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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51635815 No.51635815 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51635836

its literally happening

>> No.51635839

anon, its morning in europe and shmita goes 2 days

do your fucking research you mutt

>> No.51635843
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put a crash helmet on because you are going to experience democracy

>> No.51635846

No this is just bongs panic buying Bitcoin because their currency is collapsing. It will probably get hammered into the ground when US markets open.

>> No.51635855

It literally just happened
Now it's over
Where were you for the last year?

>> No.51635861
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i get liquidated at 20k.

>> No.51635872
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bong here

im all in on bitcoin

i can lose 25k or i can go to the moon

>> No.51635895

It's a high risk play shorting these levels. I hope you aren't all in.

You'll be fine if your time horizon is multi year. They are going to have to start to print within the next 12-18 months to stop the ponzi collapsing. It's at breaking point now. I know the bongs are printing between 5-10% of GDP right now.

>> No.51635897


which one is it /pol/ chuds

this is normal monday dump. you guys should go back to being pampered echochamber nutters.

>> No.51635908

all these nu-bearlets who just learned to short this cycle. Time to get slurped you little faggots

>> No.51636014

this,ive been waiting for this kike thread to spawn

>> No.51637164
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/pol/tards never learn.

>> No.51637604


>> No.51637646
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>he thinks shemitah is a pol meme

>> No.51637736
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>Muh shemitah
>UK Economic collapse
>Europe to head into the dark ages
>China unrest
>Iran Unrest
>Russia Unrest
I hate how when the US is doing relatively okay that people think the shemitah didn't happen and think that the shemitah is ONLY pertinent to the US. It's not only tied to economics but also geopolitical.

>> No.51637751

It is down 2 percent and it has been open for 21 minutes

>> No.51638055

Oh right, cos the pound flashcrashed and the BOE had to convene an emergency meeting last Monday, too.

>> No.51638089
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/pol/ is always wrong, this is a well known fact on /biz/. They only made this threads about shemitah so they could post off-topic political threads again and the tranny jannies did nothing like usual.

>> No.51638269

well you seem to understand that jews tricked everybody, even the ukrainians into thinking they fight for a noble cause but you try to sell it that you dont understand it

>> No.51638435
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>> No.51638453
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Ok Jew
Take more vaccines

>> No.51638460

Where can I see pussy

>> No.51638476

Literally woke up to say its the schemita for real this time

>> No.51638636

Who are you trying to convince or is one of those reverse bluff posts to make communists/Jews look retarded/remorseless like a people that actually legitimately deserves systematical removal.

>> No.51638683

>defending borders from genocidal orcs
>”just Jewish trickery lmao just surrender dude XD”

>> No.51638708



>> No.51638738

based came here to post this, op is delusional always bet on jews.

>> No.51638793
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I'll be laughing when the markets open

Dumb shabbos goy keep slurping the dipperino

>> No.51638817
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You are 100 % a phoneniggerfaggot zoom zoom spic mutt who is living with his single mother in a trailer park. /pol/ is always wrong and you are a worthless poorfag subhuman, no you will never be white. Now back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.51638901

See you in an hour, when nothing happens

>> No.51639003

Imagine being this much of a kike cuck

>> No.51639278

>He thinks Pound was 'sudden'
as if that wasn't expected due to retards in UK goverment kek


You will never be a woman.

>> No.51639424

/pol/ always loses

>> No.51641003

We're not out of the woods yet, retard. Don't jinx it retard

>> No.51641214
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/pol/cels are retarded, never forget that.

>> No.51642809

>He thinks we were in the woods
top kek.
tell me you know nothing about market, then i'll believe You.

now go sit down and suck a cock.

bigger truth has never been spoken bizbro

>> No.51642835

I don't believe in it, but i think the narrative has always been the END is when things return to normal, not when the crash begins.

>> No.51642853

yes it's basically every weekend that the USD stomps every other currency into the ground after a year of non stop asset dumping

>> No.51642879

lmao just thinking about how they were falling over themselves in 2021 with outlandish claims about vaxxies would be dead by summer time lmao
and then the "it's literally aids and will kill everyone by christmas time"
and now it's just "heh this famous actress died in a crash and got the clot shot 13 months ago, coincidence? i think not"

>> No.51642973

you are a sheep, so dont stand out from the flock.
US hyperinflation is everyone's hyperinflation
They just need 2 more weeks and "Charles Schwab will reduce population by 50% with a in-vaccine kill switch"

>> No.51643028

>the vaccine didn't kill literally everyone who took it and that means you're a schizo if you don't like the mandates!
A year later and we're all still waiting for the winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated.
>heh this famous actress died in a crash and got the clot shot 13 months ago, coincidence? i think not
replace "clot shot" with "covid" and that sounds like every post on r/hermancainaward lol
I'm not saying that people who believed the red deer psyop aren't a little retarded but if you think the most dangerous retards are harmless internet schizos and not the mainstream politically powerful covid hysterics, you're a fucking moron

>> No.51643042

It literally happened for a whole year and ends today.What you are referring to is Rosh Hashanah.

>> No.51643586

It has been shemitah for an entire year you fucking mongoloids

>> No.51643653

>do your fucking research you mutt
>gets it completely fucking wrong
Shmita ended yesterday you nigger, now we're in rosh hashanah and probably a jubilee although the kikes don't like to talk about that apparently.

>> No.51643739
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Anon, I.....

>> No.51643779
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>> No.51644094

All of Biden's grandchildren, an overwhelming majority of his cabinet, and all 3 candidates in the last Ukrainian presidential election are/were jews. Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky were too. Trotsky's real name was Bronstein, he was from New York. It is the Jewish mafia.

>> No.51644292

Where is the crash?
Cmon /pol/tard explain

>> No.51644382

every first world currency it tanking against the dollar

>> No.51644691
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>> No.51644766

The UK is definitely feeling it

>> No.51644793

2 more smetiah