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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 257 KB, 1170x975, F25FAF7F-27AB-4ABE-AD1C-679FC63F24F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51677388 No.51677388 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve seen some forecasting models that show this piece of shit dropping to the $0.50 handle next year, and that the Euro might completely fail and dissolve within the next 3 years. That sounded dramatic a few months ago but now it looks like an understatement. Can any Eurofags give an assessment of the situation on the ground? Are things as bad as they appear?

>> No.51677405
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>Are things as bad as they appear
Yes and I hope they get worse, it's the only way to collapse this masonic bureaucratic nightmare known as the EU

>> No.51677414

>and that the Euro might completely fail and dissolve within the next 3 years.
There's very little chance of that happening
>Can any Eurofags give an assessment of the situation on the ground? Are things as bad as they appear?
Right now everything is fine, I can't comment about the future

>> No.51677426

t. non white migrant

>> No.51677428
File: 106 KB, 1811x823, curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every fiat is failing against the dollar, jeet

>> No.51677430

Nothing will happen. As always.

>> No.51677434

Non white immigrants are fucked if that happens.

>> No.51677445

DXY will go back to 50 and euro will go back to 1.10

stop being afraid fucking NPC

you are selling BTC too? Ahaha

fucking slave

>> No.51677446

t. kike EU shill

>> No.51677449

Yes the new xrp backed iso 20022 swift cross border payments system will replace what we know as the euro now, bank of england and us federal reserve will also be using it so we will have 1 western currency by 2025

>> No.51677458

Do you know what planned obsolesence is? Yeah they do that with humans, groups and idea's now. Everything you see you, everything you hear and everythong you thonk of has been carefully orchastrated and planned long ago.

>> No.51677475

>shilling for a white EVROPEAN state is jew behaviour
You're not fooling anyone non white migrant

>> No.51677490
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Let me guess you're a disgusting kraut or a polack.

Only germans and eastern europeans shill for the EU. Your beloved Union is importing millions of africans and arabs per year ON PURPOSE you disgusting brainlet.

>> No.51677497

I think Americans want the EU to fail so they can push around the individual European states. They won't be able to unite which will enable America to force each of them to do their bidding. Could be interesting.
It will start with the Uk

>> No.51677521

100% this
I'm german but that doesn't have anything to do with my point

>> No.51677535

youre either retarded or pretending to be and its why your country is collapsing. keep voting. im sure your vote will elect person who will appoint another person who will appoint another person who will appoint another person who represents you well

>> No.51677542
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Hahaha I fucking knew it. Only you pathetic krauts shill for this marxist masonic EU.

You're so dumb that you fail to realize how the EU is sabotaging Europe. WW2 fucked you up beyond belief

>> No.51677544
File: 458 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20220920_163434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling for a white EVROPEAN state
Top kek
Must be a soviet rape baby
Get fucked g*rmoid, you'll freeze this winter like the gay nigger dog you g*rmans are. Germany will be used for sex tourism, fucking horse faced g*rman women will only be doable for with bags covering their grotesque faces. I will only pay 10(ten) United States Dollars which will be worth 5(five) yuros to get everythong I want.

>> No.51677559
File: 228 KB, 1079x743, Screenshot_20220927_203819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm german
Ofc, the gay nigger dog shilling for the globohomo reich is always german. Go have gay nigger furry sex at tiergarten like the faggot you are

>> No.51677594

Yes they are this bad. I was looking to buy a new PC for my gaymer cope and turns out that because of the exchange rate things like GPU's have gotten way more expensive. for example the 4090 is like 2000 Euro here when it should be 1600 Euro.

>> No.51677601


>> No.51677611

Better start welcoming the AUD as your new overlord baggies.

>> No.51677613

Rather watch the french elec. prices

>> No.51677616

based. the eu was a nice idea for a trading bloc. unfortunately the bureaucrats want to dictate every aspect of life and policy.

>> No.51677623

the EU is the only way our countries can mantain their relevance in a world of continent sized nations, if you have a better idea then go ahead and say what it is.

>> No.51677633
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>seethes in silence.

>> No.51677635

I don't get why /biz/ is so concerned about Europe. Europe is irrelevant in the global economy and 99% of the global population can definitely live on a world without Europe.

>> No.51677644

I will only pay 10(ten) United States Dollars which will be worth 5(five) yuros
also based knowledge how currencies are valued

>> No.51677656

>Europe is irrelevant in the global economy
No it isn't, it's the world's second largest economy

>> No.51677674

>second biggest consumer spending market is irrelevant

>> No.51677756
File: 173 KB, 640x1410, dingus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unelected EU cunts is how they maintain control, dingus. Just the other day they were threatening to use their tools if the italian elections go the "wrong way".
And also it's how they got all the africans into every fucking country except Hungary, because why have borders lol.

>> No.51677764
File: 42 KB, 358x388, Screenshot_20220928_133704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rather watch the french elec. prices
Kek, german nigger dogs can't cope
Theres also the option to have 12hours a day at 18.41 cents kWh and the other 8 at 14.7 cents kWh. Looking at the situation, >>51677644
*I'll be paying 1(one) United States Dollars (10(ten) yuros in the near future) to a horse faced germans cunt for a 3 hours session

>> No.51677799

Based pasta nigger, I can't wait to be free from that satanic union.

>> No.51677808

>importing immigrants
did you ever fucking figure out why, shit-for-brains?

>> No.51677809

In defense of that image: I put 4k into something called ASS and made 200k on it

>> No.51677892
File: 68 KB, 844x629, 1662661552422897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unelected authoritarian commie traitors are the only way to save Europe
hello rabbi!

>> No.51677948

>And the mutts woke up from their koma caused by their second after midnight burger
While the guy you replied to is retarded you are even more. Where do you even get your retarded news? Why are burgers constantly telling us how allegedly bad it is here when nothing is happening

>> No.51678002

I'm not Euro but as an American I'm a natural expert on business and politics.
No retard that won't happen. But yes for some years this will suck but it's not unmanageable and after this coming winter everyone will be stable. What can significantly change that depends on China's actions and no one else's, unless of course Russia throws nukes which if that's ever involved at all then stocks don't matter anymore so it's essentially irrelevant to speculation. If China decides that yes they're too weak to do shit to Taiwan and it shows, everything will go back to normal around 3 years from now.

>> No.51678074
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 02AB7F34-B273-42D6-A37E-05A71B2787D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. amerimutt
You'll never separate us

>> No.51678094

Based Italia bvll. Bring this heap of shit down on our heads permanently. Love from Poland

>> No.51678118

They have no power over the UK anymore hence the general seething towards that country. There's a reason for it...they're not bound by the rules of this shit prison anymore.

>> No.51678123

>I will only pay 10(ten) United States Dollars which will be worth 5(five) yuros to get everythong I want.

Im sorry but this is a fucking hilarious typo. Yeah, we know what you want, you dirty birdy.

>> No.51678128
File: 636 KB, 804x993, Vatican Sept 30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything will go back to normal
You best start believing in great resets, cause yer in one.

>> No.51678141

"Made". More like stolen from someone else

>> No.51678254
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>85 cents per kWH
W-w--where d-do y-you g-g-get z-z-zis f-f-fakE uUnd g-g-gay n-n-umbers, it's all go-ACK!
>*freezes and starves*

>> No.51678932

For your wives to fuck. We know, Hans.

>> No.51678997

>he doesnt know that a collapse is planned by the masonic bureaucratic nightmare known as the EU

>> No.51680976

Go back you fucking brainlet cattle

>> No.51681206
File: 93 KB, 861x548, eurolovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US explodes our pipeline
>Us Spies on us
>EU: Uhhh I love my US master
Fuck the EU, its just way for the US to crontoll all of europe more easily

>> No.51681336

If you do a quick google search for Siener Van Rensburgs predictions you’ll see exactly where this is all going. And it’s not great desu.

>> No.51681349
File: 1.99 MB, 1820x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are burgers constantly telling us
Why do humans tell their dogs to do things like fetch, roll over, lay down, etc?