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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51548047 No.51548047 [Reply] [Original]

when the bull finally comes, will my beloved ftm see the light or is it buried with the shitcoins already

>> No.51549733

I saw some thread saying Kong is leaving

>> No.51549804

It will do fine. Still one of the best if not the best chain for defi. The andre fud put a hurting on it at the end of the bull market but there are a lot of solid projects on it and still a lot of people using it.

>> No.51549905
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If you didn't take profits on this coin and ecosystem, I feel bad for you. It's not coincidence FTM hasn't seen any of the upside at all of other coins since the June "bottom". The other ghostchains have not bounced for shit either, a la avax, ICP, Cronos

>> No.51549997

people thought andre was ceo and asserted "the ceo left ftm". kong is staying for sure, hes speaking at smartcon and he recently onboarded an old professor as chief research officer

>> No.51550010

I've been using fantom for more than a year now(5000+ transactions by hand), and I can assure you that it was, it is, and it will always be INCAPABLE of processing more than 3m transactions per DAY (the record was 2 million and it was unusable).
Fantom at 3M transactions per day would have higher gas fees than ethereum, 100 people trying to do an operation at the same time move the gas price from 2 to 4000 gwei, just like that.
The foundation is working as little as they can to consume their immense funds, nobody is developing and advancing the protocol.
BSC does 6M transactions easily.

Matic does 3M daily.

Why would ANYONE use Fantom when ETH launches sharding?

The day cronje announced it was leaving the network could not process all the queues and gas went to 60000 gwei, although fantom was tanking, people were trapped there with their stablecoins, it was a shitfest.

It will do a slow and pathetic rug, underperform eth and btc, and slowly die in 4-5 years. It will be like the 2017 blockchains that did very good but are now dead in 2022

>> No.51550068


>> No.51550114

I always took profits, didn't sell at the top but always sold some weekly when we were high, now I have plenty to complete the nft project I launched there. Don't be idiots boys, always be conservative and play it safe, I would have lost it all if I kept all inside Fantom.

If fantom goes back to 1$ then eth will be at 10k minimum

>> No.51550176

>I've been using fantom for more than a year now
why haven't you sold then
>the record was 2 million tx and it was unusable
i remember this bottleneck and also remember that they quickly patched the problem
thank u just sold 100k
>The foundation is working as little as they can
They release research updates every week or so, they just swapped their database stack to improve read/write speed. Kong has been doing PR like a madman, hes done like 30 interviews in the past 2 months

>> No.51551359

good projects? like?

>> No.51553386

how are you still holding.
everyone sold above $3.

>> No.51553617

>good projects? like?

I would like to repeat this question. It feels like the only things left are Harry's ponzi and its derivatives, and even Tomb is planning to exit and start their own blockchain in the future.

Spookyswap is still great, but an exchange without projects to exchange can't keep a blockchain alive.

>> No.51553641

Scam, can't scale

>> No.51556199

Spooky Swap
Reaper Farm
Liquid Driver

Fantom Virtual Machine

>> No.51556406

Did shadecash abandon?

>> No.51556678

bad faith post full of outdated fud


>> No.51556704

I had 190k of FTM and ended up selling it for 30k. not good. how does one get over the greed aspect? why sell something at 1 dollar when it could be 5 the next day. very hard to not fuck yourself

>> No.51556859

i think once market picks up and shit starts bottlenecking everywhere it will have a come-uppuance
but yeah harry/shifu/andre shit really did a number

>> No.51557078

Fantom sounds cool. $10 next bull run.

>> No.51558104
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Shh, I thought no FTM threads on 4chan allowed. /biz/ will start buying and shilling it again AFTER it's up 10x.