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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51704109 No.51704109 [Reply] [Original]

What are good jobs for an autistic introvert? I'm never going back to retail hell but everything else requires experience and degrees I don't have. I just want to be alone and work 8 hours and go home. Do these jobs exist?

>> No.51704133

basketball............we lost ANOTHER ONE!

>> No.51704135

Learn to code, retard.

>> No.51704148


>> No.51704149

I can't wait to have a daughter

>> No.51704178

she looks like fun but you just know once you get to know her she won't be fun.

>> No.51704207

coding can fit your requirement of "work 8 hours and go home". sometimes you may have to be on call or work later if it's salary and they need you to finish a project. sometimes you will need to communicate with other people about software requirements or nag another team to finish their shit you're waiting on.
but on good days you could work on your own assignments for 8 hours and call it a day. on bad days you can spend 8 hours trying to fix shit and get nowhere.

>> No.51704223
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>is there a money tree somewhere?
Sure, anon, let me tell you where
Not how the way works, fren
I gave you very helpful advice

>> No.51704250

Where do I start. I have free time to learn.

>> No.51704282

sex into a female

>> No.51704288

Disregard all of the above, go find a warehouse job with a low amount of staff. Alternatively, work night shifts because people who work night shifts can't be bothered interacting with others.
Alternatively, learn how to fucking talk to people instead of labeling yourself as autistic or introverted, because neither of those are good enough excuses to be an avoidant little faggot.

>> No.51704317

IT, tech in general. should be obvious by this point

google and virtual machines.

>> No.51704339

she wants to attract basketball americans?

>> No.51704355


>> No.51704362

Night shift warehouse/forklift work.
"Work" 90% by yourself, the jobs are setup for the retards so you can do 8 hours work in 3, then get paid to sit around.

>> No.51704416
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i want to get her pregnant and then leave her only to come back a year later and do it again

>> No.51704439
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I'm now monitoring this thread all i want is for holoclear to finally release around december or so so crypto staking can have a chance at being proftiable again you have no fucking clue how comfy i was with my pancakeswap pools last year fuck.

my last job was cam security at a mall and it was ok nobody bothered you though people hated you instinctively because your job is to report any anomaly going on employees included so nobody could steal anything anymore because of me. but i was left alone for 6 hours then i went home.

>> No.51704449

f-for incest?
>this would indicate you were molested as a child

>> No.51704456

Security is kino overall though you need to be either in good shape or not look like a total slob piece of shit which filters 95% of the NEET population.

>> No.51704464
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Coding takes so so much effort though.

>> No.51704632

The fact you are asking this question is enough proof you don't have what it takes to learn coding.

>> No.51704699

Ok I won't learn then.

>> No.51704914

pajeet tutorials on youtube unironically
start with python

>> No.51705016

its the same shit as any other job. You still have to deal with hr roasties, retarded shit that clients want, languages and frameworks that your bosses want, etc. Its only comfy if you find a niche and make your own software.

>> No.51705053

Government jobs are good for autistic people. You're spergyness is protected by public employee unions

>> No.51705063

Just buy coins with solid fundamentals below 10 mil mcap and hold. You'll never have to work again anon

>> No.51705135

what a nice man going to spam it on genesis

>> No.51705139
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>> No.51705162

yeah, its called a factory job.

>> No.51705184


>> No.51705234

twitter clone for christfags
they even got a token

>> No.51705265

Can I call the pope a tranny on their twatter clone? That's all I care about

>> No.51705279

tired of people parroting this faggot (and incorrect) line

>> No.51705296

is it strictly christian? I am a neopagan demi wiccan anglocyte and simply LOATH christians
jesus was samoan

>> No.51705357

where she got the horse arse implants?

>> No.51705381

filters and do they make good wifes ???

>> No.51705429

Here are some options:
- Night-time security guard or janitor
- Professional cp and gore watcher (real job, social media moderator)
- Data Entry
Also this

>> No.51705480

Best job is security guard. You do nothing all day, maybe walk the premises once every hour and very rarely have to deal with anybody.

Can have fun reading books and playing on computer also

>> No.51705642

she's literally just doing a lola bunny cosplay, relax /pol/sperg

>> No.51705652

Coffee barista

>> No.51705680

>no bunny ears

>> No.51705815

This anon gets it.
Get a warehouse gig or machine shop job, OP. They'll take anyone and the pay is decent. You can usually wear headphones all day and don't really have to communicate with others.
>inb4 learn to code
OP clearly doesn't have the motivation for this.
Trying to give realistic options.

>> No.51705819
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Obvious answer, then try and find freelance and/or remote jobs.

Kek the point is you can do and say whatever you want while sticking it to the faggot blue bird. Made an account yesterday to try, pic related.

>> No.51705870
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hmmm interedasting link me up mine negger

>> No.51705979
File: 21 KB, 370x370, photo_2022-09-29_20-54-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related fren but wait for a good entry don't fomo. more utilities coming soon too am feeling this one. what else you're buying on eth?

>> No.51706050

Why does this look like a bastardization of Twitter

>> No.51706077

yeah I'll wait for a dippa looks good. Im pretty much only in daruma...still holdan my tsuka moon bag though

>> No.51706305
File: 11 KB, 478x98, image_2022-09-29_211319268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because one the utilities is a twitter clone anon, but one where you can say whatever you want with no fear of repercussions.Not sure how the token is going to be exactly integrated into it but they said that it'll be useful in many ways across the ecosystem, so am waiting.

Checked and hell yah, also gigabullish on Daruma.

>> No.51706362
File: 174 KB, 735x912, 1661574070727022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, this is a /comfy/ thread, feels like old biz. Wtf is that pic tho is that an actual post? If so I'm thinking BASED

>> No.51706875
File: 607 KB, 2150x1400, E0kNJ-YXIAM8Qh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed yeh, comfy. As bearmarket continues we'll get comfier and comfier. And yeah it is an actual post kek.

>> No.51707050

fuck this one might actually last

>> No.51707270

I got a direct, easy one for you.
-Install VSCODE
-Install the latest Python
-Look up Django tutorials, i.e.: "Hello World in Django"
-Buy a website domain
-Use some hosting service like DigitalOcean to host your self-made website
-Host the website on your purchased domain, DEBUG=False and other launch stuff (find a DigitalOcean tutorial)
-Congrats, you now have your own website that you and you alone coded. You only have to pay hosting fees. If you get into it, you can scale your website or start a new one with actual functionality, that people will end up using. Do this for a client with a customer base (think Mom and Pops shops, local bands, friends, friends of your parents, and congratulations, you are now a Full-Stack developer. 1-4 hours of this daily and 6-12 months from now you can start making 60k/year in a Junior position. Web developers are in demand. Search on onet-online.

>> No.51707341

I used to work in a factory as a machine operator and almost never interacted with anybody. I also had lots of space and privacy to work in and my supervisor was a lazy motherfucker so he would never keep an eye on us or anything. Not a lot of mobility career wise tho.

>> No.51707352

Btw, reason this takes up to a year is because you'll probably have to learn industry standard stuff like Ubuntu, terminal commands, virtual python environments, Javascript, React, and APIs along the way. Even if you don't find work immediately, you will also have the tools needed to start a business. Fuck working for someone else.

>> No.51709640

Delivery driver of any sort. I did Doordash a while and it was the least stressful "work" I've ever done.

>> No.51709702


>> No.51711327

>I just want to be alone and work 8 hours and go home
no boss will leave you alone and they will do everything they can to force you to do overtime
only accept work-from-home ONLY jobs
as for your first question, software developer
just be careful not to be groomed into a tranny