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5178082 No.5178082 [Reply] [Original]

>digital nomad for 3 years
>lonely temporary relationships
>havent found a city i really like and want to live in forever

what do

>> No.5178113

Have fun, did you forget how to do that?

>> No.5178143

how about this:
fuck cities

>> No.5178148

Go to some slavland countryside, buy some epic house next to the forest and fuck local girls plus make them cook for you.

At least thats what I am going to do

>> No.5178158
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>> No.5178225


isnt "finding a city I really like" kind of vague? I'll bet youre not devoting your attention fully to stupid shit like wagecucks do, and your idle thoughts have turned negative. its natural, but you have to find stupid things to fill your time with to be happy

>> No.5178238

Change contry fag

>> No.5178404

This is my dream desu. Maybe trying this summer since some hotels are 1 or 2 euro's a night there.

>> No.5178475

Have you tried sailing, OP?

Digital nomad here, I've been across the Atlantic 4 times this year. I've yet to see a lot of Europe but honestly I eventually want a little cabin in the mountains in Montana and live off the land as much as I can. Luckily I've found someone to do all this with, though. Next big purchase will be another sailboat to live on because the cabin and settling down is still a long time off. So much left to see and do.

>> No.5178490



Spotted your problem. Cities are a meme son.
Do like Rambo does and become a snake handler in a backwater Thai village.

>> No.5178631


ted is that you?

>> No.5178745

Come to poland. You meed 40btc to be milionaire here and every one is white

>> No.5178757

sorry no but he sounds cool

>> No.5179061

absolute comfy

Its when I realize its actually pretty good to be slav

I'll be missing all that vibe and energy of big cities for a while but imo its not worth to live like that for a long time