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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51663422 No.51663422 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a judgement against a single mother for $4,200. She cried and cried but she's too fat and ugly to let her blow me for a reduction.

>> No.51664477
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Former landlord here. Just liquidated all of my rental properties and got into self storage units. Fuck tenants and fuck the eviction moratorium. I hope blackrock enslaves all of you rentcucks.

>> No.51665794
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i've thought about this. i think itd be sick to own a storage unit place and just chill in the little house/office place they have in the front and play vidya. are storage units comparable to rental properties in ROI?

>> No.51665890
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>had to replace a switch and a faucet for 100$

bros i only make 2k a month off this place... maintenance is worse than rent

>> No.51665905

I am interested in exactly this. I own rental units in a city that has had an eviction moratorium going on three years. Fuck this shit. The Cap Rates seem quite low on storage units anywhere near me. Do I have to buy a 2 cap property? With a 5% loan I am not gonna be making money hand over fist. What did you do anon?

>> No.51665937

/biz/ is the most spiritually Jewish board
Makes me sick

>> No.51666118

Fix it up landie

>> No.51666506

>be woman
>go to college for anthropologie
>divorce rape men
>sleep around with absolute trash
>get pregnant with 3 different men
>have no skills or talents
>live off of government give-me
>inflation goes up
>can't pay rent
>get evicted
I don't see a problem

>> No.51666638

Then feel free to leave faggot

>> No.51666878

>mind focused on profit

>> No.51667354

My dad is letting the tenants get away with no rent. It's fucking sick and it makes me angry but he's such a good man. Probably the last good man in the world.

Currently evicting one of my roommates on my dads property. My dad said don't take money from him. Just get him out because he's a woman beater. Taking losses anons.

>> No.51667460

I know it's cringe but there's no "soul" to this board, it's sterile and cold

>> No.51667470

I've been here longer than you've been alive kid

>> No.51667576

My understanding from my time in cre underwriting is they have stronger ROI. Construction is still meeting demand tho and it may stabilize

>> No.51667594

Faggot fuck off

>> No.51667614

>makes me sick but i keep coming back anyway because i am a cuck and i have no self-respect

>> No.51667688


I've always wondered how well these do, I'm paying $180/mo for what feels like a dinky 10'x15' unit. Basically the same monthly rent per sq ft as the apartment I'm in, but probably way less upkeep not having to keep it livable, less hassle and red tape to go through when somebody stops paying, etc. Seems like storage units could be a pretty lucrative business.

>> No.51667703
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>tfw socialists bitch about not being able to get into real estate and being landlord because of the high entry cost when REITs exist

>> No.51668490

Paid cash and 90% of the units were already occuppied. Net profit = 72k per year. I make slightly less money but I am no longer overleveraged in the SFR market so I don't care.

>> No.51669973

That's right Goyim, hurt your fellow man for shekels - you're just like us!

>> No.51670034
File: 37 KB, 678x525, lmaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

65% of the country owns their own homes

this hasn't changed since 1950s.

Why do leftists think that landlords are making housing more expensive, it's impossible for them to have done this.
Government intervention did.
zoning, money printing etc

>> No.51670669

I hope somebody stores chemical waste in one of your storage units and makes you responsible for cleanup costs. Uh oh Landie!

>> No.51670733

How is there a moratorium, Biden said the pandemic is over. Are they going to let the rentoids stay for free forever?

>> No.51670760

>go on /biz/
> make post complain about jew
you are on the wrong board oldfag

>> No.51670841

Yeah, but who[']re the NIMBYs lobbying for shit zoning policy? Everyone wants better housing until they realize months to years of loud construction with burly workers that are going to be in their backyards and down their streets every day jackhammering away.

>Printing money
That much is true since the dawn of time, Anon.