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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51685452 No.51685452 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51685469

Anything fun happen in yesterday's call?
Also Asmongold shilling Brave kek

>> No.51685805


>> No.51686016

Once the Brave marketplace is fully implemented it’ll compete against the worlds top currencies in online spending

>> No.51686311
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>> No.51686358


found the video. Its a shame that faggot mental outlaw from /g/ is pushing firefox like a typical faggot /g/ tranny.

Really hope google cuts firefox funding with manifest v3. Would be hilarious to see them only give them $15m instead of $200m

>> No.51686590

The browser Cold War has obviously now shifted into a hot war, but who is the proxy?

>> No.51687068

Picked up 10k more yesterday on the yummy dipperino unironically

>> No.51687135

The future is an endless series of invisible wars without enemies.

>> No.51687702
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>> No.51687852
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Eich did an AMA here:

The following is a quote from Eich around 30 minutes in:
>"Consider NFTs as membership cards which we'd like to use for Brave rewards... we'd like to mint NFTs inexpensively and make them be the basis for various kinds of direct fan to creator affordances that are already in Brave via BAT but could be more supercharged using NFTs and tokenomics around them... We want to make all crypto useful, we especially want to make Basic Attention Token useful... we'll be working to build out its utility through Aurora and Near, I also like the Aurora Plus idea of tokenomics based on staking that can share revenue to offset fees, like 50 free transactions a month"

>> No.51688491

The more financial and geopolitical chaos in the world the better. It’ll create the an environment for Brave to move in amongst all the mass upheaval and confusion.

>> No.51688619

my take on this is that they want to give verified brave creators the ability to issue NFT's "inexpensively" (aka probably on SOL and maybe on that platform that they partnered with a month or 2 ago) to users through the tipping banner (which they said they were working on expanding features for this), and then the users holding the nft's from that creator would get access to extra stuff by using the nft as their "membership card" kind of like patreon

>> No.51688874

Can’t believe I’m bagholding with literal schizos like this. This is worse than the ROSE trannies

>> No.51689047

Countless top streamers like Shroud have used Brave for years daily on stream and talked about it. We’re just recycling copium at this point.

>> No.51689389

i am enjoying the increasing quality of this image in each iteration. it reminds me of my mental state.

>> No.51689436

Yea but he has a point. Brave could catch a better market share in a disjointed environment where it’s becoming more clear to normies that Google sucks. I just wonder if being a chromium browser somehow compromises Brave moving forward.

>> No.51689452

BATniggers deserve to be beaten with a spiked bat

>> No.51689570

Retarded. Bat has not gone anywhere despite all the hype it got. If you want to make money now to need to get on ground of something new that is not run by some out of touch boomer

>> No.51689619

How about buying a utility token that's below 400 million market cap instead?

>> No.51689630


>> No.51689668
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Genesis Block (T1cker: GenBlok)
A twitter clone that's got a fully functional product and a mcap of only 2 mil
Slap my ass and call me Sally if this isn't going to 50 mil at the very least

>> No.51689699
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>> No.51689721

how soft is your ass?

>> No.51689725
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you really think so anon? I kinda regret buying and holding this POS ngl.
the future sounds awful, gotta make it asap so i can fully opt out of participation in society.
kek a friend sent me the link and you know I just had to... i don't get how the token is gonna be of any use tho?

>> No.51689779

Holy fuck , now this is based

>> No.51689791

Followed. WAGMI with fake Twitter

>> No.51689824

>Slap my ass
>Call me Sally

Not today troon. You can't trick me into molesting you that easily. However your shitcoin does look interesting

>> No.51689911


>> No.51689914

racist chud jackass why do you get into our bat threads leave us alone to mourn our browser token back where it was 5 years ago

>> No.51689927

We've already got the fediverse, social media doesn't need crypto.

>> No.51689958


>> No.51690139
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>> No.51690171


>> No.51690266


>> No.51690457

source for any of this nonsense?

>> No.51690542

Ser I know you're just trying to cope as best as you can, I hold BAT too and it's been painful.
It's about fighting for no censorship and for privacy, if you cannot see that that embodies what should have been the ethos of crypto and cannot see the relationship welp, I have nothing more to tell you then.

>> No.51690600

smelt it delt it

>> No.51690632

Yeah, that's called the fediverse and urbit, neither of which require a shitcoin referral code to operate. Fediverse, you have thousands of instances on different servers that all communicate with one another. It's easy to host your own if you want more privacy. You also have revolver that will use the same activitypub protocol, uses IPFS, and doesn't rely on DNS or LetsEncrypt. None of this requires the devs printing some token to dump on retards.

>> No.51690952
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My apologies man, turns out I like the idea of making money all while supporting an anti-censorship social media. Do you hate money anon? Personally making bank is the only reason that could get me to use any form of social media, but to each their own.

>> No.51691254

No doubt brave is cool and I'll look to hold it. Also watching out for gaming and entertainment as it's one big industry as well. Board games are getting more noticed and coming on the blockchain.

>> No.51691799

>None of this requires the devs printing some token to dump on retards.
What does the token do?

>> No.51691830

I use social media to talk to people, not be a pajeet. But here, I'll give you some alpha that might be of value. The odysee/lbry people are talking to the fediverse/pleroma people, since they realize activitypub and interoperability between instances is the way to go. But again, that in itself has nothing to do with crypto.

>> No.51691853


>> No.51691887

But when it comes to genesis block, there are already a billion twitter clones that don't interoperate, howl social, minds, gab (though it used to), glimpse, this shit, etc. If the devs were serious about censorship resistance, they'd integrate their platforms into an already massive ecosystem. We even already have Mitra, which uses eth wallets for user credentials, but is built on activitypub.

>> No.51693075

whats this mean

>> No.51693912
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the tranny whose video Asmongold is watching in that has such shitty arguments against Brave

>umm Brave is... le bad

then Asmondgold's single digit IQ chat just explodes with KEKW BRAVE etc. etc. zoomer twitch normies were a mistake

>> No.51694384

>yeah um browser engine monopoly

Meanwhile firefox gets literally every last dollar from google. Google could cancel their contract and firefox would become insolvent overnight.