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51463633 No.51463633 [Reply] [Original]

As a white guy living in South East Asia how can I flex my wealth without being obnoxious about it? For example I can't start buying fancy watches or my expat friends could clock on to my wealth, I also think that's a horrible way to flex. When cute asian girls ask what I do I normally tell them I work online buying and selling stocks but they're never really that impressed by that. What are some subtle ways to show women here I'm not another backpacker teacher who has no savings.

>> No.51463659

needing advice

>> No.51463673

if you're in the philippines, find some trusted pinoy to funnel your wealth. it's crypto friendly here.

>> No.51463679

A Japanese car. European is a nightmare to maintain the tropical heat and 3rd world roads. Also never trust a Thai girl. Too many sexpats have been falling to their death after sharing financial info with their girls

>> No.51463680

why wud u low key it? asians are the biggest obnoxious flexors in teh world. and if ur rich whyy the FUCK are you wasting time with jungle shits? go to korea/china/japan and swing ur big white dick around with actual women of value

>> No.51463683

Why do you want to flex on SEA monkey's?

>> No.51463714

Not in the Philippines and where I am I have no problem cashing out crypto

I was thinking of getting a car but then all my close expat friends will resent and judge me. It's usually an inconvince to own a car in SEA as the traffic is bad, it's much easier to get through the traffic on a motorbike. To own a car is just to explicitly flaunt your wealth here and that's not what I'm trying to do. I only want to flaunt my wealth when I meet single girls.

see above. also SEA girls are the most humble and beautiful girls in Asia.

again, see above

>> No.51463817

A motorbike will just make you as an easier prey for SEAmonkeys to rob, especially if the bike’s flashy. At least if you’re in a car they have to break the tinted glass to get to you.

>> No.51463863

Having excess money in SE asia is pretty common for a tourist.
Youre just gonna need swagger.
Gotta stand out.

>> No.51463881

what do you mean by swagger?

>> No.51463899
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>He unironically needs help with getting laid in a fucking SEA country

>> No.51463935
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>A Japanese car. European is a nightmare

>> No.51463942

sounds like he should flaunt his wealth by getting plastic surgery, specifically the one where they break your legs to make you taller. the guy must be under 5 feet tall to be undesirable to 3rd world whores

>> No.51464003

i'm 5ft 10 (178cm) and slightly above average looking. i'm just shit at talking to women, specifically making moves on them

>> No.51464245

t. G*rm

>> No.51464294

Wtf what's wrong with you.
I am in Indonesia at the moment and every girl I walk past eyeballs me, every store I go to the owners want to talk and make sure I enjoyed their food, when I go for a run in the morning everyone wants to say hello.

This is fucking easy mode. If I didn't have my wife with me right now I would absolutely clean up. You must be ugly.

>> No.51464297

just dress well, wear perfume, don't buy scam watches, buy ones that are medium-priced, also take care of your teeth so you have an attractive smile. those are all subtle but hard to do for poor people

>> No.51464324

why would you recommend living in SEA and what NW required?

>> No.51464507
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you white faggots have no idea how easy you got it

browncels got it rough
and i'm a short browncel at that

>> No.51464520

yeah, but you are a low IQ subhuman parasite with no achievements or history for your slave race

>> No.51464521

This. All non-whites are programmed to submit and stare in awe at anything tall and white.

>> No.51464532


>> No.51464533

he means black. just be black.

>> No.51464636

Sea grills love gold.

>> No.51466190

If you're in Thailand unironically get a girlfriend and let her do the wealth flaunting for you to signal to other women. Lighter skinned will help. Lease her a decent car. If she can brag to other women about how you 'take care' of her that will help too. You will be able to have a harem. But they'll want some level of gifts and such. New phone once in a while or something.
Just get into the higher end hookers who are often Thai-Chinese and don't often deal with foreigners as much to save time and annoyance though desu. It's different than the ghetto tourist hooker scene. Think like beer girls, car show models etc

>> No.51466598

This. If you’re white and this doesn’t happen to you you may as well kys right now because you are defective beyond repair

>> No.51466758
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analsex with ladymen

>> No.51466793

Pretty sure everyone's just gonna assume you're rich.

>> No.51466835

lol no they're definitely not going to.
Most foreigners are poor.

>> No.51466933

That is blhow you get robbed. Come back when you are older faggot.

>> No.51467024

Lmao moving across the planet to have a slight chance with poor women and still defeated by inability to game. Learning the hard way that money can’t fix that

>> No.51467076

You want to attract gold-diggers, what? Just hire a whore.

>> No.51467208

pay for a whore or try tinder (assuming you are not obese or just disfigured)
the thing is in SEA, it's relatively easy to get matches in tinder and even setup dates, but many of the girls work long hours during the week and some are only available on weekend. also it takes time to chat with them a bit and setup the dates etc, it can get frustrating and time consuming.. also language is sometimes an issue. like i get 200 matches maybe, 20% ladyboys, 10% fat, and out of the remaining 70%, maybe half of them reply. i have few girls now, and just deleted tinder because the whole thing got so frustrating
the lesson is that you kind of pay for it in one way or another, either with your time or hard money

i am now in thailand and while the dating market is 1000x better than the west, i don't know how it compares to other asian countries
which asian country is deemed the best if you are white and want to fuck/get relationship? i don't travel that much

>> No.51467335

so why do you NEED to flaunt your wealth other than to fulfil some narcissistic desire? have you considered being humble?

>> No.51467435

Read the thread incel. It's for pussy