees, how does this works? miners just receive payment in X quantity of Raiblocks?

>> No.5198135

no mining

>> No.5198166

I don't know, I missed it unfortunately but I think this speaks volumes of the devs moral compass (not that it really matters, it just tickles my jimmies).

This prevented whales from scooping up way more than a pajeet could ever attain, even if the pajeet was way more active in the community, well researched, etc.. I just think it's a pretty neat (also NEET) way to do it.

And no, I'm not a pajeet.

>> No.5198204

>third world labor
this is the dumbest thing ever. it offered a fair chance for 3rd worlders to accumulate, rather than letting the deepest pockets control the market (like IOTA)

>> No.5198296

iota? you mean this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHkp-zo0Beo

>> No.5198306

Is this real? Going all in right now if true, fuck political correctness, promote it on /pol/

>> No.5198357

Could there be problems with it's transaction time the bigger it gets? (like btc)

>> No.5198385

no, no fees at all.

>> No.5198427

wait by bigger it gets u mean the amount u send? its the same>>5198306

>> No.5198465

Lots of shitskins mined it, cause converted to USD they make more money than first worlds. (no mining required, so was profitable for pajeet)

>> No.5198483

I meant in terms of amount of transactions, something like if it's used as an actual currency (well btc it's actually not used like that right now but you get my point)

>> No.5198531

infinite scalibility because decentralized

>> No.5198692

so can we trust this exchange? I've never heard about it

>> No.5198779

Just buy and hold it your wallet.

>> No.5198868

Thanks for this thread, this coin looks incredibly good.

>> No.5199637

Could this face network congestion problems similar to iota in the future?

>> No.5199752

the stupid nazi memes are really turning off a lot of people from buying this

could you kindly stop

>> No.5199797

ein volk, ein fuhrer, ein raiblock
seig hiel

>> No.5199832

le le le epic meme bro

nobody is going to take it seriously if this is how you promote it

>> No.5199856

le le le coins have no poltiics you dumbass

>> No.5199888

if you say so

>> No.5200044

>Could this face network congestion problems similar to iota in the future?
I want to know that too

>> No.5201038
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>> No.5201371

I'm so easily shilled, do I have to verify on bit grail or straight to business?

>> No.5201539

no verification necessary

>> No.5201586

Goddamn shillcoin

>> No.5201618

Why did you erase the comma?

>> No.5202220
File: 2 KB, 195x55, Screenshot (815).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get gud poorfaggot

>> No.5202798
File: 102 KB, 720x780, 11a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ? Just How ?