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51679148 No.51679148 [Reply] [Original]

In the last days I've spent like 884 euros in total (shipping included with all of the orders tracked) for drugs, from a clearnet site and also from a dark web market..

do you think I should have instead invest this money? right now in total I have something like 2350 euros on hand + 120 euros a friend of mine owes me (I am a NEET) but 99% in the next 1.5-2 months I will get I hope at least 1.5-2k euros or probably even more (I hope 3k+ euros) for 1.5-2 months worth of work from a source I don't want to name, obviously not from drug dealing but from working but I will be the boss of myself basically, believe it or not, and it will not even be like working to the point of fainting from the work, I will just pick up fruits during this time in our village (olives) and they say this year's yield is going to be 40% bigger than last year so this is why I hope I can make at least 3k euros from both selling olives to be eaten (obviously the bigger ones which are sold for better price) while the smaller ones will go become extra virgin olive oil, both for the whole family's needs and all close relatives and also as it seems like we will sell lots of the remaining extra virgin olive oil because we will most likely get lots of it as LOTS of olives to sell that are meant to be eaten so this year will be a good year

if you want me to prove that I actually spent nearly 900 euros in a few years for ordering drugs, I will try to find a way without exposing myself

>> No.51679198

if you want me to prove that I actually spent nearly 900 euros in a few days by ordering drugs**

>> No.51679205

>884 euros in total for drugs.
rookie numbers, anon.

>> No.51679883

in total, the last 2.5 years I've been using drugs recreationally and forget about my problems, including the 900 euros I spent these days, I've spent at least 2.5k-3k euros in my opinion

>> No.51679981

>>51679148 obviously you spend too much on drugs, you type like a fucking spastic.

>> No.51680012

Perhaps you could develop your own brand of olive oil?

>> No.51680313

would need tens of thousands of euros, if not hundreds for this

>> No.51680350

how am I typing like a spastic? English isn't my mother tongue if this excuses at all how I type like.

>> No.51680609

Not that anon, but you could use paragraphs a bit more, and more clearly lay out what the problem is.
There's also a lot of info in there that doesn't matter, like how you're offering up evidence of buying drugs and even mentioning the drugs, and the local olive yield. They're not really important pieces of info.

>> No.51680694

yeah you might be right I will have these in mind, just wanted to make clear I am not going to sell any of the drugs I ordered lol

>> No.51680821

>if you want me to prove that I actually spent nearly 900 euros in a few years for ordering drugs, I will try to find a way without exposing myself
????? Who the fuck cares? You sound very alone and desperate for some internet points. spend that 1k on hobbies to meet people next time bro

>> No.51680929

I will spend my money however I feel like, if I want to withdraw whatever I have in banknotes and burn them I can do this thing
and I can also post whatever I want here, don't act like a crybaby janitor, you got some worse threads you clean up for free kek

>> No.51680966

anon, have you been taking drugs today?

>> No.51680992

LOL schizo time bud?

>> No.51681160

no not today I am sober
yesterday I just smoked some weed
back to your job, jannie

>> No.51681325
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what kind of drugs do you order from clearnet ?
hope you used monero

>> No.51681828

>do you think I should have instead invest this money?
Depends on your intent when you get high.
If you use the drugs to figure out how to improve your business and life then it's okay, but you'll probably get fucked up and watch disgusting porn for 3+ hours.

>> No.51681839

research Chemicals, I had to use BTC unfortunately because the site was giving 10% discount in the total amount if you ordered with BTC but no worries, we are fine here within the EU when we order from the Netherlands which is basically the drug dealer of the whole EU, there are even companies based mostly in the Netherlands that sell "research chemicals" which are stickers in their zip locks state are "not for human consumption" but of course people buy them to use them because they are basically analogues of older and more known drugs
one drug I ordered from this clearnet site for example is 5-MeO-DMT freebase which is meant to be smoke with a meth pipe basically or whatever glass pipe someone has

>> No.51681911

yeah this is one of my worries.. I will try not to binge too much on some of the drugs I got, but for example I ordered generic viagra for example to see how it is like (I wanted cialis/tadalafil but that vendor didn't have it) and also generic Indian modafinil because I suspect I most likely have ADHD/ADD and/or even asperger syndrome and I wanted to see if modafinil would make my focus any much better, for some people modafinil does wonders for ADHD/ADD, for some others it either doesn't work as much as they would want or they claim it has too many side effects but everyone's body is different, also no opiates ordered from all these I ordered so no worries of an OD from that, I just need to control myself with a few stimulants I got

>> No.51681950

what drugs are we talking about. coke and weed?

>> No.51682398

amnesia haze buds, RSO oil, 5-MeO-DMT, bromazolam pellets, 2 grams of A-PIHP (will be very careful with this one and use small doses), generic modafinil to see if they help with my suspected ADHD/ADD, carisoprodol (pain-o-soma) which is a muscle relaxant and they say it products effects similar to those of barbiturates and generally they say it's a nice drug recreationally, some generic viagra because I haven't tried any dick pill before, and 4-MMC

what do you think?

>> No.51682427

also I am not stupid enough to buy coke for 40-60 euros per gram or even more depending on where you get it and the quality, let the millionaires and billionaires and instathots enjoy this short acting drug
don't get me wrong, it might feel great but since I haven't tried it I can't judge, but just by its price it's off limits for many people and probably this is good and not bad lol

>> No.51682469

I also have unlimited access to pregabalin (also gabapentin and baclofen) but pregabalin is 100 times better than these two, if you haven't tried pregabalin recreationally you don't know what you miss.. pure bliss and very underrated drug in general

>> No.51684097
