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File: 71 KB, 1200x1200, boiled-egg-sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51484592 No.51484592 [Reply] [Original]

This is your reminder to eat at least 5 eggs daily for maximum effectiveness. It will improve your libido, your hairs and skin will looks better, you will lose weight and much more

eat eggs anon, its ultimate nutrition

>> No.51484601

Disgusting half cooked eggs.

>> No.51484611

digestion is different for everyone and 5 whole eggs is too much for some people

>> No.51484621

ur a pussy

>> No.51484650
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>he likes hard boiled eggs
You opinion has been discarded with EXTREME PREJUDICE.

>> No.51484677

3,5min is maximum boiling time for mid size egg

>> No.51484701

I can eat 5 eggs easy, other people can't

>> No.51484738

Fuck I could go an egg right now

>> No.51484739

based and eggpilled
jews fear the ketofasting

>> No.51484750

I eat 3 and I eat lots of meat with good healthy animal fats every day. Also, I consume grass fed Kerry Gold butter with my eggs daily. Cut out all sugar and most things with seed oils. I’ve honestly never felt/looked better. Make sure do do the exact opposite of what the government food triangle says.

>> No.51484757

I only eat 2

>> No.51484773

if you are not convinced by anonymous post from frog board listen to this bald guy for more details


>> No.51484783

I eat three to four meals every week and most of the time that includes at least 4 eggs as one of them.

>> No.51484796

Eggs are based, and the variety of ways to cook them is key. Scramble, fry, boil, soft boil, poached.
Lots of textures, lots of subtle taste differences.
Protip, if you find a kind of egg you don't like, experiment until you make it edible. I used to HATE deviled eggs despite liking all other forms. Then a gf made some, and mixed hummus in with the yolks when she whipped them, and HOLY FUCK IT'S A WHOLE DIFFERENT FOOD. I CAN'T STOP EATING THEM NOW.

>> No.51484801

go for it
keto masterrace
not enough

>> No.51484827

Don't know about five eggs per day, but yeah, eggs are extremely beneficial.

>> No.51484840


this dude explained it pretty detailed

>> No.51484851

based eggposters

>> No.51484864

Boiled or raw?
I can only eat 3 boiled eggs per day afterwards I feel unwell.

>> No.51484883

quack doctor same as the other "Dr." (((Berg)))
fuck all of them and their immediate guru mentality

>> No.51484884

>go for it
I just checked, the eggs I have expired on the 5th of Sept and its 2am here :(

>> No.51484894

quack doctors will tell you that there's something severely wrong and that you should take x15 times the recommendation of this and that and then you'd still be doing it wrong

>> No.51484898

ultimate one are half boiled. I like it 3,5min boiled maximum but there are plenty of recipes, go on a youtube and try what suits you best but remember that lenger exposure to temperature will kill vitamins and nutritions. Put some sriracha on it or eat with picket halapenios

>> No.51484923

had 8 boiled eggs today thanks for some egg and veggie juice fag from other post
based OP, I will eat 8 more tomorrow, lightly salted and with tomatoes, no (((bread)))

>> No.51484941

>he believes the recommendations are indisputable fact and if you are anywhere outside them you will suffer and die
>he believes the human body is extremely weak and needs to be managed by technocrats
lmao you pussy

>> No.51484949



I saw a few people mention cholesterol as a problem. Let's not forget that we also need cholesterol to be able to make vitamin D.

In my opinion eggs are a power house food that are an excellent source of protein, choline, vitamins and minerals. They're cheap too so they're a great budget option. And they're filling which will help stave off any cravings for foods you're trying to avoid.

>> No.51484950

you want pasture-raised.

>> No.51484957
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>> No.51484960

Remember that ANIMAL FATS are excellent for you. You’ve been lied to to make you weak. ANIMAL FATS and cholesterol are critical for your brain to function optimally and your testosterone to produce optimally. Eat meat. And cook it in butter/ghee and NOT seed oils. Consume eggs and consume dairy if you can tolerate it. Live like your ancestors. They weren’t tending to their vegetable gardens or harvesting grain. Your ancient ancestors evolved in world where they hunted meat, and foraged FRUIT. Your only source of sugar should be in the form of fruit.

>> No.51484976

>he doesn't know all but at least he knows better than everybody
just go and fuck yourself

>> No.51484979

And last but not least, make sure to get some SUN on your skin and in your eyes, especially in the morning when you wake up.

>> No.51484984

not even close to what I said, seethe

>> No.51484999
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>> No.51485000

>I can eat 5 eggs easy
we know, fatass

>> No.51485003


>> No.51485009

this is what listening to libertarian masculinist podcasts all day long does to your mind
let it be a warning

>> No.51485024

raise chiggin get free egg and frens

>> No.51485047

how the fuck did you put politics and ibertarian masculinist in a egg thread?

>> No.51485060

I'd never dispute that eggs (but only
>pasture fed
>super organic
>field on a certain landline in connection with the Pléiades
>chicks petted by angelic indigo starseed children on a daily basis
) are good for certain types of individuals. I'm just oppose to quack YT doctors unaffected by censorship and deplatforming that tell you to eat 5 of them daily or else your dick will fall off and wash it downs with 30.000 units of Vitamin D3 but not from pills only from what they are selling in their shop.
And do so daily.

I like hard boiled eggs, btw.

>> No.51485076

Sure you're correct, but how is this /biz/?

>> No.51485096

grab a onions latte on ur way back

>> No.51485105

If you eat more than 7 days in a rown eggs, you can get diarrhea.
Specially if you swallow them without cooking them..

>> No.51485117

you can not think clearly if your diet is shitty. Best way to make good financial decision is to have mind and body in best shape possible

>> No.51485180


>> No.51485183

I eat 3 of them, morning, afternoon and before bed. Cause I can't eat more than one of these little fuckers at once

>> No.51485322

Just had 5 eggs and sausage from a pig that was alive a week ago.

>> No.51485383

6 eggs per day reporting in

>> No.51485397

16 eggs from organic fed chickens per day

>> No.51485409
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>> No.51485475

I eat bowl of eggs a day with my female slaves.

>> No.51485497

When I was trying to get /fit/, I used to eat 2x 6 eggs daily, and after about 2 years doing that I got totally disgusted of eggs, I couldn't even think about eating them for a few years.

Now it's been 7 years from that and I'm starting to eat eggs again, 2 at a time, 3x or 4x a week.

>> No.51485662

This is literally exactly what I eat along with homemade bread made with whole grain flour, water, and salt. Very easy to make in the air fryer or pan fry

>> No.51485685

to anyone who's too lazy you can just microwave them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdfu0xRDE_c

>> No.51485701

Youre actually assuming his lifestyle and is worse than yours

Eggs are based and youre probably an absolute midwit faggot

>> No.51485742

go back to plebbit, GG WP

>> No.51485965

how you can be too laze to literally boil a water

>> No.51485978

based I eat 3-4 eggs per day

>> No.51486048

checked, chud identified and destroyed

>> No.51486076

100% that mean shitskin is an asian cockroach or some other shitskin. maybe pajeet or some other similar poor street shitter from that region.

asianiggers are the worst.

>> No.51486095

Lately I eat 4-8-10 a day. It work pretty damn well.

>> No.51486144


>> No.51486199
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>this is what listening to libertarian masculinist podcasts all day long does to your mind

>> No.51486307
File: 197 KB, 964x1280, IMG_20220917_125659_645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft boiled eggs + butter + salt/pepper
Just use toast like a spoon (I use English muffins)

>> No.51486362

ketolards spilling out of /fit/

>> No.51486368

Eating eggs is immoral. In 100 years people will look back at us and wonder how is it possible that it was a social norm to participate in the mass exploitation and murder of animals.

>> No.51486395

kys veganfag

>> No.51486498

It is proven that choline in egg yolks causes the aggressive kind of prostate cancer.

>> No.51486511

If anyone in 100 years reads this, go to my grave and suck on my tailbone you faggots

>> No.51486532


>> No.51486629
File: 712 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_20220916_125436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat 6 eggs, 500 grams of chicken breast. Picrel

>> No.51486654

I have an 4-egg omelette from my chickens that i have at home on my 5 acre property daily.

I feed my chickens wheatgrass amongst other nutritious things.

>> No.51486731

Dude, I ate like 10 eggs one day and my mom dared me to test my cholesterol. I was all like "akchually, studies say..." So I went ahead and did it and my cholesterol turned out to be sky high. Like 200 and change. So yeah, nah.

>> No.51486936

true. i also eat 8 stripes bacon every day

>> No.51486959
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those eggs should have been scrambled

>> No.51486962

If you can get your hands on kefir or filmjolk milk I highly recommend it. Couple mouthfuls a day and swish it around your mouth for a good 20 seconds at least once. Shits cash

>> No.51487078

you mean 1 kefir per day?

>> No.51487156

why are you using kefir like mouthwash?

>> No.51487215

yes, but browsing 4chan is worse for libido than eating eggs improves it

>> No.51487238
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>> No.51487385

i keep fucking up and breaking the yolk and having to make scrambled instead of fried

>> No.51487396

jesus what a nasty ass dry scrambled eggs.

>> No.51487398

Don't ask questions just do it

Kefir milk

>> No.51487448

yeah it's proven by people who don't want you to eat eggs so they test american eggs filled with chemicals and cooked in high temperature with cancer oil

>> No.51487539

ngl, sounds realistic and plausible.

>> No.51487648
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You have to eat all the eggs (in order to become roughly the size of a barge)

>> No.51487663

every anti egg shill in this thread holds LINK

>> No.51488353
File: 165 KB, 1200x800, Red-and-White-Onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 eggs daily is heart attack city. Eat onions daily instead.
I bet OP is a fussy nigger who picks them out and hates raw tomatoes.

>> No.51488399

I am white, blond guy with blue eyes actually

>> No.51488400

Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?!?

>> No.51488425

you're a fussy nigger

>> No.51488427 [DELETED] 

every once in a while there will be a white hat campaign regarding beneficial foods. first sardines, then keffir, now eggs. keep up the good work OP

>> No.51488630

I dont eat MID eggs

>> No.51488743

5 eggs is only 350 calories.

>> No.51488772

I see you trust in Jewish food propaganda.

>> No.51488941

i'm vegan, so. yeah, not cool to eat animal fetus.

>> No.51488970

my food eats your food

>> No.51489126

I literally typed onions not s o y you dumb nigger. Your brain is fried from /pol/ use. You think wordfilters are actually real life.

>> No.51489184

onions onions onions

>> No.51489204

This is the secret. Based and fatpilled.

I'm trying to do this is as much as I can, but still like a lot of stuff made with vegetable oils (snack/junk food mostly). I'm still in great shape and noticed a huge difference since doubling my meat consumption and using fats like tallow/ghee/lard instead of vegetable cooking oils. But even without following it strictly I still generally feel a lot better.

I also think most (if not all) vegetables, fruit and nuts are really good for you and idgaf what anyone has to say about that
>hurr durr strawberries are inflammatory
Suck my dick

>> No.51489218

I eat 4 eggs daily will I make it?

>> No.51489337
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>please increase your cholesterol levels and get a heart attack!

Yikes if you genuinely believe eggs are a miracle food. 1-2max should be the limit even then I wouldn’t risk it. I seriously hope you confront who ever told you this as eating eggs increases stroke and heart issues by 2fold even 5fold. Consider the my plate diagram, simple, effective, and intuitive.

>> No.51489375

That escalated parabolically.

>> No.51489577

Thats a bullshit image.
Carefully designed to fuckover the feeble minded.

>> No.51489688

Wow…Imagine being this radicalized.

More vegetables than grains, protein and fruit. Protein and Grains equal and then a side of fruit plus a glass of milk. Got off 4chan both /biz/ and /pol/ and touch grass. The govt is not out to get you. It doesn’t even tell you which foods, you make that decision. Seriously get help.

>> No.51489725

why are my erections better on higher carb diets?

>> No.51490027

>5 eggs daily is heart attack city
Literally zero evidence for this

>> No.51490105

Wtf I'm reading a post from 2008. Next you'll be telling me I need to eat 6 small meals a day and buy whey protein. KEK AT PEOPLE THAT KNOW NOTHING ABOUT NUTRITION BUT LARP AS THOUGH THEY DO KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

>> No.51490259

eggs are trash tier protein and for poors
>7g fat, 7g protein, 75 cals
no thanks ill eat steak
>20g fat, 30g protein, 300 cals
so even if you had 300 cals of eggs (4) you'd be
>28g fat, 28g protein

>> No.51490271

then go it

>> No.51490317

I used to eat 5 eggs a day and it made me piss sweat in my sleep. Dont recommend.

>> No.51490900
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>/fit/ /x/ /biz/ anon, be me
>eat six eggs a day scrambled in spinach
>only eat protein bars and protein shakes otherwise
>work a physically active job
>have home gym
>do a full body 12x3 at least 3 times a week (five when cutting)
>take a bunch of supps
>pretty sure one of them is basically a small dose of oral tren with some Chinese herbal placebo bullshit
>230lbs lean
>learn to hunt with uncle and do prepper and /out/ approved shit

Anons, I’m growing ready for the apocalypse.

>> No.51490977

>muh seed oils
>Muh grass fed animals
>Zero mention of oily fish, the most important thing to eat to improve 3/6 ratio.

It's always the same with you people, you just want an excuse to eat butter and steak.

>> No.51490982

Steak isn’t even that great of source of protein and I highly doubt you eat enough to get the creatine benefits. You’re better of doing chicken breast, whey, and creatine. Eggs and tuna are good too but they should be ate in moderation as well as steak. But what do I know, I eat 6 eggs a day and a can of spinach.