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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51491715 No.51491715 [Reply] [Original]

>women my age (27) and younger all make more money than me because engineering pays like shit these days
>tell them I’m an engineer, their face lights up and they say “what kind?!”, then they look disgusted when I say mechanical, can tell they wanted to hear me say software

>> No.51491737

Then say you're software? Unless they work in the same building who gives a fuck if you're lying, they're women.

>> No.51491779

Fucking hell, just do a masters in CS or even try a bootcamp, i know neets who have managed to get jobs

>> No.51491787

it's a hard degree too kek.

>> No.51491933

Yeah you're doing this wrong. The correct way is to meet a middle class gal and subtly blame her class status as being a product of modern feminism making all women equal. Her underlying guilt of this understanding causes her to double down and pay for the date to make up for it. At which point you're an investment. Your job doesn't actually matter. Try to LARP as a pilot and they'll believe it.

It wasn't even what I was initially been going for, but at this point it's a strategy for getting well deserved free drinks/food when I can tell there's a short lifespan on a date.

>> No.51491971
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delete this right now

>> No.51491990

We have this some fucking thread every 2 days. Is this a running joke or the same faggot making the same thread over and over again.

No mechE fresh out of college gets hired for anything less than $65k at the bare minimum. Most will make $100k by 30.

You got fucked because you're a retard. Get over it, anon

>> No.51491992

im a project manager and get ez young pussy

>> No.51491998

>I have to lie
>I have to lie my entire life
>Not a single hint of truth or reality in anything I do or say, just be fake bro, just lie, like your entire fucking life bro, just for some hole

Just eat shit already, women aren't worth lying for

>> No.51492002

half of mechE grads don't even work in the field. there aren't enough jobs for all of them.

>> No.51492004

Women are worth lying to.

>> No.51492012

Its a Demoralization thread just like the retarded Im 22 and i only have 300k saved threads.

>> No.51492017

>source: your ass

>> No.51492021

No they are not, you should feel ashamed of having to lie about yourself to score some fucking meat flaps

>> No.51492027

Software Engineer is the best title going
I didn't even graduate just granted myself the title through job experience

>> No.51492031

100k by 30 is less than most women make lmfao. Mech e’s don’t get bonuses or stock options and top out at like 120k after 30 years. Women in tech, finance, real estate, HR all make 200k by 30

>> No.51492034

Who cares if its just some roasty?

>> No.51492035

I don't think so. I am a mechE and I don't spam these threads but I too realize this field is dying/dead and I made the wrong decision majoring in it.

it's true though. look it up

>> No.51492043
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Reminder we do NOT need infrastructure. We do NOT need factories. We NEED more cloud infrastructure for more DAPPS and tiktok clones. An average tiktok influencer is worth multiples to the capital system then a room of enginiggers. In the future we will eat the bugs from the ground and live in makeshift shacks in a world where we do not need filthy dumb enginiggers making roads and designing cars.

>> No.51492045

>push up bra
>hair color
She lies in her own way and doesn't think twice about it.

>> No.51492046

Its about self respect, not the women themselves

>> No.51492056

>Women in tech, finance, real estate, HR all make 200k by 30
>hr roasty makes 200k
Lol, not outside of the tech bubble in califagia

>> No.51492058

>Women are deceivers
>So its Ok if I become a deceiver too
So you are fine being a woman? Ok, troon
Keep betraying yourself with lies to please some pussy

>> No.51492061

Who says I'm lying about what I do? You're the one with the shit career fren, just trying to help out.
Sorry this is making your gash bleed.

>> No.51492069

I don't understand this "women judging your career" shit
Do you want to be with a wife who judges you for your status your whole life?
If she's not ok with you just being financially responsible (probably better than average since you're on /biz/) then she's not wife material

Finding a wife is a lot different than dating and fucking a girl

>> No.51492070

I am not even OP retard

>> No.51492083 [DELETED] 
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ahaha I’m transitioning to a women for the money, and I don’t even care if I’m a real women. You cucks are so cucked and I can see your ass gaping.

>> No.51492087

You are proud to be a mentally ill hormonized homosexual? Lmao
Enjoy becoming part of the 41%

>> No.51492089

OP or not, if you weren't some loser sub50k/year wagie you wouldn't be in here trying to white knight women.

>> No.51492110

I wish I had your degree, at least it's not worthless. People respect engineering degrees.

>> No.51492115

With $200k per year imma gonna be covered in hookers and blow.

>> No.51492119

You are a retard, I am white knighting myself. I won't lie for a whore

>> No.51492125

That is really shitty pay though. You cant raise a family on 65k. Hell, the low-income threshold for a family of 4 in California is $97,300.

>> No.51492136


>> No.51492139

I know of a roastie who makes 250k working HR in Hoboken, NJ.

>> No.51492148

>You cant raise a family on 65k
sure you can, if your wife is working to.

>> No.51492164

which degree do you have?
>inb4 science

>> No.51492165
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>> No.51492166

>sure you can, if your wife is working to.
That isn't a real family, it's a financial arrangement.

>> No.51492205


>> No.51493397

date 18 year olds. you'll have more money than them

>> No.51493565

I fully support the anti mech e poster because every mech e student I've met is for some reason retarded

>> No.51494028

Imma hijack your thread to ask a legit question other than your daily shitpost.
I just graduated from, guess what, mechanical engineer. I'm 32 and have no related experience so naturally I´ll go for a master's, could be in polymeric materials this January or Nuclear in July. On the side, could get a certificate in either Project Management or Programming. I'm honestly at a crossroad and I don't want to end up like OP. Wat do?

>> No.51494100
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The only 2 way to progress for engineers is to become a project engineer, engineering dept manager, or a project manager.
If you are going into masters then programming + heavy CAD is a must because you'll be doing a shit ton of modelling.

Take programming first because it would take longer than project management. You can get your project management cert in several weeks. Programming will take several months

>> No.51494215

I'm a mech engi making the same wage than someone that works in a call center, but at least my work is comfy and I get "experience in the industry"

Every other day I feel insane dread thinking my "experience" plan will backfire and I will keep waging for minimum, but every other day I enjoy my WFH benefits, so idk

>> No.51494625

How would you switch to software, where would be a good place to start.

>> No.51494827

Just be tall & handsome

>> No.51495020
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How about political science

>> No.51495084

Im ME in europe and cant really complain. Im making more than doctors and Software engineers my age. Maybe you should move into the automotive industry? There's more bureacracy but a lot of money to be made.

>> No.51495230

Got some numbers income wise, and that of software/doctors?
Europe varies a lot and is a lot different from USA.

>> No.51497706

Been in the field almost a decade. 70k, no bonus, etc. Started at 40k. Near Cleveland Ohio so it's not exactly cheap flyover cost of living. Pay around me is nearly the same. I cannot afford to buy a house.

>> No.51497834

why are you not in to younger women then?
they have not been fucked by literally their entire phonebook and still care about how they look.
seems like a no brainer win win.

>> No.51497860


>> No.51497885

lmao you got assblasted by that thread yesterday where everyone acknowledged that software engineering is pussy repellent, didn't you?

>> No.51497904

>I fully support the anti mech e poster because every mech e student I've met is for some reason retarded

same I graduated ME and bullshitting through the entire degree. Completely started skipping classes and not buying textbooks by junior year. The fact that some people actually fail classes 1-2 times then graduate with a 2.5 GPA is annoying because those mouth breathers are just oversaturating the job market and lowering my competitive wage

>> No.51497906

>financially responsible (probably better than average since you're on /biz/) then she's not wife material
yes investing significant portions of your net worth in highly volatile risk assets is very stable and paternal behaviour
face it, /biz/ is closer to a gambling board than an investing board

>> No.51497918

In the UK $65k is like end level wages for a mech eng. Not joking, a friend of mine has worked for land rover for a decade now and I think he's on £50k.

>> No.51497948 [DELETED] 

>On the side, could get a certificate in either Project Management or Programming. I'm honestly at a crossroad and I don't want to end up like OP. Wat do?

If you like programming you can always go into robotics or controls engineering. It pays moderately better than being a CAD monkey, and once you get some actual experience it's great experience to have going into management

>> No.51497973

Since when did women like autists?

>> No.51498004

whats your problem? shouldnt you be all about work efficiency and pragmatism? it filters out retarded woman on spot and you can move to the next one.

>> No.51498013

The UK has tardedly low wages in general, I saw an entry level programming job going for £21,000 a year, which is on par with people who do fucking admin.

>> No.51498187

Doctors here start on £26k lmao, and have you seen british women?

>> No.51498235

Fuck Yah. This is the way. Needing education to validate your Job title is what HR roasties do, real chads just call themselves what they want and do shit from experience.

>> No.51499057
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Some people are just out to lunch man.

There is a Mexican man right now making maybe 45k a year raising his children and building a better life for himself while you, who has never known life beyond the suburb and going to school/work and coming home to mommy's meal shit your pants at the first inconvenience.
Wars breaking out everywhere. Food insecurity, famine, collapsing infrastructure and you can't adapt because you're freaking out that you didn't get 200k STARTING 4 year degree MATH.

The average american in their 20s is borderline or in the red, and they make it anyway. Stop being a coward. And if you meet a girl making 200k in HR - impregnate her. Grow up.

>> No.51499099 [DELETED] 
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I don't know what to tell you anon. Just Be a Woman is the law.