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51688324 No.51688324 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51688363

Yes, if you have a brain. Imagine not taking advantage of sales on assets

>> No.51688374

hang all journalists

>> No.51688377

If you invest at the bottom she is not wrong. Just don't lose your job and don't buy stupid shit. In about 6 to 12 months will be the best investment opportunities for years to come.

>> No.51688378

1. Bugs are good for you! Very high source of protein

>> No.51688387

Yeah if you locked in a raise prior to it, keep your job, have money because you actually sold for a profit during the bull run and are able to take advantage of the bottom in markets.
Basically, if you prepared you’re set and if you didn’t you’re fucked

>> No.51688404

How do I prevent this.
bugs hard shells from scratch my butt hole when they come out.

>> No.51688415


>> No.51688430

I second this notion desu. (Do it for friendship!)

>> No.51688437

can will fill then with candy and hit them until the candy comes out?

>> No.51688439

M8 cunts ain't got a dollar for a beer let along a mil for a lot and these cunts debt be packed to the bloody rafters and one dodgy movement will blow the whole fucking shebang. We have fibro shacks going for millions and every normie cobba and his shiela is desperate to hand over their hard earned dosh to those hook noses.

>> No.51688461

^ these are the same retards who bitch about "money printing"

>> No.51688470

>we're not in a recession
>but the recession is good for you

>> No.51688476
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There's no fucking way this is real haha holy shit.

>> No.51688494

you're a pretty smart guy anon

>> No.51688529

How much do you make for each articles you write for Buzzfeed?
What...you do it for free.

>> No.51688533

they bitch about money printing because it lead us to this exact situation where now the fed is forced to manufacture an unnatural recession

>> No.51688536

Don't need to be a genius to know that compressing the money supply will result in recession.

>> No.51688564

If governments didn't expand the money supply in 2020, the global economy would have entered a deeper depression than the great one of the 1930s. A recession beats a generational depression every time.

>> No.51688623 [DELETED] 

By why are the "compressing" the money supply? Could it be that a run away money print created to much money and unnaturally blowing different parts of the economy?... say the housing market that doubled in price in 2 years.

>> No.51688640

Why are they "compressing" the money supply? Could it be that a run away money print created to much money and unnaturally blowing different parts of the economy?... say the housing market that doubled in price in 2 years.
Should we just let the housing market double every 2 years?

>> No.51688658

Homeless anon reporting in

Since I don't have rent it's pretty sweet. Used to get $20 dollar bills for odd jobs now I get $100 bills.

>> No.51688678

im unironically cashed out into usd and hoping for a recession
ive been like this since the first interest rate rises in australia in may

>> No.51688697

how do the homeless charge their smartphones

>> No.51688704

every. last. one.
If they want to conquer Rome then let them rule ruins

>> No.51688718

Are you stupid?

McDonalds. Walmart.

>> No.51688719

In other words, sometimes a recession is good for you.

>> No.51688727

She's right. I own nothing and am sitting on $100k. Hoping to either buy a home if the housing market tanks, or I YOLO all of it into stocks at the bottom

>> No.51688751

i havent been in a mcdonalds or a walmart because im not american but i didnt know they offered phone charging services
no fast food or super market here would have exposed plug sockets lying around for general use

>> No.51688764

Or we could just not print a fuck ton of money and we would not need a recession to re-set prices ever 10 to 15 years.

>> No.51688774

very antisemitic post this

>> No.51688792

If the Fed had not added liquidity in 2020, the global economy would have collapsed completely. A much worse outcome than a simple recession.

>> No.51688849

Any place that has a power outlet aka literally all places

>> No.51688868

Unironically yes.

>> No.51688942

To an extent we were in a bubble. Just smaller and mostly focus on tech. We could have just re-set prices back in 2020. Why wait 2 year later?

>> No.51688974

And being a smaller bubble the recession would have been smaller too. Now we are looking at a massive recession.

>> No.51689079

We are certainly in an asset bubble, but I was referring to the main street economy. A massive chunk of GDP was taken offline during Covid. It would have resulted in a generational depressionary spiral had the money supply been allowed to rug in 2020.

>> No.51689187

Or like ... we could not shut down the economy for a cough... hanging politicians and journalists is still on the table.

>> No.51689199

It's good for me because I sold the top and I intend to buy back in when things are really bad

>> No.51689210

>To an extent we were in a bubble
Motherfucker, every stock no matter how shitty it was went up 100-300% in the span of 18 months. You think that's normal?

>> No.51689214

With your logic. Europe and England should keep printing money because their is a shortage of gas/energy. Lets see how that turns out.

>> No.51689274

>With your logic. Europe and England should keep printing money because their is a shortage of gas/energy.
Wrong. Supply shocks are managed via hawkish monetary policy.

>> No.51689552

Oh so if there is a coof going around and we are going to have massive supply shocks from people not working... We should have a hawkish monetary policy.

>> No.51689580


>> No.51689766


>> No.51689833

It’s good for the poors and shitty for the wealthy

>> No.51689862

thats enough for extra cushoned knee pads

>> No.51689920

>we are going to have massive supply shocks from people not working
Wrong, we had massive demand shocks from people not consoooming

>> No.51689947


>is an economic contraction a good thing

If it's a market correcting itself, then yes.

>> No.51689983

>Or like ... we could not shut down the economy for a cough
I cannot believe that actually happened.

>> No.51690146

If journalists were actually doing their job, they'd be pointing how the chain of events leading to the recession and advocating for changing the system, not trying to gaslight you into thinking the flaws of the system are actually features.
Fucking die you neoliberal scum

>> No.51690212

>housing prices doubled in 2 years
>CPI is way up
yeah the last two years have been great.

>> No.51690231

>If journalists were actually doing their job, they'd be pointing how the chain of events leading to the recession and advocating for changing the system, not trying to gaslight you into thinking the flaws of the system are actually features.

>Fucking die you neoliberal scum
I'm not a neoliberal, just a realist. The fact that banking currently exists is a hard fact that everyone needs to accept if they want to make incremental change in their lifetime. To contribute to radical change after you're dead, write a book.

>> No.51690329

>>housing prices doubled in 2 years
>>CPI is way up
>yeah the last two years have been great.
I didn't say they were great, or that the Fed executed its mandate perfectly (clearly they did not). My points are (a) expansionary monetary policy was necessary in 2020 to avoid complete economic collapse; and (b) contractionary monetary policy is necessary in 2022 to avoid an inflationary spiral.

>> No.51690395
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>In about 6 to 12 months
make that years instead of months

>> No.51690518

Don't you think that if the housing market falls, the remaining millionaires (and then the remaining institutions...) won't bid for the houses way before they dropped into your "price range"?

>> No.51690577

>just a realist
you're a fanatic of economic doctrine

>> No.51690611

>you're a fanatic of economic doctrine
And yet I reject all "economic doctrine" as pseudoscience.

>> No.51690655

>contractionary monetary policy is necessary in 2022 to avoid an inflationary spiral
Where's the money going to come from to either
>lower the FEDs balance sheet by selling off their holdings
>paying back the outstanding principal on maturing assets on the FEDs balance sheet
>pay all the attached interest
I'm guessing new debt...
>And yet I reject all "economic doctrine" as pseudoscience.
No, just the ones you deem heretic to your own.

>> No.51690770

>Where's the money going to come from to either
>>lower the FEDs balance sheet by selling off their holdings
Not sure I'm following you. "Lowering the FEDs balance sheet" means making money more scarce

>>paying back the outstanding principal on maturing assets on the FEDs balance sheet
>>pay all the attached interest
Not following you at all.

>> No.51690874

>"Lowering the FEDs balance sheet" means making money more scarce
As of now, the FED is mostly trying to reduce their balance sheet by letting their holdings mature to a certain extent every month.
So, a very simple question a ask:
When the bond matures, the debtor has to pay back the full principal.
Where is the debtor taking that money (currency) from to pay back the whole principal at the date of maturity.
If it was just "laying around" as a freely available sum, there would not be a need to go into debt in the first place.
And we are not even talking about the interest attached to a loan here, just the paying back of the principal at maturity.
So the debtor has to come up with that sum of money at maturity, right? You following me this far?
Where's that money going to come from?

protip: New debt issuance (with interest attached)

Tell me more about how the FED is going to make money more scarce by reducing their balance sheet.

>> No.51691143

>be woman journalist
>last name is a combination of single and secretary.
Reality is playing some sort of fucked up joke.
We need to be very careful. I think it just tipped its hand.

>> No.51691169

this anons message seems very important, can someone translate?

>> No.51691536

You'll need enough cash in the recession. Cash is King. You'll have a high buy power and then just sit back and play board games and have game night with your family till everything settles back.

>> No.51691600

It is a Democrat is President

>> No.51691633

>M8 cunts ain't got a dollar for a beer let along a mil for a lot and these cunts debt be packed to the bloody rafters and one dodgy movement will blow the whole fucking shebang. We have fibro shacks going for millions and every normie cobba and his shiela is desperate to hand over their hard earned dosh to those hook noses.
My friend, women do not have any money for going out. Women are full of debt up to their nose. One bad move in the economy and everything will fall apart. There are falling apart homes going for a million dollars and no one is buying. Everything is a rigged and everyone is handing over their money to kiks.
That was the best I could do.

>> No.51691687

>6 to 12 months

Buddy, this isn't the 2010's anymore. Asset prices are staying low for the next 3 to 5 years.

>> No.51691875

And then kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Kick a nigger in the testicles. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into the wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.

>> No.51691909

this tbqh famalam

>> No.51692706

It's over

>> No.51692748
