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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5154251 No.5154251 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one on /biz/ talking about Vechain? REQ has already mooned and it's about to dump once Colossus releases, while Vechain still has announcements upcoming, massive established partnerships, and a real product.

Not salty, i've been holding for over a month and am sitting comfy on 4x gains, but it's truly baffling.

>> No.5154289

Bougth 100k at ath ;))

>> No.5154440

Theyd rather chase shitcoins like XVG instead of moon missions like Ven. Next 10x is staring you right in the face retards.

>> No.5154484

Whales are big in this. Every paid telegram is shilling this shit hard in the VIP channels. Expect 3-10x.

>> No.5154608

Most are probably not done accumulating yet

>> No.5154720

Sell walls slowly but surely getting eaten, wont be long now.

>> No.5154768

Been holding VEN for 2 days. Feels good man. Waiting for partnership announcement for dumparade

>> No.5154959

Wish I could buy more

>> No.5154988

Who here has more than 50K Ven?

>> No.5155268

Is it to late?

>> No.5155354

I'm still accumulating, so I don't mind /biz/ being behind on this one.

Already holding 7k though.

>> No.5155438
File: 38 KB, 432x371, 66484DSFDS4F122D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's instrumental to my retirement package. Will probably continue to hold well into 2018, unless they pull off something immensely retarded.

>> No.5155557

What are you thinking it will be in a few months if the china thing is big?

>> No.5155569

Mind sharing your methods for gathering intel? Sites you trust, pump/dump flags you go by?

>> No.5155602

I'm operating on the assumption that the Chinese government rumors are too hyped, and not true.

If I'm right about that, I expect EOY price at $2.
If I'm wrong, EOY price is anyone's guess. It'd shoot straight up.

I'd prefer to be wrong, but I'm usually right.

>> No.5155671

If the Chinese government news turn out to be disappointing, this will dump hard. Expect .25-40C.

If it's huge then yes, it's straight up to 5$ and beyond. I'm waiting until news drops then immediately going all-in if it's huge. Not going to risk holding bags.

>> No.5155725

Lmao this is going up if Chinese partnership is real or fake. Partnerships are unprecedented.

>> No.5155765

Mfw I bought modum instead of this

>> No.5155770

This'll dump before it moons right?

>> No.5155798

Care to exlain why its so special?

>> No.5155811

Someone asked this earlier today. I've gotten in contact with/know 5 extremely clever and somewhat autistic people, they're not connected in any way and they are of a somewhat varied fields of (relevant to cryptos) specialties, that I feed whitepapers to.

They give me their assessments, and the very few altcoins that every single one says has great potential, is where I put my money.

I'd say I pay them on average $400 each per whitepaper, so $2000 for a complete assessment. All in all I'd say it's well worth the money.

>> No.5155929

>then immediately going all-in if it's huge

Then its already too late.

You are completely right.

>> No.5155967

No it's not. The sellwalls are huge on Binance on this, as long as you're quick you'll get in.

>> No.5155972

do you really have that much trouple interpreting a white paper?

>> No.5155995


Are you a literal brainlet unable to read whitepapers yourself?

>> No.5156009

His time is more valueable than reading a whitepaper. Why not pay them a friction of your value?

We will see. :)

>> No.5156084

Not at all. But you'd be surprised at the varied interpretations people can come up depending on their background and expertise.

I was drooling all over LINK during the ICO after having read the whitepaper, and if wasn't for 2 of them having strong concerns in regards to LINKs capabilities to market and commercialize, I would have shot my money in. And that would have been a very, very bad trade at the time.

>> No.5156229

With how unknown VEN is/was I have a hard time believing you've had enough whitepapers checked this way to somehow arrive at it, but even if this is LARPing it's elaborate enough for me not to feel regrets; hopping onto that ARDR

Something something if it's so easy why aren't you rich yet

The more experience you have in a field the more valuable your thoughts are on a startup in it. Isn't that what he's relying on here? Fair enough if you ask me.

>> No.5156561

I think it's hit the top for today.

>> No.5157136

Why should i buy this?

>> No.5157342

>Are you a literal brainlet
>Not at all.
>I was drooling all over LINK
Literal brainlet confirmed

>> No.5157840

Is it too late bros?

>> No.5158130

I'm waiting for the dip. I'm not buying ATH, rather would find another moon mission.

>> No.5158325

Its mooning now boyz, get in here.

>> No.5158340

This is going to be a big one boys. This shit is crazy undervalued.

>> No.5158580

I can't help but feel it's going to dump ass soon because I got in around 4500 and I never get in on moon missions.

>> No.5158846

It's just getting started. Just wait till they name the company that DNV GL put them in partnership with. That'll be an instant 3x

>> No.5158935

>see massive 12 BTC sell-wall at 6600
>small buy-orders
>fuck it, selling now and buying the dip
>12 BTC sell-wall is chewed through in less than 3 minutes
>hits 6800


>> No.5159012

6900 now.


>> No.5159022

>been watching for hours expecting a dip to buy in


>> No.5159078

9 BTC sell-wall now. It has to dip, right?

Fuck, this is enraging. I just want to join the fucking moon mission.

>> No.5159129

Fuck it, got in at 6700. That'll have to do.

>> No.5159248
File: 12 KB, 271x271, nav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anybody in their right mind have dumped their REQ gains into this baby.
Dont be stupid, get rich, buy this baby and thank me later.
screencap this.

>> No.5159545
File: 53 KB, 936x703, AU2tsw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the 10k for strengthen node...

>> No.5159838

I'm not sure if you could have fit anymore buzzwords into that.

>> No.5159982
File: 33 KB, 350x350, smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever dude. just a friendly insider info.
take it or leave it.

>> No.5160001

massive buywalls being set up. here comes the pump

>> No.5160353
File: 253 KB, 862x864, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding 5k

Will I make it bros?

>> No.5160433

is this going to pump?

>> No.5160452

Yes, 5$ if it pumps hard

>> No.5160500

Massive bullrun, but dipping now.

I got in at 6500 sats

>> No.5160527

I guess you can fit in more buzzwords.