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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 178 KB, 1244x765, link_projection_timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5160755 No.5160755 [Reply] [Original]

Actual moon mission coming soon. Market cap is now > $150 million and its been quietly climbing the top 100 chart all week.

Once it breaks through the resistance at 2400sat, 50 cents will be the new floor.

>> No.5160809
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This is but a prelude.

The price singularity cometh.

>> No.5160846


Agreed. Its currently in the 89th position on the top 100 list. My guess is we'll keep steadily rising and once we cross 75th place we'll see it rocket to top 20.

>> No.5160935
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>> No.5160958
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We are going to cross this river

>> No.5161051
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Putting out a warning to anyone daytrading.

>> No.5161127

do i invest or not

>> No.5161171

grab your fucking nuts and make a decision
dont ask us

>> No.5161173

Do you not see the fucking kayak? Invest in money-belly

>> No.5161203


Ya I stopped day trading and moved my stack off the exchange yesterday. The floor gets higher and higher and its gotten too risky to be selling any LINK at this point.

>> No.5161209

I've put as much money as possible into LINK over the past couple of months. I'm a minimum wagie cuck who doesn't have much, but I've managed to scrape together 10k. Happy too see it going up but sad I may not get many more. Hoping for maybe 12k before the real take off.

>> No.5161240

Nothing being shilled this hard is a good buy anon

>> No.5161327
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Nolinks are about to be irrevocably BTFO

>> No.5161412

First and only coin I've ever owned and have never sold any nor will I until $500.

>> No.5161424

what do you mean by crossed over?

>> No.5161437

I like that he is fat
Top kek

>> No.5161439

Except that one time it is...

>> No.5161474

I have 6.6k and I want to hit my goal of 10k, do you guys think it could dip again to 20s-30s? Stuck right now between buying high and waiting for the dip. Historically LINK has always dipped back into the teens and 20s.

>> No.5161514


It won't dip to the 20s at this point. You might see 38-39 cents again if you're lucky, but 40 is our new floor with 50 looking like it'll become the floor by tomorrow.

>> No.5161607

everything under 1$ is still cheap as fuck for LINK

>> No.5161625

What they said.

12k here and I wanted more but that ship has sailed. My bags are packed for liftoff.

>> No.5161630

>40 is the new floor
prepare to be memed

>> No.5161684


>> No.5161686


keep in mind it's literally only being shilled here. Check your reddit, check bitcointalk, etc. They all stopped talking about it after sibos. Make of it what you will but it's flying under the radar and its a sleeper.

>> No.5161737


You know what else people stopped talking about after SIBOS? XRP

>> No.5161920


reddit is retard tier. The standard of understanding and discussion makes /biz/ look like MENSA.

>> No.5162004

Should I sell my ark for link? Wh-what if the ark departs too?

Also what if end year announcement is trash and this plummets back down to 20cents is that possible?

>> No.5162025

Why is LINK going up again? Has there been any news or is it just being pumped for another dump. Thinking of getting out when it stops going up then rebuying when it crashes if there hasn't been any news to trigger the growth

>> No.5162074


anything more significant than literally "merry christmas" is going to be good. people are still on the fence whether or not sergey is still involved and making progress.

>> No.5162115


>people are still on the fence whether or not sergey is still involved and making progress

Who the fuck is "on the fence" about this? Babby's first investment where you believe every piece of retard-tier FUD out there.

>> No.5162200


Chainlink will be the default oracle for ZeppelinOS.


ZeppelinOS will underlie all the best future dApps given OpenZeppelin already sets the standards for various smart contracts classes.

We're talking about Chainlink being a kernel level service in the toolkit that will be used for all dApps from here forward. Anytime an app needs to fetch third party data, its going to be using Chainlink.

That's the real win for Chainlink. Any banking/SWIFT partnerships is just the gravy on top. Chainlink will officially become ubiquitously used over the next few years.

>> No.5162253

he literally hasnt showed any sign of life in months after being extremely active in the community as a whole
seriously, check out his reddit account: reddit.com/u/sergeynazarov
he was all over the place and after the ICO he was just dead silent

>> No.5162344

the average IQ of a biztard is actually +200.../biz/ might seem like a complete cesspool of retardation, but that's because we operate on at least 20 levels of irony.

>> No.5162356
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this. from this point on, we cannot fail

>> No.5162360


Why would he spend 5+ years developing one of the most promising projects in crypto, get it to the point of launch, and then bail? All while continuing to do talks at conferences, and getting partnerships with groups like Zeppelin?

The FUD doesn't even make sense.

>> No.5162510

I dont think the FUD is logical but crypto is based on hype and name brand. Any ICO nowadays is guilty until proven innocent - people who dont understand chainlink probably saw that as a huge red flag

>> No.5162607

Congratulations, Linkies. You only need another 2x and you'll be back to pre-sale price.

>> No.5162612

he did this with the last project he was on

>> No.5162733


i'm not even trying to fud, these are things I've seen people say. if you haven't looked into as deeply as 4chan has (i.e., just checked the twitter for anyone involved, their website, etc.) it doesn't look like anything has happened.

that's why /biz/ made out like bandits on this. The moment the lights turn on (regardless of whether it pans out) people are going to fomo back in

>> No.5162755

The fuck are you talking about? Pre-sale price was like 10c

>> No.5162772

no he didn't. kys

>> No.5162786

>Once it breaks through the resistance at 2400sat, 50 cents will be the new floor.

I think you're trying to get us not to sell when BTC rockets tonight and this drops like a rock in sats. Fuck off manipulating faggot.

>> No.5162803


how influential is zeppelinOS? It's hard to get a sense of how important they are in their space as a nondeveloper. I've heard the number that contracts representing 1.5 billion are on their smart contracts but I'm not sure what to make of that.

>> No.5162814

>Why would he spend 5+ years developing one of the most promising projects in crypto, get it to the point of launch, and then bail?
Because he had the vision, got the ball rolling, got the necessary players on board, and right now isn't of much use since he's not a coder.

>> No.5162836

>in sats
Brainlet detected.

>> No.5162878

Lol this. Go check out link trader subreddit. It was a pnd group. They’re trying to get as much link admin possible before the btc run

>> No.5162898

Since you're retarded, let me explain. More BTC, AKA more sats, more or less promises more fiat in the future if that's what you want. More fiat does not promise more fiat, or BTC. If you hold more BTC, a deflationary currency, you will likely see more value over time, as opposed to less in dollars. Understand? As long as BTC does not crash to 1 cent, you want more of that rather than dollars.

>> No.5162912

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.5162961

do you idiots realize BTC just mooned to 19k, and LINK actually mooned alongside it in terms of satoshi value? it BTC keeps mooning, LINK will stay around 2k sats, and thus will increase further in USD value. all is good.

>> No.5162964
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ZeppelinOS will probably be the standard platform/toolkit for smart contract and dApp development on Ethereum. They're already at the top of that class. It pretty much guarantees that LINK will be the default oracle for ETH development.

Which is not super surprising but fuck it's nice.

>> No.5163000
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>muh sats

>> No.5163298
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Obviously, I'm referring to satoshis (pic related).

When adjusted for BTC value, LINK was over $1 at pre-sale. It has been bleeding sats ever since then, therefore it was much more profitable (2x at least) to just hold BTC instead of holding LINK.

I know some people don't care because they still made a profit in USD, but believe me, if Bitcoin reaches 100k (or much higher) in the future, those lost sats are going to be painful to think about.

>> No.5163325



>> No.5163395

>muh sats
>muh hindsight
>muh if you make gains but got outperformed by another coin you lost money
>muh measuring your port in an extremely volatile asset

>> No.5163474

1600 link will i make it bros!?

>> No.5163535

Ico price was 2050sats...

>> No.5163578
File: 20 KB, 329x357, fgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw that chart is actually real and we are still on track for $10 LINK by March.

>> No.5163618


Yeah if I'd just predicted the BTC bullrun I could have made more money. No shit. Got anything you can tell me about the coming 6 months?

>> No.5163663

nobody cares about lost gains in an overvalued shitcoin, you would probably lose it all on $20 transaction fees anyway

>> No.5164079

If you time things right you can probably make some money but if you do any investigating you will find that most of their stuff leads nowhere from what I can tell. I wouldn't risk it. I may be missing something but some of their twitter posts for instance link articles where the information they talk about isn't even in them?

>> No.5164731

the fuck you talking about?

NVM, don't care

>> No.5165030

>the future can be know before hand
>can think of no other way to invest than buying at ath
Listen here nigger, I put everything I own into chainlink at $.14 and am on cloud 9 right now.

>> No.5165261

Good luck brother.
I have only 1.2k linkies... maybe we can join lamboland in a few years.

>> No.5165327

Just bought 12k more, I feel it in my fucking guts

>> No.5165361


yes ofcourse! but in the mean time also buy other stuff like neo, bitcoin, litecoin, iota, cardano. actually just buy them all!