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51460543 No.51460543 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51460611

Manlets btfo

>> No.51460617

>FAANGM SWEs are all manlets
I'm 6'1"
Is this why FAANGM wont hire me?

>> No.51460629


>> No.51460689

How dangerous is this surgery
Im 6’1 i want like two inches more

>> No.51460698

Can you ever deadlift again after this surgery?

>> No.51460719

I assume it comes with a lifetime of knee problems

>> No.51460722

>Midwits not comprehending the side-effects and complications of such surgeries


>> No.51460731

poojeets confirmed

>> No.51460747


Good. Now they can't fun from us...

>> No.51460749

your proportions would look so fucking off if you just lengthened your legs but these retards are too autistic to understand this

>> No.51460777

I’d rather get my penis lengthened 3”, vertical height is gay

>> No.51460783

I don’t get this. I’m a 5’8” manlet and I just said fuck it. 17% of women won’t immediately write me off? Okay. Other men won’t respect me? Okay, Who are they? Then IRL at least 5 women have been into me so it’s not like under 6ft is a death sentence. Going for a surgery is insane.

The only thing that actually gets to me is that I can’t go dwarf mode. 5’5”. Big beard, tattoos, muscular fatty. Dragon age fangirls would actually fight over you.

>> No.51460801

>get 3 inch height lengthening surgery: $75k and major complications
>get 3 inches from taller shoes + insole risers: <$200

why are softwarelets so retarded?

>> No.51460804

get the leg-shortening surgery then

>> No.51460821

Any fantasy nerd bitches really. Since you mentioned Dragon Age, Varrick ended up being way more popular with the ladies than the devs thought.

>> No.51460842

Dude just dont. Im 5 7 and the only issues ive run in to is women passing me up automatically and bigger men being disrespectful at clubs. Who cares

>> No.51460863

is that actually a thing? I'm 6'4" and don't feel like I treat anyone any differently desu, usually height doesn't even cross my mind until people keep bringing it up

>> No.51460871

They need 6 inches total, they aren't white.

>> No.51460893

Not true. People have all kinds of weird proportions naturally. Unless you go for some crazy lengthening (which is only really done on dwarfs) you'll look fine.

>> No.51460912

I'll bet those nerds are also the ones making onlyfans ethots rich.

>> No.51460919

>that I can’t go dwarf mode. 5’5”. Big beard, tattoos, muscular fatty. Dragon age fangirls would actually fight over you
My fucking sides.
Though you are right, it took me wearing lifts and having my feet hurts really badly after to realize that caring about something that's not in your control is retarded. Getting surgery is autistic as fuck and tranny tier. If any manlet is thinking about doing this wear specialized shoes that come with built in lifts (100-300 USD for a good brand ) and notice how people won't treat you differently over 4 inches to your height. Can't imagine suffering and having future problems over less than 4 inches of height.

>> No.51460943

These are 100% pajeets. Height enhancing surgery is huge in India because of their enormous short population, and India is literally the only country in the world that is getting shorter on average over time. The funniest part is most of these surgeries give at most a 2-3 inches of height added to their 5 foot height while giving them debilitating permanent injuries.

>> No.51460969

Okay great 75k to not be able to fit into a compact car. Seems pretty useless when you can buy stilts for like 50 bucks. I'd get arm lengthening surgery. Imagine reaching out really far to smack somebody, or plugging something in behind a sofa or something without having to move it. You could still grab stuff way up on shelves like tall guys too so they wouldn't be able to lord that over you, either.

>> No.51460983

>The only thing that actually gets to me is that I can’t go dwarf mode. 5’5”. Big beard, tattoos, muscular fatty. Dragon age fangirls would actually fight over you.
I'm not short but I've thought about how fun it would be to be full gotrek mode before. Maybe worth being short. Sadly I don't think people that truly fit the stereotype well exist.

>> No.51461354

I don't like the functional debuffs this gives you. Like your legs/knees probably won't be able to withstand too much high impact movement like jogging or doing squats. It's not worth it just for 3 inches.

>> No.51461401

I am 6.2 and I want a bigger dick. Feels bad being tall and muscular and above average in everything except cock size. Women are always disappointed thinking I am packing

>> No.51461427

more like FAGMAN JEWS

>> No.51461445

Women write me off because I'm not tall or big, but I'm packing serious heat
together you and I would be unstoppable

>> No.51461471

this. Wake me when I get robo arms and at least like five robo eyes

>> No.51461485

stop worrying about what they think, women are retarded.

>> No.51461547


>> No.51461554
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>cutting off your legs to appease women

>> No.51461673

Slippery slope.

Why are we trying to appease hambeast roasties on online dating apps instead of going our own way?

>> No.51461678
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>> No.51461708
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>oh no this can't be happe-

>> No.51461724

This you guys?

>> No.51461731

>a leg-lengthening surgeon says

>> No.51461766
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Imagine paying for fragile legs.

>> No.51461797

even a tic-tac hurts at 100mph

>> No.51461879

kek their short children will resent them

>> No.51461964

tall or short we all get btfo.
you weren't good enough. Try to grind leetcode and try again, you from 3 months ago is a little bit different from you from today.
such is the human condition
you should focus on other things.
love ur pp
good man.
we are retarded as the rest of them. Just hyperspecialzied in the latest js fagshit.

>> No.51462044

If you are short you have two options:
-very lean but ripped body type
-dwarf mode muscular fat

do not go for the bodybuilder type of body you see on Instagram, you'll always be underwhelming and will always feel inferior to the other guys in the gym

>> No.51462072

The retards that so this will never be able to do more than a speed walk (not even) and will never be able to bear more than 50 lbs more than their body weight
So don't get fat, don't run, and don't lift weights. Lol. Do manlets really?

>> No.51462318


>> No.51462534

should I go for 6'7 just to completely feign on manlets
no matter how much they make they'll never reach my height
genetically priced out, as it were

>> No.51463477

Wouldn't this make your body look fucked up proportionately? Like your arms would look short right

>> No.51463484

Only a beta male is okay with being 5'7"

>> No.51463526

>mfw 6' 1 manlet+ with 7.5" benis
feels good bros

>> No.51463544

Literally me

>> No.51463551

>He didn't add the arm + leg lengthening discount bundle to his cart

>> No.51463561

You destroy the biomechanics of your body. Your torso, arms, etc are all in proportion for you.
Good look ever doing a proper squat, enjoy developing overuse injuries and being generally uncomfortable and achy all over but never sure why (Hint: It's this).

>> No.51463572

>genetically priced out, as it were
Top kek

>> No.51463691

Not being an insecure retard will get you more success in life than 2-3 inches. Sorry chudcels.

>> No.51463698


>> No.51463706

This has happened to me where a dumb tall guy (6' 3'' I think) got threatened by me because I'm smart and this girl liked me lmao. I'm a 5' 11' king of manlets so he tried to flex on me for "not even being tall" kek. It's just human nature for people to do dumb shit, especially then women are involved and everyone goes ooga booga mode.

>> No.51463725

Not fucking worth it you idiot. Their cunts will dry up like a nun the moment women knew you spent 70k so you could impress them

>> No.51463730

Tranny moment

>> No.51463738

Imagine telling a whore about that eyy lmao.

>> No.51463750

So they want to look out of proportion to the rest of their body. Funny.

>> No.51463802

That's because your privilege is something convenient to you, and your brain doesn't waste energy on it; it likes it as it is; it doesn't want to change it.

I'm 5'8'' and in Greece which isn't a very tall country but I can CLEARLY see the advantages of the >6'' over me; since high school the girls gravitated to them; completely shy brainlet guys got married to hot girls early just because they were falling over them.

>> No.51463833

Lmao not one day goes by on 4chan without some sort of self loathing manlet posting some sort of height thread.

>> No.51463845

If they are super manlets at 5'5 or below I sort of get it. But anyone who is 5'8 or above can just get those soles that gives them 2-3 inches without making it uncomfortable to walk. Just don't go overboard like some people do and get 5+ inch soles since that can look pretty obvious

>> No.51463861
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>> No.51463873

Doc here, all these kind of surgeries come with big risks for life long pain, joint problems ect. but i guess doctors in USA aren't required to tell about those.

>> No.51463874

First of all 5'8'' is not the average in most European groups (it's higher even in Mediterranean countries). But even when you are exactly at the average: it's pretty annoying.

E.g. ALL my brainlet shy high school friends who would never even speak to a woman: got married early to hot girls because guess what: the girls fell over them.

>> No.51463879

I’m 6’7 it’s pretty based desu. Maybe a little too tall though, 6’3-6’4 is the sweet spot.

>> No.51463887

After a point: you'd rather be average. Giants tend to get extreme arthritis and other shit or they break their bones too easily at old age, and generally don't last long.

>> No.51464028

What is it about working in tech and having body dysmorphia? If it isn't height, it's trooning out or stomach stapling or hair transplants or other cosmetic shit.

>> No.51464069

Having things too good and living in a threat free environment makes your anxiety system go into override and make you worry about the most superficial shit, kinda like immune system in a too clean environment.

>> No.51464079

i'm 6'7 and i would pay to get 3 inches shorter
i am tired of hitting my head on door frames and not fitting properly in things like cars ;_;

>> No.51464089

It’s our modern world, I know two male restaurant owners who have had nose jobs and dermabrasion . Photographs are the Devil.

>> No.51464091

why do you care? very gay

>> No.51464092

not to mention changing your leg length will make your proportions look wrong
you will look like a slenderman

>> No.51464136

It’s not just in tech but any industry where young people make a lot of money. When modern medicine has gotten to the point where you can fix a major flaw in your physique for what amounts to a couple of months of work becomes tempting. My girlfriend worked at a cosmetic surgeons office and the recurring theme among men were that they were 25-35 in high paying professions like finance, tech and law. For many it’s less about life crippling insecurities and more about being able to raise their quality of life for what amounts to pocket change. Ugly people usually get the short end of the stick socially

>> No.51464163

I am unironically starting to feel like a manlet at 193 cm sometimes now. People are definitely getting taller

>> No.51464176

everyone is wearing those manlet soles now, even men who are tall. the game has changed

>> No.51464191

The only reason why a guy would want these surgeries is if he wants to bang hotter women but seriously when you're 25-35 and have a high paying job as long as you are fit you should be getting hot enough women to have sex with anyways. It's not like a guy should have too much time to hunt after girls if he works in a high paying field anyways. Seems pretty worthless no matter how you look at it.

>> No.51464219

Why do billionaires and multimillionaire athletes get hair transplants? Not everything is about women. Some men just want to be able to look in the mirror and not have George Costanza staring back at them. Shit, even the Costanza actor has been wearing a wig for years now

>> No.51464225

I am thinking about getting shoes with a high heel
any recs fren

>> No.51464247

Kek i guess i just don't get it because i've never cared how i look except in the concept of getting women (seems useless to me otherwise). And in the sex department i noticed that the dimishing returns from looks start way before getting cosmic surgery.

>> No.51464259

Height trannyism. This surgery isn't going to solve the underlying mental problems, manlets.

>> No.51464300
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>> No.51464340

If you have abnormally short arms, sure. But there's also extremes with people with above average arm length. For those it can work.

>> No.51464351

>women are disappointed
then find one that isn't and stick with it. it's not hard to just swap through them right, you're not an incel. lol

>> No.51464417

If you're only satisfied with x height, you'll still be a cuck even if you surgically make yourself 7 feet tall. Change the body all you want but you won't change your brain.

>> No.51464424

Yea sadly all the people over 70 or 80 were never taller than 6'2"-6'4" tops. I guess extreme height puts too much pressure on the heart.

>> No.51464487

Cosmetic surgery is voluntary and thus doesn't have the same oversight. It's initiated by the patient and thus it's either 'can you do it or not?'
See also carving up a penis and building a vagina. If they claim they can do it that's good enough.

>> No.51464496

I’m no manlet but I can sympathize with their situation. Anything good they do will always be viewed as insecure compensation for their height. Sometimes insecurities are warranted and doesn’t point to any deeper issues beyond that single warranted insecurity. If I were in their situation I would not go as far as surgery though, I would just wear those manlet shoes

>> No.51464540

Depents on which one it is. Indians have developed a very safe and painless procedure that doesn't even affect your day to day life post op.

>> No.51464570

Just suck it up and take the womanlet pill. Latinas, asians, italians.

>> No.51464578

Money. The difference is that trash like you just doesn't have the means, and by extension time, to afford thinking about things like that. You're too busy having 3rd world problems. They make 200k a year doing nothing and can turn their minds inward because of it.

>> No.51464600

lmfao it's so true. If you've ever gone into a major metropolitan city, into a major office building, you will see so many overly defined faces with overly jagged/sharp/squared facial features. It's more common than you'd think in these areas.

>> No.51464628

Why are modern men so lame and gay?
>jerk off over muh height all day
>still dont get laid even if 6'8 because loser personality
>low iq and low ambition

>> No.51464664

Dude they can get implants, a 50 inch dick, $500k monthly salary and they still won't get ass. Betas are betas. Nothing is gonna change this stuff. Its why Bill Gates and Zuckercuck aren't naturally fucking models. Yes they can pay for it. But those bitches are reserved for athletes, warriors, movie stars, etc - alpha, charismatic men.

>> No.51464765

I'm 5'11 and women never even expect that i would have a big dick lol. Is women trying to fuck a man just because he has a big dick an actual thing? I get sex but like 9/10 times i have to iniate the thing.

>> No.51464777

What's it like knowing you have something that all women want and seeing them really lust after your dick?

>> No.51465348

>Im 6’1 i want like two inches more
wear cowboy boots then you fucking idiot. You alredy tall nobody calls you out on it. Heeled shoes only lame when short people wear them...

>> No.51465401

what is it called?

>> No.51465521

getting your legs surgically extended is literally trannyism, kek. exact same shit.

>> No.51465532

Bugmen yuppies. They're essentially soulless. Watch American Psycho; financebros were the first techbros, but they're the same archetype.

>> No.51465569

This is what the article means lol

>> No.51465821
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Simple as. If you're not disabled, trying to change your body thanks to surgery is the wrong way to cope with your insecurities. It's a scam to make (((surgeons))) richer. Exactly like trannies.

>> No.51465887

Imagine literally breaking your own legs and then putting metal plates in them, undergoing cripplingly painful surgery and rehab, for fishy stale pussy.

>> No.51465960

So this is gender affirmation surgery for manlets who identify as tall

>> No.51466013
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I would rather girth. A nice fat chode.

>> No.51466015

women are getting into "short kings" now. developing probably the same way they were peddled into feminism and niggers.

>> No.51466072

How do they address their shorter arms though???

>> No.51466288

It’s not like those nerds lifted ever in their lives

>> No.51466316

That might be because you’re not a subhuman. Remember that living in matriarchy most people around you these days are animals so they try to climb the social ladder pre civilized style

>> No.51466323

Literally me, feels good.

>> No.51466343

bruh i was super tall back then at 185 cm, now i feel like 185 cm is 160 cm. its trully over

>> No.51466345

As opposed to lusting after man’s wallet? Fuck you virgins need to read rational male

>> No.51466394

>if you don’t focus on your body to the point of mutilating it for good to impress npcs males and females then you’re trash
swines before pearls

>> No.51466409

Fixing fucked up teeth and hair transplants I can understand, but anything else to change your face or body is pretty gay. Only reason hair transplant isnt gay is because you are basically just going back to the way you were before so it doesn’t count as fraud

>> No.51466421

>first pic no shoes - high shoes
>second pic shows - low shoes

>> No.51466434

All females are disappointing retard
>if you don’t swap like a coomer you’re an incels
fucking npcs man

>> No.51466487

What do you think about women who do breast or butt implants?
Women think the same thing about men who do this surgery or hair plugs.
Learn to love yourself anon, it's cheaper, healthier and will keep you away from trash people.

>> No.51466505

God america is such a shithole. Literal hell that breeds demons. Muttmerican "women" are satan.

>> No.51466562

Kind of telling about the western dating market too. It has become absolutely ridiculous. Dating apps on top of it has made the whole thing a huge game.
I travel a lot for work and dating in Eastern Europe and Asia is so much easier, and the girls aren’t some gold diggers but normal women who even often want to pay meals etc. And the quality too, much less fat people.
Thank god I moved

>> No.51466570

I hate it because I dislike attention

>> No.51466700

This, I had some elevator shoes made for me in Bangkok and it's a game changer

>> No.51466745

>Imagine reaching out really far to smack somebody
It needs to be extensible so they don't see it coming

>> No.51466792

If you have a reputation as having the biggest dick on the block, girls will try to conquer it just to prove they can. However, if you have a dick that big there will be plenty of girls who CAN'T take it and sex will mostly be frustrating. It's better to have an above-average dick than a gigantic one.

>> No.51466862
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I am around 173 cm and would never pay to increase my height.
Most of my software engineering coworkers and friends are taller, in my country the average height is 178 cm or 5ft 10in.
I even noticed most of them being taller than average.
This article is cope.

>> No.51466930

imagine going though 12 months of painful repetitive surgery
not being able to walk properly
having your proportions out of whack
setting off airport detectors for the rest of your life

and you look in the mirror, you're just noticeably taller
but then you remember you're indian

>> No.51467051

Hahaha slave

>> No.51467199

Slaves dont earn 300k a year.

>> No.51467295

from who? it's the browns that want to feel like a real man, and the vc world is full of browns as the new "blue-collar" programmers. they spend their time in white countries where everyone is a normal height, and rightfully feel like feminine men.

>> No.51467347

I'm glad to be 1m80, will keep that

>> No.51467382

>Your torso, arms, etc are all in proportion for you.
Not true, the torso/legs ratio differ greatly between people.

>> No.51467669


>> No.51467776


Go watch the surgery on YouTube

You won’t want it

One of the most painful lookin surgeries I’ve seen to date

>> No.51467826

Manlet here
My ex gf once called me shorty when we were in an argument -.-.
>feels bad man
The only good thing is I get a lot of compliments about my dick size and that it's easier to get buffed.
>you are short so your dick looks even bigger
It's my only cope.
I'm not insecure tho.
Imagine being your average lanklet and having a smaller dick than a guy with a child's body.

>> No.51467973

>Imagine being your average lanklet and having a smaller dick than a guy with a child's body.
they probably don't care because what women think doesn't matter. height is power and you're not using your dick to impress other dudes.

>> No.51468255

If people actually talk to women you will find that majority of them love confidence. I'm useless with chick normally, give me a few disco biscuits and I can pull all night.

>> No.51468317

Ill tell you what, the taller anon will reel them in (take them into the room), kills the lights, then you come in and the taller anon goes to play vidya till you announce you came and gotta go clean up then he comes back

>> No.51469516

>believing women care about personality

>> No.51469559
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Penuma surgery
Hang weights

>> No.51469587

Lmfao a 5'7 with charisma and game will literally shit on a 6'3 autist any day. Holy shit you guys are sheltered.

>> No.51469614

I can only watch porn with big (and emphasis on aesthetic) cocks cause its the only time I see that primal lust

>> No.51469634
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just wear shoe inserts that give you 2-3 inches. there are also shoes/sneakers you can buy that are designed with a camouflaged heel and you can also add your inserts for a 4-5 inch overall boost. im 29, been using them since 18. the only real downside is going to the beach with friends because you are expected to be barefoot and in sandals and they will take notice quick

>> No.51469652

i am 5'8 but i want to be around 5'11 to play sports at a higher level. would this increaase my risk of injury or affect my coordination at all?

>> No.51469752

yes, the human body is proportionate, meaning every body limb is equally distributed in length.

so you may have longer legs, but you will still have a shorter reach. your torso length will also be smaller. this uneven distribution of limb length will have negative impact on coordination

>> No.51469807

what if my arms are naturally long? would i also have to get armlengthening and torso lengthening to balance ?

>> No.51469882

oh no no bros they fell for the "muh personality" and "muh short king" memes

>> No.51469937

Well, figuratively speaking, yes. Your body would have to compensate for the difference in your increased leg length. Also, arm span is naturally the same for each corresponding height. Rare cases would an arm span be higher, if you are suffering from marfans snydrome or some genetic disease

>> No.51469987


Also 6'2" and I would give up 3 inches if they could be added to my dick girth, I'm fine with my current length but it's thin as fuck

>> No.51469994

I've used those for years, kills my knees and I'm constantly in situations where I'm supposed to be without shoes, especially entering people's homes since some people hate their guests wearing shoes. It's a fucking nightmare but people stopped describing me as a "small guy" once I wore them so it's hard to give up the respect I've gained.

>> No.51470014

put 5ft7 as your height on Tinder and see how many matches you get, try again with height set to 6ft2 and post results. You'd get the same results in bars and clubs as well.

>> No.51470031

for extreme cases like that when i know im required to take shoes off in a house, i have 2 inch sock inserts lol

>> No.51470044

I simply don't need cosmetic surgeries to have sex genecel

>> No.51470093

Tinder isn't real bruh. Just like TV or porn aren't REAL.
Go outside. There's literally tons of short guys fucking hot ass.
Stop living in made up Jewish fantasy la la land.

>> No.51470152

Now people are going to make fun of your little T-Rex arms instead of your height.

>> No.51470354

>Tinder isn't real bruh.
Manlet cope. You'd get the same results in bars and clubs, anon.
>There's literally tons of short guys fucking hot ass.
Is that what le ledditors on r/short told you?

>> No.51470390

>have your legs broken and metal put inside the bones
I want some extra height too but fuck that

>> No.51470592

Even if your manlet cope was true, which it most certainly isn't, you're still an ugly midget that will never see 6/10 pussy, let alone anything else kek

>> No.51470598
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manlets are dangerous desu
lock them up

>> No.51470627

Go outside and touch grass.

>> No.51470651

retard alert, the whole point of the invention of this surgery was to help people who had legs with different lengths. You're not guaranteed to even have legs of equal length, let alone be exactly proportionate down as if you were made on a conveyor belt. You can already see that you're wrong from what's been posted in this thread.

>> No.51470656

but i cant breed
31 khv what should i do fren

>> No.51470728

See prostitutes to break the spell then try to get a gf.

>> No.51470778

how much to get a larger dick? my dick is only 6.9" i would love to be at least 7.8"

>> No.51470780

>See prostitutes
i could never do this, i think it's pathetic i don't to pay a person in that way in order to pretend to "like" me

>> No.51471032

Its less pathetic than being a 31 year old khv.

>> No.51471077

i heavily disagree fren

>> No.51471111

Kings, athletes, businessmen, and men of high worth have all been fucking hookers since the dawn of time. Then there's (You), a weak bugmen modern male who has ""morals"" and needs ""love"" instead of just fucking some hot ass.

>> No.51471263

calm down i just dont want to spend money

>> No.51471308

Its like 1-2 days worth. Go lose ur virgnity, you tard.

>> No.51471355

This. Surely it must cause lifelong pain? Can no longer run or walk long distances? Joint issues? No way is the body going to behave normally after having only one bone extended disproportionately. It must fuck everything up.

>> No.51471676

Pussy is so overrated and you will see it, otherwise it will be on your mind forever

>> No.51471702

seems like a good idea

>> No.51471842

No, men are getting this surgery to become taller.

And that image? No shit. I stated to anon that arms and torso would still remain the size of typical 5 foot 8 stature. His question was about the surgery affecting coordination, which it would because while his height is 5 foot 11, the rest of his body limb length is that of a 5 foot 8 man. his body would have to compensate for that difference.

>> No.51472079

Typical normie response

>> No.51472288

>No, men are getting this surgery to become taller.
I already explained to you that this surgery was invented to fix discrepancies in limb length, you imbecile. No amount of saying "no" is going to change that. And the point of telling was that was for you to understand that people don't have """"5'8""""" coordination because that literally not how things work. Your proportions are not guaranteed and the picture clearly shows that by showing you that his hands aren't tiny. Cope more and keep responding with long-winded no's that don't address any of my points, retard.

>> No.51472909

Did he struck a nerve, demoralized autist?

>> No.51473111

Actual ortho resident here.
They basically break your femurs and put an expanding rod in your legs. There is no way this isn't extremely painful and invalidating for months and months considering the nerves, tendons and ligaments have to follow.
If you break the weakened bone during this time for some reason you are probably extremely fucked too.

>> No.51473188

5'9 here, how much does this hurt? I dont care about coordination shit or whatever, being 6'0 would unlock infinite amounts of pussy for me it would improve my life 100 fold

>> No.51473215

It hurts a lot and no it won't because people who get this surgery walk funny and women are programmed to immediately notice an imperfection and laugh at it.

>> No.51473280

>tall and goofy
Like i said, manletism is by far the biggest problem, i can compensate for pretty much everything else but women consider short height subhuman

>> No.51473285

women are naturally programmed to follow what a man think, so if you think you suck they will agree if you think you are great they will agree too, problem is you mfs worry too much about what women want from men when you are the one who should be telling them what they want, you then go on and cry on the internet that women only want the bastard ones but they are the ones who figured it out while you keep crying like a baby

>> No.51473339

How else are you supposed to respond to a retarded person? You can see men of all heights getting laid and talking to hot babes. But le 4chin non-normalfag has it all figured out! Its all in the inches!

>> No.51473369

>You can see men of all heights getting laid
I dont, in fact manlets getting laid is something i only hear of on 4chan and reddit

>> No.51473507

>Eastern Europe and Asia
>girls aren’t some gold diggers
kek you're clueless

>> No.51473526

Larping faggot , eastern eu girls are the biggest gold diggers

>> No.51473554

no, i cant do that. has nothing to do with any believes regarding ""morals"" and needs ""love"" i dont have those

>> No.51473651

>You can see men of all heights getting laid
I'm sure you do anon

>> No.51473684

>real answer
lift until you look good and have self confidence, then either take some nice pics and learn the online dating game, or build a social circle with normies and meet girls
>what you will probably do instead
be a lazy DYEL faggot who never leaves the house and complains online about not getting tinder matches

>> No.51473772

>being 6'0 would unlock infinite amounts of pussy for me it would improve my life 100 fold
imagine being a 5' 9" manlet and believing this
your life would change marginally at best
when you're 6', then it just becomes
>whaaa I'm not 6' 2" like all the Chads, life would be so much better if I were 6' 2"!!!
lift weights you fucking DYEL and if you really care that much put on some shoe lifts
women are spatially retarded on average and can't even distinguish 5' 10" or 5' 11" from 6'

>> No.51473889
File: 211 KB, 1200x1200, shrek cool face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW 5'5" manlet with a 7x6
The look of surprise never gets old.

>> No.51474109
File: 28 KB, 476x282, E77279E9-B3B8-4E2F-8EB2-CF13ACB9ECAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lengthening more than 2 inches in femur and/or 1 inch in tibia
Welcome to snap city
Enjoy your life long stay

>> No.51474154

Bro, the 6'3'' dude will get picked up by girls at a club if he's attractive.

>> No.51474170

Men are opting for that surgery to become taller. It is not "correcting" limb length, dumb nigger. Go to school

>> No.51474196

The internet isn't real life you retarded sheltered little boy.

>> No.51474261

tinder 5'7 and IRL 5'7 are two different things... an actual 5'7 dude is going to struggle without charisma and a good face but manlet slayers aren't uncommon.

tinder 5'7s are 5'5 or shorter in real life. nothing can really save you at that point

>> No.51474298

Whats the best shoe insert to gain 1-3 inches but is also high quality and comfy?

>> No.51474303


>> No.51474321

this. i see it all the time young men under 5 foot 9 getting mogged by 6 foot men with above average women.

this has been a new trend im seeing in my area but tall indian men and white women dating are becoming more common. white women, under no circumstances, are not settling for short white men. its over

>> No.51474961

>tall indian men
its not just the height that makes indians repulsive to women though
its the innate genetic subservience to white men an indian has

>> No.51475010

Nah indian men are just really ugly and bad looking. Like far below average of other ethnic groups.

>> No.51475109

>be a lazy DYEL faggot who never leaves the house and complains online about not getting tinder matches
uohhh fren how do you know me so well
i have never used tinder tho

>> No.51475126

I've noticed this to a small extent too, though it's still extremely uncommon. When I do see it, it is very jarring. Notably, on the occasions I've eavesdropped on their conversations, it's almost always about money and the dude is a software engineer. White women like all women just want money and status.

>> No.51475237

"Men opting in" does not, in any way whatsoever, change the reason for which this procedure was invented for, you absolute mongoloid. You have absolutely no reading comprehending, retard. kek

>> No.51475308

They’re just dating under their league to appear less shallow. In the end this will hurt and degenerate them.

>> No.51475332

It's actually 150k. You need the arms lenghtened or it's disproportionate..

You should do it in this order
>bilateral TMJ surgery
>hair transplant
>clavical extension surgery
>leg and arm lenghtening
It is worth the money because people treat you better and women will sleep with you. It's better than gym and steroids.

>> No.51475347

Do her homework for her, and watch as she takes your future job/position because she is female.

They will also date under their league in hopes a chad will swoop in a rescue them.

>> No.51475375
File: 20 KB, 400x366, e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 184cm tall and 20cm pepis

>> No.51475394

>It is worth the money because people treat you better and women will sleep with you. It's better than gym and steroids.

Imagine spending all of that money in the hopes of fucking thots and then they still don't want to fuck you. You're a cucked simp if you spend this amount of money trying to impress thots.

>> No.51475407

The money I have spent so far proves otherwise.

>> No.51475419

uhoh triggered manlet

>> No.51475520

Imagine doing this shit to please a girl and then one day you're at a park and Chad says "hey tall bro wanna join a pickup game? Shirts vs skins." The metal rod blasts out of your leg the second you try to run. Your secret is revealed as you instantly collapse vertically by 6 inches like a 9/11 twin towers strike before keeling over. You're screaming in pain on the ground with your rod having bounced several feet away like a toilet paper rod. Your crush cringes and leaves with Chad.

>> No.51475539

Spoke to a physio who works on rehab for this, the tendons aren't made to stretch like this

>> No.51475576
File: 2.09 MB, 500x375, 1634197399816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my metal rod blasts out at the speed of sound
>cuts Chad's legs in half
nothing personnel, enjoy the short life kiddo

>> No.51475713

It's less about working in tech specifically and more that money allows people with poor impulse control and self image to actually go through with the crazy ideas they stay up thinking about late at night. You'd probably get even crazier results if you gave every /r9k/ poster $10M each and then filmed them for a year.

>> No.51476599

not all are ugly, but they all give an air of servancy

>> No.51476687


Men who go to engineering usually aren't physically gifted

>> No.51476779

link to this study or atleast tell me its name?

>> No.51476824

all these 400 word replies but it's literally just too much money + autism

>> No.51477051

imagine if one of these guys ever gets into a fight and someone stomps or soccer kicks them in the knee

>> No.51477096

i dont know european but that sounds good im happy for you

>> No.51477108

lol I mean seriously
imagine paying six figures to mortify yourself into getting pussy
not for a sport, not for your own personal health
for the CHANCE to get some pussy

>> No.51477122
File: 40 KB, 641x527, 1636992137559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are women really so shallow that they won't speak to a man under 6 feet?

>> No.51477155

Kek imagine paying 100k to still be under 6ft, its over manlets

>> No.51477167

kek Manlets have to get taller

>> No.51477217

They break your legs to lengthen them with metal rods. You need rehabilitation afterwards which can take months. And you'll never be able to do fitness that involves your legs straining under any weight. No cardio, no lifting. Just dumbell curls sitting on a bench. It's insane it's even offered. Like imagine going from 5'0 to 5'3. It's a joke.

>> No.51477231


>3 inches to be a cripple for life


>> No.51477267

Fucking kek this thread is good

>> No.51477296

Then why not just pay for pussy if you're going to spend $150k?

It's all fucking fake anyway, you just gave up the opportunity to fuck hundreds of model-level whores to instead gamble on impressing thots.

Fucking retard.

>> No.51477316


This. Just pay for some slut instead of paying 150k to put yourself in a wheelchair.

>> No.51477335

Ok, you're obviously afraid. This world is filled with talkers, doer's, bullshitters and so on. You're worse than all. You are a wallflower afraid to live his life. You either make shit happen or continue to exist on the sidelines while everyone else lives theirs

>> No.51477340

no but they will only see you as a boy and never as a man

>> No.51477381


Disregarding what women say is the first step on the path to manhood.

>> No.51477479

>women are getting into "short kings" now. developing probably the same way they were peddled into feminism and niggers.
Women always go against the grain. Tall guys with beards and tattoos have been "in" for a while now. It's only a matter of time before there is a counter-culture shift towards clean cut short guys.

>> No.51477541

> I paid $150K for prostitutes
> I paid $150K to change my looks and now people respect me more and I got a girlfriend.

Which one sounds more sustainable? Which one doesn't crater your self-esteem?