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51645638 No.51645638 [Reply] [Original]

anyone know how to short italian bonds?

>> No.51645774
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grazie mi amor

>> No.51645814

Not far right, the two big parties in Italy are both very moderate. Burger news platforms are even bigger clowns than the others.

>> No.51645856

Being right depends on the communist historical dialectics which apply Marx's identification of classes in the french revolution to everything including Italian politics in the 21st century. One smack to the head and it would probably fold in like a hollow chocolate easter egg.

>> No.51645905

Seeing as the whole dialectic is invented by Marx through the bunk (confirmation bias) process of historical dialecticism, when has the far right ever been anything that wasn't what the left said it was or dumb americans who don't know they're being politically kukd? 4chan says I need to wait before doing this again. Doing what again?

>> No.51646039


>> No.51646070

I like you

>> No.51646106

as if italy has been doing well the past 25 years right? NOW is the time to short italian bonds

>> No.51646211

Total Aryan victory (except Italians aren't white).

>> No.51646332

I wonder which side of the fence the "journalists" is on?

>> No.51646388
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>le far right

people are sick and tire of taking up the ass by dickless mentally ill transfaggots pushing for their pedophile agenda.
faggots should be marched towards the fucking calderas and used to fuel houses this winter.
fuck you all

>> No.51646398

>Media claims she's "far right"
>she publicly worships Israel
Is this the media trying to intentionally shift the Overton window?

>> No.51646401
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Reminder that its all just a distraction

>> No.51646434

the mainstream right is so obsessed with not being called racists or fascist that they dedicate every speech and interview to how not fascist or racist they are.

>> No.51646443

They already have for a while now, just look at how they act like Trump is a fascist trying to destroy democracy and how they talked about him these past years.

>> No.51646487 [DELETED] 
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i had a wop gf who claimed she was a poc
family likely made $500k/yr and she claimed she was disadvantaged
meanwhile, i'm almost completely frog and yet i'm white and privileged? what gives?

>> No.51646521

Israel is run by a right wing government. They have some of the most right wing policies in all of the western sphere. (Literally an apartheid state that built a fucking wall around them and is colonising their land as we speak)
How does supporting this star disqualify you from being right wing? Maybe it disqualifies you from being “based” but that’s another discussion altogether

>> No.51646599
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thanks anon, this post literally wasnt bait - i really want to short this shit

>> No.51646621

The fucking jew-suits did the French revolution that the fucking historical dialectic of left-right is """based""" on.

>> No.51647090

>Biden and friends talk and talk about threats to democracy
>screech when democracy doesn’t go their way
lol. lmao even.

>> No.51647140
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>liberlols are... le HYPOCRITES
old news grandpa. what are you going to do about it? when the bidenistas and butthurt lives matter torch down cities in 2024, will you tell them that it is against the law and they shouldn't do that?

>> No.51649606

You can't have it both ways, either right wing is anti Semitic (they tout Hitler as the ultimate right wing ideal) or it isn't.

>> No.51649990

tell me when you do that to long

>> No.51650018

The "far right" are just leftists who are too stupid to know they're leftists.

>> No.51650709

>Brothers of Italy
>Leader is a woman

>> No.51651199

every time

>> No.51651330

A lot of people in the far right have positive views on Israel because they see it as what they want to do to Europe turn it into a hub for Europeans.

>> No.51651387

Just don't buy them. Italians have failed to have a functioning government for a long time now and refuse to admit they are lazy cunts and full of decrepit boomers holding them down.

>> No.51651393

the spectrum of politics is a line which meets itself. a circle. the more "far left" you go, the more similar you get to the "far right". either extreme is just fascism wearing a different color.

>> No.51651446

Or maybe the far right isn't some anti-Israel, anti-jew movement you think it is mentally ill retard. /pol/tard are so fucking stupid.

>> No.51651464

its almost impossible for italian yields to go down from here unless eu restarts qe infinfity, then hedge with euro short

>> No.51651504

personally im only moderately far right with an intense hatred for jews and israel.

>> No.51651597

burger news is owned by literal commie jews. if you don't agree with their current policy of promoting disruptive alphabets into every position of power and authority and mutilating indoctrinated goyim children's genitals for profit, you're a far-right nazi.

>> No.51651662

Trump was peddling the same immigration policies as the Democrats did pre-2008 and they portrayed him as the new Hitler

>> No.51652155

It’s all stand up comedy. Ukraine is just cutting out the middle man.

>> No.51652658

nobody is buying EU bonds, just the ECB
and the ECB will use the TPI regardless if Italy is run by a "le right wing" roastie or "turbo commie sjw", cause all they care is kick the can down the road and let euro (barely) survive
do you think Germany is in a better position?
lmao, without ECB even Germany is going to default, since they do not control the currency
it's almost impossible for ECB not to lower italian yields to avoid eurozone collapse by using qe infinity (TPI), then yeah, go short the euro cause the outcome is very easy to predict

>> No.51652727
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