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51626514 No.51626514 [Reply] [Original]

the co-founder and ceo of space and time is speaking at smartcon
this guy created space and time itself
the universe
space and time
it's all connected

>> No.51626528

Based and black cube pilled

>> No.51626535
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 10A91DF1-43A3-420C-BC0B-7576B8C351D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay wagmi

>> No.51626541

but in all seriousness what does S&T actually do? it seems important

>> No.51626613

I don't think it does anything but all in how you perceive reality.

>> No.51627221

something something 7th dimensional oracles

>> No.51627345

The clock ticks everywhere

>> No.51628466
File: 94 KB, 440x544, azoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, go and take a look at the homepage for spaceandtime.io. You'll see 7 planets surrounding the sun. In classical hermetics and alchemy, there were only 7 planets known because those were the only ones visible to the naked eye. Chainlink is the 1st planet from the sun ie mercury ie hermes the messenger of the gods. Hermes' symbol was the caduceus, othewise known in alchemy as the Azoth or universal solvent and medicine.

>Because the Azoth is believed to contain the complete information of the whole universe, it is also used as another word for the Philosopher's Stone. One of the hints for the theoretical preparation of the Stone is Ignis et Azoth tibi sufficiunt ("Fire and Azoth are sufficient"). There are scores of esoteric drawings depicting the Azoth and how it is used in the Great Work of alchemy.

They're using alchemical symbolism to show us that they have completed the "great work" and created the azoth or philosphers stone. Its the god protocol bros.

>> No.51628513

>whoa if I add two things together to make another thing and give them all cool names and symbolism that makes it really deep and stuff

>> No.51628539
File: 2.79 MB, 2523x3313, 13447902-7EF2-43E6-879F-43F64C642F92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me Gentlemen

>> No.51628542
File: 43 KB, 356x400, the rebis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't honestly tell me you don't see the similarities to the rebis on the homepage of spaceandtime. You'd better start believing in the hermetic occult timeline anon, because you're in one.

>> No.51628593
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>> No.51628793

I want to believe

>> No.51628881

actually, thinking about it a bit more, the seven luminaries of antiquity were before the heliocentric model, so the central body should be earth. However, earth doesn't have a ring. Of the 7 classic luminaries, both jupiter and saturn have rings, but only saturn's are very prominent. So spaceandtime.io's cosmology would have earth replaced with saturn. Saturn was defeated and displaced by jupiter as the king of the gods, and this is generally understood to be a story about how civilization defeated and replaced pre-civilization or barbarism. So to have saturn take the central role and become earth would mean a collapse of civiliation into something else. But, the age of saturn was also considered the golden age of the gods, so it might be that they are indicating that they will achieve apotheosis and become gods, and the alchemical symbolism would seem to support that as some would say the magnum opus of alchemy was apotheosis.

>> No.51629138
File: 334 KB, 1200x1200, ari juels coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when ari posted pic related, we dug into it and found out that it was an image of the omphalos stone and the two eagles that zeus tasked to find the center of the world. They dropped the omphalos at delphi, and that is where they oracle would speak the words of the gods to men. So we thought it was a reference to oracles. But, there are other refrences to the omphalos in greek mythology. Some stories claim that it was the stone that zues' mother Rhea wrapped in swaddling and presented to his father cronus (Time, from spaceandtime). Cronus swallowed the stone thinking it was zeus who was prophesized to defeat him while zeus grew strong enough to challenge and displace him.
it could be that instead of the oracle of delphi, ari posted the omphalos in regards to saturn devouring jupiter.

>> No.51631322
File: 976 KB, 692x603, 1663551432098539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.51631702

checked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EarZiwJeUg