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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51594905 No.51594905 [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism invariably leads to neoliberalism. As much as you want to pin Schwab on Marxism, the fact is a person like him can only exist as a result of late stage, neoliberal capitalism, and its obsession with technocracy.

>> No.51594940

Based Schwab, I already own nothing and am happy

>> No.51594963

He's possible because of Jews

>> No.51595075

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended functions of it, NOT glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Nazis will always use schizophrenic mental gymnastics and conspiracy ramblings to spread hate and division in order to maintain the status quo. Capitalism operates with the exact same principles as a cancer cell (growth for growths sake, maximum consumption)

Every single nazi and financier parasite needs to be euthanized if the biosphere is to be preserved

>> No.51595081

What allows the Jews to be disproportionately powerful?

>> No.51595147

God's will (mostly expressed by goyim being retarded)

>> No.51595212

Well that and capitalism, which they exploit.

>> No.51595311

Aren't they afraid of creating and army of young men with nothing to lose? Young men don't wanna go to war, but I think they sure as hell would go to war against these assholes if push comes to shove.

>> No.51595348

Young men have been pacified

>> No.51595430

Someone should probably shoot that place up

>> No.51595526

Not really. Why would they? As the fall of the Soviet Union showed money always wins out. Any movement of such young men would be quickly coopted and rendered inert. Neoliberals have absolutely mastered the art of destroying dissent. One way they do this is through women. Of those angry young men, most want a love of their life, a girlfriend, and women have been absolutely trained in the west to accept unconditional authority and whatever they see in the media. It’s why tons of young men are afraid to tell their girl they listen to Joe rogan, or chapo trap house, or Ben Shapiro, or having enjoyed the joker, despite all of these being financially successful. Arraying all women against angry young men by branding them bitter Incels for not liking the current neoliberal system + coopting nascent movements from the inside with either bribery or threat of legal action + general bootlickery = angry young men being rendered inert by the status quo.

>> No.51595633

Why dont amerimutts use their guns to vanquish these evil jews (in minecraft)? Oh right they are betacucks and those guns are just for show, the only time they'll ever use it is when SHTF to shoot themselves in the head. Interesting set of subhumans.

>> No.51596015

>communist trying to blame capitalism for what marxists do again
You have to be completely ignorant of history to miss the fact that he's a reversion to the feudalist nobility which existed before capitalism, and which was anti-capitalist. They had similar laws limiting what peasants were allowed to consume, while nobles didn't have to follow the rules. They had hereditary tribalism like the Jews and also viewed peasants as livestock. Also, there's no stages in capitalism, only cycles.

>> No.51596046

>It’s why tons of young men are afraid to tell their girl they listen to Joe rogan, or chapo trap house, or Ben Shapiro, or having enjoyed the joker, despite all of these being financially successful.
All of this is utterly foreign to me O_o
Take me as I am, or fuck off has worked with women my entire life.
Still expect rolling heads if they move forward with "the great reset"

>> No.51596082
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>central banks are deliberately causing a recession
>we live in capitalism
Fucking retards everywhere.

>> No.51596109

spbp :'(

>> No.51596134

His father was a real nazi

>> No.51596137

I love how /pol/ believed Soros was the ultimate big bad and then they read that "you'll own nothing and be happy" article and now suddenly Schwab and the WEF are behind everything.

>> No.51596207

What young men? They are all tranies pumped full of esteogene out the ass.

>> No.51596263
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Spirituality. The Abrahamic religions are spiritual programs (magic spells) that turns goyim into subhumans using their energy to feed the JHVH, a thoughtform that gives power to the Jews. See how in history the greatest countries were anti Christian. Alexander's Empire, Rome, Revolutionary France and Nazi Germany were hyper powers with great achievements. Paganism was the basis for these nations.

>> No.51596362

What about all the Christian European empires that conquered the world you tard?
>Nazi Germany
Didn't last long, did it?

>> No.51596406

>/pol/ believed
who is this /pol/ guy?

>> No.51596435

It is called "National-SOCIALISM" retard

>> No.51596519
File: 204 KB, 1080x759, Eugen Schwab klaus Schwab's father Nazi fascist wef 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh jews

>> No.51596554
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>As the fall of the Soviet Union showed money always wins out
The Soviet jewnion existed in the first place because of money. Capitalism made communism.
>wall street financed the bolsheviks
>Henry Ford industrialized URSS
>all the help commies got from America in ww2
>the capitalist side not intervening to help Hungary during its revolution
>all the cold war, in an attempt to not nuke each other (which I admit it was kinda fair)
Commies are just useful idiots for capitalists. And capitalists had to pay lots of money to keep commies alive. >>51596362
>What about all the Christian European empires that conquered the world you tard?
It was nothing. Conquered primitive people for the most part and uninhibited territories. Could do nothing against each other. Had to ally against France and still failed. After two decades they won with jewish bankers by their side.
Same thing with nazi Germany. May have lost in the end but only because they fought against impossible odds. Also France may have fallen but some of its values survived and were achieved less than a century later when many nationalist and liberal movements won.
Nazi Germany may have lost but today neonazism and Paganism are on the rise. As is antisemitism and christianity is declining.
Also god. The Abrahamic god is real and he is losing along with his worshippers.
He has nothing to do with Nazis. Don't be obtuse.

>> No.51596577

Klaus Schwab is a national socialist.
His father was a national socialist too.

>> No.51597364

we don't live under capitalism, we live under "money printer funds mates"

>> No.51597789

>Capitalism made communism.
>Commies are just useful idiots for capitalists.
Yes, and just to hammer this point home: what is called "communism" is just a way for capital to leverage excess labor into profit. Communism is not separate from capitalism, it is a strategy of the latter
capitalism naturally results in capitalists having control over the monetary system - it's how they set the rules of exchange and establish notions of value