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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51547531 No.51547531 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51547811


>> No.51547947


>> No.51547960

youre holding bags to zero. thread may continue below. cope

>> No.51548247

Never selling, hedgie

>> No.51548251
File: 80 KB, 898x632, 1661559445136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please seek help. Take the meds they give you. then cope, seethe, and dial 8.

>> No.51548297

at least acknowledge the epic tits faggot

>> No.51548513

acknowledge what? It's futile to try to argue with (You). You're going to claim your shitty stinky DD that you probably didn't even read and certainly don't understand is right and you won't be swayed from that. I'm going to say it's wrong and could spend the whole thread trying to break down why it's nonsensical fantasy land bullshit. You're going to cover your eyes and call me a hedgie, a shill, a nigger, a faggot, or whatever your buzzword of the day is. A whole lot of nothing is going to happen then you're going to move the goalpost and claim it was never about that last DD if I try to use it in an argument about why you're an idiot. It will then be added to the list of DD that never came true that you'll conveniently ignore when you latch on to the next hit of extra new this time for real guis reddit copium DD.The cycle will continue ad nauseam. The only thing that will change is I won't be here because this thread is boring as sin with less than a handful of baggies to make fun of.

>> No.51548611
File: 278 KB, 400x400, f304db626af1c00e29d1bfdaa26be672_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>51547811

>> No.51548631

You fools got played. You gave several kikes massive exit liquidity and they even told you as much, and you still think you're going to get some "MOASS" because some redditors who bet their life savings on this shit again are still bagholding to total bankruptcy.

>> No.51548720

that picture is older than some people posting here

>> No.51548786
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big bags and beyond

>> No.51548827
File: 585 KB, 841x869, 1663614037850456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny seeing these threads go from YOLO to bag holders to stock cult

>> No.51548917

This person is lying to you
BBBY isn’t even in the top 200 of off-exchange volume in the past week.

>> No.51548982

Yup. See it in real time with LUNC. First buy for a laugh, then get some hopium, then try to convince each other from repeated messaging over and over over that it will make you rich. Not unlike cults/organized religions.

>> No.51549409

yeah no kidding

>> No.51549721
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, 1662570444068051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shilled bearish sentiment against BBBY vs the bullish sentiment on GME is comical. smart investors don't fall for peer pressure from /pol/ larp schizos that admit that they haven't showered in weeks. GME is insanely overvalued if they can't turn a profit whereas BBBY is insanely undervalued if they're not going bankrupt.

Warren Buffett — 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'

>> No.51550657

the bearish sentiment from /gme/ is because you fucking retards shitted up our threads for month about your stupid rugpull

>> No.51551095

Hmm yeah, I'M JUST NOT SELLING. Sorry! I just don't feel like selling, I'd much rather hold onto my deep value investment especially now that it's NOT GOING BANKRUPT.


>> No.51553036

holy fuck what was that

>> No.51553451

I ripped a smelly fart. Enjoy