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51512661 No.51512661 [Reply] [Original]

What is the closest thing to this in real life? Amphetamine? Caffeine + L-theanine? Modafinil? Side
effects? Has anyone tried any of these to achieve career/financial success?

This isn’t /tv/, but the movie was retarded in that sense, that Eddie had high 3 digits IQ, but did not pay off a risky loan to a mobster.

>> No.51512679


>> No.51512693

I have a Zoom ADHD appointment to get some addy this week lol

>> No.51512758

Alcohol unironically

>> No.51512771

Have you taken it before?

>> No.51512802

the real biohack is sustainability. work out, cardio, organic food, no jew chems (example: fluoride toothpaste, aluminium deo) etc

>> No.51512828

Enjoy your liver and kidney getting fucked up.

>> No.51512840

No, there is no substance that will make you smart. At best there are some things like noopept that might increase neuroplasticity, which might help you get a tiny bit better at stuff you regularly exercise.

>> No.51512870

Testosterone and eating healthy.

>> No.51512875

Smart people never pay their loans, he's "limitless" not "loanless". Also blessed green ID thread, chekc 'em

>> No.51512933

>What is the closest thing to this in real life?
Reading books and financial reports.
That's basically it. Getting a well paying job and investing over time, and/or starting your own company that does well financially.
If someone is simply not book smart, they should be going into the trades, there will almost always be a demand for construction, electricians, plumbers, welders, automotive repair, etc.

>> No.51512944


>> No.51512959

>What is the closest thing to this in real life?
not cooming for a month or longer.

>> No.51512975
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>> No.51513004

unironically its meth, or speed. Shits the same.

>> No.51513021

yeah they sleep 10

>> No.51513484

These and kefir, beef, butter. Also fast at least five days per month.

>> No.51513554

this >>51512802
Take NAC, Quercetin and NMN on top of eating healthily and working out. You'll be pumping at prime performance long after your peers are senile.

>> No.51514110

Unironically biohacking, i've been biohacking since 2019 and i've currently had huge benefits with a 35 point increase in IQ with few downsides with the only major one being a time where I went blind for a few weeks

>> No.51514146

No seed oils (which means you have to cook everything yourself)
I take NAC and vitamin B since I drink on weekends

>> No.51514164

This guy used to sell CRISPR gene editing kits for like 200 bucks a piece and you could do all sorts of crazy shit with it like edit your pets to be glow in the dark but people kept being irresponsible with them and giving themselves neurodegenerative prion diseases (mad cow's disease is a prion disease, for example) and cancers

>> No.51514218

>working hard
>status chasing
>spoonfed paint by numbers roadmap
pmsl this is the most midwit post ive read today and ive been at least 2 TA threads, the op asked for biohacks to get smarter, not how to become the most efficient goy slave at their disposal.

>> No.51514266

>Josiah Zayner
i used to follow him on youtube and his little diaries from his private lab.
the guy went off the deepend during covid tryign to make his own vaccine.
hes unquestionably a schizo genius but he also looks both mentally and physically unhealthy as shit

>> No.51514429

yea, he kept getting mad about people doing stupid shit like this one guy:

>create some stem cells using zayner's CRISPR kit
>has freind drill a tiny hole into his brain
>injects the stem cells
>turns out they did this in his damp basement and it wasn't sterile
>the guy starts suffering from dementia
>gets an x ray
>turns out black mold was eating his brain and the rest was rotting and filled with pus
>he died

>> No.51514436

i cant find his old youtube channel but he seems to be a part of this biohacking channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheODINinc
i really hope hes snapped out of his covid thing, i might even go back to him if i can see some sort of arc back to reality.
and when i say he went off the deep end, he went on the same journey as a lot of us did in the early days of the holocough but slipped off down the wrong path.
remember all we had to go on at first were those mental images in china of roads being blocked, streets being sprayed and people being welded into their homes, we all thought it was a real pandemic where millions were going to die. josiah started doing his own research on their being a cure based on the first data that came out from china but things changed quickly once people in the west started getting sick and deaths were being measured in the hundreds rather than 10s of thousands like past pandemics, josiah unironically turned into a "2 more weeks" poster and started lashing out that was saying covid was fake and gay.

>> No.51514455

why would you do that in some mouldy basement

>> No.51514475

or why would you inject shit into your brain at all

>> No.51514477

/thread. No combination of chemicals will make you performant if you have a shit lifestyle. Cardio and weights are superior to modfanil, adderall or whatever shit you take.

>> No.51514584

Biohacks are retarded and don't work, lmao.
I guarantee that I make more than you and have a higher net worth, lmao

>> No.51514636
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best case you dont even surround yourself with the your prefered gender

>> No.51514644


Because it works...if you do it in a medical setting with proffessionals instead of a moldy basement

I havent injected anything into my brain but i've modified it using a virus that attatches itself to brain cells, the only downside was being blind for a few weeks but other than that i'm perfectly fine but i stopped biohacking since then but i still have the upgrades

>> No.51514655

Eat healthy, sleep good and workout.
Do intermitted fasting every morning.

I have used modafinil after I have seen Limitless but that shit is not working. It made me focus on doing a task, but I couldn't think creative or outside the box. And it felt like I was on cocaine. And I was very thirsty

>> No.51514707

Sleep apnea treatment changed the game for me.

>> No.51514769

granted the term hacking being applied to everything is retarded but given your dismissal of biohacking out of hand, considering that most of the history of humans involves what would be considered biohacking, its pretty obvious that we arent running the same race here mate.
id say that whatever standards you hold yourself and others too has no bearing on me but it kind of does, as people like you are easy as hell to manipulate, whether its somebody else with their hands on the puppet strings or i have to do it myself, theres no escaping it on here sadly

>> No.51514775

>Because it works
ill search it up

>> No.51514819

no they arent lol

>> No.51514885
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I’ve tried these. They work for short periods of time but if you take them every day they lose their effectiveness.

Some people don’t have the self control for Adderall and are best staying away.

Caffeine, adderall, moda, and alcohol all pull vitamins and nutrients out of you plus suppress appetite, so you need to take supplements or eat healthy food (grass fed hormone free meat, fruits, veggies, nuts). Eating grains on these medications will give many people a fungal infection in their intestines. Same thing with steroids.

I would recommend anons look into testosterone, at small doses. SARMs are still legal in the US and they’re safer then steroids. It’s amazing the confidence and energy boost you can get.
It’s not for everyone, diet and exercise are important when taking all of these substances. Always do your own research on chemicals you put into your body, especially doctor prescribed meds. Start with small doses and work your way up, if needed.

>> No.51515400

its phenibutt. it always was and always will. how the fck do u not know this yet. ngmi

>> No.51515412

Any long term sides

>> No.51515437

nope just don't use it too often. Once a week is ok. Sometimes take a break for like 1-2 months. Doing this for 5 years allrdy its the cheat god doesnt want ppl to know about

>> No.51515445

Capsule or powder?

>> No.51515463

Triptamines, obviously. DMT or psilocin

>> No.51515471
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pic related is a good start

>> No.51515477

same shit, works the same way. i use powder.

This shit is livin on godmode. The first 5 times are the best, save m for when it matters.Your live wont be the same after you discover pheni. it fking saved me.

>> No.51515505

I stopped eating meat and dairy, went from fat to shredded and always feel energized. Have to eat a lot more to get the proteins though

>> No.51515527

Great choice and everyone here can find good quality yellow powder DMT on the dark web, it’s usually cheap too
> buprenorphine
That shits for heroin addicts

>> No.51515613

Well yeah, I used to be a heroin addict.
Now I'm a suboxone addict

>> No.51515793

I used to fuck with opiates, I had a hard time stopping fentanyl and heroin when I was in my early twenties. After I quit for a year the craving went away for good.
Good luck, anon

>> No.51515814

LOL that's just cocaine dude
also you're not hacking shit, you're just gonna think you're the goat, but you're not gonna do shit

>> No.51515865

Someone mentioned homemade L. Reuteri yogurt on here recently. I'm only 4 days in and already I'm noticing a boost in my energy, better BMs, better skin and hair. I've taken homemade kombucha and kefir for years but this stuff is something different. Using BioGaia Gastrus tablets for the culture.

>> No.51515881
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For people thinking of listening to this guy, just be aware that Phenibut tolerance builds VERY FAST and that you should only take it once every 7-10 days maximum.
I thought I was being safe using it once every 3-5 days and eventually it fucked me. "Quitting" wasn't hard per se, but my circadian rhythm got completely obliterated in the process and my sleeping was dysfunctional for weeks afterward.

>> No.51515888

>you're just gonna think you're the goat, but you're not gonna do shit
Yeah that’s cocaine, fishscale coke is worth it though

>> No.51515892

What is that?

>> No.51515992

Pussy, only 2 shots max!

>> No.51517762

I experimented with modafinil and it sucks. Adderall was superior.

>> No.51517811
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intermittent fasting

avoid: simple sugar, dairy, processed cereals

>> No.51517854
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microdose LSD. literally no negative side effects

>> No.51517903

I bought noopept, piracetam, and phenylpiracetam, but I've been too pussy to take them and feel like I shouldn't need drugs to function at my peak and should just get that from meditating or something instead.
Exercise is apparently the best tool for keeping brain function and neuroplasticity. Huberman talks extensively on why, something about the hormones that get released when you exercise.

Stopping alcohol consumption unironically. Getting drunk or stoned on the weekends fucks your psyche up so much and makes you a lazy tard. Just walk into a bar and take a random sampling of the people there.

>> No.51518140

Crazy this thread is here... I just rewatched this movie yesterday as background as i gamed.
Such a great movie
Series... coulda been better if it wasnt so CSI crime scene

>> No.51518388
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>Eating grains on these medications will give many people a fungal infection in their intestines. Same thing with steroids.

Oh god what the fuck anon, please elaborate on the fungal infection one. 5 weeks ago I've been binging on pure amphetamine for a whole fucking month almost every day either to be more productive or simply for pleasure and partying and having sex. 5 weeks ago I realized it was getting out of control and quit cold turkey. The withdrawal was wicked but I made it. Though, as soons as I started withdrawing I couldn't shit normally, and I still can't. I can only shit like once in every 2-3 days and then only a bit of shit comes out, but not everything as it should. I have big pressure down there but as soons as I want to shit nothing comes out. I have been using laxatives to get everything out if you know what I mean but this is no way to live man I need to see a fucking doctor. May it be that some shroom infected my asshole and is now eating up alle the food that I eat? Like for real, I have a very healthy diet and I eat quiet a lot but everything gets stuck inside me and I haven't been able to shit normally FOR A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH. Please tell me there's nothing inside my intestines I really don't want some coat wearing homo doctor to put his fingers up my ass


>What SARMS can you recommend? How often does one take them?

>> No.51518409

What the fuck am I supposed to do with the DMT? Like microdose it or do a real trip? I'm not ready to see machine gods and shit yet anons

>> No.51518807

I didn’t find any benefit with l-theanine and it’s disgusting if you try to add it to a protein shake

>> No.51518835

Yeah this is literally the same anon pushing adderall except he got banned so he changed wording by a few words.
They have zero intention of asking questions he's been posting for two years trying to get people here addicted to amphetamines.

Jesus fucking christ OP kill yourself.

>> No.51518974

Many times. It is unironically the only thing that works for me. I’ve tried breathing, meditation, different planning/strategizing things but stimulants are the only thing that work

>> No.51519079

Where is that story from?

>> No.51519703

>I just rewatched this movie yesterday as background as i gamed

>> No.51519866

500mg DLPA
600mg St. John’s Wort

and occasionally

30 mg IDRA21
30 mg PRL853

>> No.51520817

lol pussy

>> No.51521119

are you doing /cdf/ cleanse?

>> No.51521306

Biogaia osfortis is pure l reuteri of the single strain with the benefits, and 10x of it.

I was making yogurt for a while but some anon convinced me it probably wasn’t the intended culture taking hold, idk. I don’t have a way to check. So I’m popping osfortis daily.

I always had a ton of brain cells but I couldn’t direct it well. If I’d been on meth I suspect I could have pushed into an elite MBA program, law school or med school. Those have nearly guaranteed 1%er status. I’ve been a strict anti drug person though, so it was a no go. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized it could have helped.

Instead I worked in engineering and made more than all of my peers in those careers by investing. The investing route is higher risk. But I’m worth like 4-10x my nearest peer group.

Alternatively, I’ve contemplated how a young lad could possibly go millionaire status with out college. Just go trades + investing.

If you could manage live at home for 4 years and invest 100k in the market by 22, it’s unlikely that any of your more professional peers would ever catch you.

That being said, I don’t know anyone that’s done it that way. Some of them started businesses and made it that way though. Usually in some construction or land development related work.

>> No.51521369


Not stimulants. For me, beta blockers stopped all fomo and panic and let me behave rationally.

LSD as well, to get inside the blockchain and split off the best timelines for yourself.

>> No.51521378

no its not you fucking retard

>> No.51521399

Kratom + L Theanine + GABA for the all natural, non-modafinil or Adderall enhanced approach. Been taking this stack for 4 years. C level executive in a public tech company. Ask me anything.

>> No.51521425

honestly, sobriety. but only if you embrace the power of your mind. anything else just inhibits and retards progression of thought.

>> No.51521499

If you are a man, proper diet, sleep and if you are in your mid 30's, get on a TRT plan if you are truly lacking.

All this and it's really just poor environment, poor food and bad choices. You need a sterile life, clear from distraction and goals mapped out.

T. ADHD that started own biz after resigning from a FAANG. 500k/yr gross income, 3 clients and live in asialand. It's not perfect, but it's great.

Yeah, not doing stocks or risky investments but once you have consistent income of 100-200k in a very lcol place, you basically made it. :)

>> No.51521623

What does the GABA do?

>> No.51521698

what dosage do you use?

>> No.51521728

>Kratom + L Theanine + GABA
kratom makes me sleepy
theanine never tried
gaba dont do much

>> No.51521793

What kind of business?

>> No.51521919

Covid was fake and gay you troglodyte.

>> No.51522220

>What is the closest thing to this in real life?
deep dicking tiny asians that want to get through law school and manage an apartment complex
>he took fucking sweettarts to keep his dick up

>> No.51522244


>> No.51522385

Where the fuck do u even get this if in the states

>> No.51522409

How do u even get modafinil? My doc won’t give me it

>> No.51522451

Probably because you actually have adhd like me. I self medicated for years with weed and still do when I come off my adderall, finally realized I liked weed so much because it’s the only thing besides being blackout wasted that gets my mind to quit racing. Adderall accomplishes the same thing. Just make you take a low dose, preferably XR, and don’t abuse it. XR is much harder to abuse, if you try to you just end up staying up forever while you’re incredibly miserable so you won’t even want to do it again. I have an IR booster prescription as well and I rarely take it because I can feel myself starting to get hooked if I do. I take 15mg XR monday - Friday and that’s the perfect schedule/dose for me. Start off small, if you jump right to a high dose it’s very hard to come down to lower ones and you really don’t need much of this stuff to get the therapeutic effect.

>> No.51522468

That said, this anon is right, sobriety has been the most effective thing for me in getting my life together/fixing my mental health. Do that and sparingly take your adderall script, eventually you won’t even need the adderall