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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51601293 No.51601293 [Reply] [Original]

I took the top 100 crypto which have more than $50m daily volume and calculated the % drop since ath, thought I would share
do you think the results are indicative of future performance?
I added pax gold which is just gold for comparison

>> No.51601419
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bottom table

>> No.51601526

How can I do cool stuff like you fren?

>> No.51601560

Op is smart and can do cool stuff, unlike us dumb neets.

>> No.51601614

>the /biz portfolio

>> No.51601658

Gecko or cmc api, import page one, formatting, done

>> No.51601674

select columns on coinmarketcap, scroll down max, select all, copy paste on a deskop spreadsheet software, type your calculations in a cell, fill to bottom, sort, filter, conditional formatting, only for simple calculations and filtering

>> No.51601823

I knew Monero did ok but damn Bnb strong

>> No.51601926

I'm an ANALyst and this is great work (especially the gold touch) however one metric is missing. Risk. POW vs POS and utility will have a big impact on the next bullrun.

>seriously great job

>> No.51601946
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gimme a fact check on icp

>> No.51601971

/PMG/ posters incoming

>> No.51602055

I'm assuming the market already kind of priced in many factors already, it's not a coincidence that bitcoin is so high, as well as centralized tokens and gold
it's fast to check which crypto are pow or not
except a couple they all have uncertain utility I believe
I might do that again if we get another -50% final capitulation

>> No.51602202

if I were to quantify the risk of being regulated out of existence, I would use ISO20022 and POS/DAG as immunity.

>> No.51602269

icp "ATH" was really just incredibly manipulated futures the week before launch so it released 3-4x higher than organic demand

>> No.51602280

The futures… why were they manipulating them

>> No.51602282

Your color scale is a little biased, ie there are a lot of coins that span the -80% to -90% range, which covers yellow-green all the way down to orange-red, whereas something like cosmos is >10% different from TRON but that difference only spans green-yellow to green in terms of rank order. Next time, consider using a single-color shaded scale

>> No.51602320
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I don't know, but I believe that in the future, rankings won't matter because change is continuous and because there are excellent projects like Xpress, fuse, and Coti that deserve to be at the top. However, let's watch how it plays out OP.

>> No.51602378

Interesting. Any chance you can do this from the previous bullrun from ATH to ATB? We’ll then be able to gauge the a survivorship coefficient such that if 3 out of the 10 All time low coins survived. We can infer that 3 or so from this list have to survivor and go on as well.

>> No.51602442

data scientist here https://coingolive.com/en/coin/ath-price/

>> No.51602464

if the technology is big enough I don't think there's any regulatory risks, regulation is local and it cannot nullify a demand when there is a demand, otherwise illegal activities would not exist.
many iso standards aren't really relevant, this one has to do with banks and banks aren't known to be on the edge of technology, so I think that's irrelevant. non pow coins are flawed in my opinion, if pow is truly the most secure consensus then its consumption is justified, but we'll see
for me this is all about money, that's mostly the thing at stake

that's still an information that tells something on the coin

>> No.51602505

Nice data, can you share your excel op?

>> No.51602592
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>why were they manipulating them
if only someone who owned the exchange also owned an investing group and the power to short the shit out of anything

>> No.51602618

I don't have this data available easily, but actual ATH is a good enough indicator probably
my trading bot used to have this data in a sql table, didn't worked on it for a while, stopped data gathering

>> No.51602676

there's nothing more in it than what you see in the picture, no data sync, the formula is just 1-(price/ath price)

>> No.51603031

long way to go until the next bull market peak, so any alt that's only been on the market since mid 2018 or later doesn't have enough data. its the alts that survived 2017 and went on to make a new non-bitcoin (basically nothing makes a second bitcoin) all time high are the only ones even bothering with from here on out.

unsurprisingly those are also the only ones in the "green" with exceptions for a couple.

>> No.51603051
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>This is a link fud thread, also you own link.

>> No.51603133

what the fuck is chiliz and how the fuck does it do over a billion $ worth of volume ?

>> No.51603200

I'm converting this to a webpage that will scrape CoinMarketCap and auto update. I'm targeting top 300 and you can set volume rate as needed.

>> No.51603239

Uniswap, Algorand and Pancakeswap, on sale I guess.

>> No.51603843

Chiliz blows my mind. I keep waiting for that piece of shit to come down to a good buy price and it never does.

>> No.51603910

The use of crypto payments is also growing. I think that people will begin to migrate from the conventional approach to this innovative one due to its low cost and user-friendly interface.

>> No.51603919

much appreciated

>> No.51603995

I had a dream last night where I received the transmission that avax will reach $2000 at some point in 2028. Do with this information whatever you like. Note that my dreams are always correct.

>> No.51604007
File: 77 KB, 1601x563, icp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the real ICP chart, previously known as DFINITY - IOU

>> No.51604109

No idea, theres a bunch of coins on binance that have huge market caps and yet i never heard anyone talk about them
They just exist

>> No.51604125

is there an api out there for mineable coins difficulty? help a biz bro out

>> No.51604132

The fuck happened to wrapped bitcoin?

>> No.51604178

this but unironically

>> No.51604418

there's large demand for bitcoin on ethereum. a few times causing it to spike against bitcoin itself.

>> No.51604508

No one on biz every discusses BNB but it makes almost as much revenue as ETH while getting probably less than 1/10 the publicity and also being the strongest coin during the bear market in all of crypto. Convince me not to make it a main coin in my portfolio

>> No.51604561

RLC lfgo oilers

>> No.51604571

Dat chink runs crypto desu

>> No.51604582

They’re gonna FUD and say it’s “too centralized”, despite ETH being just as centralized now after the merge.

>> No.51604751

If there’s one thing I’ve been convinced of it’s that normies and their money do not give a fuck about decentralization. CZ is the most trustworthy man in crypto and he gets shit done

>> No.51605198

Ape coin is wrong.

>> No.51606036

biggest problem with bnb is that wait might be ridiculously long. good for protecting your sats stack while remaining in an alt, but that 14 month bull flag was fucking horrendous and took forever. and now it's been another 2 months before breaking out again today. overall good but be prepared to wait and see some fucky manipulation happen on bnbbtc

>> No.51607456

BNB Chad coin

based. thanks for sharing

>> No.51610239

bump for those who missed it

>> No.51610839

bnb is just binance stocks.

>> No.51610856

BNB is surprisingly based, it keeps making new ATHs in sats even now

>> No.51611146

Allianceblock blows my mind on a daily basis. I keep waiting for that piece of shit to come down to a good buy price and it never does. I'm still waiting

>> No.51611190

I believe ranking just a number and overtaking is allowed in the space. With more successful startups and investors relationship, MilestoneBased platform would shine soon.

>> No.51612803

Some faggots on Twitter took your pic and claimed it to be their own today.

>> No.51612877

link? I don't care anyway

>> No.51614095

Many of these have huge mkt cap are are safe. There are many many more missed.

>> No.51614177

why does litecoin still exist and why does it have such high market cap and volume? what the fuck?

>> No.51614197

Why not? I support that legit non-scam projects never die. It's a decent system for payments.

>> No.51614213

Cheap, fast, more exchange support than XMR.

>> No.51615320


>> No.51618260

shoot bro, your thread almost 404'd, good thing I was there to revive it, no thanks needed, just doing my job.

>> No.51618325

What the fuck is this?

>> No.51618357

Holy fuck. Am I retarded if I get a load of this shit? Why did it moon so hard? Anything specific or just being a privacy token? Monero didn't pump nearly as hard

>> No.51618384

15% of transactions on the dark web

>> No.51618385

A live version already exists online: https://coingolive.com/en/coin/ath-price/

>> No.51618435

litecoin is the canary for all altcoins.
after its peak its just dropped against bitcoin forever.

>> No.51618448

zero knowledge proofs are valuable, but then ethereum added them. the only thing that could have been worse was if bitcoin added them.
zcash became obsolete overnight.

>> No.51618482

Once its creator dumped all his coins, that shouldve killed it forever... But nope

>> No.51618639

What then would you consider to be the most active privacy projects making the best use of zk proofs? Railgun?

>> No.51618657
File: 80 KB, 800x849, 290122223y43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess anything privacy related maintains a big chance of getting a whole lot of attention. There is a reason why Monero is dominating the darknet market. If privacy becomes a norm or standard in the space, you can imagine what that will mean for privacy preserving systems.

>> No.51618708

Thanks based prescient anon

>> No.51618874

Wrong faggot

In terms of on-chain privacy, yes. Although, I won't say the most active, but it's among the top players.

Nothing close to how much volume Monero commands.

>> No.51618929

I'll like to see how ORE performs on the new chart

>> No.51618948
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Indeed it might, but it largely depends on interoperability systems and their delivery, especially with identity control.

>> No.51618977
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can you sort by market cap ?

>> No.51619048

theres no money in privacy projects
scaling will just adopt zk proofs as a scaling tool and get privacy for free

>> No.51619111

There is a chance that Binance doesn't stick around(doubtful) and the whole reason BNB managed to get that high last year was animal coin mania which may not happen again.

>> No.51619155

CZ is constantly propping up the price of BNB, that's why it's at ATH in sats this very moment. 2021 animal coins are not related to the current price action.

>> No.51619279

How'd that work out for tornado cash?

>> No.51619334

you should be more concerned as to why other, much longer lived "privacy" projects haven't had any attempts silencing them.

>> No.51619343

I already know why