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51479911 No.51479911 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, I have been disowned by my family and kicked out of the house. All because I made 2 million freedom dollars from shorting and swinging the past 1 year after closing my long for 1.2m profits when it started to go down. Foolishly let my parents know how much money I made and they demanded a cut of the pie. They claim that they have spent millions on me, feeding, clothing and sending me to school. Claim its high time I paid them back. Told them no. I worked for my own money. Worked part time even when I was underaged just to get by. I have lost it all as a result. My parents are millionaires. I could have gotten that inheritance if I didn't play with crypto. Im fucked bros.. living in a dorm now with my friends in University

>> No.51479915

Should I tell my friends what happened or keep it to myself?

>> No.51479938

I don't care you have or had 2 million dollars?
I'm crippled and poor so why you whining again?

>> No.51479948

Keep it to yourself, don't tell your friends

As for your parents, you should have given them something back at least but they shouldn't have demanded, you should have offered as a good son should.

>> No.51479961

you gave up your parents over money. youre a shit son, man. if i earned that kind of money the first thing i would do is surprise my parents with a renovated bathroom/kitchen.

family comes first retard. you have a lot of growing up to do

>> No.51479965

It's in your hand. You are not obliged to do shit. Stay still and let them whine.

>> No.51479986

Why is it a one way thing? I have to give them but they don't give me? I literally worked part time everyday so that I can eat since I was 13 which was illegal. I washed plates for 3 years before becoming a half dead cashier and later a warehouse slave. I didn't get anything from them besides a bed to sleep on and some school fees excluding university cause I worked hard and got scholarship cause otherwise I had to go work for a few years to earn the fee. All the money I have, I made on my own.

>> No.51479991

I would like to add that my parents only became millionaires just 2 years ago. Did I get anything from them? No. Nothing. Fuck them.

>> No.51479992

never EVER even hint that you have money. the unmitigated seethe, while amusing, turns to hatred faster than you expect. you want to appear as normal as possible to the average person.

>> No.51480008

how did you lose all of it?
>telling anyone you're rich
that was your first mistake

>> No.51480017

they literally spoonfed you, changed your diapers for 18 years you faggot

>> No.51480023

You owe everything to your parents, retard. Correct this heinous mistake 'fore it's too late.

>> No.51480026

>claim to have made 3.2 million in profits
>parents are "millionaires"
>presumably in your late teens to early 20's
>I'm fucked bros
>never mentions the 1.6 million in taxes he owes over multiple tax seasons

This is a larp but I'm going to pretend that it's not. Just go no-contact with mommy and daddy and wait until they try to worm their way back into your life. If not now, then when the grandkids are born. Don't give them a dime but watch them grovel.

>> No.51480027

>They claim that they have spent millions on me, feeding, clothing and sending me to school. Claim its high time I paid them back.
They're shit parents for thinking any of that was not bare minimum, but you're not without your faults here either. You could have moved out first and gained independence from your folks before telling them about your wealth, and you probably should have done so when you had the ability. They likely wouldn't ask you for any of it if you weren't under their roof, and if they did you could just say that food, clothes and education were their responsibility and that you don't owe them for it. You're not nearly as shitty as your boomer parents though, putting a price tag on the act of raising you and expecting to be compensated by you later for being raised is fucking vile. I'd cut contact with your parents for that reason alone if I were you, not because of the money.

>> No.51480049

I live in a country where there is no tax for capital gains. I made 2 million total, 1.2 in from a long and 800k from shorts. I did this from a meager 20k I saved up from when I was a kid. I was the richest kid in town because I worked so much. Parents got lucky at stocks and inherited a house so they became millionaires too.

>> No.51480051
File: 382 KB, 512x512, CFGS-24;Seed-random;SS-88;SM-K_lms;DS-0.82_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah demanding is pretty shitty of them. It makes me wonder how that conversation went for them to flip out that hard. If they're millionaires themselves, why do they want their son's money?

On second thought are you sure they are as rich as you think they are? I have a friend who grew up wealthy and it turned out the mom was siphoning money from her job and had several maxed out CCs to maintain the lifestyle.

Also had something not quite similar but relevant with my husband's parents. They kept taking money from us (long story) and when we stopped it they lashed out at us. We're not on speaking terms with them atm. We did find out from that event that they were also horrible with their finances and were debt maxed out. We are talking bills at least 2 months past due, and not being able to get refill gas tanks because their CCs are maxed out. They live on a 40ish acre ranch in a custom built 3k sqft home.

Let the situation cool down a bit. Sort out your reasons for denying them, ask to have a calm conversation with them and talk it out. Ask them specifically why they're asking for money. They say they raised you but that was their choice to have you, you love them but it is strange to demand money and be disowned. Why is it so important to them if they're really millionaires? Ask them if there is something that you are unaware of.

>t. Why don't you take your own advice

My husbands parents have literally stolen money from us, and went nuclear on us when we stopped it. Not the same.

>> No.51480055

You owe nothing to your parents OP they didn't do anything out of charity, they raised you because they had to. Fuck em and anyone who thinks you owe anything to anyone

>> No.51480065

So why do they want money from you? If this isn't a larp and your parents are financially stable they should never ask their kids for money. I would have gotten them a sweet vacation trip though

>> No.51480070

You're larp thread is gay. Everyone knows you're over 50 and also we hope you die soon. Bye

>> No.51480078

That's pretty retarded, if they didn't want to feed, clothe, and send a child to education, they could have given OP up for adoption. If they did want a child then they're responsible for raising him, clothes, food, school and all. Those three things aren't optional in raising a kid, that's where the bar is set. If that's a problem for some reason then don't have kids. Having a child is an act of self sacrifice for their betterment, but boomers hate doing anything that isn't for their personal benefit and will kick their kids out the moment they legally don't have to take care of them anymore, or in this case they jewishly charge you money for growing up in their house. OP doesn't owe them shit, they can die in a nigger infested hole.

>> No.51480079

God I hate you faggots who take the bait. Go to reddit you pieces of shit

>> No.51480081

Then go no contact. Mention to your friends that they tried to steal your money from you but be vague about the details. Watch the story grow as people play a game of telephone. Never mention exactly that you're rich, just that you made some money and that they tried to take it from you.

If you do it right, people in your tiny ass community won't assume that you got rich. They'll assume that you're greedy, rich parents tried to squeeze you for a little cash. Sit back and watch them become town pariahs.

>> No.51480082

F u c k
Y o u

>> No.51480089

It's fucking Friday night. Weekends need some bullshit to go by faster.

>> No.51480093

if you really haven't given a single dime to the mother and father that raised you you are a piece of shit
probably raised by two pieces of shit

posts like this make me want to kill myself, the only reason I want money is to give to my parents and then there are literal demons like you

>> No.51480100
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>> No.51480099

Found the lead poisoned boomer, how's your hip? Feeling like voting to give Israel more monet? KYS

>> No.51480110


>> No.51480123

Everyone has a different relationship with their family. For me they are the most important people so of course I would share with them. But even if you're on ok terms, you don't have to give them money. Just treat them out someplace like a restaurant or something. Don't buy them everything they want, but don't flaunt anything fancy you buy as well. If it's not too far gone, try to make up with them. If you still love them then they are worth more than your money.

>> No.51480470

If the parents demanded money from their own child, then they burned that bridge.

>> No.51480495

I didn't appreciate my parents until I had a kid, I don't think non-parents realize how hard kids can be. Hours and hours, it can be so draining at times.
Now you can argue well they're the ones who fucked.. but then again I didn't ask for my son either. I just didn't want to kill him

>> No.51480539


>> No.51480664
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>my family and kicked out of the house
this is the typical origin of an anti-hero, or a crypto bro, I've been like this for 2 years and I'm just living off my shinja bag

>> No.51480698

Their parents gave up their kid over money, lol. And that even though they are already rich. No wonder OP turned out this corrupted.

>> No.51480710

what? you lost 2 million?

>> No.51480917

You are a retard for using leverage on your entire savings. It was only a matter of time anyway.

>> No.51481259

to be honest they sound like the typical boomers who would squander most of your inheritance before they die :)

>> No.51483267


>> No.51483314

Just wait until the government wants its cut.

>> No.51483339

>They claim that they have spent millions on me
excellent larp
and checked

>> No.51483372

The first thing I would do is get on a flight to bermuda and forget all about them
>we raised you (the bare minimum a parent must do) we deserve compensation
Let them rot in a nursing home later to think about this
You go to fucking jail if you don't care for your children lmao. That's not doing you a solid that's literally just not neglecting you.

>> No.51483457

Family comes first moron. You can still make amends by organizing a game night via the GameStar+ streaming platform. Maybe your sins will be forgiven.

>> No.51483532

just move out.

if you are a parent and get a child and "demand" money back for giving you the bare essentials to get to 18 then you should kys

that shit is worse than getting a child for your welfare money

t. experienced the same. never tell anyone what you make

>> No.51483579

retard, its the other way around. they gave him up.

>> No.51484424

>They claim that they have spent millions on me, feeding, clothing and sending me to schoo
They didn't consider that was part of being a parent when they conceived you? Dogshit parents.

>> No.51485828

i think it was shitty grammar, he still has the money, but he lost his parents or whatever.

>> No.51487468

keep it to yourself

>> No.51487518

Parents who are already well off and tries to leech off of their son who is just about to start his life are scummy as fuck

>> No.51487948

Wow they're already millionaires and trying to leech off you? I feel like both you and your parents sound kinda shitty but your parents sound more shitty. Buy them a convertible or something to be nice to them but wanting a big slice of your pie is pretty selfish.

>> No.51488534

Yeah, of course, when you have something family needs, family comes first, when you have something you need it's a cricket festival
Lucky you to have a family first family

>> No.51490605

Sir, pls, do the needful and send me a 500 dollar gift card.

>> No.51490876

sent :)

>> No.51490989

>Claim its high time I paid them back.
Were you the one that forced them into this world? Then you aren't the one that owes anything.

>> No.51491042

Nice blog post.

>> No.51493246

>Buy a multifamily property in cash
>hire property management to take care of it for you
>neet off of the proceeds and play with your revenue from the multifamily property, knowing that you are secure forever as long as your multifamily doesn't burn down
>sell or mortgage property if you're in a pinch or want to have funds for other ventures
It's not that hard, anon. Enjoy your newfound freedom.

>> No.51494981

Top kek