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51694837 No.51694837 [Reply] [Original]

Is USA using conflict to nuke EU economy and take their industry in an attempt to increase immigration flow from the continent to rebalance demographics?

Or is it to Increase capital centralization to prepare for conflict with China?

Or is it a combo of both?

Or something else.

>> No.51695178

>Is USA using conflict to nuke EU economy ?
>...in an attempt to increase immigration flow from the continent to rebalance demographics?
>is it to Increase capital centralization to prepare for conflict with China?
>is it a combo of both?
>Or something else
The US only knows betrayal. They gradually lost their influence in Latin America to China and Russia due to their systematic looting and interventionist policies, they lost the middle east to Russia due to their savage warmongering against Muslims. They wouldn't have the balls to properly arm Japan, Korea and Taiwan so they're now China's bitches. India has grown and they don't give a fuck anymore. NATO was their last ally and they're throwing them under the bus in a pathetic attempt to save their own asses. If Euros were any smart, they'd immediately surrender to Russia, back the Euro with gold and put a halt to all trade with the US and let them drown in their own shit.

>> No.51695774

Schizos never stick around on the point to see if they were right.
They're always onto the next delusion.
Wait, see, enjoy life fren.

>> No.51696009

Probably because it's just a bot

>> No.51697448


The Europeans who moved to the USA would be White. More specifically, they would be White Right-wingers. Speaking as a European, most here are terrified of privatised health-care, guns, no maternity leave, and freedom in general. They also have a very exaggerated view of what the USA is actually like. This would filter any European migrants hard.

The USA would essentially be mass-importing intelligent, skilled, White Right-wingers, driven even further Right by the failure of their native social democrat governments. Why would Biden and the Democrat Party do that?

The best answer is capital flight. The flight of investment money will make up of the loss of capital caused by Boomer retirement in a period that the US is trying to protect supply chains by on-shoring industry. This will deindustrialise Europe and prop up the USA. Ironically, in the long term, these sanctions will lead to Europe becoming a Russian vassal after the USA has finished looting the EU corpse, something the Russian military could never have possibly achived.

>> No.51697454

FUCK. I went on a whole rant

>> No.51697570
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Isn't it basically impossible to get a green card if you're from Europe anyway thanks to the 1965 immigration act? They're nuking the EU economy because the banks control the US, EU and China, and they think it's funny to make the general population suffer.

>> No.51697598

Euros wont move to a shithole like the US. The US is black and Mexican territory now. As whites become an ever smaller minority in the US and mexicans and blacks vote to strip whites of their Welsh via taxation, whites will leave the US. Where they go I have no idea but I highly suspect they will want to go to where they can blend in.

>> No.51697628
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Eastern Europe was starting to look like the place to go for whites when things get bad, which I think is why they started the current bullshit happening there. It basically leaves actual Europeans with nowhere to go. Most people in Europe still think hyperinflation is just "that thing that happened to Zimbabwe", and have never even heard of Weimar Germany and their currency crisis, they don't even know what's going to happen and most don't want to leave.