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51598363 No.51598363 [Reply] [Original]

So this is what 2008 felt like, huh?

>> No.51598521

yet more gay, if you can believe it

>> No.51598617

Nah, this feels far worse for the average person

>> No.51598662

No. There were still fun things to do. You could go to local shows with scene girls. Most malls still had arcades. everybody knows everyone born after 2000 can't have fun. all they know is tiktok, anal sex, eat bug and lie.

>> No.51598743
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2008 only rekt people who bought houses they couldn't afford

>> No.51598754

There wasn't that huge inflation in 2008. The common man doesn't care if Amazon stocks are plummeting, he wants to be able to feed his family with his salary.

>> No.51598772

An arcade opened up near my home a couple years ago.
>section for classic machines from the 80s
>section for 90s and early 00s
>section for Mortal Kombat, Smash, and Soul Caliber (I think)
>getting in in less than $10 and you can play as much as you like
>they scalp on the food tho
Not a bad way to spend an evening desu.

>> No.51598881

sounds real real fun. wish I had something like that near me.

>> No.51598902

Yep. Food was still cheap.

>> No.51598910


>markets collapsed because of internal failures

>markets "collapsing" because of two years of global fucking lockdowns and a war that cut off like 50% of Europe's energy and has the potential to go nuclear

The situation couldn't be more different.
If the Ukraine war ends and Covid stays gone, things will rebound to an insane degree.

>> No.51598929


>> No.51598975

That's what I said, yes.

>> No.51599016

In 2008 people were talking banks, bailouts, wallstreet. Now they are talking trannies, whyte pipo and pronouns. So many people are now ready to watch it burn down. No, it is not even remotely the same.

>> No.51599276

2008 was far worse. Entire neighborhoods destroyed by reckless banksters

>> No.51599395

If your friends’ parents with doctoral degrees that used to have serious careers aren’t competing with you for a job at McDonald’s, it’s isn’t 2008 yet.

>> No.51599576

in tamil nadu it always is 2008

>> No.51599640

Maybe i should try to open one myself.

>> No.51599663


>> No.51599685

2008 wasn't a big deal. The 8 years of Obongo after it were economically brutal.

>> No.51599970

yeah the job market was fucking insane. much different than now, but it is shittier today in most other respects.

>> No.51600131

Is it any different? Wages haven't budged and each posting receives 6 gorillion applicants

>> No.51600291

pol please fuck off. they were talking about gay marriage a shit load then and Ron Paul ran in 2008. but you're right, nobody talks about trannies whyte pipo and pronouns as much as you do in your hot and heavy pol circlejerks. just do your dirty business in private, closet case.

>> No.51600343

You're right about wages, but it has been a little better than 2008. I've had jobs where I talked to the boss and got it on the same day. I waged at an Amazon warehouse where they instantly accepted my application and this was in 2017. You could hardly do any of this from 2008-2016.

>> No.51600353

angry fag detected. gooby pls go.

>> No.51600379

>Prop 8 was passed IN FUCKING CALIFORNIA
>Obammy even opposed fag marriage
ok troonie. Now the hatred towards your kind is at an all time high thanks to your own shenanigans. You have no one to blame but yourself. At least you were just a punchline in 2008.

>> No.51600405

It's all quite boring to watch.

I want the markets to crash now, not cock tease us for the next 2 years.

>> No.51600408

Go back

>> No.51600442

2008 was a lot of cope as things started to go south then everything falling apart all at once because the system went nuts and all the adults lost their jobs. It was proceeded by years of people going nuts playing real estate games and riding high on the money like it would go forever.

This is a lot weirder.

>> No.51600476

I’m 31 but don’t have any sense of what 2008 was like for most ppl even though I was coming of age because my parents are rich lmao suck it chuds

Verification not required post successful

>> No.51600480

>This is a lot weirder.
thats because its planned and inevitable

>> No.51600484

the job market is the real indicator
they keep lying that its great and they keep adding jobs, but it doesnt make any fucking sense when you still see places understaffed and help wanted signs
someone has to be juking the stats

>> No.51600519

I’ve applied to at least 200 job openings and only had 1 reply, which I didn’t get because I wasn’t going to fill the diversity quota.

>> No.51600532

We're literally not even in a bad economy. I can still go to the store and buy anything I want, gas went down over a dollar. Pretty comfy

>> No.51600540

Places are understaffed because millions are fuckin dead from the clot shots

>> No.51600626

just put hispanic on the application and say you are cuban

>> No.51600648

Also eating ass

>> No.51600673

If putin stands down after the 26th it's confirmed jews own him

>> No.51600717

He's a WEF acolyte and a likely Freemason. He's controlled 100%.

>> No.51600718

I’m probably the whitest person on this board.

>> No.51600729
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Everything looks fine to me :^) maybe you guys should buy better assets ;^)

>> No.51600763

The war is staged to crush the economy so jews can buy cheapies and cripple goyim with energy prices.

>> No.51600829

my basterd you are funny guy

>> No.51600879

>That's what I said
No you said 'If'
He said 'IF'

>> No.51600895


Kek but true

>> No.51600955

Anyone saying 2008 was worse is retarded. We are truly fucked. COVID + an extra $12 trillion dollars of debt. Open borders, ravenous niggers and BLM burning cities. Stolen elections and Russia going to war in Ukraine with a demented pedophile in the White House

It is over boys. The boomers are all dying off and they dont care what happens to the world. They are getting their money

>> No.51600997

Need about triple the unemployment and companies vanishing over the weekend

>> No.51601031

No, 2008 was much worse, because then I had my idealism.

>> No.51601035

It is all bullshit to make Biden look good.
>We created X amount of jobs
They didnt create shit they are people going back to work after COVID. Less people are going to work though.

>> No.51601054

Lucky. That sounds like a reasonably based arcade

>> No.51601076

this is only the start zoomer.

>> No.51601079
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>> No.51601156

US median household income in 2021 was $71k, up from $50k in 2008 ($63k in 2021 dollars).

>> No.51601186

How does that not make any sense? Of course places are understaffed when there are this many jobs.

>> No.51601240

It will end very soon, as soon as Russia deploys 300,000 troops and levels every major city. Putin is wasting time rn, he needs to get it over with

>> No.51601322

2008 was worse than anything we've seen from 2020-2022
but by 2025, there will be no question it's now far worse than 2008 ever was

>> No.51601325
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Nah, this feels worse. Back in 2008 there used to be hope. You could still unironically think that things might get better for you in 2007. 2008 didn't immediately crush this hope. For me it took most of last decade to really get settled into the feeling that your general midwit would not be able to carve a comfortable living in the near future. That's what's perplexing me the most: how can this keep running if it very clearly is not going to matter to the general population that this machine is actually running? The incentives are gone. The inflation is definitely not done yet, and I hope better choices are being made than the last times this happened, but it very probably won' t get better.

This will mean that in the next 10 years, anyone who's in cash will lose big. This will be boomers that saved, not invested. Countries that still have a semblance of social support will be facing the choice to uphold or deny the promises that where made to that generation: work 40 years, then retire to comfortable life. Upholding this will mean plucking even more from the already bald chickens that are the following generations. Denying this will mean seeing our parents or their friends die in squalor. We haven't got the money to help them, and if governments don't help either (or have already cut back on any help they where promised or might need) then they will see legitimately hard times for probably the first time in their lives. When they go, money will siphon to generations that where probably already in the realm of generational wealth. This is already happening in the housing market. Asset-rich families will distribute this to their children. Those in families that aren't asset-rich will get farther and farther behind, barring any government or widely carried popular intervention.

>> No.51602487

>>markets "collapsing" because of two years of global fucking lockdowns and a war that cut off like 50% of Europe's energy and has the potential to go nuclear

you're really retarded if you think that's the only reason markets are collapsing.

>> No.51602619
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Since I'm staking stables on Freeway with fixed APYs, I'm still protected if the market crashes. It's not at all volatile.

>> No.51602658

2008 was schadenfreude for me. All my degenerate over-leveraged pretend-rich neighbors with leased BMW's for every child ended up foreclosed on. 2008 was greedy retards being liquidated and greedy smarter people feasting on the remains. 2022 feels very different.

>> No.51602659


>> No.51603394

No. This is like 2007. We are going 50-70% lower.

>> No.51603501

you simply could not get a job after the 08 crash without nepotism

>> No.51603604

Normgroids were high on the """hope and change""" bullshit.

>> No.51603681

I kinda got lucky... it was just the right time to buy my first house in late 2008, plus i got some of my tax money back from the gov for doing it. moved to a different state 6 years later, ended up making 35% gain over purchase price

>> No.51603985

That is one method of earning passive income and as long as you are using a reliable system, you are already safe and secure anon.